Library UniMath.Bicategories.Morphisms.Properties.ContainsAdjEquiv

Properties of adjoint equivalences
In this file, we look at properties of adjoint equivalences
Contents: 1. Identity is faithful 2. Identity is fully faithful 3. Identity is conservative 4. Identity is discrete 5. The identity Street fibration 6. The identity Street opfibration 7. Adjoint equivalences are faithful 8. Adjoint equivalences are fully faithful 9. Adjoint equivalences are conservative 10. Adjoint equivalences are discrete 11. Adjoint equivalences are pseudomonic 12. Adjoint equivalences preserve cartesian cells 13. Adjoint equivalences preserve cartesian cells 14. Morphism to identity preserves (op)cartesians
1. Identity is faithful
Definition id1_faithful
           {B : bicat}
           (a : B)
  : faithful_1cell (id₁ a).
Show proof.
  intros z g₁ g₂ α₁ α₂ p.
  use (vcomp_lcancel (runitor _)).
  rewrite <- !vcomp_runitor.
  rewrite p.
  apply idpath.

2. Identity is fully faithful
Definition id1_fully_faithful
           {B : bicat}
           (a : B)
  : fully_faithful_1cell (id₁ a).
Show proof.
  use make_fully_faithful.
  - apply id1_faithful.
  - intros z g₁ g₂ αf.
    simple refine (_ ,, _).
    + exact (rinvunitor _ αf runitor _).
    + abstract
        (cbn ;
         use (vcomp_rcancel (runitor _)) ; [ is_iso | ] ;
         rewrite !vassocl ;
         rewrite vcomp_runitor ;
         rewrite !vassocr ;
         rewrite runitor_rinvunitor ;
         rewrite id2_left ;
         apply idpath).

Definition id1_pseudomonic
           {B : bicat}
           (a : B)
  : pseudomonic_1cell (id₁ a).
Show proof.
  use make_pseudomonic.
  - apply id1_faithful.
  - intros z g₁ g₂ αf Hαf.
    simple refine (_ ,, (_ ,, _)).
    + exact (rinvunitor _ αf runitor _).
    + is_iso.
    + abstract
        (cbn ;
         use (vcomp_rcancel (runitor _)) ; [ is_iso | ] ;
         rewrite !vassocl ;
         rewrite vcomp_runitor ;
         rewrite !vassocr ;
         rewrite runitor_rinvunitor ;
         rewrite id2_left ;
         apply idpath).

3. Identity is conservative
Definition id1_conservative
           {B : bicat}
           (a : B)
  : conservative_1cell (id₁ a).
Show proof.
  intros x g₁ g₂ α .
  pose ((α id₁ a) runitor _).
  use eq_is_invertible_2cell.
  - exact (rinvunitor _ (α id₁ _) runitor _).
  - rewrite !vassocl.
    rewrite vcomp_runitor.
    rewrite !vassocr.
    rewrite !rinvunitor_runitor.
    apply id2_left.
  - use is_invertible_2cell_vcomp.
    + use is_invertible_2cell_vcomp.
      * apply is_invertible_2cell_rinvunitor.
      * exact .
    + apply is_invertible_2cell_runitor.

4. Identity is discrete
Definition id1_discrete
           {B : bicat}
           (a : B)
  : discrete_1cell (id₁ a).
Show proof.
  - exact (id1_faithful a).
  - exact (id1_conservative a).

5. The identity Street fibration
Section IdentityInternalSFib.
  Context {B : bicat}
          (b : B).

  Local Lemma identity_help
        {x : B}
        {f h : x --> b}
        (δp : h · id₁ b ==> f · id₁ b)
    : ((rinvunitor h δp) runitor f) id₁ b = δp.
  Show proof.
    rewrite !vassocl.
    rewrite <- rwhisker_vcomp.
    use vcomp_move_R_pM ; [ is_iso | ].
    use (vcomp_rcancel (runitor _)) ; [ is_iso | ].
    rewrite !vassocl.
    rewrite !vcomp_runitor.
    rewrite !vassocr.
    do 2 apply maponpaths_2.
    rewrite <- runitor_triangle.
    use vcomp_move_R_pM ; [ is_iso | ].
    rewrite runitor_rwhisker.
    rewrite runitor_lunitor_identity.
    apply idpath.

