Library UniMath.Bicategories.Colimits.Extensive

1. Disjoint coproducts
the initial object gives a comma cone on
x --> z <-- y
Definition biinitial_comma_cone
           {B : bicat_with_biinitial}
           {x y z : B}
           (f : x --> z)
           (g : y --> z)
  : comma_cone f g.
Show proof.
  use make_comma_cone.
  - exact (pr1 (biinitial_of B)).
  - exact (is_biinitial_1cell_property (pr2 (biinitial_of B)) _).
  - exact (is_biinitial_1cell_property (pr2 (biinitial_of B)) _).
  - exact (is_biinitial_2cell_property (pr2 (biinitial_of B)) _ _ _).

Definition is_disjoint_coproduct
           {B : bicat_with_biinitial}
           {x p y : B}
           (ι₁ : x --> p)
           (ι₂ : y --> p)
  : UU
  := fully_faithful_1cell ι₁
     fully_faithful_1cell ι₂
     has_comma_ump (biinitial_comma_cone ι₁ ι₂)
     has_comma_ump (biinitial_comma_cone ι₂ ι₁).

Definition is_disjoint_coproduct_cone
           {B : bicat_with_biinitial}
           {x y : B}
           (p : bincoprod_cocone x y)
  : UU
  := is_disjoint_coproduct
       (bincoprod_cocone_inl p)
       (bincoprod_cocone_inr p).

2. Universal coproducts
| V
x --> p <-- y
we have pullbacks
v --> z <-- w
| | | V V V
x --> p <-- y
such that z is the coproduct of v and w
Definition is_universal_coproduct
           {B : bicat}
           {x p y : B}
           (ι₁ : x --> p)
           (ι₂ : y --> p)
  : UU
  := (z : B)
       (h : z --> p),
      (v w : B)
       (f₁ : v --> x)
       (f₂ : w --> y)
       (g₁ : v --> z)
       (g₂ : w --> z)
       (γ₁ : invertible_2cell (f₁ · ι₁) (g₁ · h))
       (γ₂ : invertible_2cell (f₂ · ι₂) (g₂ · h))
       (H₁ : has_pb_ump (make_pb_cone _ f₁ g₁ γ₁))
       (H₂ : has_pb_ump (make_pb_cone w f₂ g₂ γ₂)),
     has_bincoprod_ump (make_bincoprod_cocone _ g₁ g₂).

Definition is_universal_coproduct_cone
           {B : bicat}
           {x y : B}
           (p : bincoprod_cocone x y)
  : UU
  := is_universal_coproduct
       (bincoprod_cocone_inl p)
       (bincoprod_cocone_inr p).

Definition bicat_with_pb_is_universal_coproduct
           {B : bicat_with_pb}
           {x p y : B}
           (ι₁ : x --> p)
           (ι₂ : y --> p)
  : UU
  := (z : B)
       (h : z --> p),
          (pb_pr2 ι₁ h)
          (pb_pr2 ι₂ h)).

Definition is_universal_from_pb
           {B : bicat_with_pb}
           {x p y : B}
           (ι₁ : x --> p)
           (ι₂ : y --> p)
           (H : bicat_with_pb_is_universal_coproduct ι₁ ι₂)
  : is_universal_coproduct ι₁ ι₂
  := λ z h,
     ι₁ /≃ h
     ι₂ /≃ h
     pb_cell ι₁ h
     pb_cell ι₂ h
     pb_obj_has_pb_ump ι₁ h
     pb_obj_has_pb_ump ι₂ h
     H z h.

Definition is_universal_from_pb_alt
           {B : bicat}
           (HB : has_pb B)
           {x p y : B}
           (ι₁ : x --> p)
           (ι₂ : y --> p)
           (H : @bicat_with_pb_is_universal_coproduct (B ,, HB) _ _ _ ι₁ ι₂)
  : is_universal_coproduct ι₁ ι₂
  := is_universal_from_pb _ _ H.

3. Extensive bicategory