Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Examples.Sigma

Sigmas of displayed (pre)categories

Section Sigma.

Context {C : category}
        {D : disp_cat C}
        (E : disp_cat (total_category D)).

Definition sigma_disp_cat_ob_mor : disp_cat_ob_mor C.
Show proof.
  exists (λ c, (d : D c), (E (c,,d))).
  intros x y xx yy f.
  exact ( (fD : pr1 xx -->[f] pr1 yy),
                (pr2 xx -->[f,,fD] pr2 yy)).

Definition sigma_disp_cat_id_comp
  : disp_cat_id_comp _ sigma_disp_cat_ob_mor.
Show proof.
  apply tpair.
  - intros x xx.
    exists (id_disp _). exact (id_disp (pr2 xx)).
  - intros x y z f g xx yy zz ff gg.
    exists (pr1 ff ;; pr1 gg). exact (pr2 ff ;; pr2 gg).

Definition sigma_disp_cat_data : disp_cat_data C
  := (_ ,, sigma_disp_cat_id_comp).

Definition sigma_disp_cat_axioms
  : disp_cat_axioms _ sigma_disp_cat_data.
Show proof.
  repeat apply tpair.
  - intros x y f [xx xxx] [yy yyy] [ff fff]; simpl in ff, fff.
    use total2_reassoc_paths'.
    + simpl. apply id_left_disp.
    + simpl. apply (pathscomp0 (id_left_disp fff)).
      apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
  - intros x y f [xx xxx] [yy yyy] [ff fff]; simpl in ff, fff.
    use total2_reassoc_paths'.
    + simpl. apply id_right_disp.
    + simpl. apply (pathscomp0 (id_right_disp fff)).
      apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
  - intros x y z w f g h [xx xxx] [yy yyy] [zz zzz] [ww www] [ff fff] [gg ggg] [hh hhh].
    simpl in ff, fff, gg, ggg, hh, hhh.
    use total2_reassoc_paths'.
    + simpl. apply assoc_disp.
    + apply (pathscomp0 (assoc_disp fff ggg hhh)).
      apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
  - intros. apply isaset_total2.
    + apply homsets_disp.
    + intros. apply homsets_disp.

Definition sigma_disp_cat : disp_cat C
  := (_ ,, sigma_disp_cat_axioms).

Definition sigmapr1_disp_functor_data
  : disp_functor_data (functor_identity C) sigma_disp_cat D.
Show proof.
  use tpair.
  - intros x xx; exact (pr1 xx).
  - intros x y xx yy f ff; exact (pr1 ff).

Definition sigmapr1_disp_functor_axioms
  : disp_functor_axioms sigmapr1_disp_functor_data.
Show proof.
  - intros; apply idpath.
  - intros; apply idpath.

Definition sigmapr1_disp_functor
  : disp_functor (functor_identity C) sigma_disp_cat D
:= (sigmapr1_disp_functor_data,, sigmapr1_disp_functor_axioms).

Transport and isomorphism lemmas

Lemma pr1_transportf_sigma_disp {x y : C} {f f' : x --> y} (e : f = f')
    {xxx : sigma_disp_cat x} {yyy} (fff : xxx -->[f] yyy)
  : pr1 (transportf _ e fff) = transportf _ e (pr1 fff).
Show proof.
  destruct e; apply idpath.

Lemma pr2_transportf_sigma_disp {x y : C} {f f' : x --> y} (e : f = f')
    {xxx : sigma_disp_cat x} {yyy} (fff : xxx -->[f] yyy)
  : pr2 (transportf _ e fff)
  = transportf (λ ff, pr2 xxx -->[ff] _ ) (two_arg_paths_f e (! pr1_transportf_sigma_disp e fff))
      (pr2 fff).
Show proof.
  destruct e. apply pathsinv0.
  etrans. apply maponpaths_2, maponpaths, maponpaths.
  apply (homsets_disp _ _ _ _ _ _ (idpath _)).
  apply idpath.


