Library Nijn.Syntax.Signature.Terms

Require Import Nijn.Prelude.
Require Import Nijn.Syntax.Signature.Types.
Require Import Nijn.Syntax.Signature.Contexts.
Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.

Open Scope signature.


Notational contention: we write F for the type of function symbols and ar for their arities. We denote terms by t1 and t2 and we use f1, f2, ... for function symbols and terms of a function type.
Inductive tm {B : Type} {F : Type} (ar : F ty B) (C : con B) : ty B Type :=
| BaseTm : (f : F),
    tm ar C (ar f)
| TmVar : {A : ty B},
    var C A tm ar C A
| Lam : {A1 A2 : ty B},
    tm ar (A1 ,, C) A2 tm ar C (A1 A2)
| App : {A1 A2 : ty B},
    tm ar C (A1 A2) tm ar C A1 tm ar C A2.

Arguments BaseTm {_} {_} {_} {_} _.
Arguments TmVar {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} _.
Arguments Lam {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} _.
Arguments App {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} _ _.

Notation "'λ' x" := (Lam x) (at level 21) : signature.
Notation "f · x" := (App f x) (at level 20, left associativity) : signature.

The following two definitions are used so that we can denote De Bruijn indices using natural numbers.
Record tm_with_ty
       {B : Type}
       {F : Type}
       (ar : F ty B)
       (C : con B)
  : Type
  := { type : ty B ; term :> tm ar C type }.

Definition v_idx
           {B : Type}
           {F : Type}
           {ar : F ty B}
           {C : con B}
           (n : nat)
           (Hn : n < length_con C)
  : tm_with_ty ar C.
  destruct (nat_to_var n Hn) as [ A v ].
  exact {| type := A ; term := TmVar v |}.

Notation "'V' n" := (v_idx n _) (at level 0).

Decidable alpha equality of terms

To decide equality of terms, we first map them to untyped terms. After that, we decide equality of untyped terms.
Inductive ut_tm (B : Type) (F : Type) : Type :=
| UBaseTm : F ut_tm B F
| UTmVar : nat ut_tm B F
| ULam : ty B ut_tm B F ut_tm B F
| UApp : ut_tm B F ut_tm B F ut_tm B F.

Arguments UBaseTm {B F} f.
Arguments UTmVar {B F} n.
Arguments ULam {B F} A f.
Arguments UApp {B F} f t.

Program Fixpoint dec_eq_ut_tm
                 {B : Type}
                 {F : Type}
                 `{decEq B}
                 `{decEq F}
                 (t₁ t₂ : ut_tm B F)
  : dec (t₁ = t₂)
  := match t₁ , t₂ with
     | UBaseTm f₁ , UBaseTm f₂
       match dec_eq f₁ f₂ with
       | Yes _Yes _
       | No _No _
     | UBaseTm f₁ , UTmVar n₂No _
     | UBaseTm f₁ , ULam A₂ f₂No _
     | UBaseTm f₁ , UApp f₂ t₂No _
     | UTmVar n₁ , UBaseTm f₂No _
     | UTmVar n₁ , UTmVar n₂
       match dec_eq n₁ n₂ with
       | Yes _Yes _
       | No _No _
     | UTmVar n₁ , ULam A₂ f₂No _
     | UTmVar n₁ , UApp f₂ t₂No _
     | ULam A₁ f₁ , UBaseTm f₂No _
     | ULam A₁ f₁ , UTmVar n₂No _
     | ULam A₁ f₁ , ULam A₂ f₂
       match dec_eq A₁ A₂ , dec_eq_ut_tm f₁ f₂ with
       | Yes _ , Yes _Yes _
       | _ , No _No _
       | No _ , _No _
     | ULam A₁ f₁ , UApp f₂ t₂No _
     | UApp f₁ t₁ , UBaseTm f₂No _
     | UApp f₁ t₁ , UTmVar n₂No _
     | UApp f₁ t₁ , ULam A₂ f₂No _
     | UApp f₁ t₁ , UApp f₂ t₂
       match dec_eq_ut_tm f₁ f₂ , dec_eq_ut_tm t₁ t₂ with
       | Yes _ , Yes _Yes _
       | _ , No _No _
       | No _ , _No _

Global Instance ut_tm_decEq
       {B : Type}
       {F : Type}
       `{decEq B}
       `{decEq F}
  : decEq (ut_tm B F)
  := {| dec_eq := dec_eq_ut_tm |}.

