Library UniMath.Semantics.EnrichedEffectCalculus.ContinuationModel

Require Import UniMath.Foundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Isos.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.NaturalTransformations.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Univalence.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Adjunctions.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.exponentials.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.opp_precat.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.OppositeCategory.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.WhiskeredBifunctors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.Structure.Cartesian.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.Structure.Symmetric.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.Structure.Closed.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.Examples.CartesianMonoidal.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.terminal.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.binproducts.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.initial.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.bincoproducts.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.EnrichedCats.Enrichment.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.EnrichedCats.EnrichmentFunctor.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.EnrichedCats.EnrichmentTransformation.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.EnrichedCats.EnrichmentAdjunction.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.EnrichedCats.Examples.SelfEnriched.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.EnrichedCats.Examples.OppositeEnriched.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.EnrichedCats.Limits.EnrichedTerminal.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.EnrichedCats.Limits.EnrichedBinaryProducts.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.EnrichedCats.Limits.EnrichedPowers.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.EnrichedCats.Limits.Examples.SelfEnrichedLimits.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.EnrichedCats.Limits.Examples.OppositeEnrichedLimits.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.EnrichedCats.Colimits.EnrichedInitial.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.EnrichedCats.Colimits.EnrichedBinaryCoproducts.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.EnrichedCats.Colimits.EnrichedCopowers.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.EnrichedCats.Colimits.Examples.SelfEnrichedColimits.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.EnrichedCats.Colimits.Examples.OppositeEnrichedColimits.
Require Import UniMath.Semantics.EnrichedEffectCalculus.EECModel.

Import MonoidalNotations.
Local Open Scope moncat.
Local Open Scope cat.

Opaque sym_mon_braiding.

1. Continuation adjunction
Section ContinuationAdjunction.
  Context (VC : category)
          (TV : Terminal VC)
          (VP : BinProducts VC)
          (IV : Initial VC)
          (VCP : BinCoproducts VC)
          (expV : Exponentials VP)
          (V : sym_mon_closed_cat := sym_mon_closed_cartesian_cat VC VP TV expV)
          (r : V).

  Opaque V.

1.1. The functors
  Definition continuation_functor_data
    : functor_data V (V^opp).
  Show proof.
    use make_functor_data.
    - exact (λ y, y r).
    - exact (λ x y f, internal_precomp f r).

  Proposition continuation_functor_laws
    : is_functor continuation_functor_data.
  Show proof.
    - intros y.
      apply internal_precomp_id.
    - intros y₁ y₂ y₃ f g.
      apply internal_precomp_comp.

  Definition continuation_functor
    : V V^opp.
  Show proof.
    use make_functor.
    - exact continuation_functor_data.
    - exact continuation_functor_laws.

