Library UniMath.Bicategories.Limits.CommaObjects

Require Import UniMath.Foundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Bicat.
Import Bicat.Notations.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Invertible_2cells.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Univalence.

Local Open Scope cat.

Section CommaObject.
  Context {B : bicat}
          {b₁ b₂ b₃ : B}
          {f : b₁ --> b₃}
          {g : b₂ --> b₃}.

1. Cones
  Definition comma_cone
    : UU
    := (p : B)
         (π : p --> b₁)
         (π : p --> b₂),
       π · f ==> π · g.

  Coercion comma_cone_obj
           (p : comma_cone)
    : B
    := pr1 p.

  Definition comma_cone_pr1
             (p : comma_cone)
    : p --> b₁
    := pr12 p.

  Definition comma_cone_pr2
             (p : comma_cone)
    : p --> b₂
    := pr122 p.

  Definition comma_cone_cell
             (p : comma_cone)
    : comma_cone_pr1 p · f ==> comma_cone_pr2 p · g
    := pr222 p.

  Definition make_comma_cone
             (p : B)
             (π : p --> b₁)
             (π : p --> b₂)
             (η : π · f ==> π · g)
    : comma_cone
    := (p ,, π ,, π ,, η).

2. 1-cells and 2-cells of cones
  Definition comma_1cell
             (p q : comma_cone)
    : UU
    := (φ : p --> q)
         (τ : invertible_2cell
                (φ · comma_cone_pr1 q)
                (comma_cone_pr1 p))
         (θ : invertible_2cell
                (φ · comma_cone_pr2 q)
                (comma_cone_pr2 p)),
       φ comma_cone_cell q
       lassociator _ _ _
        (τ f)
        comma_cone_cell p
        (θ^-1 g)
        rassociator _ _ _.

  Coercion comma_1cell_1cell
           {p q : comma_cone}
           (φ : comma_1cell p q)
    : p --> q
    := pr1 φ.

  Definition comma_1cell_pr1
             {p q : comma_cone}
             (φ : comma_1cell p q)
    : invertible_2cell
        (φ · comma_cone_pr1 q)
        (comma_cone_pr1 p)
    := pr12 φ.

  Definition comma_1cell_pr2
             {p q : comma_cone}
             (φ : comma_1cell p q)
    : invertible_2cell
        (φ · comma_cone_pr2 q)
        (comma_cone_pr2 p)
    := pr122 φ.

  Definition comma_1cell_eq
             {p q : comma_cone}
             (φ : comma_1cell p q)
    : φ comma_cone_cell q
      lassociator _ _ _
       (comma_1cell_pr1 φ f)
       comma_cone_cell p
       ((comma_1cell_pr2 φ)^-1 g)
       rassociator _ _ _
    := pr222 φ.

  Definition make_comma_1cell
             {p q : comma_cone}
             (φ : p --> q)
             (τ : invertible_2cell
                    (φ · comma_cone_pr1 q)
                    (comma_cone_pr1 p))
             (θ : invertible_2cell
                    (φ · comma_cone_pr2 q)
                    (comma_cone_pr2 p))
             (H : φ comma_cone_cell q
                  lassociator _ _ _
                   (τ f)
                   comma_cone_cell p
                   (θ^-1 g)
                   rassociator _ _ _)
    : comma_1cell p q
    := (φ ,, τ ,, θ ,, H).

  Definition eq_comma_1cell
             {p q : comma_cone}
             (φ ψ : comma_1cell p q)
             (r₁ : pr1 φ = pr1 ψ)
             (r₂ : pr1 (comma_1cell_pr1 φ)
                   (idtoiso_2_1 _ _ r₁ comma_cone_pr1 q) pr1 (comma_1cell_pr1 ψ))
             (r₃ : pr1 (comma_1cell_pr2 φ)
                   (idtoiso_2_1 _ _ r₁ comma_cone_pr2 q) pr1 (comma_1cell_pr2 ψ))
    : φ = ψ.
  Show proof.
    induction φ as [ φ [ φ [ φ φ ]]].
    induction ψ as [ ψ [ ψ [ ψ ψ ]]].
    cbn in r₁.
    induction r₁ ; cbn in r₂.
    apply maponpaths.
    assert = ψ) as r'.
      use subtypePath.
        intro ; apply isaprop_is_invertible_2cell.
      rewrite id2_rwhisker, id2_left in r₂.
      exact r₂.
    induction r'.
    apply maponpaths.
    use subtypePath.
      intro ; apply cellset_property.
    cbn in r₃.
    rewrite id2_rwhisker, id2_left in r₃.
    use subtypePath.
      intro ; apply isaprop_is_invertible_2cell.
    exact r₃.

3. Statements of universal mapping properties of pullbacks
  Section UniversalMappingPropertyStatements.
    Variable (p : comma_cone).

