Library UniMath.OrderTheory.DCPOs.Basis.CompactBasis

1. Compact basis
  Definition compact_basis_le_element
             (B : dcpo_basis_data X)
             (x : X)
    : UU
    := (b : B), B b x.

  Definition compact_basis_le_map
             (B : dcpo_basis_data X)
             (x : X)
    : compact_basis_le_element B x X
    := λ b, B(pr1 b).

  Definition compact_basis_laws
             (B : dcpo_basis_data X)
    : UU
    := ( (b : B), is_compact_el (B b))
       ( (x : X), is_directed X (compact_basis_le_map B x))
       ( (x : X), is_least_upperbound X (compact_basis_le_map B x) x).

  Definition compact_basis
    : UU
    := (B : dcpo_basis_data X), compact_basis_laws B.

2. Accessors and builders for compact bases
  Definition make_compact_basis
             (B : dcpo_basis_data X)
             (HB : compact_basis_laws B)
    : compact_basis
    := B ,, HB.

  Coercion compact_basis_to_data
           (B : compact_basis)
    : dcpo_basis_data X
    := pr1 B.

  Coercion compact_basis_to_laws
           (B : compact_basis)
    : compact_basis_laws B
    := pr2 B.

  Proposition is_compact_el_basis
              (B : compact_basis)
              (b : B)
    : is_compact_el (B b).
  Show proof.
    exact (pr12 B b).

  Proposition is_directed_compact_basis
              (B : compact_basis)
              (x : X)
    : is_directed X (compact_basis_le_map B x).
  Show proof.
    exact (pr122 B x).

  Definition directed_set_from_compact_basis
             (B : compact_basis)
             (x : X)
    : directed_set X.
  Show proof.
    use make_directed_set.
    - exact (compact_basis_le_element B x).
    - exact (compact_basis_le_map B x).
    - exact (is_directed_compact_basis B x).

  Proposition is_least_upperbound_compact_basis
              (B : compact_basis)
              (x : X)
    : is_least_upperbound X (compact_basis_le_map B x) x.
  Show proof.
    exact (pr222 B x).

  Proposition approximating_compact_basis_lub
              (B : compact_basis)
              (x : X)
    : (directed_set_from_compact_basis B x) = x.
  Show proof.
    use antisymm_dcpo.
    - use dcpo_lub_is_least.
      intro i.
      exact (pr2 i).
    - use (is_least_upperbound_is_least (is_least_upperbound_compact_basis B x)).
      apply is_least_upperbound_is_upperbound.
      exact (is_least_upperbound_dcpo_lub (directed_set_from_compact_basis B x)).
End CompactBasisInDCPO.

Arguments compact_basis_laws : clear implicits.
Arguments compact_basis : clear implicits.

3. Every compact basis gives rise to a basis
Proposition compact_basis_to_dcpo_basis_laws
           {X : dcpo}
           (B : compact_basis X)
  : dcpo_basis_laws X B.
Show proof.
  intro x.
  - split.
    + assert (H := directed_set_el (directed_set_from_compact_basis B x)).
      revert H.
      use factor_through_squash ; [ apply propproperty | ].
      intro i.
      refine (hinhpr (pr1 i ,, _)).
      exact (trans_way_below_le (is_compact_el_basis B (pr1 i)) (pr2 i)).
    + intros i j.
      assert (H := directed_set_top
                     (directed_set_from_compact_basis B x)
                     (pr1 i ,, way_below_to_le (pr2 i))
                     (pr1 j ,, way_below_to_le (pr2 j))).
      revert H.
      use factor_through_squash ; [ apply propproperty | ].
      intro k.
      induction k as [ k [ p q ]].
      refine (hinhpr ((pr1 k ,, _) ,, p ,, q)).
      exact (trans_way_below_le (is_compact_el_basis B (pr1 k)) (pr2 k)).
  - split.
    + intro i.
      exact (pr1 (is_least_upperbound_compact_basis B x) (pr1 i ,, way_below_to_le (pr2 i))).
    + intros y p.
      use (pr2 (is_least_upperbound_compact_basis B x) y).
      intro i.
      use (p (pr1 i ,, _)).
      exact (trans_way_below_le (is_compact_el_basis B (pr1 i)) (pr2 i)).

Definition compact_basis_to_dcpo_basis
           {X : dcpo}
           (B : compact_basis X)
  : dcpo_basis X.
Show proof.
  use make_dcpo_basis.
  - exact B.
  - exact (compact_basis_to_dcpo_basis_laws B).

4. Compact bases from bases of which every element is compact
Section BasisToCompact.
  Context {X : dcpo}
          (B : dcpo_basis X)
          (HB : (b : B), is_compact_el (B b)).

  Proposition dcpo_basis_with_compact_to_compact_basis_laws
    : compact_basis_laws X B.
  Show proof.
    refine (_ ,, _ ,, _).
    - exact HB.
    - intro x.
      + assert (H := directed_set_el (directed_set_from_basis B x)).
        revert H.
        use factor_through_squash.
          apply propproperty.
        intros b.
        induction b as [ b p ].
        refine (hinhpr (b ,, _)).
        apply way_below_to_le.
        exact p.
      + intros i j.
        induction i as [ b₁ p₁ ].
        induction j as [ b₂ p₂ ].
        assert (q₁ : B b₁ x).
          refine (compact_el_way_below_le _ p₁).
          apply HB.
        assert (q₂ : B b₂ x).
          refine (compact_el_way_below_le _ p₂).
          apply HB.
        assert (H := directed_set_top (directed_set_from_basis B x) (b₁ ,, q₁) (b₂ ,, q₂)).
        revert H.
        use factor_through_squash.
          apply propproperty.
        intros t.
        induction t as [ [ t r₁ ] [ r₂ r₃ ]].
        refine (hinhpr ((t ,, _) ,, (r₂ ,, r₃))).
        apply way_below_to_le.
        exact r₁.
    - intro x.
      + intros b.
        exact (pr2 b).
      + intros y Hy.
        use (pr2 (is_least_upperbound_basis B x) y).
        intros b.
        induction b as [ b p ].
        use (Hy (b ,, _)).
        apply way_below_to_le.
        exact p.