  Proposition continuation_functor_enrichment_laws
    : @is_functor_enrichment
        V V (V ^opp)
        (self_enrichment V)
        (op_enrichment V (self_enrichment V))
        (λ x y, internal_lam (sym_mon_braiding V _ _ · internal_comp x y r)).
  Show proof.
    repeat split ; cbn.
    - intro x.
      use internal_funext.
      intros a h.
      rewrite tensor_comp_r_id_r.
      rewrite !assoc'.
      rewrite internal_beta.
      refine (!_).
        rewrite tensor_split.
        rewrite !assoc'.
        unfold internal_id.
        rewrite internal_beta.
        rewrite tensor_lunitor.
        apply idpath.
      use internal_funext.
      intros a' h'.
      refine (!_).
      rewrite !tensor_comp_r_id_r.
      unfold internal_comp.
      rewrite !assoc'.
      rewrite internal_beta.
      rewrite !assoc.
      rewrite <- tensor_comp_mor.
      rewrite tensor_sym_mon_braiding.
      rewrite tensor_comp_r_id_r.
      rewrite id_right.
      rewrite !assoc'.
        apply maponpaths.
        rewrite !assoc.
        rewrite tensor_lassociator.
        rewrite !assoc'.
        apply maponpaths.
        rewrite !assoc.
        rewrite <- tensor_comp_mor.
        rewrite id_right.
        unfold internal_id.
        rewrite internal_beta.
        rewrite tensor_split.
        apply idpath.
      rewrite !assoc.
      do 2 apply maponpaths_2.
      rewrite !assoc'.
      rewrite <- mon_triangle.
      rewrite <- tensor_comp_mor.
      rewrite id_right.
      rewrite sym_mon_braiding_runitor.
      apply idpath.
    - intros x y z.
      use internal_funext.
      intros a h.
      rewrite !tensor_comp_r_id_r.
      rewrite !assoc'.
      rewrite internal_beta.
      refine (!_).
        do 2 apply maponpaths.
        apply internal_beta.
      rewrite !assoc.
      rewrite <- tensor_comp_mor.
      rewrite tensor_sym_mon_braiding.
      rewrite tensor_comp_mor.
      rewrite !assoc'.
        apply maponpaths.
        rewrite !assoc.
        rewrite tensor_lassociator.
        rewrite !assoc'.
        apply maponpaths.
        rewrite !assoc.
        rewrite <- tensor_comp_mor.
        rewrite id_right.
        rewrite internal_beta.
        rewrite tensor_split.
        rewrite !assoc'.
        rewrite internal_beta.
        rewrite !assoc.
        rewrite tensor_sym_mon_braiding.
        apply idpath.
      rewrite tensor_split.
      refine (!_).
      rewrite tensor_split.
      rewrite !assoc'.
      apply maponpaths.
      clear a h.
      rewrite !assoc.
      rewrite tensor_sym_mon_braiding.
      use internal_funext.
      intros a h.
      rewrite !tensor_comp_r_id_r.
      rewrite !assoc'.
        apply maponpaths.
          apply maponpaths.
          unfold internal_comp.
          rewrite internal_beta.
          apply idpath.
        rewrite !assoc.
        rewrite tensor_lassociator.
        rewrite !assoc'.
        apply maponpaths.
        rewrite !assoc.
        rewrite <- tensor_comp_id_l.
        unfold internal_comp.
        rewrite internal_beta.
        apply idpath.
      refine (!_).
        do 4 apply maponpaths.
        unfold internal_comp.
        rewrite internal_beta.
        rewrite !assoc.
        rewrite tensor_lassociator.
        rewrite !assoc'.
        apply maponpaths.
        rewrite tensor_id_id.
        rewrite !assoc.
        rewrite <- tensor_split'.
        rewrite tensor_split.
        rewrite !assoc'.
        rewrite internal_beta.
        apply idpath.
      rewrite !assoc.
      apply maponpaths_2.
      rewrite !tensor_comp_l_id_r.
      rewrite !assoc.
      apply maponpaths_2.
      rewrite !assoc'.
      rewrite <- tensor_id_id.
      rewrite tensor_lassociator.
      rewrite !assoc.
      apply maponpaths_2.
      rewrite !assoc'.
      rewrite tensor_split.
      refine (!_).
      rewrite tensor_split.
      rewrite !assoc'.
      apply maponpaths.
      clear a h.
      rewrite mon_lassociator_lassociator.
      rewrite !assoc.
      do 2 apply maponpaths_2.
      rewrite <- !tensor_comp_id_r.
      apply maponpaths_2.
      refine (!_).
        apply maponpaths_2.
        rewrite !assoc'.
        rewrite <- tensor_sym_mon_braiding.
        rewrite !assoc.
        apply maponpaths_2.
        refine (!_).
        apply sym_mon_hexagon_lassociator.
      apply lassociator_hexagon_two.
    - intros x y f.
      use internal_funext.
      intros a h.
      rewrite !tensor_comp_r_id_r.
      rewrite tensor_split.
      rewrite !assoc'.
      unfold internal_from_arr.
      rewrite !internal_beta.
      use internal_funext.
      intros a' h'.
      rewrite !tensor_comp_r_id_r.
      unfold internal_precomp.
      rewrite !assoc'.
      unfold internal_comp.
      rewrite !internal_beta.
      refine (!_).
      rewrite !assoc.
        rewrite <- tensor_comp_mor.
        rewrite tensor_sym_mon_braiding.
        rewrite tensor_comp_r_id_r.
        rewrite id_right.
        rewrite !assoc'.
        apply maponpaths.
        rewrite !assoc.
        rewrite tensor_lassociator.
        rewrite !assoc'.
        apply maponpaths.
        rewrite !assoc.
        rewrite <- tensor_comp_mor.
        rewrite internal_beta.
        rewrite id_right.
        rewrite tensor_comp_l_id_r.
        rewrite tensor_split.
        apply idpath.
      rewrite !assoc.
      do 2 apply maponpaths_2.
      rewrite !assoc'.
      rewrite !(maponpaths (λ z, _ · z) (assoc _ _ _)).
      rewrite <- mon_triangle.
      rewrite !assoc.
      rewrite <- !tensor_comp_mor.
      rewrite !id_right.
      apply maponpaths_2.
      rewrite sym_mon_braiding_runitor.
      rewrite tensor_lunitor.
      apply idpath.

