Library UniMath.OrderTheory.DCPOs.Core.ScottTopology

Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.OrderTheory.DCPOs.Core.DirectedSets.
Require Import UniMath.OrderTheory.DCPOs.Core.Basics.
Require Import UniMath.OrderTheory.DCPOs.Core.WayBelow.
Require Import UniMath.OrderTheory.DCPOs.Basis.Continuous.

Local Open Scope dcpo.

Section ScottTopology.
  Context {X : dcpo}.

1. Lower and upper sets
  Definition is_lower_set
             (P : X hProp)
    : hProp
    := ( (x y : X), P y x y P x)%logic.

  Definition is_upper_set
             (P : X hProp)
    : hProp
    := ( (x y : X), P x x y P y)%logic.

2. Scott open and Scott closed sets
  Definition is_lub_inaccessible
             (P : X hProp)
    : hProp
    := ( (D : directed_set X), P( D) (i : D), P(D i))%logic.

  Definition is_closed_under_lub
             (P : X hProp)
    : hProp
    := ( (D : directed_set X), ( (i : D), P (D i)) P( D))%logic.

  Definition is_scott_closed
             (P : X hProp)
    : hProp
    := is_lower_set P is_closed_under_lub P.

  Definition is_scott_open
             (P : X hProp)
    : hProp
    := is_upper_set P is_lub_inaccessible P.
End ScottTopology.

3. Bundled definitions of Scott open and Scott closed sets
Definition scott_open_set
           (X : dcpo)
  : UU
  := (P : X hProp), is_scott_open P.

Definition scott_open_set_to_pred
           {X : dcpo}
           (P : scott_open_set X)
           (x : X)
  : hProp
  := pr1 P x.

Coercion scott_open_set_to_pred : scott_open_set >-> Funclass.

Coercion is_scott_open_scott_open_set
          {X : dcpo}
          (P : scott_open_set X)
  : is_scott_open P
  := pr2 P.

Definition scott_closed_set
           (X : dcpo)
  : UU
  := (P : X hProp), is_scott_closed P.

Definition scott_closed_set_to_pred
           {X : dcpo}
           (P : scott_closed_set X)
           (x : X)
  : hProp
  := pr1 P x.

Coercion scott_closed_set_to_pred : scott_closed_set >-> Funclass.

Coercion is_scott_closed_scott_closed_set
          {X : dcpo}
          (P : scott_closed_set X)
  : is_scott_closed P
  := pr2 P.

4. Accessors for Scott open and Scott closed sets
Section ScottClosedAccessors.
  Context {X : dcpo}
          {P : X hProp}
          (HP : is_scott_closed P).

  Proposition is_scott_closed_lower_set
              {x y : X}
              (Py : P y)
              (p : x y)
    : P x.
  Show proof.
    exact (pr1 HP x y Py p).

  Proposition is_scott_closed_lub
              (D : directed_set X)
              (HD : (i : D), P (D i))
    : P( D).
  Show proof.
    exact (pr2 HP D HD).
End ScottClosedAccessors.

Section ScottOpenAccessors.
  Context {X : dcpo}
          {P : X hProp}
          (HP : is_scott_open P).

  Proposition is_scott_open_upper_set
              {x y : X}
              (Py : P x)
              (p : x y)
    : P y.
  Show proof.
    exact (pr1 HP x y Py p).

  Proposition is_scott_open_lub_inaccessible
              (D : directed_set X)
              (HD : P( D))
    : (i : D), P (D i).
  Show proof.
    exact (pr2 HP D HD).
End ScottOpenAccessors.

Section PropertiesScottTopology.
  Context {X : dcpo}.

5. Lower sets are Scott closed
  Proposition lower_set_is_scott_closed
              (x : X)
    : is_scott_closed (λ y, y x).
  Show proof.
    - intros y₁ y₂ p q.
      exact (trans_dcpo q p).
    - intros D H.
      use dcpo_lub_is_least.
      exact H.

6. Upper sets (with respect to the way-below relation) are Scott open
  Proposition upper_set_is_scott_open
              (CX : continuous_dcpo_struct X)
              (x : X)
    : is_scott_open (λ y, x y).
  Show proof.
    - intros y₁ y₂ p q.
      exact (trans_way_below_le p q).
    - intros D p.
      assert (H := unary_interpolation CX p).
      revert H.
      use factor_through_squash.
        apply propproperty.
      intro z.
      induction z as [ z [ q₁ q₂ ]].
      assert (H := q₂ D (refl_dcpo _)).
      revert H.
      use factor_through_squash.
        apply propproperty.
      intro i.
      induction i as [ i r ].
      refine (hinhpr (i ,, _)).
      exact (trans_way_below_le q₁ r).

7. Empty and top sets are Scott open

  Definition true_scott_open_set
    (A : dcpo)
    : scott_open_set A.
  Show proof.
    simple refine (_ ,, _).
    - exact (λ _, htrue).
    - split.
      + abstract
          (intros x y p q ;
           exact tt).
      + abstract
          (intros D x ;
           assert (H := directed_set_el D) ;
           revert H ;
           use factor_through_squash_hProp ;
           intro d ;
           exact (hinhpr (d ,, tt))).

  Definition false_scott_open_set
    (A : dcpo)
    : scott_open_set A.
  Show proof.
    simple refine (_ ,, _).
    - exact (λ _, hfalse).
    - split.
      + abstract (intros x y p q; exact (fromempty p)).
      + abstract (intros D p; exact (fromempty p)).

8. Complements of Scott open sets
  Proposition complement_of_scott_open
              (P : X hProp)
              (HP : is_scott_open P)
    : is_scott_closed (λ x, ¬(P x))%logic.
  Show proof.
    - cbn ; intros x y p q H.
      apply p.
      use (pr1 HP x).
      + exact H.
      + exact q.
    - cbn ; intros D HD p.
      assert (H := is_scott_open_lub_inaccessible HP D p).
      revert H.
      use factor_through_squash.
        apply isapropempty.
      intro i.
      induction i as [ i Hi ].
      apply (HD i).
      exact Hi.
End PropertiesScottTopology.