Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Examples.PointedPosetStrict

1. Structures of pointed posets
Definition struct_pointed_poset_strict_data
  : hset_struct_data.
Show proof.
  simple refine (_ ,, _).
  - exact (λ X, pointed_PartialOrder X).
  - exact (λ X Y PX PY f, is_strict_and_monotone PX PY f).

Definition struct_pointed_poset_strict_laws
  : hset_struct_laws struct_pointed_poset_strict_data.
Show proof.
  - intro X.
    use isaset_total2.
    + apply isaset_PartialOrder.
    + intro PX.
      use isaset_total2.
      * apply setproperty.
      * intro.
        use impred_isaset.
        apply isasetaprop.
        apply propproperty.
  - intros X Y PX PY f.
    apply isapropdirprod.
    + apply isaprop_is_monotone.
    + apply setproperty.
  - intros X PX.
    apply idfun_is_strict_and_monotone.
  - intros X Y Z PX PY PZ f g Pf Pg.
    exact (comp_is_strict_and_monotone Pf Pg).
  - intros X PX PX' p q ; cbn in *.
    exact (eq_pointed_PartialOrder_strict_and_monotone p q).

Definition struct_pointed_poset_strict
  : hset_struct
  := struct_pointed_poset_strict_data ,, struct_pointed_poset_strict_laws.

Definition category_of_pointed_poset_strict
  : category
  := category_of_hset_struct struct_pointed_poset_strict.

2. The cartesian structure of pointed posets
Definition cartesian_struct_pointed_poset_strict_data
  : hset_cartesian_struct_data
  := struct_pointed_poset_strict
     λ X Y PX PY, prod_pointed_PartialOrder PX PY.

Definition cartesian_struct_pointed_poset_strict_laws
  : hset_cartesian_struct_laws cartesian_struct_pointed_poset_strict_data.
Show proof.
  refine (_ ,, _ ,, _ ,, _).
  - intros X PX ; cbn in *.
    + intros x y p.
      exact tt.
    + apply idpath.
  - intros X Y PX PY ; cbn in *.
    apply dirprod_pr1_is_strict_and_monotone.
  - intros X Y PX PY ; cbn in *.
    apply dirprod_pr2_is_strict_and_monotone.
  - intros W X Y PW PY PZ f g Pf Pg ; cbn in *.
    exact (prodtofun_is_strict_and_monotone Pf Pg).

Definition cartesian_struct_pointed_poset_strict
  : hset_cartesian_struct
  := cartesian_struct_pointed_poset_strict_data

3. Limits of pointed posets
Definition equalizers_struct_pointed_poset_strict
  : hset_equalizer_struct struct_pointed_poset_strict.
Show proof.
  simple refine (_ ,, _).
  - intros X Y f g PX PY Pf Pg.
    exact (Equalizer_pointed_PartialOrder Pf Pg).
  - split.
    + abstract
        (intros X Y f g PX PY Pf Pg ; cbn in * ;
         exact (Equalizer_pr1_strict_and_monotone Pf Pg)).
    + abstract
        (intros X Y f g PX PY Pf Pg W PW h Ph q ;
         exact (Equalizer_map_strict_and_monotone Pf Pg PW Ph (eqtohomot q))).

Definition type_products_struct_pointed_poset_strict
           (I : UU)
  : hset_struct_type_prod struct_pointed_poset_strict I.
Show proof.
  simple refine (_ ,, _).
  - exact (λ D fs, depfunction_pointed_poset _ fs).
  - split ; cbn.
    + abstract
        (intros D PD i ;
         apply is_strict_and_monotone_depfunction_pointed_poset_pr).
    + abstract
        (intros D PD W PW fs Hfs ;
         apply is_strict_and_monotone_depfunction_pointed_poset_pair ;
         exact Hfs).