Fixpoint tm_to_ut_tm
         {B : Type}
         {F : Type}
         {ar : F ty B}
         {C : con B}
         {A : ty B}
         (t : tm ar C A)
  : ut_tm B F
  := match t with
     | BaseTm fUBaseTm f
     | TmVar vUTmVar (var_to_nat v)
     | @Lam _ _ _ _ A1 A2 fULam A1 (tm_to_ut_tm f)
     | App f tUApp (tm_to_ut_tm f) (tm_to_ut_tm t)

Proposition eq_ut_tm_ty
            {B : Type}
            {F : Type}
            {ar : F ty B}
            {C : con B}
            {A1 A2 : ty B}
            {t1 : tm ar C A1}
            {t2 : tm ar C A2}
            (p : tm_to_ut_tm t1 = tm_to_ut_tm t2)
  : A1 = A2.
  revert A2 t2 p.
  induction t1 ;
    intros ? t2 ;
    destruct t2 ;
    intros p ;
    inversion p ;
  - reflexivity.
  - apply (var_tonat_eq_ty H0).
  - f_equal.
    apply (IHt1 _ t2).
  - pose (IHt1_1 _ t2_1 H0) as q.
    inversion q.

Proposition eq_ut_tm
            {B : Type}
            {F : Type}
            {ar : F ty B}
            {C : con B}
            {A1 A2 : ty B}
            {t1 : tm ar C A1}
            {t2 : tm ar C A2}
            (p : tm_to_ut_tm t1 = tm_to_ut_tm t2)
            (q : A1 = A2)
  : transport (tm ar C) q t1 = t2.
  revert A2 t2 p q.
  induction t1 ;
    intros ? t2 ;
    destruct t2 ;
    intros p q ;
    inversion p ;
  - rewrite (UIP q (eq_refl _)).
  - cbn.
    apply var_tonat_eq.
  - inversion q.
    rewrite (UIP q (eq_refl _)) ; cbn.
    refine (IHt1 _ t2 _ (eq_refl _)).
  - cbn.
    assert (A0 = A1).
      apply (eq_ut_tm_ty H1).
    rewrite <- (IHt1_1 _ t2_1 H0 (eq_refl _)) ; cbn.
    apply (IHt1_2 _ t2_2 H1 (eq_refl _)).

Definition tm_dec_eq
           {B : Type}
           {F : Type}
           `{decEq B}
           `{decEq F}
           {ar : F ty B}
           {C : con B}
           {A : ty B}
           (t1 : tm ar C A)
           (t2 : tm ar C A)
  : dec (t1 = t2)
  := match dec_eq_ut_tm (tm_to_ut_tm t1) (tm_to_ut_tm t2) with
     | Yes pYes (eq_ut_tm p (eq_refl _))
     | No qNo (fun nq (f_equal _ n))

Global Instance tm_decEq
       {B : Type}
       {F : Type}
       `{decEq B}
       `{decEq F}
       (ar : F ty B)
       (C : con B)
       (A : ty B)
  : decEq (tm ar C A)
  := {| dec_eq := tm_dec_eq |}.

Definition is_BaseTm
           {B : Type}
           {F : Type}
           {ar : F ty B}
           {C : con B}
           {A : ty B}
           (t : tm ar C A)
  : Prop
  := match t with
     | BaseTm _True
     | _False

Definition transport_BaseTm
           {B : Type}
           {F : Type}
           {ar : F ty B}
           {C : con B}
           {A1 A2 : ty B}
           (t : tm ar C A1)
           (p : A1 = A2)
           (Ht : is_BaseTm t)
  : is_BaseTm (transport (tm ar C) p t).
  exact Ht.