  Definition identity_is_cartesian_2cell_sfib
             {x : B}
             {f g : x --> b}
             (α : f ==> g)
    : is_cartesian_2cell_sfib (id₁ b) α.
  Show proof.
    intros h β δp r.
    use iscontraprop1.
    - abstract
        (use invproofirrelevance ;
         intros φ φ ;
         use subtypePath ;
         [ intro ; apply isapropdirprod ; apply cellset_property | ] ;
         use id1_faithful ;
         exact (pr12 φ @ !(pr12 φ))).
    - refine (rinvunitor _ δp runitor _ ,, _ ,, _).
      + apply identity_help.
      + abstract
          (rewrite !vassocl ;
           rewrite <- vcomp_runitor ;
           use vcomp_move_R_pM ; [ is_iso | ] ;
           cbn ;
           rewrite <- vcomp_runitor ;
           rewrite !vassocr ;
           apply maponpaths_2 ;
           exact (!r)).

  Definition identity_internal_cleaving
    : internal_sfib_cleaving (id₁ b).
  Show proof.
    intros x f g α.
    refine (f
            α runitor _
            runitor_invertible_2cell _
            _) ; cbn.
    - apply identity_is_cartesian_2cell_sfib.
    - abstract
        (rewrite <- vcomp_runitor ;
         rewrite <- rwhisker_vcomp ;
         apply maponpaths ;
         rewrite <- runitor_triangle ;
         use vcomp_move_L_pM ; [ is_iso | ] ;
         cbn ;
         rewrite runitor_rwhisker ;
         rewrite lunitor_runitor_identity ;
         apply idpath).

  Definition identity_lwhisker_cartesian
    : lwhisker_is_cartesian (id₁ b).
  Show proof.
    intros x y h f g γ .
    apply identity_is_cartesian_2cell_sfib.

  Definition identity_internal_sfib
    : internal_sfib (id₁ b).
  Show proof.
    - exact identity_internal_cleaving.
    - exact identity_lwhisker_cartesian.
End IdentityInternalSFib.

6. The identity Street opfibration
Definition identity_is_opcartesian_2cell_sopfib
           {B : bicat}
           {b x : B}
           {f g : x --> b}
           (α : f ==> g)
  : is_opcartesian_2cell_sopfib (id₁ b) α.
Show proof.
  apply is_cartesian_to_is_opcartesian_sfib.
  exact (@identity_is_cartesian_2cell_sfib
           (op2_bicat B)
           b x
           g f

Definition identity_internal_sopfib
           {B : bicat}
           (b : B)
  : internal_sopfib (id₁ b).
Show proof.

7. Adjoint equivalences are faithful
Definition adj_equiv_faithful
           {B : bicat}
           {a b : B}
           {l : a --> b}
           (Hl : left_adjoint_equivalence l)
  : faithful_1cell l.
Show proof.
  intros z g₁ g₂ α₁ α₂ p.
  pose (η := left_adjoint_unit Hl).
  apply id1_faithful.
  use (vcomp_rcancel (_ η)).
    apply (left_equivalence_unit_iso Hl).
  rewrite !vcomp_whisker.
  apply maponpaths.
  use (vcomp_lcancel (rassociator _ _ _)).
  rewrite <- !rwhisker_rwhisker_alt.
  rewrite p.
  apply idpath.

8. Adjoint equivalences are fully faithful
Section AdjEquivFullyFaithful.
  Context {B : bicat}
          {a b : B}
          {l : a --> b}
          (Hl : left_adjoint_equivalence l)
          (r := left_adjoint_right_adjoint Hl)
          (η := left_equivalence_unit_iso Hl : invertible_2cell _ (l · r))
          (ε := left_equivalence_counit_iso Hl : invertible_2cell (r · l) _).

  Definition adj_equiv_fully_faithful_inv_cell
             {z : B}
             {g₁ g₂ : z --> a}
             (αf : g₁ · l ==> g₂ · l)
    : g₁ ==> g₂
    := rinvunitor _
        (g₁ η)
        lassociator g₁ l r
        (αf r)
        rassociator g₂ l r
        (g₂ η^-1)
        runitor _.