4. Pointed posets form a pointed structure
5. The smash product of pointed posets
Proposition pointed_poset_strict_smash_eqrel_equiv
            {X Y : hSet}
            (PX : pointed_PartialOrder X)
            (PY : pointed_PartialOrder Y)
            (xy₁ xy₂ : X × Y)
  : smash_eqrel
      PX PY
      xy₁ xy₂
    @downward_closed_to_eqrel (X × Y)%set (smash_set PX PY) xy₁ xy₂.
Show proof.
  induction xy₁ as [ x₁ y₁ ].
  induction xy₂ as [ x₂ y₂ ].
  - use factor_through_squash.
      apply propproperty.
    intro p.
    unfold product_point_coordinate in p.
    cbn in p.
    unfold pointed_struct_pointed_poset_strict_data in p.
    apply hinhpr.
    induction p as [ p | p ].
    + exact (inl p).
    + apply inr.
      * exact (hinhpr (pr1 p)).
      * exact (hinhpr (pr2 p)).
  - use factor_through_squash.
      apply propproperty.
    intro p.
    unfold smash_set in p ; cbn in p.
    induction p as [ p | p ].
    + exact (hinhpr (inl p)).
    + assert (p₁ := pr1 p).
      revert p₁.
      use factor_through_squash.
        apply propproperty.
      intros p₁.
      assert (p₂ := pr2 p).
      revert p₂.
      use factor_through_squash.
        apply propproperty.
      intros p₂.
      apply hinhpr.
      apply inr.
      unfold product_point_coordinate ; cbn.
      unfold pointed_struct_pointed_poset_strict_data.
      * exact p₁.
      * exact p₂.

Definition struct_pointed_poset_strict_with_smash_data
  : hset_struct_with_smash_data
Show proof.
  refine (_ ,, _).
  - exact pointed_PartialOrder_boolset.
  - intros X Y PX PY.
    use (pointed_quotient_poset
           (prod_pointed_PartialOrder PX PY)
           (smash_set PX PY)
           (smash_set_downward_closd PX PY)).
    exact (pointed_poset_strict_smash_eqrel_equiv PX PY).

Proposition struct_pointed_poset_strict_with_smash_laws
  : hset_struct_with_smash_laws
Show proof.
  repeat split.
  - intros b₁ b₂ p ; cbn in p.
    induction b₁, b₂.
    + apply refl_PartialOrder.
    + induction p.
    + apply pointed_PartialOrder_min_point.
    + apply refl_PartialOrder.
  - intros x y p .
    unfold pointed_hset_struct_unit_map ; cbn.
    unfold pointed_struct_pointed_poset_strict_data.
    assert (q := pr1 Pf x y p) ; cbn in q.
    induction (f x), (f y).
    + apply Pg.
      exact p.
    + induction q.
    + apply (pr2 PY).
    + apply (pr2 PY).
  - unfold pointed_hset_struct_unit_map.
    unfold pointed_struct_pointed_poset_strict_data.
    induction (f _{PX}).
    + apply Pg.
    + apply idpath.
  - intros x₁ x₂ p ; cbn.
    apply hinhpr.
    use inr.
    refine (p ,, _).
    apply refl_PartialOrder.
  - use iscompsetquotpr ; cbn.
    apply hinhpr.
    use inr.
    unfold product_point_coordinate ; cbn.
    unfold pointed_struct_pointed_poset_strict_data.
    + exact (inl (idpath _)).
    + exact (inl (idpath _)).
  - intros y₁ y₂ p ; cbn.
    apply hinhpr.
    use inr.
    exact (refl_PartialOrder (pr1 PX) x ,, p).
  - use iscompsetquotpr ; cbn.
    apply hinhpr.
    use inr.
    unfold product_point_coordinate ; cbn.
    unfold pointed_struct_pointed_poset_strict_data.
    + exact (inr (idpath _)).
    + exact (inr (idpath _)).
  - intros xy₁ xy₂ p ; cbn.
    apply hinhpr.
    use inr.
    exact p.
  - use setquotunivprop'.
      repeat (use impred ; intro).
      apply propproperty.
    intros xy₁.
    use setquotunivprop'.
      repeat (use impred ; intro).
      apply propproperty.
    intros xy₂.
    induction xy₁ as [ x₁ y₁ ].
    induction xy₂ as [ x₂ y₂ ] ; cbn.
    use factor_through_squash.
      apply propproperty.
    intro p.
    induction p as [ p | p].
    + revert p.
      use factor_through_squash.
        apply propproperty.
      intro p.
      induction p as [ p | p ] ; rewrite p.
      * assert (h _{PX} y₁ = _{PZ}) as q.
          refine (!(hp₂ (_{PX}) y₁) @ _).
          apply (pr2 Ph).
        rewrite q.
        apply (pr2 PZ).
      * assert (h x₁ _{PY} = _{PZ}) as q.
          refine (hp₂ x₁ (_{PY}) @ _).
          apply (pr2 Ph).
        rewrite q.
        apply (pr2 PZ).
    + exact (pr1 Ph (x₁ ,, y₁) (x₂ ,, y₂) p).
  - apply (pr2 Ph).