  Definition continuation_functor_enrichment
    : functor_enrichment
        (self_enrichment V)
        (op_enrichment V (self_enrichment V)).
  Show proof.
    simple refine (_ ,, _).
    - exact (λ x y, internal_lam (sym_mon_braiding _ _ _ · internal_comp _ _ _)).
    - exact continuation_functor_enrichment_laws.

  Definition continuation_functor_op_data
    : functor_data (V^opp) V.
  Show proof.
    use make_functor_data ; cbn.
    - exact (λ y, y r).
    - exact (λ x y f, internal_precomp f r).

  Proposition continuation_functor_op_laws
    : is_functor continuation_functor_op_data.
  Show proof.
    - intros y ; cbn.
      apply internal_precomp_id.
    - intros y₁ y₂ y₃ f g ; cbn.
      apply internal_precomp_comp.

  Definition continuation_functor_op
    : V^opp V.
  Show proof.
    use make_functor.
    - exact continuation_functor_op_data.
    - exact continuation_functor_op_laws.

  Proposition continuation_functor_op_enrichment_laws
    : @is_functor_enrichment
        V (V ^opp) V
        (op_enrichment V (self_enrichment V))
        (self_enrichment V)
        (λ x y, internal_lam (sym_mon_braiding V _ _ · internal_comp _ _ _)).
  Show proof.
    repeat split.
    - intro x.
      exact (pr1 continuation_functor_enrichment_laws x).
    - intros x y z.
      rewrite !assoc'.
        apply maponpaths.
        exact (pr12 continuation_functor_enrichment_laws z y x).
      rewrite !assoc.
      apply maponpaths_2.
      rewrite <- tensor_sym_mon_braiding.
      rewrite !assoc'.
      rewrite sym_mon_braiding_inv.
      apply id_right.
    - intros x y f.
      exact (pr22 continuation_functor_enrichment_laws y x f).

  Definition continuation_functor_op_enrichment
    : functor_enrichment
        (op_enrichment V (self_enrichment V))
        (self_enrichment V).
  Show proof.
    simple refine (_ ,, _).
    - exact (λ x y, internal_lam (sym_mon_braiding _ _ _ · internal_comp _ _ _)).
    - exact continuation_functor_op_enrichment_laws.

1.2. The unit and counit
  Definition continuation_adjunction_unit_data
    : nat_trans_data
        (functor_identity V)
        (continuation_functor continuation_functor_op)
    := λ x, internal_lam (sym_mon_braiding _ _ _ · internal_eval _ _).