Characterization of the isos of sigma_disp_cat

Lemma E_mor_eq
  {x y xx yy}
  {xxx : E (x ,, xx)}
  {yyy : E (y ,, yy)}
  (xxx' := (xx ,, xxx) : sigma_disp_cat _)
  (yyy' := (yy ,, yyy) : sigma_disp_cat _)
  (f : z_iso x y)
  (g := inv_from_z_iso f)
  {ff gg fff ggg}
  {H1 : compose (C := total_category D) (a := (_ ,, _)) (b := (_ ,, _)) (c := (_ ,, _))
    (z_iso_mor f ,, ff) (g ,, gg) = identity _}
  (H2 : comp_disp (D := sigma_disp_cat) (xx := (xx ,, xxx)) (yy := (yy ,, yyy)) (zz := (xx ,, xxx))
    (ff ,, fff) (gg ,, ggg) = transportb _ (z_iso_inv_after_z_iso f) (id_disp _))
  : fff ;; ggg = transportb _ H1 (id_disp _).
Show proof.
  induction (total2_paths_equiv _ _ _ H2) as [H3 H4].
  refine (transportb_transpose_right (e := H3) H4 @ _).
  unfold transportb.
  apply transportf_transpose_right.
  rewrite pr2_transportf_sigma_disp,
    (functtransportf _ _ (two_arg_paths_f _ _)),
    (functtransportf _ _ (!H3)),
  apply transportf_set.
  apply (homset_property (total_category _)).

Definition sigma_iso_to_iso
  {x y}
  {xxx : sigma_disp_cat x}
  {yyy : sigma_disp_cat y}
  (f : z_iso x y)
  (fff : z_iso_disp f xxx yyy)
  : ff, z_iso_disp (total_z_iso f ff (xx := (_ ,, _)) (yy := (_ ,, _))) (pr2 xxx) (pr2 yyy).
Show proof.
  use tpair.
  - repeat use tpair.
    + exact (pr1 (mor_disp_from_z_iso fff)).
    + exact (pr1 (inv_mor_disp_from_z_iso fff)).
    + abstract exact (maponpaths _ (z_iso_disp_after_inv_mor fff) @ pr1_transportf_sigma_disp _ _).
    + abstract exact (maponpaths _ (inv_mor_after_z_iso_disp fff) @ pr1_transportf_sigma_disp _ _).
  - repeat use tpair.
    + exact (pr2 (mor_disp_from_z_iso fff)).
    + exact (pr2 (inv_mor_disp_from_z_iso fff)).
    + exact (E_mor_eq (z_iso_inv f) (z_iso_disp_after_inv_mor fff)).
    + exact (E_mor_eq f (inv_mor_after_z_iso_disp fff)).

Lemma sigma_mor_eq
  {x y f g}
  {xxx : sigma_disp_cat x}
  {yyy : sigma_disp_cat y}
  {fff : xxx -->[f] yyy}
  {ggg : xxx -->[g] yyy}
  {H1 : f = g}
  (H3 : pr2 fff = transportb _ (total2_paths_b (s := (_ ,, _)) (s' := (_ ,, _)) H1 H2) (pr2 ggg))
  : fff = transportb _ H1 ggg.
Show proof.
  use total2_paths_f.
  - refine (H2 @ !_).
    apply pr1_transportf_sigma_disp.
  - refine (maponpaths _ H3 @ _ @ !(pr2_transportf_sigma_disp _ _)).
    refine (functtransportf _ _ _ _ @ _).
    apply transportf_transpose_right.
    refine (transport_b_f _ _ _ _ @ transport_f_f _ _ _ _ @ _).
    exact (transportf_set _ _ _ (homset_property (total_category _) (_ ,, _) (_ ,, _))).

Definition iso_to_sigma_is_disp_inverse
  {x y}
  {xxx : sigma_disp_cat x}
  {yyy : sigma_disp_cat y}
  {f : z_iso x y}
  (fff : ff, z_iso_disp (total_z_iso f ff (xx := (_ ,, _)) (yy := (_ ,, _))) (pr2 xxx) (pr2 yyy))
  : is_disp_inverse (D := sigma_disp_cat) (z_iso_is_inverse_in_precat f)
    (mor_disp_from_z_iso (pr1 fff) ,, mor_disp_from_z_iso (pr2 fff))
    (inv_mor_disp_from_z_iso (pr1 fff) ,, inv_mor_disp_from_z_iso (pr2 fff)).
Show proof.
  use tpair;
    use sigma_mor_eq.
  - exact (z_iso_disp_after_inv_mor (pr1 fff)).
  - refine (z_iso_disp_after_inv_mor (pr2 fff) @ _).
    apply transportf_transpose_right.
    refine (transport_b_b _ _ _ _ @ _).
    exact (transportf_set _ _ _ (homset_property _ _ _)).
  - exact (inv_mor_after_z_iso_disp (pr1 fff)).
  - refine (inv_mor_after_z_iso_disp (pr2 fff) @ _).
    apply transportf_transpose_right.
    refine (transport_b_b _ _ _ _ @ _).
    exact (transportf_set _ _ _ (homset_property _ _ _)).