  Definition adj_equiv_fully_faithful_inv_cell_is_inv_cell
             {z : B}
             {g₁ g₂ : z --> a}
             (αf : g₁ · l ==> g₂ · l)
    : adj_equiv_fully_faithful_inv_cell αf l = αf.
  Show proof.
    unfold adj_equiv_fully_faithful_inv_cell.
    cbn -[η r].
    rewrite <- !rwhisker_vcomp.
    use vcomp_move_R_Mp ; [ is_iso | ].
    use vcomp_move_R_Mp ; [ is_iso | ].
    use vcomp_move_R_Mp ; [ is_iso | ].
    cbn -[η r].
    rewrite !vassocl.
    rewrite !rwhisker_vcomp.
    rewrite !vassocr.
    refine (!(rwhisker_vcomp _ _ _) @ _).
    use (vcomp_rcancel (rassociator _ _ _)) ; [ is_iso | ].
    rewrite !vassocl.
    rewrite rwhisker_rwhisker_alt.
    use (vcomp_rcancel (rassociator _ _ _)) ; [ is_iso | ].
    rewrite !vassocl.
    assert ((rinvunitor g₂ (g₂ η) lassociator g₂ l r) l
             rassociator _ _ _
             rassociator _ _ _
            g₂ (rinvunitor _ (l ε^-1)))
      as H.
      refine (_ @ id2_left _).
      use vcomp_move_L_Mp ; [ is_iso | ].
      cbn -[η r ε].
      refine (_ @ lwhisker_id2 _ _).
      pose (pr112 Hl : linvunitor l
                        (η l)
                        rassociator l r l
                        (l ε)
                        runitor l
                       id₂ _).
      cbn -[η ε r] in p.
      rewrite <- p ; clear p.
      rewrite <- !lwhisker_vcomp.
      rewrite !vassocr.
      do 2 apply maponpaths_2.
      rewrite !vassocl.
      rewrite <- rassociator_rassociator.
      rewrite !vassocr.
      apply maponpaths_2.
      rewrite <- !rwhisker_vcomp.
      rewrite !vassocl.
        do 2 apply maponpaths.
        rewrite !vassocr.
        rewrite rwhisker_vcomp.
        rewrite lassociator_rassociator.
        rewrite id2_rwhisker.
        apply id2_left.
      rewrite <- rwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator.
      rewrite !vassocr.
      apply maponpaths_2.
      rewrite rwhisker_hcomp, lwhisker_hcomp.
      rewrite triangle_r_inv.
      apply idpath.
    rewrite !vassocl in H.
    refine (!_).
      apply maponpaths.
      exact H.
    clear H.
    assert ((rinvunitor g₁ (g₁ η lassociator g₁ l r)) l
             rassociator (g₁ · l) r l
            rinvunitor _ (_ ε^-1))
      as H.
      use vcomp_move_L_Mp ; [ is_iso | ].
      refine (_ @ id2_left _).
      use vcomp_move_L_Mp ; [ is_iso | ].
      cbn -[η r ε].
      refine (_ @ lwhisker_id2 _ _).
      pose (pr112 Hl : linvunitor l
                        (η l)
                        rassociator l r l
                        (l ε)
                        runitor _
                       id₂ _) as p.
      cbn -[η ε r] in p.
      rewrite <- p ; clear p.
      rewrite <- runitor_triangle.
      rewrite <- !lwhisker_vcomp.
      rewrite !vassocr.
      apply maponpaths_2.
      rewrite !vassocl.
      rewrite <- lwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator.
      rewrite !vassocr.
      apply maponpaths_2.
      rewrite lwhisker_vcomp.
      rewrite !vassocl.
      rewrite <- rassociator_rassociator.
      rewrite !vassocr.
        do 2 apply maponpaths_2.
        rewrite rwhisker_vcomp.
        rewrite !vassocl.
        rewrite lassociator_rassociator.
        rewrite id2_right.
        apply idpath.
      apply maponpaths_2.
      rewrite <- rwhisker_vcomp.
      rewrite <- lwhisker_vcomp.
      rewrite !vassocl.
      rewrite <- rwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator.
      rewrite !vassocr.
      apply maponpaths_2.
      rewrite rwhisker_hcomp, lwhisker_hcomp.
      rewrite triangle_r_inv.
      apply idpath.
    refine (!_).
      rewrite !vassocr.
      do 2 apply maponpaths_2.
      rewrite !vassocr in H.
      exact H.
    rewrite !vassocl.
      apply maponpaths.
      rewrite !vassocr.
      rewrite <- vcomp_whisker.
      apply idpath.
    rewrite !vassocr.
    rewrite rwhisker_hcomp.
    rewrite <- rinvunitor_natural.
    rewrite !vassocl.
    apply maponpaths.
    rewrite <- lwhisker_vcomp.
    rewrite <- lwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator.
    rewrite !vassocr.
    apply maponpaths_2.
    rewrite left_unit_inv_assoc.
    apply idpath.

  Definition adj_equiv_fully_faithful
    : fully_faithful_1cell l.
  Show proof.
    use make_fully_faithful.
    - exact (adj_equiv_faithful Hl).
    - intros z g₁ g₂ αf.
      simple refine (_ ,, _).
      + exact (adj_equiv_fully_faithful_inv_cell αf).
      + exact (adj_equiv_fully_faithful_inv_cell_is_inv_cell αf).
End AdjEquivFullyFaithful.

