Library UniMath.Bicategories.Morphisms.Properties.Composition
Properties of composition
1. Composition of equivalences
2. Composition of adjoint equivalences
3. Composition of faithful 1-cells
4. Composition of fully faithful 1-cells
5. Composition of discrete 1-cells
6. Composition of pseudomonic 1-cells
7. Composition of Street fibrations
8. Composition of Street opfibrations
9. Composition of adjunctions
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Bicat.
Import Bicat.Notations.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Invertible_2cells.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Unitors.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.BicategoryLaws.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.EquivToAdjequiv.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Univalence.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.AdjointUnique.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Morphisms.Adjunctions.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Morphisms.FullyFaithful.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Morphisms.DiscreteMorphisms.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Morphisms.InternalStreetFibration.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Morphisms.InternalStreetOpFibration.
Local Open Scope cat.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Bicat.
Import Bicat.Notations.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Invertible_2cells.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Unitors.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.BicategoryLaws.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.EquivToAdjequiv.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Univalence.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.AdjointUnique.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Morphisms.Adjunctions.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Morphisms.FullyFaithful.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Morphisms.DiscreteMorphisms.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Morphisms.InternalStreetFibration.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Morphisms.InternalStreetOpFibration.
Local Open Scope cat.
1. Composition of equivalences
Section CompositionEquivalence.
Context {B : bicat}
{a b c : B}
(l₁ : a --> b)
(l₂ : b --> c)
(Hl₁ : left_equivalence l₁)
(Hl₂ : left_equivalence l₂).
Let r₁ : b --> a := left_adjoint_right_adjoint Hl₁.
Let r₂ : c --> b := left_adjoint_right_adjoint Hl₂.
Let η₁ : invertible_2cell (id₁ a) (l₁ · r₁)
:= left_equivalence_unit_iso Hl₁.
Let η₂ : invertible_2cell (id₁ b) (l₂ · r₂)
:= left_equivalence_unit_iso Hl₂.
Let ε₁ : invertible_2cell (r₁ · l₁) (id₁ b)
:= left_equivalence_counit_iso Hl₁.
Let ε₂ : invertible_2cell (r₂ · l₂) (id₁ c)
:= left_equivalence_counit_iso Hl₂.
Let ηc : id₁ a ==> l₁ · l₂ · (r₂ · r₁)
:= η₁
• (rinvunitor _
• (l₁ ◃ η₂)
• lassociator _ _ _ ▹ r₁)
• rassociator _ _ _.
Let εc : r₂ · r₁ · (l₁ · l₂) ==> id₁ c
:= rassociator _ _ _
• (r₂ ◃ (lassociator _ _ _
• (ε₁ ▹ l₂)
• lunitor _))
• ε₂.
Definition comp_equiv
: left_equivalence (l₁ · l₂).
Show proof.
Context {B : bicat}
{a b c : B}
(l₁ : a --> b)
(l₂ : b --> c)
(Hl₁ : left_equivalence l₁)
(Hl₂ : left_equivalence l₂).
Let r₁ : b --> a := left_adjoint_right_adjoint Hl₁.
Let r₂ : c --> b := left_adjoint_right_adjoint Hl₂.
Let η₁ : invertible_2cell (id₁ a) (l₁ · r₁)
:= left_equivalence_unit_iso Hl₁.
Let η₂ : invertible_2cell (id₁ b) (l₂ · r₂)
:= left_equivalence_unit_iso Hl₂.
Let ε₁ : invertible_2cell (r₁ · l₁) (id₁ b)
:= left_equivalence_counit_iso Hl₁.
Let ε₂ : invertible_2cell (r₂ · l₂) (id₁ c)
:= left_equivalence_counit_iso Hl₂.
Let ηc : id₁ a ==> l₁ · l₂ · (r₂ · r₁)
:= η₁
• (rinvunitor _
• (l₁ ◃ η₂)
• lassociator _ _ _ ▹ r₁)
• rassociator _ _ _.
Let εc : r₂ · r₁ · (l₁ · l₂) ==> id₁ c
:= rassociator _ _ _
• (r₂ ◃ (lassociator _ _ _
• (ε₁ ▹ l₂)
• lunitor _))
• ε₂.
Definition comp_equiv
: left_equivalence (l₁ · l₂).
Show proof.
simple refine ((_ ,, (_ ,, _)) ,, (_ ,, _)).
- exact (r₂ · r₁).
- exact ηc.
- exact εc.
- cbn ; unfold ηc.
+ apply property_from_invertible_2cell.
+ apply property_from_invertible_2cell.
- cbn ; unfold εc.
+ apply property_from_invertible_2cell.
+ apply property_from_invertible_2cell.
End CompositionEquivalence.- exact (r₂ · r₁).
- exact ηc.
- exact εc.
- cbn ; unfold ηc.
+ apply property_from_invertible_2cell.
+ apply property_from_invertible_2cell.
- cbn ; unfold εc.
+ apply property_from_invertible_2cell.
+ apply property_from_invertible_2cell.
2. Composition of adjoint equivalences
Definition comp_adjequiv
{B : bicat}
{a b c : B}
(l₁ : adjoint_equivalence a b)
(l₂ : adjoint_equivalence b c)
: adjoint_equivalence a c.
Show proof.
Definition comp_left_adjoint_equivalence
{B : bicat}
{a b c : B}
{l₁ : a --> b}
(Hl₁ : left_adjoint_equivalence l₁)
{l₂ : b --> c}
(Hl₂ : left_adjoint_equivalence l₂)
: left_adjoint_equivalence (l₁ · l₂).
Show proof.
Lemma unique_adjoint_equivalence_comp
{B : bicat}
(HB : is_univalent_2 B)
{a b c : B}
: ∏ (f : adjoint_equivalence a b) (g : adjoint_equivalence b c),
comp_adjequiv f g = comp_adjoint_equivalence (pr1 HB) a b c f g.
Show proof.
{B : bicat}
{a b c : B}
(l₁ : adjoint_equivalence a b)
(l₂ : adjoint_equivalence b c)
: adjoint_equivalence a c.
Show proof.
Definition comp_left_adjoint_equivalence
{B : bicat}
{a b c : B}
{l₁ : a --> b}
(Hl₁ : left_adjoint_equivalence l₁)
{l₂ : b --> c}
(Hl₂ : left_adjoint_equivalence l₂)
: left_adjoint_equivalence (l₁ · l₂).
Show proof.
Lemma unique_adjoint_equivalence_comp
{B : bicat}
(HB : is_univalent_2 B)
{a b c : B}
: ∏ (f : adjoint_equivalence a b) (g : adjoint_equivalence b c),
comp_adjequiv f g = comp_adjoint_equivalence (pr1 HB) a b c f g.
Show proof.
use (J_2_0 (pr1 HB) (λ a b f, _)).
intros x g; simpl.
unfold comp_adjoint_equivalence.
rewrite J_2_0_comp.
use subtypePath.
exact (isaprop_left_adjoint_equivalence _ (pr2 HB)).
apply (isotoid_2_1 (pr2 HB)).
use make_invertible_2cell.
- exact (lunitor (pr1 g)).
