Library UniMath.Bicategories.Monads.Examples.MonadsInBicatOfUnivCats

1. Monads internal to `bicat_of_univ_cats` to monads
Definition mnd_bicat_of_univ_cats_to_Monad
           (m : mnd bicat_of_univ_cats)
  : Monad (pr1(ob_of_mnd m)).
Show proof.
  simple refine (_,,((_ ,, _) ,, _)).
  - exact (endo_of_mnd m).
  - exact (mult_of_mnd m).
  - exact (unit_of_mnd m).
  - repeat split.
    + abstract
        (intro x ; cbn ;
         pose (nat_trans_eq_pointwise (mnd_unit_right m) x) as p ;
         cbn in p ;
         rewrite id_left in p ;
         exact p).
    + abstract
        (intro x ; cbn ;
         pose (nat_trans_eq_pointwise (mnd_unit_left m) x) as p ;
         cbn in p ;
         rewrite id_left in p ;
         exact p).
    + abstract
        (intro x ; cbn ;
         pose (nat_trans_eq_pointwise (mnd_mult_assoc m) x) as p ;
         cbn in p ;
         rewrite id_left in p ;
         exact (!p)).

2. The inverse
Definition Monad_to_mnd_bicat_of_univ_cats
           {C : univalent_category}
           (m : Monad C)
  : mnd bicat_of_univ_cats.
Show proof.
  use make_mnd.
  - use make_mnd_data.
    + exact C.
    + cbn.
      exact m.
    + exact (η m).
    + exact (μ m).
  - repeat split.
    + abstract
        (use nat_trans_eq ; [ apply homset_property | ] ;
         intro x ;
         cbn ;
         rewrite id_left ;
         apply (Monad_law2(T:=m) x)).
    + abstract
        (use nat_trans_eq ; [ apply homset_property | ] ;
         intro x ;
         cbn ;
         rewrite id_left ;
         apply (Monad_law1(T:=m) x)).
    + abstract
        (use nat_trans_eq ; [ apply homset_property | ] ;
         intro x ;
         cbn ;
         rewrite id_left ;
         refine (!_) ;
         apply (Monad_law3(T:=m) x)).

3. The equivalence
Definition mnd_bicat_of_univ_cats_weq_Monad_inv₁
           (m : mnd bicat_of_univ_cats)
  : Monad_to_mnd_bicat_of_univ_cats (mnd_bicat_of_univ_cats_to_Monad m) = m.
Show proof.
  use total2_paths_f.
  - apply idpath.
  - cbn.
    use subtypePath.
      apply isaprop_is_mnd.
    apply idpath.

Definition mnd_bicat_of_univ_cats_weq_Monad_inv₂
           {C : univalent_category}
           (m : Monad C)
  : mnd_bicat_of_univ_cats_to_Monad (Monad_to_mnd_bicat_of_univ_cats m) = m.
Show proof.
  use total2_paths_f.
  { apply idpath. }
  apply monads_category_disp_eq.
  apply idpath.

Definition mnd_bicat_of_univ_cats_weq_Monad
  : mnd bicat_of_univ_cats (C : univalent_category), Monad C.
Show proof.
  use make_weq.
  - exact (λ m, ob_of_mnd m ,, mnd_bicat_of_univ_cats_to_Monad m).
  - use isweq_iso.
    + exact (λ m, Monad_to_mnd_bicat_of_univ_cats (pr2 m)).
    + exact mnd_bicat_of_univ_cats_weq_Monad_inv₁.
    + abstract
        (intro m ;
         refine (maponpaths (λ z, pr1 m ,, z) _) ;
         exact (mnd_bicat_of_univ_cats_weq_Monad_inv₂ (pr2 m))).