    Definition comma_ump_1
      : UU
      := (q : comma_cone), comma_1cell q p.

    Definition comma_ump_2
      : UU
      := (q : B)
           (φ ψ : q --> p)
           (α : φ · comma_cone_pr1 p ==> ψ · comma_cone_pr1 p)
           (β : φ · comma_cone_pr2 p ==> ψ · comma_cone_pr2 p)
           (r : (φ comma_cone_cell p)
                 lassociator _ _ _
                 (β g)
                 rassociator _ _ _
                lassociator _ _ _
                 (α f)
                 rassociator _ _ _
                 (ψ comma_cone_cell p)),
         ∃! (γ : φ ==> ψ),
         (γ comma_cone_pr1 p = α)
         (γ comma_cone_pr2 p = β).

    Definition has_comma_ump
      : UU
      := comma_ump_1 × comma_ump_2.
  End UniversalMappingPropertyStatements.

  Definition has_comma_ump_1
             {p : comma_cone}
             (H : has_comma_ump p)
    : comma_ump_1 p
    := pr1 H.

  Definition has_comma_ump_2
             {p : comma_cone}
             (H : has_comma_ump p)
    : comma_ump_2 p
    := pr2 H.

  Section Projections.
    Context {p : comma_cone}
            (Hp : has_comma_ump p).

    Definition comma_ump_mor
               (q : comma_cone)
      : q --> p
      := pr1 Hp q.

    Definition comma_ump_mor_pr1
               (q : comma_cone)
      : invertible_2cell
          (comma_ump_mor q · comma_cone_pr1 p)
          (comma_cone_pr1 q)
      := comma_1cell_pr1 (pr1 Hp q).

    Definition comma_ump_mor_pr2
               (q : comma_cone)
      : invertible_2cell
          (comma_ump_mor q · comma_cone_pr2 p)
          (comma_cone_pr2 q)
      := comma_1cell_pr2 (pr1 Hp q).

    Definition comma_ump_mor_cell
               (q : comma_cone)
      : pr1 Hp q comma_cone_cell p
        lassociator (pr1 Hp q) (comma_cone_pr1 p) f
         (comma_1cell_pr1 (pr1 Hp q) f)
         comma_cone_cell q
         ((comma_1cell_pr2 (pr1 Hp q)) ^-1 g)
         rassociator (pr1 Hp q) (comma_cone_pr2 p) g
      := comma_1cell_eq (pr1 Hp q).

    Section CellProperty.
      Context {q : B}
              (φ ψ : q --> p)
              (α : φ · comma_cone_pr1 p ==> ψ · comma_cone_pr1 p)
              (β : φ · comma_cone_pr2 p ==> ψ · comma_cone_pr2 p)
              (r : (φ comma_cone_cell p)
                    lassociator _ _ _
                    (β g)
                    rassociator _ _ _
                   lassociator _ _ _
                    (α f)
                    rassociator _ _ _
                    (ψ comma_cone_cell p)).

      Definition comma_ump_cell
        : φ ==> ψ
        := pr11 (pr2 Hp q φ ψ α β r).

      Definition comma_ump_cell_pr1
        : comma_ump_cell comma_cone_pr1 p = α
        := pr121 (pr2 Hp q φ ψ α β r).

      Definition comma_ump_cell_pr2
        : comma_ump_cell comma_cone_pr2 p = β
        := pr221 (pr2 Hp q φ ψ α β r).

      Definition comma_ump_eq
                 (τ τ : φ ==> ψ)
                 (τ₁_pr1 : τ comma_cone_pr1 p = α)
                 (τ₁_pr2 : τ comma_cone_pr2 p = β)
                 (τ₂_pr1 : τ comma_cone_pr1 p = α)
                 (τ₂_pr2 : τ comma_cone_pr2 p = β)
        : τ = τ
        := maponpaths
                (isapropifcontr (pr2 Hp q φ ψ α β r))
                (τ ,, τ₁_pr1 ,, τ₁_pr2)
                (τ ,, τ₂_pr1 ,, τ₂_pr2)).
      End CellProperty.
  End Projections.

  Section InvertibleCommaUmpCell.
    Context {p : comma_cone}
            (Hp : has_comma_ump p)
            {q : B}
            {φ ψ : q --> p}
            {α : φ · comma_cone_pr1 p ==> ψ · comma_cone_pr1 p}
            {β : φ · comma_cone_pr2 p ==> ψ · comma_cone_pr2 p}
            (r : (φ comma_cone_cell p)
                    lassociator _ _ _
                    (β g)
                    rassociator _ _ _
                 lassociator _ _ _
                              (α f)
                              rassociator _ _ _
                              (ψ comma_cone_cell p))
            ( : is_invertible_2cell α)
            ( : is_invertible_2cell β).