- is_iso.
intros x g; simpl.
unfold comp_adjoint_equivalence.
rewrite J_2_0_comp.
use subtypePath.
exact (isaprop_left_adjoint_equivalence _ (pr2 HB)).
apply (isotoid_2_1 (pr2 HB)).
use make_invertible_2cell.
- exact (lunitor (pr1 g)).
- is_iso.
3. Composition of faithful 1-cells
Definition comp_faithful
{B : bicat}
{a b c : B}
{f : a --> b}
{g : b --> c}
(Hf : faithful_1cell f)
(Hg : faithful_1cell g)
: faithful_1cell (f · g).
Show proof.
{B : bicat}
{a b c : B}
{f : a --> b}
{g : b --> c}
(Hf : faithful_1cell f)
(Hg : faithful_1cell g)
: faithful_1cell (f · g).
Show proof.
intros z g₁ g₂ α₁ α₂ p.
apply (faithful_1cell_eq_cell Hf).
apply (faithful_1cell_eq_cell Hg).
use (vcomp_rcancel (rassociator _ _ _)).
rewrite !rwhisker_rwhisker_alt.
rewrite p.
apply idpath.
apply (faithful_1cell_eq_cell Hf).
apply (faithful_1cell_eq_cell Hg).
use (vcomp_rcancel (rassociator _ _ _)).
rewrite !rwhisker_rwhisker_alt.
rewrite p.
apply idpath.
4. Composition of fully faithful 1-cells
Definition comp_fully_faithful
{B : bicat}
{a b c : B}
{f : a --> b}
{g : b --> c}
(Hf : fully_faithful_1cell f)
(Hg : fully_faithful_1cell g)
: fully_faithful_1cell (f · g).
Show proof.
{B : bicat}
{a b c : B}
{f : a --> b}
{g : b --> c}
(Hf : fully_faithful_1cell f)
(Hg : fully_faithful_1cell g)
: fully_faithful_1cell (f · g).
Show proof.
use make_fully_faithful.
- exact (comp_faithful
(fully_faithful_1cell_faithful Hf)
(fully_faithful_1cell_faithful Hg)).
- intros z g₁ g₂ αf.
simple refine (_ ,, _).
+ apply (fully_faithful_1cell_inv_map Hf).
apply (fully_faithful_1cell_inv_map Hg).
exact (rassociator _ _ _ • αf • lassociator _ _ _).
+ abstract
(cbn ;
use (vcomp_rcancel (lassociator _ _ _)) ; [ is_iso | ] ;
rewrite !vassocl ;
rewrite <- rwhisker_rwhisker ;
rewrite !fully_faithful_1cell_inv_map_eq ;
rewrite !vassocr ;
rewrite lassociator_rassociator ;
rewrite id2_left ;
apply idpath).
- exact (comp_faithful
(fully_faithful_1cell_faithful Hf)
(fully_faithful_1cell_faithful Hg)).
- intros z g₁ g₂ αf.
simple refine (_ ,, _).
+ apply (fully_faithful_1cell_inv_map Hf).
apply (fully_faithful_1cell_inv_map Hg).
exact (rassociator _ _ _ • αf • lassociator _ _ _).
+ abstract
(cbn ;
use (vcomp_rcancel (lassociator _ _ _)) ; [ is_iso | ] ;
rewrite !vassocl ;
rewrite <- rwhisker_rwhisker ;
rewrite !fully_faithful_1cell_inv_map_eq ;
rewrite !vassocr ;
rewrite lassociator_rassociator ;
rewrite id2_left ;
apply idpath).
5. Composition of conservative 1-cells
Definition comp_conservative
{B : bicat}
{a b c : B}
{f : a --> b}
{g : b --> c}
(Hf : conservative_1cell f)
(Hg : conservative_1cell g)
: conservative_1cell (f · g).
Show proof.
{B : bicat}
{a b c : B}
{f : a --> b}
{g : b --> c}
(Hf : conservative_1cell f)
(Hg : conservative_1cell g)
: conservative_1cell (f · g).
Show proof.
intros x g₁ g₂ α Hα.
apply Hf.
apply Hg.
use eq_is_invertible_2cell.
- exact (rassociator _ _ _ • (α ▹ f · g) • lassociator _ _ _).
- abstract
(rewrite !vassocl ;
rewrite <- rwhisker_rwhisker ;
rewrite !vassocr ;
rewrite rassociator_lassociator ;
apply id2_left).
- use is_invertible_2cell_vcomp.
+ use is_invertible_2cell_vcomp.
* is_iso.
* exact Hα.
+ is_iso.
apply Hf.
apply Hg.
use eq_is_invertible_2cell.
- exact (rassociator _ _ _ • (α ▹ f · g) • lassociator _ _ _).
- abstract
(rewrite !vassocl ;
rewrite <- rwhisker_rwhisker ;
rewrite !vassocr ;
rewrite rassociator_lassociator ;
apply id2_left).
- use is_invertible_2cell_vcomp.
+ use is_invertible_2cell_vcomp.
* is_iso.
* exact Hα.
+ is_iso.
5. Composition of discrete 1-cells
Definition comp_discrete
{B : bicat}
{a b c : B}
{f : a --> b}
{g : b --> c}
(Hf : discrete_1cell f)
(Hg : discrete_1cell g)
: discrete_1cell (f · g).
Show proof.
{B : bicat}
{a b c : B}
{f : a --> b}
{g : b --> c}
(Hf : discrete_1cell f)
(Hg : discrete_1cell g)
: discrete_1cell (f · g).
Show proof.
- apply comp_faithful.
+ exact (pr1 Hf).
+ exact (pr1 Hg).
- apply comp_conservative.
+ exact (pr2 Hf).
+ exact (pr2 Hg).
- apply comp_faithful.
+ exact (pr1 Hf).
+ exact (pr1 Hg).
- apply comp_conservative.
+ exact (pr2 Hf).
+ exact (pr2 Hg).
6. Composition of pseudomonic 1-cells
Definition comp_pseudomonic
{B : bicat}
{a b c : B}
{f : a --> b}
{g : b --> c}
(Hf : pseudomonic_1cell f)
(Hg : pseudomonic_1cell g)
: pseudomonic_1cell (f · g).
Show proof.
{B : bicat}
{a b c : B}
{f : a --> b}
{g : b --> c}
(Hf : pseudomonic_1cell f)
(Hg : pseudomonic_1cell g)
: pseudomonic_1cell (f · g).
Show proof.
use make_pseudomonic.
- apply comp_faithful.
+ apply pseudomonic_1cell_faithful.
exact Hf.
+ apply pseudomonic_1cell_faithful.
exact Hg.
- intros z g₁ g₂ αf Hαf.
simple refine (_ ,, _).
+ simple refine (pseudomonic_1cell_inv_map Hf _ _).
* apply (pseudomonic_1cell_inv_map
(rassociator _ _ _ • αf • lassociator _ _ _)).
* apply is_invertible_2cell_pseudomonic_1cell_inv_map.
+ split.
* apply is_invertible_2cell_pseudomonic_1cell_inv_map.