Definition iso_to_sigma_iso
  {x y}
  {xxx : sigma_disp_cat x}
  {yyy : sigma_disp_cat y}
  (f : z_iso x y)
  (fff : ff, z_iso_disp (total_z_iso f ff (xx := (_ ,, _)) (yy := (_ ,, _))) (pr2 xxx) (pr2 yyy))
  : z_iso_disp f xxx yyy
  := _ ,, _ ,, iso_to_sigma_is_disp_inverse fff.

Definition sigma_disp_z_iso_equiv
  {x y}
  {xxx : sigma_disp_cat x}
  {yyy : sigma_disp_cat y}
  (f : z_iso x y)
  : z_iso_disp f xxx yyy
   ff, z_iso_disp (total_z_iso f ff (xx := (_ ,, _)) (yy := (_ ,, _))) (pr2 xxx) (pr2 yyy).
Show proof.
  use weq_iso.
  - exact (sigma_iso_to_iso f).
  - exact (iso_to_sigma_iso f).
  - abstract (
      apply eq_z_iso_disp;
      now use total2_paths_f
  - abstract (
      use total2_paths_f;
      [now apply eq_z_iso_disp | apply eq_z_iso_disp];
      refine (pr1_transportf (B := λ ff, (pr2 xxx) -->[_ ,, pr1 ff] _) _ _ @ _);
      refine (functtransportf _ _ _ _ @ _);
      exact (transportf_set _ _ _ (homset_property _ _ _))

The univalence proof

Lemma is_univalent_sigma_disp (DD : is_univalent_disp D) (EE : is_univalent_disp E)
  : is_univalent_disp sigma_disp_cat.
Show proof.
  apply is_univalent_disp_from_fibers.
  intros x xx yy.
  use weqhomot.
  - induction xx as [xx xxx], yy as [yy yyy].
    refine (
      weqcomp (Y := (xx,, xxx : sigma_disp_cat x) yy,, yyy) _
      (weqcomp (Y := ee : xx = yy, z_iso_disp
        (@total_z_iso _ D (_ ,, _) (_ ,, _) _ (idtoiso_disp (idpath _) ee)) xxx yyy) _
      (weqcomp (Y := ff, (z_iso_disp (total_z_iso _ ff) xxx yyy)) _ _
    + apply total2_paths_equiv.
    + apply weqfibtototal.
      intro ee.
      induction (ee : xx = yy).
      refine (weqcomp (Y := z_iso_disp (idtoiso (C := total_category _)
        (total2_paths2_f (idpath x) (idpath _))) xxx yyy) _ _).
      * exact (make_weq (λ ee, idtoiso_disp (idpath _) ee) (EE _ _ _ _ _)).
      * now refine (make_weq _ (isweqtransportf (λ I, z_iso_disp I _ _) (z_iso_eq _ _ _))).
    + exact (weqfp (make_weq _ (DD _ _ (idpath _) _ _)) _).
    + exact (invweq (sigma_disp_z_iso_equiv (xxx := (_ ,, _)) (yyy := (_ ,, _)) _)).
  - assert (lemma1 : i i' (e : i = i') ii,
      pr1 (transportf (λ _, z_iso_disp _ (pr2 xx) (pr2 yy)) e ii)
      = transportf _ (maponpaths pr1 e) (pr1 ii)).
      intros i i' e.
      now induction e.
    intro ee.
    apply eq_z_iso_disp.
    induction ee.
    refine (maponpaths _ (lemma1 _ (total_z_iso _ (identity_z_iso_disp _)) _ _ @ _)).
    refine (maponpaths_2 (y' := idpath _) _ _ _).
    apply homset_property.

End Sigma.