Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.Actegories.Examples.ActionOfEndomorphismsInCATElementary
Constructs the actegory with the action of the endomorphisms on C by precomposition on a fixed functor category with source category C
a general construction is available for bicategories and a fixed object therein
author: Ralph Matthes, 2023
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.PartD.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.NaturalTransformations.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.FunctorCategory.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.BicatOfCatsElementary.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.whiskering.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.WhiskeredBifunctors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.Examples.EndofunctorsMonoidalElementary.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Actegories.Actegories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Actegories.ConstructionOfActegories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Actegories.MorphismsOfActegories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.bincoproducts.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.coproducts.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Actegories.CoproductsInActegories.
Local Open Scope cat.
Section Action_From_Precomposition.
Context (C D : category).
Local Definition Mon_endo: monoidal [C, C] := monendocat_monoidal C.
Definition action_from_precomp_CAT_data : bifunctor_data [C, C] [C, D] [C, D].
Show proof.
use make_bifunctor_data.
- intros v f. exact (functor_composite v f).
- intros v f1 f2 β. exact (lwhisker_CAT v β).
- intros f v1 v2 α. exact (rwhisker_CAT f α).
- intros v f. exact (functor_composite v f).
- intros v f1 f2 β. exact (lwhisker_CAT v β).
- intros f v1 v2 α. exact (rwhisker_CAT f α).
Definition action_from_precomp_CAT_laws : is_bifunctor action_from_precomp_CAT_data.
Show proof.
- intros v f. apply lwhisker_id2_CAT.
- intros f v. apply id2_rwhisker_CAT.
- intros v f1 f2 f3 β1 β2. apply pathsinv0, lwhisker_vcomp_CAT.
- intros f v1 v2 v3 α1 α2. apply pathsinv0, rwhisker_vcomp_CAT.
- intros v1 v2 f1 f2 α β. apply vcomp_whisker_CAT.
- intros v f. apply lwhisker_id2_CAT.
- intros f v. apply id2_rwhisker_CAT.
- intros v f1 f2 f3 β1 β2. apply pathsinv0, lwhisker_vcomp_CAT.
- intros f v1 v2 v3 α1 α2. apply pathsinv0, rwhisker_vcomp_CAT.
- intros v1 v2 f1 f2 α β. apply vcomp_whisker_CAT.
Definition action_from_precomp_CAT : bifunctor [C, C] [C, D] [C, D] :=
make_bifunctor action_from_precomp_CAT_data action_from_precomp_CAT_laws.
Definition actegory_from_precomp_CAT_data : actegory_data Mon_endo [C, D].
Show proof.
exists action_from_precomp_CAT_data.
- intro f. apply lunitor_CAT.
- intro f. apply linvunitor_CAT.
- intros v w f. apply rassociator_CAT.
- intros v w f. apply lassociator_CAT.
- intro f. apply lunitor_CAT.
- intro f. apply linvunitor_CAT.
- intros v w f. apply rassociator_CAT.
- intros v w f. apply lassociator_CAT.
Lemma actegory_from_precomp_CAT_laws : actegory_laws Mon_endo actegory_from_precomp_CAT_data.
Show proof.
- exact action_from_precomp_CAT_laws.
- split3.
+ intros f g β. apply vcomp_lunitor_CAT.
+ apply lunitor_linvunitor_CAT.
+ apply linvunitor_lunitor_CAT.
- split4.
+ intros v w f f' β. apply lwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator_CAT.
+ intros v v' w f α. apply pathsinv0, rwhisker_rwhisker_alt_CAT.
+ intros v w w' f α. apply rwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator_CAT.
+ split.
* apply rassociator_lassociator_CAT.
* apply lassociator_rassociator_CAT.
- intros v f. apply lunitor_lwhisker_CAT.
- intros w v v' f. apply rassociator_rassociator_CAT.
- exact action_from_precomp_CAT_laws.
- split3.
+ intros f g β. apply vcomp_lunitor_CAT.
+ apply lunitor_linvunitor_CAT.
+ apply linvunitor_lunitor_CAT.