  Proposition continuation_adjunction_unit_laws
    : is_nat_trans _ _ continuation_adjunction_unit_data.
  Show proof.
    intros x y f ; cbn ; unfold continuation_adjunction_unit_data.
    use internal_funext.
    intros a h.
    rewrite !tensor_comp_r_id_r.
    rewrite !assoc'.
    unfold internal_precomp.
    rewrite !internal_beta.
    rewrite !assoc.
    rewrite tensor_sym_mon_braiding.
    refine (!_).
      rewrite <- tensor_comp_mor.
      rewrite id_right.
      rewrite tensor_split.
      rewrite !assoc'.
      rewrite internal_beta.
      rewrite !assoc.
      rewrite tensor_sym_mon_braiding.
      rewrite tensor_comp_r_id_r.
      rewrite !assoc'.
      rewrite internal_beta.
      apply idpath.
    rewrite !assoc'.
    apply maponpaths.
    rewrite !assoc.
    apply maponpaths_2.
    rewrite <- tensor_split'.
    apply idpath.

  Definition continuation_adjunction_unit
    : functor_identity V
      continuation_functor continuation_functor_op.
  Show proof.

  Proposition continuation_adjunction_unit_enrichment
    : nat_trans_enrichment
        (functor_id_enrichment (self_enrichment V))
  Show proof.
    use nat_trans_enrichment_via_comp.
    intros x y ; cbn.
    unfold continuation_adjunction_unit_data.
    rewrite self_enrichment_precomp.
    rewrite self_enrichment_postcomp.
    rewrite id_left.
    use internal_funext.
    intros a h.
    rewrite !tensor_comp_r_id_r.
    rewrite !assoc'.
    rewrite !internal_beta.
    refine (!_).
    rewrite tensor_split.
    rewrite !assoc'.
    rewrite internal_beta.
    refine (!_).
      rewrite tensor_split.
      rewrite !assoc'.
      apply idpath.
    apply maponpaths.
      apply maponpaths.
      rewrite !assoc.
      rewrite <- tensor_split'.
      rewrite tensor_split.
      rewrite !assoc'.
      rewrite internal_beta.
      rewrite !assoc.
      rewrite tensor_sym_mon_braiding.
      apply idpath.
    use internal_funext.
    intros a' h'.
    rewrite !tensor_comp_r_id_r.
    rewrite !assoc'.
    rewrite !internal_beta.
      do 2 apply maponpaths.
      unfold internal_comp.
      rewrite !internal_beta.
      rewrite !assoc.
      rewrite tensor_lassociator.
      rewrite !assoc'.
      apply idpath.
    rewrite !assoc.
    rewrite <- tensor_comp_mor.
    rewrite !tensor_sym_mon_braiding.
    rewrite id_right.
    rewrite tensor_comp_r_id_r.
    rewrite !assoc'.
      apply maponpaths.
      rewrite !assoc.
      rewrite tensor_lassociator.
      rewrite !assoc'.
      apply maponpaths.
      rewrite !assoc.
      rewrite <- !tensor_comp_mor.
      rewrite !id_left, !id_right.
      rewrite internal_beta.
      rewrite tensor_split.
      rewrite !assoc'.
      rewrite internal_beta.
      rewrite tensor_comp_l_id_l.
      rewrite !assoc'.
      apply maponpaths.
      rewrite !assoc.
      rewrite tensor_sym_mon_braiding.
      rewrite !assoc'.
      unfold internal_comp.
      rewrite internal_beta.
      apply idpath.
    rewrite !assoc.
    apply maponpaths_2.
    rewrite tensor_split.
    refine (!_).
    rewrite <- tensor_sym_mon_braiding.
    rewrite tensor_split.
    rewrite !assoc'.
    apply maponpaths.
    clear a h a' h'.
    refine (!_).
    rewrite !assoc.
    rewrite tensor_sym_mon_braiding.
    apply maponpaths_2.
    rewrite <- sym_mon_hexagon_lassociator.
    apply lassociator_hexagon_two.

  Proposition continuation_adjunction_counit_laws
    : is_nat_trans
        (continuation_functor_op continuation_functor)
        (functor_identity (V^opp))
  Show proof.
    intros x y f ; cbn ; unfold continuation_adjunction_unit_data.
    refine (!_).
    apply continuation_adjunction_unit_laws.

