Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.EnrichedCats.Limits.EnrichedLimits
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Univalence.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.OppositeCategory.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.categories.StandardCategories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.PrecategoryBinProduct.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.Ends.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.Structure.Symmetric.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.Structure.Closed.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.EnrichedCats.Enrichment.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.EnrichedCats.Examples.SelfEnriched.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.EnrichedCats.Limits.EnrichedConicalLimits.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.EnrichedCats.Limits.EnrichedPowers.
Local Open Scope cat.
Local Open Scope moncat.
Import MonoidalNotations.
Opaque sym_mon_braiding.
Section EnrichedLimit.
Context {V : sym_mon_closed_cat}
{I C : category}
(E : enrichment C V)
(D : I ⟶ C)
(W : I ⟶ V).
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Univalence.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.OppositeCategory.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.categories.StandardCategories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.PrecategoryBinProduct.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.Ends.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.Structure.Symmetric.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.Structure.Closed.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.EnrichedCats.Enrichment.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.EnrichedCats.Examples.SelfEnriched.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.EnrichedCats.Limits.EnrichedConicalLimits.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.EnrichedCats.Limits.EnrichedPowers.
Local Open Scope cat.
Local Open Scope moncat.
Import MonoidalNotations.
Opaque sym_mon_braiding.
Section EnrichedLimit.
Context {V : sym_mon_closed_cat}
{I C : category}
(E : enrichment C V)
(D : I ⟶ C)
(W : I ⟶ V).
1. Cones of enriched limits
Definition enriched_lim_cone
: UU
:= ∑ (a : C),
∑ (fs : ∏ (i : I), W i --> E ⦃ a , D i ⦄),
∏ (i j : I)
(f : i --> j),
fs i · postcomp_arr E a (#D f)
#W f · fs j.
Coercion ob_enriched_lim_cone
(a : enriched_lim_cone)
: C
:= pr1 a.
Definition enriched_lim_cone_pr
(a : enriched_lim_cone)
(i : I)
: W i --> E ⦃ a , D i ⦄
:= pr12 a i.
Proposition enriched_lim_cone_commute
(a : enriched_lim_cone)
{i j : I}
(f : i --> j)
: enriched_lim_cone_pr a i · postcomp_arr E a (#D f)
#W f · enriched_lim_cone_pr a j.
Show proof.
Definition make_enriched_lim_cone
(a : C)
(fs : ∏ (i : I), W i --> E ⦃ a , D i ⦄)
(eqs : ∏ (i j : I)
(f : i --> j),
fs i · postcomp_arr E a (#D f)
#W f · fs j)
: enriched_lim_cone
:= a ,, fs ,, eqs.
: UU
:= ∑ (a : C),
∑ (fs : ∏ (i : I), W i --> E ⦃ a , D i ⦄),
∏ (i j : I)
(f : i --> j),
fs i · postcomp_arr E a (#D f)
#W f · fs j.
Coercion ob_enriched_lim_cone
(a : enriched_lim_cone)
: C
:= pr1 a.
Definition enriched_lim_cone_pr
(a : enriched_lim_cone)
(i : I)
: W i --> E ⦃ a , D i ⦄
:= pr12 a i.
Proposition enriched_lim_cone_commute
(a : enriched_lim_cone)
{i j : I}
(f : i --> j)
: enriched_lim_cone_pr a i · postcomp_arr E a (#D f)
#W f · enriched_lim_cone_pr a j.
Show proof.
Definition make_enriched_lim_cone
(a : C)
(fs : ∏ (i : I), W i --> E ⦃ a , D i ⦄)
(eqs : ∏ (i j : I)
(f : i --> j),
fs i · postcomp_arr E a (#D f)
#W f · fs j)
: enriched_lim_cone
:= a ,, fs ,, eqs.
2. Limits in an enriched category
Definition weighted_hom_data
(w : C)
: functor_data (category_binproduct (I^opp) I) V.
Show proof.
Proposition weighted_hom_is_functor
(w : C)
: is_functor (weighted_hom_data w).
Show proof.
Definition weighted_hom
(w : C)
: category_binproduct (I^opp) I ⟶ V.
Show proof.
Definition is_lim_enriched_wedge_data
(a : enriched_lim_cone)
(w : C)
: wedge_data (weighted_hom w).