- split4.
+ intros v w f f' β. apply lwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator_CAT.
+ intros v v' w f α. apply pathsinv0, rwhisker_rwhisker_alt_CAT.
+ intros v w w' f α. apply rwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator_CAT.
+ split.
* apply rassociator_lassociator_CAT.
* apply lassociator_rassociator_CAT.
- intros v f. apply lunitor_lwhisker_CAT.
- intros w v v' f. apply rassociator_rassociator_CAT.
Definition actegory_from_precomp_CAT : actegory Mon_endo [C, D] :=
End Action_From_Precomposition.
Section TheHomogeneousCase.
Context (C : category).
Definition action_in_actegory_from_precomp_CAT_as_self_action :
actegory_action (Mon_endo C) (actegory_from_precomp_CAT C C) =
actegory_action (Mon_endo C) (actegory_with_canonical_self_action (Mon_endo C)).
Show proof.
on the way to what we really need is the following convertibility:
Lemma lax_lineators_for_actegory_from_precomp_CAT_and_self_action_agree (F : functor [C, C] [C, C]) :
lineator_lax (Mon_endo C) (actegory_from_precomp_CAT C C) (actegory_from_precomp_CAT C C) F =
lineator_lax (Mon_endo C) (actegory_with_canonical_self_action (Mon_endo C))
(actegory_with_canonical_self_action (Mon_endo C)) F.
Show proof.
lineator_lax (Mon_endo C) (actegory_from_precomp_CAT C C) (actegory_from_precomp_CAT C C) F =
lineator_lax (Mon_endo C) (actegory_with_canonical_self_action (Mon_endo C))
(actegory_with_canonical_self_action (Mon_endo C)) F.
Show proof.
in fact, we need this with reindexed actegories everywhere
End TheHomogeneousCase.
Section LineatorForPostcomposition.
Context (C D E : category) (G : functor D E).
Definition lax_lineator_postcomp_actegories_from_precomp_CAT_data :
lineator_data (Mon_endo C) (actegory_from_precomp_CAT C D) (actegory_from_precomp_CAT C E) (post_comp_functor G).
Show proof.
Lemma lax_lineator_postcomp_actegories_from_precomp_CAT_laws :
lineator_laxlaws (Mon_endo C) (actegory_from_precomp_CAT C D) (actegory_from_precomp_CAT C E) (post_comp_functor G)
Show proof.
- intro; intros.
apply (nat_trans_eq E).
intro c.
rewrite id_left; apply id_right.
- intro; intros.
apply (nat_trans_eq E).
intro c.
rewrite id_left; apply id_right.
- intro; intros.
apply (nat_trans_eq E).
intro c.
do 3 rewrite id_left.
apply functor_id.
- intro; intros.
apply (nat_trans_eq E).
intro c.
rewrite id_left.
apply functor_id.
- intro; intros.
apply (nat_trans_eq E).
intro c.
rewrite id_left; apply id_right.
- intro; intros.
apply (nat_trans_eq E).
intro c.
rewrite id_left; apply id_right.
- intro; intros.
apply (nat_trans_eq E).
intro c.
do 3 rewrite id_left.
apply functor_id.
- intro; intros.
apply (nat_trans_eq E).
intro c.
rewrite id_left.
apply functor_id.
Definition lax_lineator_postcomp_actegories_from_precomp_CAT :
lineator_lax (Mon_endo C) (actegory_from_precomp_CAT C D) (actegory_from_precomp_CAT C E) (post_comp_functor G) :=
End LineatorForPostcomposition.
Section LineatorForConstConstFunctor.
Context {C D E : category} (ActD : actegory (Mon_endo C) D) (e0: E).
Definition constconst_functor_lax_lineator_data : lineator_data (Mon_endo C)
ActD (actegory_from_precomp_CAT C E) (constant_functor D [C,E] (constant_functor C E e0)).
Show proof.
Lemma constconst_functor_lax_lineator_laws :
lineator_laxlaws _ _ _ _ constconst_functor_lax_lineator_data.
Show proof.