9. Adjoint equivalences are conservative
Definition adj_equiv_conservative
           {B : bicat}
           {a b : B}
           {l : a --> b}
           (Hl : left_adjoint_equivalence l)
  : conservative_1cell l.
Show proof.
  apply fully_faithful_to_conservative.
  apply adj_equiv_fully_faithful.
  exact Hl.

10. Adjoint equivalences are discrete
Definition adj_equiv_discrete
           {B : bicat}
           {a b : B}
           {l : a --> b}
           (Hl : left_adjoint_equivalence l)
  : discrete_1cell l.
Show proof.
  apply fully_faithful_is_discrete.
  apply adj_equiv_fully_faithful.
  exact Hl.

11. Adjoint equivalences are pseudomonic
Definition adj_equiv_pseudomonic
           {B : bicat}
           {a b : B}
           {l : a --> b}
           (Hl : left_adjoint_equivalence l)
  : pseudomonic_1cell l.
Show proof.
  apply fully_faithful_is_pseudomonic.
  apply adj_equiv_fully_faithful.
  exact Hl.

12. Adjoint equivalences preserve cartesian cells
Definition equivalence_preserves_cartesian
           {B : bicat}
           {b e₁ e₂ : B}
           (p₁ : e₁ --> b)
           (p₂ : e₂ --> b)
           (L : e₁ --> e₂)
           (com : invertible_2cell p₁ (L · p₂))
           (HL : left_adjoint_equivalence L)
           (HB_2_0 : is_univalent_2_0 B)
           (HB_2_1 : is_univalent_2_1 B)
  : mor_preserves_cartesian p₁ p₂ L.
Show proof.
  refine (J_2_0
            (λ (x₁ x₂ : B) (L : adjoint_equivalence x₁ x₂),
              (p₁ : x₁ --> b)
               (p₂ : x₂ --> b)
               (c : invertible_2cell p₁ (L · p₂)),
             mor_preserves_cartesian p₁ p₂ L)
            (L ,, HL)
  clear e₁ e₂ L HL p₁ p₂ com HB_2_0.
  cbn ; intros e p₁ p₂ com.
  pose (c := comp_of_invertible_2cell com (lunitor_invertible_2cell _)).
  refine (J_2_1
            (λ (x₁ x₂ : B)
               (f g : x₁ --> x₂)
             mor_preserves_cartesian f g (id₁ _))
  apply id_mor_preserves_cartesian.

13. Adjoint equivalences preserve cartesian cells
Definition equivalence_preserves_opcartesian
           {B : bicat}
           {b e₁ e₂ : B}
           (p₁ : e₁ --> b)
           (p₂ : e₂ --> b)
           (L : e₁ --> e₂)
           (com : invertible_2cell p₁ (L · p₂))
           (HL : left_adjoint_equivalence L)
           (HB_2_0 : is_univalent_2_0 B)
           (HB_2_1 : is_univalent_2_1 B)
  : mor_preserves_opcartesian p₁ p₂ L.
Show proof.
  refine (J_2_0
            (λ (x₁ x₂ : B) (L : adjoint_equivalence x₁ x₂),
              (p₁ : x₁ --> b)
               (p₂ : x₂ --> b)
               (c : invertible_2cell p₁ (L · p₂)),
             mor_preserves_opcartesian p₁ p₂ L)
            (L ,, HL)
  clear e₁ e₂ L HL p₁ p₂ com HB_2_0.
  cbn ; intros e p₁ p₂ com.
  pose (c := comp_of_invertible_2cell com (lunitor_invertible_2cell _)).
  refine (J_2_1
            (λ (x₁ x₂ : B)
               (f g : x₁ --> x₂)
             mor_preserves_opcartesian f g (id₁ _))
  apply id_mor_preserves_opcartesian.

14. Morphism to identity preserves (op)cartesians
Definition mor_to_id_preserves_cartesian
           {B : bicat}
           {e b : B}
           (h : e --> b)
  : mor_preserves_cartesian h (id₁ b) h.
Show proof.
  intros x f g γ .
  apply identity_is_cartesian_2cell_sfib.

Definition mor_to_id_preserves_opcartesian
           {B : bicat}
           {e b : B}
           (h : e --> b)
  : mor_preserves_opcartesian h (id₁ b) h.
Show proof.
  intros x f g γ .
  apply identity_is_opcartesian_2cell_sopfib.