Library Nijn.Syntax.Signature.TermWeakenings

Weakenings of contexts

The type of weakenings
Inductive wk {B : Type} : con B con B Type :=
| EmptyWk : wk
| Keep : {C1 C2 : con B} (A : ty B),
    wk C1 C2 wk (A ,, C1) (A ,, C2)
| Drop : {C1 C2 : con B} (A : ty B),
    wk C1 C2 wk (A ,, C1) C2.

Notational convention: we use w1, w2, ... to denote weakenings

Operations on weakenings

Identity weakening
Fixpoint idWk
         {B : Type}
         (C : con B)
  : wk C C
  := match C with
     | EmptyWk
     | A ,, CKeep A (idWk C)

Composition of weakenings
Definition compWk
           {B : Type}
           {C1 C2 C3 : con B}
           (w1 : wk C2 C3)
           (w2 : wk C1 C2)
  : wk C1 C3.
  revert w1.
  revert C3.
  induction w2 as [ | C1 C2 A w2 IHw2 | C1 C2 A w2 IHw2 ] ; intros C3 w1.
  - exact w1.
  - inversion w1.
    + apply Keep.
      apply IHw2.
      exact X.
    + apply Drop.
      apply IHw2.
      exact X.
  - exact (Drop A (IHw2 _ w1)).

Substitution along weakenings
Definition wkVar
           {B : Type}
           {C1 C2 : con B}
           {A : ty B}
           (v : var C2 A)
           (w : wk C1 C2)
  : var C1 A.
  induction w.
  - exact v.
  - inversion v as [ | ? ? ? v' ].
    + exact Vz.
    + exact (Vs (IHw v')).
  - exact (Vs (IHw v)).

Fixpoint wkTm
         {B : Type}
         {C2 : con B}
         {A : ty B}
         {F : Type}
         {ar : F ty B}
         (t : tm ar C2 A)
  : {C1 : con B}, wk C1 C2 tm ar C1 A
  := match t with
     | BaseTm ffun _ _BaseTm f
     | TmVar vfun _ wTmVar (wkVar v w)
     | Lam ffun _ wLam (wkTm f (Keep _ w))
     | App f tfun _ wApp (wkTm f w) (wkTm t w)