- intro; intros; apply (nat_trans_eq E); intro c; apply idpath.
- intro; intros; apply (nat_trans_eq E); intro c; apply idpath.
- intro; intros; apply (nat_trans_eq E); intro c. apply pathsinv0, id_right.
- intro; intros; apply (nat_trans_eq E); intro c. apply id_right.
- intro; intros; apply (nat_trans_eq E); intro c; apply idpath.
- intro; intros; apply (nat_trans_eq E); intro c; apply idpath.
- intro; intros; apply (nat_trans_eq E); intro c. apply pathsinv0, id_right.
- intro; intros; apply (nat_trans_eq E); intro c. apply id_right.
Definition constconst_functor_lax_lineator : lineator_lax (Mon_endo C)
ActD (actegory_from_precomp_CAT C E) (constant_functor D [C,E] (constant_functor C E e0))
:= _,,constconst_functor_lax_lineator_laws.
End LineatorForConstConstFunctor.
Section DistributionOfCoproducts.
Context (C D : category).
Section BinaryCoproduct.
Context (BCP : BinCoproducts D).
Let BCPCD : BinCoproducts [C, D] := BinCoproducts_functor_precat C D BCP.
Definition actegory_from_precomp_CAT_bincoprod_distributor_data :
actegory_bincoprod_distributor_data (Mon_endo C) BCPCD (actegory_from_precomp_CAT C D).
Show proof.
a sanity check
Goal ∏ F G1 G2 c, pr1 (actegory_from_precomp_CAT_bincoprod_distributor_data F G1 G2) c = identity _.
Show proof.
Lemma actegory_from_precomp_CAT_bincoprod_distributor_law :
actegory_bincoprod_distributor_iso_law _ _ _ actegory_from_precomp_CAT_bincoprod_distributor_data.
Show proof.
Definition actegory_from_precomp_CAT_bincoprod_distributor :
actegory_bincoprod_distributor (Mon_endo C) BCPCD (actegory_from_precomp_CAT C D) :=
End BinaryCoproduct.
Section Coproduct.
Context {I : UU} (CP : Coproducts I D).
Let CPCD : Coproducts I [C, D] := Coproducts_functor_precat I C D CP.
Definition actegory_from_precomp_CAT_coprod_distributor_data :
actegory_coprod_distributor_data (Mon_endo C) CPCD (actegory_from_precomp_CAT C D).
Show proof.
Lemma actegory_from_precomp_CAT_coprod_distributor_law :
actegory_coprod_distributor_iso_law _ _ _ actegory_from_precomp_CAT_coprod_distributor_data.
Show proof.
Definition actegory_from_precomp_CAT_coprod_distributor :
actegory_coprod_distributor (Mon_endo C) CPCD (actegory_from_precomp_CAT C D) :=
End Coproduct.
End DistributionOfCoproducts.
Show proof.
Lemma actegory_from_precomp_CAT_bincoprod_distributor_law :
actegory_bincoprod_distributor_iso_law _ _ _ actegory_from_precomp_CAT_bincoprod_distributor_data.
Show proof.
Definition actegory_from_precomp_CAT_bincoprod_distributor :
actegory_bincoprod_distributor (Mon_endo C) BCPCD (actegory_from_precomp_CAT C D) :=
End BinaryCoproduct.
Section Coproduct.
Context {I : UU} (CP : Coproducts I D).
Let CPCD : Coproducts I [C, D] := Coproducts_functor_precat I C D CP.
Definition actegory_from_precomp_CAT_coprod_distributor_data :
actegory_coprod_distributor_data (Mon_endo C) CPCD (actegory_from_precomp_CAT C D).
Show proof.
Lemma actegory_from_precomp_CAT_coprod_distributor_law :
actegory_coprod_distributor_iso_law _ _ _ actegory_from_precomp_CAT_coprod_distributor_data.
Show proof.
Definition actegory_from_precomp_CAT_coprod_distributor :
actegory_coprod_distributor (Mon_endo C) CPCD (actegory_from_precomp_CAT C D) :=
End Coproduct.
End DistributionOfCoproducts.