Show proof.
Proposition is_lim_enriched_is_wedge
(a : enriched_lim_cone)
(w : C)
: is_wedge (weighted_hom w) (is_lim_enriched_wedge_data a w).
Show proof.
Definition is_lim_enriched_wedge
(a : enriched_lim_cone)
(w : C)
: wedge (weighted_hom w).
Show proof.
Definition is_lim_enriched
(a : enriched_lim_cone)
: UU
:= ∏ (w : C),
is_end (weighted_hom w) (is_lim_enriched_wedge a w).
Definition lim_enriched
: UU
:= ∑ (a : enriched_lim_cone),
is_lim_enriched a.
Coercion cone_of_lim_enriched
(a : lim_enriched)
: enriched_lim_cone
:= pr1 a.
Definition enriched_lim_cone_is_lim
(a : lim_enriched)
: is_lim_enriched a
:= pr2 a.
(w : C)
: functor_data (category_binproduct (I^opp) I) V.
Show proof.
use make_functor_data.
- exact (λ i, W (pr1 i) ⊸ (E ⦃ w , D (pr2 i) ⦄)).
- exact (λ i j k,
(#W (pr1 k))
(postcomp_arr E w (#D (pr2 k)))).
- exact (λ i, W (pr1 i) ⊸ (E ⦃ w , D (pr2 i) ⦄)).
- exact (λ i j k,
(#W (pr1 k))
(postcomp_arr E w (#D (pr2 k)))).
Proposition weighted_hom_is_functor
(w : C)
: is_functor (weighted_hom_data w).
Show proof.
- intro i ; cbn.
rewrite !functor_id.
rewrite postcomp_arr_id.
rewrite internal_pre_post_comp_id.
apply idpath.
- intros i j k f g ; cbn.
rewrite !functor_comp.
rewrite !postcomp_arr_comp.
rewrite internal_pre_post_comp_comp.
apply idpath.
- intro i ; cbn.
rewrite !functor_id.
rewrite postcomp_arr_id.
rewrite internal_pre_post_comp_id.
apply idpath.
- intros i j k f g ; cbn.
rewrite !functor_comp.
rewrite !postcomp_arr_comp.
rewrite internal_pre_post_comp_comp.
apply idpath.
Definition weighted_hom
(w : C)
: category_binproduct (I^opp) I ⟶ V.
Show proof.
Definition is_lim_enriched_wedge_data
(a : enriched_lim_cone)
(w : C)
: wedge_data (weighted_hom w).
Show proof.
use make_wedge_data.
- exact (E ⦃ w , a ⦄).
- exact (λ i,
(identity _ #⊗ enriched_lim_cone_pr a i
· sym_mon_braiding _ _ _
· enriched_comp E _ _ _)).
- exact (E ⦃ w , a ⦄).
- exact (λ i,
(identity _ #⊗ enriched_lim_cone_pr a i
· sym_mon_braiding _ _ _
· enriched_comp E _ _ _)).
Proposition is_lim_enriched_is_wedge
(a : enriched_lim_cone)
(w : C)
: is_wedge (weighted_hom w) (is_lim_enriched_wedge_data a w).
Show proof.
intros i j g ; cbn -[sym_mon_braiding].
rewrite !functor_id.
rewrite postcomp_arr_id.
use internal_funext.
intros z h.
rewrite !tensor_comp_r_id_r.
rewrite !assoc'.
unfold internal_pre_post_comp.
rewrite !internal_beta.
rewrite !tensor_id_id.
rewrite id_left, id_right.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite tensor_split.
rewrite !assoc'.
rewrite !(maponpaths (λ z, _ · z) (assoc _ _ _)).
rewrite internal_beta.
rewrite !assoc'.
rewrite !(maponpaths (λ z, _ · z) (assoc _ _ _)).
rewrite tensor_sym_mon_braiding.
rewrite !assoc'.
rewrite enriched_comp_postcomp_arr.
rewrite !(maponpaths (λ z, _ · (_ · z)) (assoc _ _ _)).
rewrite <- tensor_comp_id_r.
rewrite enriched_lim_cone_commute.
rewrite tensor_comp_id_r.
rewrite !assoc'.