* abstract
(use (vcomp_lcancel (rassociator _ _ _)) ; [ is_iso | ] ;
rewrite <- rwhisker_rwhisker_alt ;
rewrite !pseudomonic_1cell_inv_map_eq ;
rewrite !vassocl ;
rewrite lassociator_rassociator ;
rewrite id2_right ;
apply idpath).
- apply comp_faithful.
+ apply pseudomonic_1cell_faithful.
exact Hf.
+ apply pseudomonic_1cell_faithful.
exact Hg.
- intros z g₁ g₂ αf Hαf.
simple refine (_ ,, _).
+ simple refine (pseudomonic_1cell_inv_map Hf _ _).
* apply (pseudomonic_1cell_inv_map
(rassociator _ _ _ • αf • lassociator _ _ _)).
* apply is_invertible_2cell_pseudomonic_1cell_inv_map.
+ split.
* apply is_invertible_2cell_pseudomonic_1cell_inv_map.
* abstract
(use (vcomp_lcancel (rassociator _ _ _)) ; [ is_iso | ] ;
rewrite <- rwhisker_rwhisker_alt ;
rewrite !pseudomonic_1cell_inv_map_eq ;
rewrite !vassocl ;
rewrite lassociator_rassociator ;
rewrite id2_right ;
apply idpath).
7. Composition of Street fibrations
Section CompositionOfSFib.
Context {B : bicat}
{a b c : B}
{f : a --> b}
{g : b --> c}
(Hf : internal_sfib f)
(Hg : internal_sfib g).
Section CompCartesian.
Context {z : B}
{h₁ h₂ : z --> a}
(α : h₁ ==> h₂)
(Hα₁ : is_cartesian_2cell_sfib f α)
(Hα₂ : is_cartesian_2cell_sfib g (α ▹ f)).
Section ToCartesianComp.
Context {k : z --> a}
{β : k ==> h₂}
{δp : k · (f · g) ==> h₁ · (f · g)}
(q : β ▹ f · g = δp • (α ▹ f · g)).
Local Lemma to_is_cartesian_2cell_comp_factor_help
: (β ▹ f) ▹ g
rassociator k f g • δp • lassociator h₁ f g • ((α ▹ f) ▹ g).
Show proof.
Let ζ : k · f ==> h₁ · f
:= is_cartesian_2cell_sfib_factor
(β ▹ f)
(rassociator _ _ _ • δp • lassociator _ _ _)
Definition to_is_cartesian_2cell_comp_factor
: k ==> h₁.
Show proof.
Definition to_is_cartesian_2cell_comp_over
: to_is_cartesian_2cell_comp_factor ▹ f · g = δp.
Show proof.
Definition to_is_cartesian_2cell_comp_comm
: to_is_cartesian_2cell_comp_factor • α = β.
Show proof.
Definition to_is_cartesian_2cell_comp_unique
: isaprop (∑ (δ : k ==> h₁), δ ▹ f · g = δp × δ • α = β).
Show proof.
Definition to_is_cartesian_2cell_comp
: is_cartesian_2cell_sfib (f · g) α.
Show proof.
Section CompCleaving.
Context {z : B}
{h₁ : z --> c}
{h₂ : z --> a}
(α : h₁ ==> h₂ · (f · g)).
Let ℓ₁ : z --> b
:= pr1 (pr1 Hg z h₁ (h₂ · f) (α • lassociator _ _ _)).
Let γ₁ : ℓ₁ ==> h₂ · f
:= pr12 (pr1 Hg z h₁ (h₂ · f) (α • lassociator _ _ _)).
Let β₁ : invertible_2cell (ℓ₁ · g) h₁
:= pr122 (pr1 Hg z h₁ (h₂ · f) (α • lassociator _ _ _)).
Let Hγ₁ : is_cartesian_2cell_sfib g γ₁
:= pr1 (pr222 (pr1 Hg z h₁ (h₂ · f) (α • lassociator _ _ _))).
Let p₁ : γ₁ ▹ g = β₁ • (α • lassociator h₂ f g)
:= pr2 (pr222 (pr1 Hg z h₁ (h₂ · f) (α • lassociator _ _ _))).
Let ℓ₂ : z --> a
:= pr1 (pr1 Hf z ℓ₁ h₂ γ₁).
Let γ₂ : ℓ₂ ==> h₂
:= pr12 (pr1 Hf z ℓ₁ h₂ γ₁).
Let β₂ : invertible_2cell (ℓ₂ · f) ℓ₁
:= pr122 (pr1 Hf z ℓ₁ h₂ γ₁).
Let Hγ₂ : is_cartesian_2cell_sfib f γ₂
:= pr1 (pr222 (pr1 Hf z ℓ₁ h₂ γ₁)).
Let p₂ : γ₂ ▹ f = β₂ • γ₁
:= pr2 (pr222 (pr1 Hf z ℓ₁ h₂ γ₁)).
Definition comp_sfib_cleaving_lift
: z --> a
:= ℓ₂.
Definition comp_sfib_cleaving_cell
: comp_sfib_cleaving_lift ==> h₂
:= γ₂.
Definition comp_sfib_cleaving_cell_over_f
: comp_sfib_cleaving_cell ▹ f = β₂ • γ₁
:= p₂.
Definition comp_sfib_cleaving_cell_g_cartesian
: is_cartesian_2cell_sfib g γ₁
:= Hγ₁.
Definition comp_sfib_cleaving_cell_f_cartesian
: is_cartesian_2cell_sfib f comp_sfib_cleaving_cell
:= Hγ₂.
Definition comp_sfib_cleaving_over
: invertible_2cell (comp_sfib_cleaving_lift · (f · g)) h₁
:= comp_of_invertible_2cell
(lassociator_invertible_2cell _ _ _)
Definition comp_sfib_cleaving_is_cartesian_2cell
: is_cartesian_2cell_sfib (f · g) comp_sfib_cleaving_cell.
Show proof.
Definition comp_sfib_cleaving_comm
: comp_sfib_cleaving_cell ▹ f · g
comp_sfib_cleaving_over • α.
Show proof.
Definition comp_sfib_cleaving
: internal_sfib_cleaving (f · g)
:= λ z h₁ h₂ α,
comp_sfib_cleaving_lift α
comp_sfib_cleaving_cell α
comp_sfib_cleaving_over α
comp_sfib_cleaving_is_cartesian_2cell α
comp_sfib_cleaving_comm α.
Section FromCompCartesian.
Context {z : B}
{h₁ h₂ : z --> a}
(α : h₁ ==> h₂)
(Hα : is_cartesian_2cell_sfib (f · g) α).
Local Lemma from_is_cartesian_2cell_eq
: α ▹ f · g
(comp_sfib_cleaving_over (α ▹ f · g))^-1
• (comp_sfib_cleaving_cell (α ▹ f · g) ▹ f · g).
Show proof.
Let ζ : invertible_2cell h₁ (comp_sfib_cleaving_lift (α ▹ f · g))
:= invertible_between_cartesians
(comp_sfib_cleaving_is_cartesian_2cell (α ▹ (f · g)))
(inv_of_invertible_2cell (comp_sfib_cleaving_over (α ▹ f · g)))
Local Lemma from_is_cartesian_2cell_comp_eq
: ζ • comp_sfib_cleaving_cell (α ▹ (f · g))
Show proof.