Lemma is_BaseTm_transport
      {B : Type}
      {F : Type}
      {ar : F ty B}
      {C : con B}
      {A1 A2 : ty B}
      (p : A1 = A2)
      (t : tm ar C A1)
  : is_BaseTm (transport _ p t) is_BaseTm t.
  exact (fun xx).

Definition is_BaseTm_at
           {B : Type}
           {F : Type}
           {ar : F ty B}
           {C : con B}
           {A : ty B}
           (f : F)
           (t : tm ar C A)
  : Prop
  := match t with
     | BaseTm f'f = f'
     | _False

Definition transport_BaseTm_at
           {B : Type}
           {F : Type}
           {ar : F ty B}
           {C : con B}
           {A1 A2 : ty B}
           (f : F)
           (t : tm ar C A1)
           (p : A1 = A2)
           (Ht : is_BaseTm_at f t)
  : is_BaseTm_at f (transport (tm ar C) p t).
  exact Ht.

Definition is_TmVar
           {B : Type}
           {F : Type}
           {ar : F ty B}
           {C : con B}
           {A : ty B}
           (t : tm ar C A)
  : Prop
  := match t with
     | TmVar _True
     | _False

Definition is_Lambda
           {B : Type}
           {F : Type}
           {ar : F ty B}
           {C : con B}
           {A : ty B}
           (t : tm ar C A)
  : Prop
  := match t with
     | λ _True
     | _False

Definition transport_Lambda
           {B : Type}
           {F : Type}
           {ar : F ty B}
           {C : con B}
           {A1 A2 : ty B}
           (t : tm ar C A1)
           (p : A1 = A2)
           (Ht : is_Lambda t)
  : is_Lambda (transport (tm ar C) p t).
  exact Ht.

Equality principles for terms

Proposition App_eq_Ty
            {B : Type}
            {F : Type}
            {ar : F ty B}
            {C : con B}
            {A1 A1' A2 : ty B}
            {f : tm ar C (A1 A2)}
            {f' : tm ar C (A1' A2)}
            {t : tm ar C A1}
            {t' : tm ar C A1'}
            (p : f · t = f' · t')
  : A1 = A1'.
  inversion p.

Proposition App_eq_fst
            {B : Type}
            {F : Type}
            {ar : F ty B}
            {C : con B}
            {A1 A1' A2 : ty B}
            {f : tm ar C (A1 A2)}
            {f' : tm ar C (A1' A2)}
            {t : tm ar C A1}
            {t' : tm ar C A1'}
            (p : f · t = f' · t')
  : transport (fun Atm ar C (A A2)) (App_eq_Ty p) f = f'.
  dependent destruction p.

Proposition App_eq_snd
            {B : Type}
            {F : Type}
            {ar : F ty B}
            {C : con B}
            {A1 A1' A2 : ty B}
            {f : tm ar C (A1 A2)}
            {f' : tm ar C (A1' A2)}
            {t : tm ar C A1}
            {t' : tm ar C A1'}
            (p : f · t = f' · t')
  : transport (tm ar C) (App_eq_Ty p) t = t'.
  dependent destruction p.

Proposition Lam_eq'
            {B : Type}
            {F : Type}
            {ar : F ty B}
            {C : con B}
            {A1 A1' A2 : ty B}
            {f : tm ar (A1 ,, C) A2}
            {f' : tm ar (A1' ,, C) A2}
            (p : A1 = A1')
            (q : λ (transport (fun Ztm ar (Z ,, C) A2) p f) = λ f')
  : transport (fun Ztm ar (Z ,, C) A2) p f = f'.
  dependent destruction q.

Proposition Lam_eq
            {B : Type}
            {F : Type}
            {ar : F ty B}
            {C : con B}
            {A1 A2 : ty B}
            {f f' : tm ar (A1 ,, C) A2}
            (p : λ f = λ f')
  : f = f'.
  exact (Lam_eq' eq_refl p).