rewrite !(maponpaths (λ z, _ · z) (assoc _ _ _)).
rewrite <- tensor_sym_mon_braiding.
rewrite !assoc.
refine (!_).
rewrite <- tensor_comp_mor.
rewrite id_right.
rewrite tensor_split.
rewrite tensor_comp_id_l.
rewrite !assoc'.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite internal_beta.
rewrite tensor_split.
rewrite !assoc'.
do 2 apply maponpaths.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite tensor_sym_mon_braiding.
apply idpath.
rewrite !functor_id.
rewrite postcomp_arr_id.
use internal_funext.
intros z h.
rewrite !tensor_comp_r_id_r.
rewrite !assoc'.
unfold internal_pre_post_comp.
rewrite !internal_beta.
rewrite !tensor_id_id.
rewrite id_left, id_right.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite tensor_split.
rewrite !assoc'.
rewrite !(maponpaths (λ z, _ · z) (assoc _ _ _)).
rewrite internal_beta.
rewrite !assoc'.
rewrite !(maponpaths (λ z, _ · z) (assoc _ _ _)).
rewrite tensor_sym_mon_braiding.
rewrite !assoc'.
rewrite enriched_comp_postcomp_arr.
rewrite !(maponpaths (λ z, _ · (_ · z)) (assoc _ _ _)).
rewrite <- tensor_comp_id_r.
rewrite enriched_lim_cone_commute.
rewrite tensor_comp_id_r.
rewrite !assoc'.
rewrite !(maponpaths (λ z, _ · z) (assoc _ _ _)).
rewrite <- tensor_sym_mon_braiding.
rewrite !assoc.
refine (!_).
rewrite <- tensor_comp_mor.
rewrite id_right.
rewrite tensor_split.
rewrite tensor_comp_id_l.
rewrite !assoc'.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite internal_beta.
rewrite tensor_split.
rewrite !assoc'.
do 2 apply maponpaths.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite tensor_sym_mon_braiding.
apply idpath.
Definition is_lim_enriched_wedge
(a : enriched_lim_cone)
(w : C)
: wedge (weighted_hom w).
Show proof.
Definition is_lim_enriched
(a : enriched_lim_cone)
: UU
:= ∏ (w : C),
is_end (weighted_hom w) (is_lim_enriched_wedge a w).
Definition lim_enriched
: UU
:= ∑ (a : enriched_lim_cone),
is_lim_enriched a.
Coercion cone_of_lim_enriched
(a : lim_enriched)
: enriched_lim_cone
:= pr1 a.
Definition enriched_lim_cone_is_lim
(a : lim_enriched)
: is_lim_enriched a
:= pr2 a.
3. Being a limit is a proposition
Proposition isaprop_is_lim_enriched
(a : enriched_lim_cone)
: isaprop (is_lim_enriched a).
Show proof.
End EnrichedLimit.
(a : enriched_lim_cone)
: isaprop (is_lim_enriched a).
Show proof.
End EnrichedLimit.
4. Instances of limits
4.1. Powers as limits
Section LimitToPower.
Context {V : sym_mon_closed_cat}
{C : category}
(E : enrichment C V)
(v : V)
(x : C).
Let I : category := unit_category.
Let D : I ⟶ C := constant_functor _ _ x.
Let W : I ⟶ V := constant_functor _ _ v.
Context (a : lim_enriched E D W).
Definition power_from_lim_cone
: power_cone E v x.
Show proof.
Section PowerUMP.
Context (w : C).
Definition power_from_lim_wedge_data
: wedge_data (weighted_hom E D W w).
Show proof.
Proposition power_from_lim_is_wedge
: is_wedge (weighted_hom E D W w) power_from_lim_wedge_data.
Show proof.
Definition power_from_lim_wedge
: wedge (weighted_hom E D W w).
Show proof.
Proposition power_from_lim_wedge_inv_1
: is_power_enriched_map E v x power_from_lim_cone w
· mor_to_end
(weighted_hom E D W w)
(enriched_lim_cone_is_lim E _ _ a w)
identity _.
Show proof.
Proposition power_from_lim_wedge_inv_2
: mor_to_end (weighted_hom E D W w) (pr2 a w) power_from_lim_wedge
· is_power_enriched_map E v x power_from_lim_cone w
identity _.