Definition from_is_cartesian_2cell_comp
: is_cartesian_2cell_sfib f α.
Show proof.
Local Lemma from_is_cartesian_2cell_comp_rwhisker_eq
: ((ζ ▹ f) • (comp_sfib_cleaving_cell (α ▹ f · g) ▹ f))
α ▹ f.
Show proof.
Definition from_is_cartesian_2cell_comp_rwhisker
: is_cartesian_2cell_sfib g (α ▹ f).
Show proof.
Definition comp_lwhisker_is_cartesian
: lwhisker_is_cartesian (f · g).
Show proof.
Definition comp_sfib
: internal_sfib (f · g).
Show proof.
End CompositionOfSFib.
Definition comp_mor_preserves_cartesian
{B : bicat}
{x y z : B}
{f : x --> y}
(Hf : internal_sfib f)
{g : y --> z}
(Hg : internal_sfib g)
: mor_preserves_cartesian (f · g) g f.
Show proof.
Context {B : bicat}
{a b c : B}
{f : a --> b}
{g : b --> c}
(Hf : internal_sfib f)
(Hg : internal_sfib g).
Section CompCartesian.
Context {z : B}
{h₁ h₂ : z --> a}
(α : h₁ ==> h₂)
(Hα₁ : is_cartesian_2cell_sfib f α)
(Hα₂ : is_cartesian_2cell_sfib g (α ▹ f)).
Section ToCartesianComp.
Context {k : z --> a}
{β : k ==> h₂}
{δp : k · (f · g) ==> h₁ · (f · g)}
(q : β ▹ f · g = δp • (α ▹ f · g)).
Local Lemma to_is_cartesian_2cell_comp_factor_help
: (β ▹ f) ▹ g
rassociator k f g • δp • lassociator h₁ f g • ((α ▹ f) ▹ g).
Show proof.
rewrite !vassocl.
use vcomp_move_L_pM ; [ is_iso | ] ; cbn.
rewrite rwhisker_rwhisker.
rewrite q.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite rwhisker_rwhisker.
apply idpath.
use vcomp_move_L_pM ; [ is_iso | ] ; cbn.
rewrite rwhisker_rwhisker.
rewrite q.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite rwhisker_rwhisker.
apply idpath.
Let ζ : k · f ==> h₁ · f
:= is_cartesian_2cell_sfib_factor
(β ▹ f)
(rassociator _ _ _ • δp • lassociator _ _ _)
Definition to_is_cartesian_2cell_comp_factor
: k ==> h₁.
Show proof.
simple refine (is_cartesian_2cell_sfib_factor _ Hα₁ β ζ _).
(unfold ζ ;
rewrite is_cartesian_2cell_sfib_factor_comm ;
apply idpath).
(unfold ζ ;
rewrite is_cartesian_2cell_sfib_factor_comm ;
apply idpath).
Definition to_is_cartesian_2cell_comp_over
: to_is_cartesian_2cell_comp_factor ▹ f · g = δp.
Show proof.
unfold to_is_cartesian_2cell_comp_factor, ζ.
use (vcomp_lcancel (rassociator _ _ _)) ; [ is_iso | ].
rewrite <- rwhisker_rwhisker_alt.
rewrite !is_cartesian_2cell_sfib_factor_over.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite lassociator_rassociator.
rewrite id2_right.
apply idpath.
use (vcomp_lcancel (rassociator _ _ _)) ; [ is_iso | ].
rewrite <- rwhisker_rwhisker_alt.
rewrite !is_cartesian_2cell_sfib_factor_over.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite lassociator_rassociator.
rewrite id2_right.
apply idpath.
Definition to_is_cartesian_2cell_comp_comm
: to_is_cartesian_2cell_comp_factor • α = β.
Show proof.
unfold to_is_cartesian_2cell_comp_factor.
rewrite is_cartesian_2cell_sfib_factor_comm.
apply idpath.
rewrite is_cartesian_2cell_sfib_factor_comm.
apply idpath.
Definition to_is_cartesian_2cell_comp_unique
: isaprop (∑ (δ : k ==> h₁), δ ▹ f · g = δp × δ • α = β).
Show proof.
use invproofirrelevance.
intros φ₁ φ₂.
use subtypePath.
apply isapropdirprod ; apply cellset_property.
use (is_cartesian_2cell_sfib_factor_unique _ Hα₁ _ β ζ).
- unfold ζ.
rewrite is_cartesian_2cell_sfib_factor_comm.
apply idpath.
- use (is_cartesian_2cell_sfib_factor_unique
_ Hα₂
(β ▹ f)
(rassociator _ _ _ • δp • lassociator _ _ _)
+ rewrite !vassocl.
use vcomp_move_L_pM ; [ is_iso | ] ; cbn.
rewrite rwhisker_rwhisker.
apply maponpaths_2.
exact (pr12 φ₁).
+ apply is_cartesian_2cell_sfib_factor_over.
+ rewrite !rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite (pr22 φ₁).
apply idpath.
+ apply is_cartesian_2cell_sfib_factor_comm.
- use (is_cartesian_2cell_sfib_factor_unique
_ Hα₂
(β ▹ f)
(rassociator _ _ _ • δp • lassociator _ _ _)
+ rewrite !vassocl.
use vcomp_move_L_pM ; [ is_iso | ] ; cbn.
rewrite rwhisker_rwhisker.
apply maponpaths_2.
exact (pr12 φ₂).
+ apply is_cartesian_2cell_sfib_factor_over.
+ rewrite !rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite (pr22 φ₂).
apply idpath.
+ apply is_cartesian_2cell_sfib_factor_comm.
- exact (pr22 φ₁).
- exact (pr22 φ₂).
End ToCartesianComp.intros φ₁ φ₂.
use subtypePath.
apply isapropdirprod ; apply cellset_property.
use (is_cartesian_2cell_sfib_factor_unique _ Hα₁ _ β ζ).
- unfold ζ.
rewrite is_cartesian_2cell_sfib_factor_comm.
apply idpath.
- use (is_cartesian_2cell_sfib_factor_unique
_ Hα₂
(β ▹ f)
(rassociator _ _ _ • δp • lassociator _ _ _)
+ rewrite !vassocl.
use vcomp_move_L_pM ; [ is_iso | ] ; cbn.
rewrite rwhisker_rwhisker.
apply maponpaths_2.
exact (pr12 φ₁).
+ apply is_cartesian_2cell_sfib_factor_over.
+ rewrite !rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite (pr22 φ₁).
apply idpath.
+ apply is_cartesian_2cell_sfib_factor_comm.
- use (is_cartesian_2cell_sfib_factor_unique
_ Hα₂
(β ▹ f)
(rassociator _ _ _ • δp • lassociator _ _ _)
+ rewrite !vassocl.
use vcomp_move_L_pM ; [ is_iso | ] ; cbn.
rewrite rwhisker_rwhisker.
apply maponpaths_2.
exact (pr12 φ₂).
+ apply is_cartesian_2cell_sfib_factor_over.
+ rewrite !rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite (pr22 φ₂).
apply idpath.