Definition struct_pointed_poset_strict_with_smash
  : hset_struct_with_smash
  := struct_pointed_poset_strict_with_smash_data

Definition struct_pointed_poset_strict_with_smash_closed_pointed_data
  : hset_struct_with_smash_closed_data
  := λ X Y PX PY, strict_and_monotone_pointed_PartialOrder PX PY.

Proposition struct_pointed_poset_strict_with_smash_closed_pointed_laws
  : hset_struct_with_smash_closed_pointed_laws
Show proof.
  intros X Y PX PY x.
  apply idpath.

Definition struct_pointed_poset_strict_with_smash_closed_pointed
  : hset_struct_with_smash_closed_pointed
  := struct_pointed_poset_strict_with_smash_closed_pointed_data

Proposition struct_pointed_poset_strict_with_smash_adj_laws
  : hset_struct_with_smash_closed_adj_laws
Show proof.
  - intros PX PY PZ f.
    induction PX as [ X RX ].
    induction PY as [ Y RY ].
    induction PZ as [ Z RZ ].
    induction f as [ f Hf ].
    + use setquotunivprop'.
        repeat (use impred ; intro).
        apply propproperty.
      intros xy₁.
      use setquotunivprop'.
        repeat (use impred ; intro).
        apply propproperty.
      intros xy₂.
      use factor_through_squash.
        apply propproperty.
      cbn in *.
      induction xy₁ as [ x₁ y₁ ], xy₂ as [ x₂ y₂ ].
      intro p.
      induction p as [ p | p ].
      * revert p.
        use factor_through_squash.
          apply propproperty.
        intro p.
        induction p as [ p | p ].
        ** assert (pr1 (f x₁) y₁ = _{RZ}) as r.
             rewrite p.
             exact (eqtohomot (maponpaths pr1 (pr2 Hf)) y₁).
           rewrite r.
           apply (pr2 RZ).
        ** assert (pr1 (f x₁) y₁ = _{RZ}) as r.
             rewrite p.
             apply (pr2 (f x₁)).
           rewrite r.
           apply (pr2 RZ).
      * cbn ; cbn in p.
        refine (trans_PartialOrder RZ _ _).
        ** exact (pr12 (f x₁) _ _ (pr2 p)).
        ** exact (pr1 Hf _ _ (pr1 p) y₂).
    + cbn.
        apply maponpaths_2.
        exact (pr2 Hf).
      apply idpath.
  - intros PX PY PZ f.
    induction PX as [ X RX ].
    induction PY as [ Y RY ].
    induction PZ as [ Z RZ ].
    induction f as [ f Hf ].
    + intros x₁ x₂ p y.
      apply (pr1 Hf).
      cbn in *.
      apply hinhpr.
      use inr.
      refine (p ,, _).
      apply refl_PartialOrder.
    + use eq_strict_and_monotone_function.
      intro y.
      refine (_ @ pr2 Hf).
      apply maponpaths.
      use iscompsetquotpr.
      apply hinhpr.
      use inr.
      unfold product_point_coordinate ; cbn.
      unfold pointed_struct_pointed_poset_strict_data.
      * exact (inl (idpath _)).
      * exact (inl (idpath _)).

Definition struct_pointed_poset_strict_with_smash_adj
  : hset_struct_with_smash_closed_adj
  := struct_pointed_poset_strict_with_smash_closed_pointed

Proposition struct_pointed_poset_strict_with_smash_laws_enrich
  : hset_struct_with_smash_closed_laws_enrich
Show proof.
  - intros PX PY PZ.
    induction PX as [ X RX ].
    induction PY as [ Y RY ].
    induction PZ as [ Z RZ ].
    + intros f₁ f₂ p.
      use setquotunivprop'.
        apply propproperty.
      intros xz.
      induction xz as [ x z ].
      cbn in *.
      apply p.
    + use eq_strict_and_monotone_function.
      use setquotunivprop'.
        apply setproperty.
      intro x ; cbn in *.
      apply idpath.
  - intros PX PY PZ.
    induction PX as [ X RX ].
    induction PY as [ Y RY ].
    induction PZ as [ Z RZ ].
    + intros f₁ f₂ p x y.
      cbn in *.
      apply p.
    + use eq_strict_and_monotone_function.
      intro x.
      use eq_strict_and_monotone_function.
      intro z.
      apply idpath.

Definition pointed_struct_pointed_poset_strict_with_smash_closed
  : hset_struct_with_smash_closed
  := cartesian_struct_pointed_poset_strict