  Definition dcpo_basis_with_compact_to_compact_basis
    : compact_basis X.
  Show proof.
    use make_compact_basis.
    - exact B.
    - exact dcpo_basis_with_compact_to_compact_basis_laws.
End BasisToCompact.

5. Compact bases versus algebraicity
Definition algebraic_struct_from_compact_basis
           {X : dcpo}
           (B : compact_basis X)
  : algebraic_dcpo_struct X.
Show proof.
  intro x.
  refine (directed_set_from_compact_basis B x ,, _ ,, _).
  - intro i.
    apply is_compact_el_basis.
  - apply is_least_upperbound_compact_basis.

Definition compact_basis_data_from_algebraic_struct
           {X : dcpo}
           (AX : algebraic_dcpo_struct X)
  : dcpo_basis_data X.
Show proof.
  use make_dcpo_basis_data.
  - exact (compact_elements X).
  - exact (λ x, pr1 x).

Proposition compact_basis_laws_from_algebraic_struct
            {X : dcpo}
            (AX : algebraic_dcpo_struct X)
  : compact_basis_laws X (compact_basis_data_from_algebraic_struct AX).
Show proof.
  pose (CX := algebraic_dcpo_struct_to_continuous AX).
  simple refine (_ ,, _ ,, _).
  - intro b.
    exact (pr2 b).
  - intro x.
    pose (D := compact_approximating_family AX x).
    + assert (H := directed_set_el D).
      revert H.
      use factor_through_squash ; [ apply propproperty | ].
      intro y.
      simple refine (hinhpr ((D y ,, _) ,, _)) ; cbn -[way_below].
      * apply is_compact_approximating_family.
      * rewrite <- (compact_approximating_family_lub AX x).
        use (less_than_dcpo_lub D _ y).
        apply refl_dcpo.
    + intros y z.
      induction y as [ [ y Hy ] p ].
      induction z as [ [ z Hz ] q ].
      assert (Hxy : y D).
        unfold D.
        rewrite (compact_approximating_family_lub AX x).
        exact p.
      assert (Hxz : z D).
        unfold D.
        rewrite (compact_approximating_family_lub AX x).
        exact q.
      assert (H₁ := Hy D Hxy).
      revert H₁.
      use factor_through_squash ; [ apply propproperty | ].
      intros i.
      induction i as [ i ri ].
      assert (H₂ := Hz D Hxz).
      revert H₂.
      use factor_through_squash ; [ apply propproperty | ].
      intros j.
      induction j as [ j rj ].
      assert (H₃ := directed_set_top D i j).
      revert H₃.
      use factor_through_squash ; [ apply propproperty | ].
      intros k.
      induction k as [ k [ s₁ s₂ ] ].
      simple refine (hinhpr (((D k ,, _) ,, _) ,, (_ ,, _))).
      * apply is_compact_approximating_family.
      * cbn.
        rewrite <- (compact_approximating_family_lub AX x).
        use (less_than_dcpo_lub _ _ k).
        apply refl_dcpo.
      * exact (trans_dcpo ri s₁).
      * exact (trans_dcpo rj s₂).
  - intro x.
    + intros i.
      induction i as [ i p ].
      exact p.
    + intros y Hy.
      rewrite <- (compact_approximating_family_lub AX x).
      use dcpo_lub_is_least.
      intro i.
      simple refine (Hy ((compact_approximating_family AX x i ,, _) ,, _)).
      * apply is_compact_approximating_family.
      * apply way_below_to_le.
        apply compact_approximating_family_way_below.

Definition compact_basis_from_algebraic_struct
           {X : dcpo}
           (AX : algebraic_dcpo_struct X)
  : compact_basis X.
Show proof.

6. Constructing maps from their action on the basis
Proposition scott_continuous_map_from_compact_basis_eq
            {X : dcpo}
            (B : compact_basis X)
            {Y : dcpo}
            (f : B Y)
            (Hf : (i₁ i₂ : B), B i₁ B i₂ f i₁ f i₂)
            (i : B)
  : scott_continuous_map_from_basis
      (compact_basis_to_dcpo_basis B)
      (B i)
    f i.
Show proof.
  use antisymm_dcpo.
  - apply scott_continuous_map_from_basis_le.
  - use less_than_dcpo_lub.
    + refine (i ,, _).
      apply is_compact_el_basis.
    + apply refl_dcpo.

Definition scott_continuous_map_from_compact_basis_ump
           {X : dcpo}
           (B : compact_basis X)
           {Y : dcpo}
           (f : B Y)
           (Hf : (i₁ i₂ : B), B i₁ B i₂ f i₁ f i₂)
  : ∃! (g : scott_continuous_map X Y),
     (i : B), g (B i) = f i.
Show proof.
  pose (CB := compact_basis_to_dcpo_basis B).
  use iscontraprop1.
  - abstract
      (use invproofirrelevance ;
       intros φ φ ;
       use subtypePath ; [ intro ; use impred ; intro ; apply setproperty | ] ;
       use (scott_continuous_map_eq_on_basis CB) ;
       intro i ;
       exact (pr2 φ i @ !(pr2 φ i))).
  - refine (scott_continuous_map_from_basis CB f Hf ,, _).
    apply scott_continuous_map_from_compact_basis_eq.