    Definition is_invertible_2cell_comma_ump_cell_inv : ψ ==> φ.
    Show proof.
      use (comma_ump_cell Hp _ _ (^-1) (^-1)).
        (do 3 (use vcomp_move_R_Mp ; [ is_iso | ]) ;
         rewrite !vassocl ;
         do 3 (use vcomp_move_L_pM ; [ is_iso | ]) ;
         cbn ;
         rewrite !vassocr ;
         exact (!r)).

    Lemma is_invertible_2cell_comma_ump_cell_left
      : comma_ump_cell Hp φ ψ α β r is_invertible_2cell_comma_ump_cell_inv
        id₂ φ.
    Show proof.
      use (comma_ump_eq Hp).
      - apply id2.
      - apply id2.
      - rewrite !id2_rwhisker, !id2_right.
        rewrite lassociator_rassociator, id2_left.
        rewrite vassocl.
        rewrite lassociator_rassociator.
        apply id2_right.
      - unfold is_invertible_2cell_comma_ump_cell_inv.
        rewrite <- rwhisker_vcomp.
        rewrite !comma_ump_cell_pr1.
        apply vcomp_rinv.
      - unfold is_invertible_2cell_comma_ump_cell_inv.
        rewrite <- rwhisker_vcomp.
        rewrite !comma_ump_cell_pr2.
        apply vcomp_rinv.
      - apply id2_rwhisker.
      - apply id2_rwhisker.

    Lemma is_invertible_2cell_comma_ump_cell_right
      : is_invertible_2cell_comma_ump_cell_inv comma_ump_cell Hp φ ψ α β r
        id₂ _.
    Show proof.
      use (comma_ump_eq Hp).
      - apply id2.
      - apply id2.
      - rewrite !id2_rwhisker, !id2_right.
        rewrite lassociator_rassociator, id2_left.
        rewrite vassocl.
        rewrite lassociator_rassociator.
        apply id2_right.
      - unfold is_invertible_2cell_comma_ump_cell_inv.
        rewrite <- rwhisker_vcomp.
        rewrite !comma_ump_cell_pr1.
        apply vcomp_linv.
      - unfold is_invertible_2cell_comma_ump_cell_inv.
        rewrite <- rwhisker_vcomp.
        rewrite !comma_ump_cell_pr2.
        apply vcomp_linv.
      - apply id2_rwhisker.
      - apply id2_rwhisker.

    Definition is_invertible_2cell_comma_ump_cell
      : is_invertible_2cell (comma_ump_cell Hp φ ψ α β r).
    Show proof.
  End InvertibleCommaUmpCell.