  Definition continuation_adjunction_counit
    : continuation_functor_op continuation_functor
      functor_identity (V^opp).
  Show proof.

  Proposition continuation_adjunction_counit_enrichment
    : nat_trans_enrichment
        (functor_id_enrichment (op_enrichment V (self_enrichment V))).
  Show proof.
    use nat_trans_enrichment_via_comp.
    intros x y.
    pose (nat_trans_enrichment_to_comp
            y x)
      as p.
    cbn ; cbn in p.
    rewrite op_enrichment_postcomp.
    rewrite op_enrichment_precomp.
    exact (!p).

1.3. The adjunction
  Definition continuation_adjunction_data
    : adjunction_data V (V^opp).
  Show proof.
    use make_adjunction_data.
    - exact continuation_functor.
    - exact continuation_functor_op.
    - exact continuation_adjunction_unit.
    - exact continuation_adjunction_counit.

  Proposition continuation_adjunction_triangle
              (x : V)
    : continuation_adjunction_unit_data (x r)
      · internal_precomp (continuation_adjunction_unit_data x) r
      identity _.
  Show proof.
    unfold continuation_adjunction_unit_data.
    use internal_funext.
    intros a h.
    rewrite !tensor_comp_r_id_r.
    rewrite !assoc'.
    unfold internal_precomp.
    rewrite internal_beta.
    rewrite !assoc.
    rewrite <- tensor_comp_mor.
    rewrite id_right.
    rewrite tensor_split.
    rewrite !assoc'.
    rewrite internal_beta.
    rewrite !assoc.
    rewrite tensor_sym_mon_braiding.
    rewrite tensor_comp_r_id_r.
    rewrite !assoc'.
    rewrite internal_beta.
    rewrite !assoc.
    apply maponpaths_2.
    rewrite <- tensor_sym_mon_braiding.
    rewrite !assoc'.
    rewrite sym_mon_braiding_inv.
    apply id_right.

  Proposition continuation_adjunction_laws
    : form_adjunction' continuation_adjunction_data.
  Show proof.
    - intro x.
      exact (continuation_adjunction_triangle x).
    - intro x.
      exact (continuation_adjunction_triangle x).

  Definition continuation_adjunction
    : adjunction V (V^opp).
  Show proof.
    use make_adjunction.
    - exact continuation_adjunction_data.
    - exact continuation_adjunction_laws.

  Definition continuation_adjunction_enrichment
    : adjunction_enrichment
        (self_enrichment V)
        (op_enrichment V (self_enrichment V)).
  Show proof.

  Definition continuation_enriched_adjunction
    : enriched_adjunction
        (self_enrichment V)
        (op_enrichment V (self_enrichment V))
    := continuation_adjunction ,, continuation_adjunction_enrichment.
End ContinuationAdjunction.

2. The continuation model
Section ContinuationModel.
  Context (VC : category)
          (TV : Terminal VC)
          (VP : BinProducts VC)
          (IV : Initial VC)
          (VCP : BinCoproducts VC)
          (expV : Exponentials VP)
          (V : sym_mon_closed_cat := sym_mon_closed_cartesian_cat VC VP TV expV)
          (r : V).

  Definition continuation_eec_model
    : eec_model
    := VC
       op_enrichment _ (self_enrichment V)
       continuation_enriched_adjunction V TV VP expV r
       opposite_terminal_enriched _ (self_enrichment_initial V IV)
       opposite_initial_enriched _ (self_enrichment_terminal V TV)
       opposite_enrichment_power _ (self_enrichment_copowers V)
       opposite_enrichment_copower _ (self_enrichment_powers V)
          (self_enrichment V)
          (self_enrichment_binary_coproducts V VCP))
          (self_enrichment V)
          (self_enrichment_binary_products V VP)).

  Definition continuation_eec_plus_model
    : eec_plus_model
    := continuation_eec_model ,, IV ,, VCP.
End ContinuationModel.