+ apply is_cartesian_2cell_sfib_factor_comm.
- exact (pr22 φ₁).
- exact (pr22 φ₂).
Definition to_is_cartesian_2cell_comp
: is_cartesian_2cell_sfib (f · g) α.
Show proof.
intros k β δp q.
use iscontraprop1.
- exact (to_is_cartesian_2cell_comp_unique q).
- exact (to_is_cartesian_2cell_comp_factor q
to_is_cartesian_2cell_comp_over q
to_is_cartesian_2cell_comp_comm q).
End CompCartesian.use iscontraprop1.
- exact (to_is_cartesian_2cell_comp_unique q).
- exact (to_is_cartesian_2cell_comp_factor q
to_is_cartesian_2cell_comp_over q
to_is_cartesian_2cell_comp_comm q).
Section CompCleaving.
Context {z : B}
{h₁ : z --> c}
{h₂ : z --> a}
(α : h₁ ==> h₂ · (f · g)).
Let ℓ₁ : z --> b
:= pr1 (pr1 Hg z h₁ (h₂ · f) (α • lassociator _ _ _)).
Let γ₁ : ℓ₁ ==> h₂ · f
:= pr12 (pr1 Hg z h₁ (h₂ · f) (α • lassociator _ _ _)).
Let β₁ : invertible_2cell (ℓ₁ · g) h₁
:= pr122 (pr1 Hg z h₁ (h₂ · f) (α • lassociator _ _ _)).
Let Hγ₁ : is_cartesian_2cell_sfib g γ₁
:= pr1 (pr222 (pr1 Hg z h₁ (h₂ · f) (α • lassociator _ _ _))).
Let p₁ : γ₁ ▹ g = β₁ • (α • lassociator h₂ f g)
:= pr2 (pr222 (pr1 Hg z h₁ (h₂ · f) (α • lassociator _ _ _))).
Let ℓ₂ : z --> a
:= pr1 (pr1 Hf z ℓ₁ h₂ γ₁).
Let γ₂ : ℓ₂ ==> h₂
:= pr12 (pr1 Hf z ℓ₁ h₂ γ₁).
Let β₂ : invertible_2cell (ℓ₂ · f) ℓ₁
:= pr122 (pr1 Hf z ℓ₁ h₂ γ₁).
Let Hγ₂ : is_cartesian_2cell_sfib f γ₂
:= pr1 (pr222 (pr1 Hf z ℓ₁ h₂ γ₁)).
Let p₂ : γ₂ ▹ f = β₂ • γ₁
:= pr2 (pr222 (pr1 Hf z ℓ₁ h₂ γ₁)).
Definition comp_sfib_cleaving_lift
: z --> a
:= ℓ₂.
Definition comp_sfib_cleaving_cell
: comp_sfib_cleaving_lift ==> h₂
:= γ₂.
Definition comp_sfib_cleaving_cell_over_f
: comp_sfib_cleaving_cell ▹ f = β₂ • γ₁
:= p₂.
Definition comp_sfib_cleaving_cell_g_cartesian
: is_cartesian_2cell_sfib g γ₁
:= Hγ₁.
Definition comp_sfib_cleaving_cell_f_cartesian
: is_cartesian_2cell_sfib f comp_sfib_cleaving_cell
:= Hγ₂.
Definition comp_sfib_cleaving_over
: invertible_2cell (comp_sfib_cleaving_lift · (f · g)) h₁
:= comp_of_invertible_2cell
(lassociator_invertible_2cell _ _ _)
Definition comp_sfib_cleaving_is_cartesian_2cell
: is_cartesian_2cell_sfib (f · g) comp_sfib_cleaving_cell.
Show proof.
use to_is_cartesian_2cell_comp.
- exact Hγ₂.
- unfold comp_sfib_cleaving_cell.
use (is_cartesian_eq _ (!p₂)).
use vcomp_is_cartesian_2cell_sfib.
+ apply invertible_is_cartesian_2cell_sfib.
apply property_from_invertible_2cell.
+ exact Hγ₁.
- exact Hγ₂.
- unfold comp_sfib_cleaving_cell.
use (is_cartesian_eq _ (!p₂)).
use vcomp_is_cartesian_2cell_sfib.
+ apply invertible_is_cartesian_2cell_sfib.
apply property_from_invertible_2cell.
+ exact Hγ₁.
Definition comp_sfib_cleaving_comm
: comp_sfib_cleaving_cell ▹ f · g
comp_sfib_cleaving_over • α.
Show proof.
unfold comp_sfib_cleaving_cell, comp_sfib_cleaving_over ; cbn.
rewrite !vassocl.
use vcomp_move_L_pM ; [ is_iso | ] ; cbn.
rewrite <- rwhisker_rwhisker_alt.
apply maponpaths_2.
apply maponpaths.
exact p₂.
rewrite <- rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite p₁.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite lassociator_rassociator.
rewrite id2_right.
apply idpath.
End CompCleaving.rewrite !vassocl.
use vcomp_move_L_pM ; [ is_iso | ] ; cbn.
rewrite <- rwhisker_rwhisker_alt.
apply maponpaths_2.
apply maponpaths.
exact p₂.
rewrite <- rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite p₁.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite lassociator_rassociator.
rewrite id2_right.
apply idpath.
Definition comp_sfib_cleaving
: internal_sfib_cleaving (f · g)
:= λ z h₁ h₂ α,
comp_sfib_cleaving_lift α
comp_sfib_cleaving_cell α
comp_sfib_cleaving_over α
comp_sfib_cleaving_is_cartesian_2cell α
comp_sfib_cleaving_comm α.
Section FromCompCartesian.
Context {z : B}
{h₁ h₂ : z --> a}
(α : h₁ ==> h₂)
(Hα : is_cartesian_2cell_sfib (f · g) α).
Local Lemma from_is_cartesian_2cell_eq
: α ▹ f · g
(comp_sfib_cleaving_over (α ▹ f · g))^-1
• (comp_sfib_cleaving_cell (α ▹ f · g) ▹ f · g).
Show proof.
Let ζ : invertible_2cell h₁ (comp_sfib_cleaving_lift (α ▹ f · g))
:= invertible_between_cartesians
(comp_sfib_cleaving_is_cartesian_2cell (α ▹ (f · g)))
(inv_of_invertible_2cell (comp_sfib_cleaving_over (α ▹ f · g)))
Local Lemma from_is_cartesian_2cell_comp_eq
: ζ • comp_sfib_cleaving_cell (α ▹ (f · g))
Show proof.
Definition from_is_cartesian_2cell_comp
: is_cartesian_2cell_sfib f α.
Show proof.
use (is_cartesian_eq _ from_is_cartesian_2cell_comp_eq).
use vcomp_is_cartesian_2cell_sfib.
- use invertible_is_cartesian_2cell_sfib.
apply property_from_invertible_2cell.
- apply comp_sfib_cleaving_cell_f_cartesian.
use vcomp_is_cartesian_2cell_sfib.
- use invertible_is_cartesian_2cell_sfib.
apply property_from_invertible_2cell.
- apply comp_sfib_cleaving_cell_f_cartesian.