4. Being a pullback is a property (requires local univalence)
  Definition isaprop_has_comma_ump
             (HB_2_1 : is_univalent_2_1 B)
             (p : comma_cone)
    : isaprop (has_comma_ump p).
  Show proof.
    use invproofirrelevance.
    intros χ χ.
    use subtypePath.
      do 6 (use impred ; intro).
      apply isapropiscontr.
    use funextsec ; intro q.
    use eq_comma_1cell ; cbn.
    - use (isotoid_2_1 HB_2_1).
      use make_invertible_2cell.
      + use (comma_ump_cell χ).
        * exact (comma_ump_mor_pr1 χ q (comma_ump_mor_pr1 χ q)^-1).
        * exact (comma_ump_mor_pr2 χ q (comma_ump_mor_pr2 χ q)^-1).
        * abstract
            (refine (!_) ;
             refine (maponpaths (λ z, _ z) (comma_ump_mor_cell χ q) @ _) ;
             rewrite !vassocl ;
             refine (!_) ;
             refine (maponpaths (λ z, z _) (comma_ump_mor_cell χ q) @ _) ;
             rewrite <- !rwhisker_vcomp ;
             rewrite !vassocl ;
             do 2 apply maponpaths ;
             rewrite !vassocr ;
             do 2 apply maponpaths_2 ;
             rewrite !vassocl ;
             rewrite !(maponpaths (λ z, _ (_ z)) (vassocr _ _ _)) ;
             rewrite rassociator_lassociator ;
             rewrite id2_left ;
             rewrite rwhisker_vcomp ;
             rewrite vcomp_linv ;
             rewrite id2_rwhisker ;
             rewrite id2_right ;
             rewrite !vassocl ;
             rewrite !(maponpaths (λ z, _ z) (vassocr _ _ _)) ;
             rewrite rassociator_lassociator ;
             rewrite id2_left ;
             rewrite !vassocr ;
             rewrite rwhisker_vcomp ;
             rewrite vcomp_linv ;
             rewrite id2_rwhisker ;
             rewrite id2_left ;
             apply idpath).
      + use make_is_invertible_2cell.
        * use (comma_ump_cell χ).
          ** exact (comma_ump_mor_pr1 χ q (comma_ump_mor_pr1 χ q)^-1).
          ** exact (comma_ump_mor_pr2 χ q (comma_ump_mor_pr2 χ q)^-1).
          ** abstract
               (refine (!_) ;
                refine (maponpaths (λ z, _ z) (comma_ump_mor_cell χ q) @ _) ;
                rewrite !vassocl ;
                refine (!_) ;
                refine (maponpaths (λ z, z _) (comma_ump_mor_cell χ q) @ _) ;
                rewrite <- !rwhisker_vcomp ;
                rewrite !vassocl ;
                do 2 apply maponpaths ;
                rewrite !vassocr ;
                do 2 apply maponpaths_2 ;
                rewrite !vassocl ;
                rewrite !(maponpaths (λ z, _ (_ z)) (vassocr _ _ _)) ;
                rewrite rassociator_lassociator ;
                rewrite id2_left ;
                rewrite rwhisker_vcomp ;
                rewrite vcomp_linv ;
                rewrite id2_rwhisker ;
                rewrite id2_right ;
                rewrite !vassocl ;
                rewrite !(maponpaths (λ z, _ z) (vassocr _ _ _)) ;
                rewrite rassociator_lassociator ;
                rewrite id2_left ;
                rewrite !vassocr ;
                rewrite rwhisker_vcomp ;
                rewrite vcomp_linv ;
                rewrite id2_rwhisker ;
                rewrite id2_left ;
                apply idpath).
        * use (comma_ump_eq χ _ _ (id₂ _) (id₂ _)).
          ** abstract
               (rewrite !id2_rwhisker ;
                rewrite !id2_right ;
                rewrite lassociator_rassociator ;
                rewrite !vassocl ;
                rewrite lassociator_rassociator ;
                rewrite id2_left, id2_right ;
                apply idpath).
          ** abstract
               (rewrite <- rwhisker_vcomp ;
                rewrite !comma_ump_cell_pr1 ;
                rewrite !vassocl ;
                rewrite !(maponpaths (λ z, _ z) (vassocr _ _ _)) ;
                rewrite vcomp_linv ;
                rewrite id2_left ;
                rewrite vcomp_rinv ;
                apply idpath).
          ** abstract
               (rewrite <- rwhisker_vcomp ;
                rewrite !comma_ump_cell_pr2 ;
                rewrite !vassocl ;
                rewrite !(maponpaths (λ z, _ z) (vassocr _ _ _)) ;
                rewrite vcomp_linv ;
                rewrite id2_left ;
                rewrite vcomp_rinv ;
                apply idpath).
          ** apply id2_rwhisker.
          ** apply id2_rwhisker.
        * use (comma_ump_eq χ _ _ (id₂ _) (id₂ _)).
          ** abstract
               (rewrite !id2_rwhisker ;
                rewrite !id2_right ;
                rewrite lassociator_rassociator ;
                rewrite !vassocl ;
                rewrite lassociator_rassociator ;
                rewrite id2_left, id2_right ;
                apply idpath).
          ** abstract
               (rewrite <- rwhisker_vcomp ;
                rewrite !comma_ump_cell_pr1 ;
                rewrite !vassocl ;
                rewrite !(maponpaths (λ z, _ z) (vassocr _ _ _)) ;
                rewrite vcomp_linv ;
                rewrite id2_left ;
                rewrite vcomp_rinv ;
                apply idpath).
          ** abstract
               (rewrite <- rwhisker_vcomp ;
                rewrite !comma_ump_cell_pr2 ;
                rewrite !vassocl ;
                rewrite !(maponpaths (λ z, _ z) (vassocr _ _ _)) ;
                rewrite vcomp_linv ;
                rewrite id2_left ;
                rewrite vcomp_rinv ;
                apply idpath).
          ** apply id2_rwhisker.
          ** apply id2_rwhisker.
    - abstract
        (rewrite idtoiso_2_1_isotoid_2_1 ; cbn ;
         refine (!_) ;
         rewrite comma_ump_cell_pr1 ;
         rewrite !vassocl ;
         rewrite vcomp_linv ;
         apply id2_right).
    - abstract
        (rewrite idtoiso_2_1_isotoid_2_1 ; cbn ;
         refine (!_) ;
         rewrite comma_ump_cell_pr2 ;
         rewrite !vassocl ;
         rewrite vcomp_linv ;
         apply id2_right).
End CommaObject.

Arguments comma_cone {_ _ _ _} _ _.

5. Bicategories with comma objects
Definition has_comma
           (B : bicat)
  : UU
  := (b₁ b₂ b₃ : B)
       (f : b₁ --> b₃)
       (g : b₂ --> b₃),
      (p : comma_cone f g),
     has_comma_ump p.

Definition bicat_with_comma
  : UU
  := (B : bicat), has_comma B.

Coercion bicat_with_comma_to_bicat
         (B : bicat_with_comma)
  : bicat
  := pr1 B.