Local Lemma from_is_cartesian_2cell_comp_rwhisker_eq
: ((ζ ▹ f) • (comp_sfib_cleaving_cell (α ▹ f · g) ▹ f))
α ▹ f.
Show proof.
Definition from_is_cartesian_2cell_comp_rwhisker
: is_cartesian_2cell_sfib g (α ▹ f).
Show proof.
use (is_cartesian_eq _ from_is_cartesian_2cell_comp_rwhisker_eq).
use vcomp_is_cartesian_2cell_sfib.
- use invertible_is_cartesian_2cell_sfib.
apply property_from_invertible_2cell.
- rewrite comp_sfib_cleaving_cell_over_f.
use vcomp_is_cartesian_2cell_sfib.
+ use invertible_is_cartesian_2cell_sfib.
apply property_from_invertible_2cell.
+ apply comp_sfib_cleaving_cell_g_cartesian.
End FromCompCartesian.use vcomp_is_cartesian_2cell_sfib.
- use invertible_is_cartesian_2cell_sfib.
apply property_from_invertible_2cell.
- rewrite comp_sfib_cleaving_cell_over_f.
use vcomp_is_cartesian_2cell_sfib.
+ use invertible_is_cartesian_2cell_sfib.
apply property_from_invertible_2cell.
+ apply comp_sfib_cleaving_cell_g_cartesian.
Definition comp_lwhisker_is_cartesian
: lwhisker_is_cartesian (f · g).
Show proof.
intros x y h k₁ k₂ γ Hγ.
use to_is_cartesian_2cell_comp.
- apply (pr2 Hf).
exact (from_is_cartesian_2cell_comp _ Hγ).
- assert (((h ◃ γ) ▹ f) • rassociator _ _ _
rassociator _ _ _ • (h ◃ (γ ▹ f)))
as r.
(rewrite rwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator ;
apply idpath).
refine (is_cartesian_2cell_sfib_postcomp
((h ◃ γ) ▹ f)
_ _
+ apply invertible_is_cartesian_2cell_sfib.
+ use vcomp_is_cartesian_2cell_sfib.
* apply invertible_is_cartesian_2cell_sfib.
* apply Hg.
apply from_is_cartesian_2cell_comp_rwhisker.
exact Hγ.
use to_is_cartesian_2cell_comp.
- apply (pr2 Hf).
exact (from_is_cartesian_2cell_comp _ Hγ).
- assert (((h ◃ γ) ▹ f) • rassociator _ _ _
rassociator _ _ _ • (h ◃ (γ ▹ f)))
as r.
(rewrite rwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator ;
apply idpath).
refine (is_cartesian_2cell_sfib_postcomp
((h ◃ γ) ▹ f)
_ _
+ apply invertible_is_cartesian_2cell_sfib.
+ use vcomp_is_cartesian_2cell_sfib.
* apply invertible_is_cartesian_2cell_sfib.
* apply Hg.
apply from_is_cartesian_2cell_comp_rwhisker.
exact Hγ.
Definition comp_sfib
: internal_sfib (f · g).
Show proof.
End CompositionOfSFib.
Definition comp_mor_preserves_cartesian
{B : bicat}
{x y z : B}
{f : x --> y}
(Hf : internal_sfib f)
{g : y --> z}
(Hg : internal_sfib g)
: mor_preserves_cartesian (f · g) g f.
Show proof.
intros w h₁ h₂ γ Hγ.
apply from_is_cartesian_2cell_comp_rwhisker.
- exact Hf.
- exact Hg.
- exact Hγ.
apply from_is_cartesian_2cell_comp_rwhisker.
- exact Hf.
- exact Hg.
- exact Hγ.
8. Composition of Street opfibrations
Definition from_is_opcartesian_2cell_comp_rwhisker
{B : bicat}
{a b c : B}
{f : a --> b}
(Hf : internal_sopfib f)
{g : b --> c}
(Hg : internal_sopfib g)
{z : B}
{h₁ h₂ : z --> a}
{α : h₁ ==> h₂}
(Hα : is_opcartesian_2cell_sopfib (f · g) α)
: is_opcartesian_2cell_sopfib g (α ▹ f).
Show proof.
Definition comp_sopfib
{B : bicat}
{a b c : B}
{f : a --> b}
{g : b --> c}
(Hf : internal_sopfib f)
(Hg : internal_sopfib g)
: internal_sopfib (f · g).
Show proof.
Definition comp_mor_preserves_opcartesian
{B : bicat}
{x y z : B}
{f : x --> y}
(Hf : internal_sopfib f)
{g : y --> z}
(Hg : internal_sopfib g)
: mor_preserves_opcartesian (f · g) g f.
Show proof.
{B : bicat}
{a b c : B}
{f : a --> b}
(Hf : internal_sopfib f)
{g : b --> c}
(Hg : internal_sopfib g)
{z : B}
{h₁ h₂ : z --> a}
{α : h₁ ==> h₂}
(Hα : is_opcartesian_2cell_sopfib (f · g) α)
: is_opcartesian_2cell_sopfib g (α ▹ f).
Show proof.
use is_cartesian_to_is_opcartesian_sfib.
use from_is_cartesian_2cell_comp_rwhisker.
- apply internal_sopfib_is_internal_sfib.
exact Hf.
- apply internal_sopfib_is_internal_sfib.
exact Hg.
- use is_opcartesian_to_is_cartesian_sfib.
exact Hα.
use from_is_cartesian_2cell_comp_rwhisker.
- apply internal_sopfib_is_internal_sfib.
exact Hf.
- apply internal_sopfib_is_internal_sfib.
exact Hg.
- use is_opcartesian_to_is_cartesian_sfib.
exact Hα.
Definition comp_sopfib
{B : bicat}
{a b c : B}
{f : a --> b}
{g : b --> c}
(Hf : internal_sopfib f)
(Hg : internal_sopfib g)
: internal_sopfib (f · g).
Show proof.
apply internal_sfib_is_internal_sopfib.
use comp_sfib.
- apply internal_sopfib_is_internal_sfib.
exact Hf.
- apply internal_sopfib_is_internal_sfib.
exact Hg.
use comp_sfib.
- apply internal_sopfib_is_internal_sfib.
exact Hf.
- apply internal_sopfib_is_internal_sfib.
exact Hg.
Definition comp_mor_preserves_opcartesian
{B : bicat}
{x y z : B}
{f : x --> y}
(Hf : internal_sopfib f)
{g : y --> z}
(Hg : internal_sopfib g)
: mor_preserves_opcartesian (f · g) g f.
Show proof.
intros w h₁ h₂ γ Hγ.
apply from_is_opcartesian_2cell_comp_rwhisker.
- exact Hf.
- exact Hg.
- exact Hγ.
apply from_is_opcartesian_2cell_comp_rwhisker.
- exact Hf.
- exact Hg.
- exact Hγ.
9. Composition of adjunctions
Section CompositionAdjunction.
Context {B : bicat}
{x y z : B}
(l₁ : x --> y)
(l₂ : y --> z)
(Hl₁ : left_adjoint l₁)
(Hl₂ : left_adjoint l₂).
Let r₁ : y --> x := left_adjoint_right_adjoint Hl₁.
Let η₁ : id₁ x ==> l₁ · r₁ := left_adjoint_unit Hl₁.
Let ε₁ : r₁ · l₁ ==> id₁ y := left_adjoint_counit Hl₁.
Let r₂ : z --> y := left_adjoint_right_adjoint Hl₂.
Let η₂ : id₁ y ==> l₂ · r₂ := left_adjoint_unit Hl₂.
Let ε₂ : r₂ · l₂ ==> id₁ z := left_adjoint_counit Hl₂.
Let ηη : id₁ x ==> l₁ · l₂ · (r₂ · r₁)
:= η₁
• (_ ◃ (linvunitor _ • (η₂ ▹ _) • rassociator _ _ _))
• lassociator _ _ _.
Let εε : r₂ · r₁ · (l₁ · l₂) ==> id₁ z
:= rassociator _ _ _
• (_ ◃ (lassociator _ _ _ • (ε₁ ▹ _) • lunitor _))
• ε₂.
Let trl₁ : linvunitor _ • (η₁ ▹ _) • rassociator _ _ _ • (_ ◃ ε₁) • runitor _ = id₂ _
:= pr12 Hl₁.
Let trl₂ : linvunitor _ • (η₂ ▹ _) • rassociator _ _ _ • (_ ◃ ε₂) • runitor _ = id₂ _
:= pr12 Hl₂.
Let trr₁ : rinvunitor _ • (_ ◃ η₁) • lassociator _ _ _ • (ε₁ ▹ _) • lunitor _ = id₂ _
:= pr22 Hl₁.
Let trr₂ : rinvunitor _ • (_ ◃ η₂) • lassociator _ _ _ • (ε₂ ▹ _) • lunitor _ = id₂ _
:= pr22 Hl₂.
Definition comp_left_adjoint_data
: left_adjoint_data (l₁ · l₂)
:= r₂ · r₁ ,, (ηη ,, εε).
Proposition comp_left_adjoint_axioms
: left_adjoint_axioms comp_left_adjoint_data.
Show proof.
Definition comp_left_adjoint
: left_adjoint (l₁ · l₂)
:= comp_left_adjoint_data ,, comp_left_adjoint_axioms.
End CompositionAdjunction.
Context {B : bicat}
{x y z : B}
(l₁ : x --> y)
(l₂ : y --> z)
(Hl₁ : left_adjoint l₁)
(Hl₂ : left_adjoint l₂).
Let r₁ : y --> x := left_adjoint_right_adjoint Hl₁.
Let η₁ : id₁ x ==> l₁ · r₁ := left_adjoint_unit Hl₁.
Let ε₁ : r₁ · l₁ ==> id₁ y := left_adjoint_counit Hl₁.
Let r₂ : z --> y := left_adjoint_right_adjoint Hl₂.
Let η₂ : id₁ y ==> l₂ · r₂ := left_adjoint_unit Hl₂.
Let ε₂ : r₂ · l₂ ==> id₁ z := left_adjoint_counit Hl₂.
Let ηη : id₁ x ==> l₁ · l₂ · (r₂ · r₁)
:= η₁
• (_ ◃ (linvunitor _ • (η₂ ▹ _) • rassociator _ _ _))
• lassociator _ _ _.
Let εε : r₂ · r₁ · (l₁ · l₂) ==> id₁ z
:= rassociator _ _ _
• (_ ◃ (lassociator _ _ _ • (ε₁ ▹ _) • lunitor _))
• ε₂.
Let trl₁ : linvunitor _ • (η₁ ▹ _) • rassociator _ _ _ • (_ ◃ ε₁) • runitor _ = id₂ _
:= pr12 Hl₁.
Let trl₂ : linvunitor _ • (η₂ ▹ _) • rassociator _ _ _ • (_ ◃ ε₂) • runitor _ = id₂ _
:= pr12 Hl₂.
Let trr₁ : rinvunitor _ • (_ ◃ η₁) • lassociator _ _ _ • (ε₁ ▹ _) • lunitor _ = id₂ _
:= pr22 Hl₁.
Let trr₂ : rinvunitor _ • (_ ◃ η₂) • lassociator _ _ _ • (ε₂ ▹ _) • lunitor _ = id₂ _
:= pr22 Hl₂.
Definition comp_left_adjoint_data
: left_adjoint_data (l₁ · l₂)
:= r₂ · r₁ ,, (ηη ,, εε).
Proposition comp_left_adjoint_axioms
: left_adjoint_axioms comp_left_adjoint_data.
Show proof.
split ; cbn.
- unfold ηη, εε.
rewrite <- !lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite <- !rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite linvunitor_assoc.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- rwhisker_rwhisker_alt.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- rwhisker_rwhisker_alt.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- rwhisker_rwhisker_alt.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply idpath.
refine (_ @ id2_rwhisker _ _).
rewrite <- trl₁.
rewrite <- !rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocl.
do 2 apply maponpaths.
refine (_ @ id2_right _).
rewrite <- lwhisker_id2.
rewrite <- trl₂.
rewrite <- !lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite <- runitor_triangle.
do 10 apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- lwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator.
apply idpath.
do 9 apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- lwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator.
apply idpath.
do 8 apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- lwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !lwhisker_vcomp.
apply idpath.
rewrite <- !lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocr.
do 2 apply maponpaths_2.
rewrite !vassocl.
do 6 apply maponpaths.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- lwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator.
apply idpath.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- lwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator.
apply idpath.
rewrite !vassocl.
do 5 apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- rassociator_rassociator.
apply idpath.
rewrite !vassocl.
do 4 apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite lassociator_rassociator.
rewrite id2_rwhisker.
rewrite id2_left.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply idpath.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rwhisker_rwhisker_alt.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- rwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply idpath.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- rwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !lwhisker_vcomp.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite <- !lwhisker_vcomp.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rassociator_rassociator.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite lwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator.
apply idpath.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rwhisker_rwhisker_alt.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite vcomp_whisker.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply idpath.
rewrite <- !lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocr.
do 2 apply maponpaths_2.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- rassociator_rassociator.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply idpath.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite <- rwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator.
rewrite <- !rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
do 2 apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite !lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite <- rassociator_rassociator.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite !lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rassociator_lassociator.
rewrite id2_left.
rewrite <- !lwhisker_vcomp.
apply idpath.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply idpath.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite <- linvunitor_assoc.
rewrite <- rwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !lwhisker_vcomp.
apply maponpaths.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite <- lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator.
apply idpath.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite lwhisker_hcomp.
rewrite <- linvunitor_natural.
apply idpath.
rewrite <- !lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite <- !rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite <- !lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite lunitor_V_id_is_left_unit_V_id.
rewrite rwhisker_hcomp.
rewrite <- triangle_r_inv.
rewrite <- lwhisker_hcomp.
rewrite !lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite linvunitor_lunitor.
rewrite !lwhisker_id2.
apply idpath.
rewrite id2_right.
use vcomp_move_L_Mp ; [ is_iso | ].
rewrite lunitor_lwhisker.
apply idpath.
- unfold εε, ηη.
rewrite <- !lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite <- !rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite <- rinvunitor_triangle.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- lwhisker_lwhisker.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply idpath.
refine (_ @ lwhisker_id2 _ _).
rewrite <- trr₁.
rewrite <- !lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocl.
do 2 apply maponpaths.
refine (_ @ id2_right _).
rewrite <- id2_rwhisker.
rewrite <- trr₂.
rewrite <- !rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite <- lunitor_triangle.
rewrite !vassocl.
do 9 apply maponpaths.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- rwhisker_rwhisker.
apply idpath.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- rwhisker_rwhisker.
apply idpath.
rewrite !vassocr.
do 2 apply maponpaths_2.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- lwhisker_lwhisker.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- lwhisker_lwhisker.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- lwhisker_lwhisker.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- lwhisker_lwhisker.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- lassociator_lassociator.
rewrite !vassocl.
do 2 apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite lassociator_rassociator.
rewrite id2_rwhisker.
rewrite id2_left.
apply idpath.
rewrite !vassocl.
do 5 apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- rwhisker_lwhisker.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- rwhisker_lwhisker.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite rwhisker_rwhisker.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- rwhisker_lwhisker.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite <- lassociator_lassociator.
apply idpath.
rewrite !vassocr.
apply maponpaths_2.
rewrite !lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocl.
use vcomp_move_R_Mp ; [ is_iso | ].
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite <- rwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator.
refine (!_).
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rwhisker_hcomp.
rewrite <- triangle_r_inv.
rewrite <- lwhisker_hcomp.
apply idpath.
rewrite !lwhisker_vcomp.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocl.
do 2 apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite lunitor_linvunitor.
apply id2_left.
refine (!_).
rewrite <- !lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocl.
do 3 apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite lassociator_lassociator.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply idpath.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite !lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite lwhisker_lwhisker.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rwhisker_rwhisker.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply idpath.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- vcomp_whisker.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite lunitor_triangle.
apply idpath.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite vcomp_lunitor.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite rassociator_lassociator.
rewrite id2_right.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite lunitor_linvunitor.
apply id2_left.
- unfold ηη, εε.
rewrite <- !lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite <- !rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite linvunitor_assoc.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- rwhisker_rwhisker_alt.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- rwhisker_rwhisker_alt.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- rwhisker_rwhisker_alt.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply idpath.
refine (_ @ id2_rwhisker _ _).
rewrite <- trl₁.
rewrite <- !rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocl.
do 2 apply maponpaths.
refine (_ @ id2_right _).
rewrite <- lwhisker_id2.
rewrite <- trl₂.
rewrite <- !lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite <- runitor_triangle.
do 10 apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- lwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator.
apply idpath.
do 9 apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- lwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator.
apply idpath.
do 8 apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- lwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !lwhisker_vcomp.
apply idpath.
rewrite <- !lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocr.
do 2 apply maponpaths_2.
rewrite !vassocl.
do 6 apply maponpaths.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- lwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator.
apply idpath.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- lwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator.
apply idpath.
rewrite !vassocl.
do 5 apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- rassociator_rassociator.
apply idpath.
rewrite !vassocl.
do 4 apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite lassociator_rassociator.
rewrite id2_rwhisker.
rewrite id2_left.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply idpath.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rwhisker_rwhisker_alt.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- rwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply idpath.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- rwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !lwhisker_vcomp.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite <- !lwhisker_vcomp.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rassociator_rassociator.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite lwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator.
apply idpath.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rwhisker_rwhisker_alt.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite vcomp_whisker.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply idpath.
rewrite <- !lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocr.
do 2 apply maponpaths_2.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- rassociator_rassociator.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply idpath.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite <- rwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator.
rewrite <- !rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
do 2 apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite !lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite <- rassociator_rassociator.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite !lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rassociator_lassociator.
rewrite id2_left.
rewrite <- !lwhisker_vcomp.
apply idpath.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply idpath.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite <- linvunitor_assoc.
rewrite <- rwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !lwhisker_vcomp.
apply maponpaths.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite <- lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator.
apply idpath.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite lwhisker_hcomp.
rewrite <- linvunitor_natural.
apply idpath.
rewrite <- !lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite <- !rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite <- !lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite lunitor_V_id_is_left_unit_V_id.
rewrite rwhisker_hcomp.
rewrite <- triangle_r_inv.
rewrite <- lwhisker_hcomp.
rewrite !lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite linvunitor_lunitor.
rewrite !lwhisker_id2.
apply idpath.
rewrite id2_right.
use vcomp_move_L_Mp ; [ is_iso | ].
rewrite lunitor_lwhisker.
apply idpath.
- unfold εε, ηη.
rewrite <- !lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite <- !rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite <- rinvunitor_triangle.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- lwhisker_lwhisker.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply idpath.
refine (_ @ lwhisker_id2 _ _).
rewrite <- trr₁.
rewrite <- !lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocl.
do 2 apply maponpaths.
refine (_ @ id2_right _).
rewrite <- id2_rwhisker.
rewrite <- trr₂.
rewrite <- !rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite <- lunitor_triangle.
rewrite !vassocl.
do 9 apply maponpaths.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- rwhisker_rwhisker.
apply idpath.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- rwhisker_rwhisker.
apply idpath.
rewrite !vassocr.
do 2 apply maponpaths_2.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- lwhisker_lwhisker.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- lwhisker_lwhisker.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- lwhisker_lwhisker.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- lwhisker_lwhisker.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- lassociator_lassociator.
rewrite !vassocl.
do 2 apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite lassociator_rassociator.
rewrite id2_rwhisker.
rewrite id2_left.
apply idpath.
rewrite !vassocl.
do 5 apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- rwhisker_lwhisker.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- rwhisker_lwhisker.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite rwhisker_rwhisker.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- rwhisker_lwhisker.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite <- lassociator_lassociator.
apply idpath.
rewrite !vassocr.
apply maponpaths_2.
rewrite !lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocl.
use vcomp_move_R_Mp ; [ is_iso | ].
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite <- rwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator.
refine (!_).
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rwhisker_hcomp.
rewrite <- triangle_r_inv.
rewrite <- lwhisker_hcomp.
apply idpath.
rewrite !lwhisker_vcomp.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocl.
do 2 apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite lunitor_linvunitor.
apply id2_left.
refine (!_).
rewrite <- !lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocl.
do 3 apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite lassociator_lassociator.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply idpath.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite !lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite lwhisker_lwhisker.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rwhisker_rwhisker.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply idpath.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- vcomp_whisker.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite lunitor_triangle.
apply idpath.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite vcomp_lunitor.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite rassociator_lassociator.
rewrite id2_right.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite lunitor_linvunitor.
apply id2_left.
Definition comp_left_adjoint
: left_adjoint (l₁ · l₂)
:= comp_left_adjoint_data ,, comp_left_adjoint_axioms.
End CompositionAdjunction.