Show proof.
End PowerUMP.
Definition is_power_enriched_from_lim_cone
: is_power_enriched _ _ _ power_from_lim_cone.
Show proof.
Context {V : sym_mon_closed_cat}
{C : category}
(E : enrichment C V)
(v : V)
(x : C).
Let I : category := unit_category.
Let D : I ⟶ C := constant_functor _ _ x.
Let W : I ⟶ V := constant_functor _ _ v.
Context (a : lim_enriched E D W).
Definition power_from_lim_cone
: power_cone E v x.
Show proof.
Section PowerUMP.
Context (w : C).
Definition power_from_lim_wedge_data
: wedge_data (weighted_hom E D W w).
Show proof.
Proposition power_from_lim_is_wedge
: is_wedge (weighted_hom E D W w) power_from_lim_wedge_data.
Show proof.
Definition power_from_lim_wedge
: wedge (weighted_hom E D W w).
Show proof.
Proposition power_from_lim_wedge_inv_1
: is_power_enriched_map E v x power_from_lim_cone w
· mor_to_end
(weighted_hom E D W w)
(enriched_lim_cone_is_lim E _ _ a w)
identity _.
Show proof.
use (mor_to_end_eq _ (pr2 a w)).
intro i.
rewrite !assoc'.
apply maponpaths.
exact (mor_to_end_comm _ (pr2 a w) power_from_lim_wedge i).
refine (id_right _ @ _ @ !(id_left _)).
use internal_funext.
intros z h.
rewrite tensor_split.
rewrite !assoc'.
unfold is_power_enriched_map.
rewrite internal_beta.
refine (!_).
rewrite tensor_split.
rewrite !assoc'.
apply maponpaths.
apply internal_beta.
rewrite !assoc.
induction i.
apply idpath.
intro i.
rewrite !assoc'.
apply maponpaths.
exact (mor_to_end_comm _ (pr2 a w) power_from_lim_wedge i).
refine (id_right _ @ _ @ !(id_left _)).
use internal_funext.
intros z h.
rewrite tensor_split.
rewrite !assoc'.
unfold is_power_enriched_map.
rewrite internal_beta.
refine (!_).
rewrite tensor_split.
rewrite !assoc'.
apply maponpaths.
apply internal_beta.
rewrite !assoc.
induction i.
apply idpath.
Proposition power_from_lim_wedge_inv_2
: mor_to_end (weighted_hom E D W w) (pr2 a w) power_from_lim_wedge
· is_power_enriched_map E v x power_from_lim_cone w
identity _.
Show proof.
End PowerUMP.
Definition is_power_enriched_from_lim_cone
: is_power_enriched _ _ _ power_from_lim_cone.
Show proof.
use make_is_power_enriched.
- exact (λ w, mor_to_end _ (pr2 a w) (power_from_lim_wedge w)).
- exact power_from_lim_wedge_inv_1.
- exact power_from_lim_wedge_inv_2.
End LimitToPower.- exact (λ w, mor_to_end _ (pr2 a w) (power_from_lim_wedge w)).
- exact power_from_lim_wedge_inv_1.
- exact power_from_lim_wedge_inv_2.
4.2. Conical limits as limits
Section LimitToConical.
Context {V : sym_mon_closed_cat}
{C : category}
(E : enrichment C V)
{I : category}
(D : I ⟶ C).
Let W : I ⟶ V := constant_functor _ _ I_{V}.
Context (a : lim_enriched E D W).
Definition enriched_weighted_to_conical_cone
: enriched_conical_lim_cone D.
Show proof.
Section ConicalLimUMP.
Context {w : C}
(v : V)
(fs : ∏ (i : I), v --> E ⦃ w, D i ⦄)
(ps : ∏ (i j : I) (k : i --> j), fs i · postcomp_arr E w (#D k) = fs j).
Proposition enriched_weighted_to_conical_is_conical_lim_unique
: isaprop
(∑ (g : v --> E ⦃ w, a ⦄),
∏ (i : I),
g · postcomp_arr E w (enriched_to_arr E (enriched_lim_cone_pr E D W a i))
fs i).
Show proof.
Definition enriched_weighted_to_conical_is_conical_lim_wedge_data
: wedge_data (weighted_hom E D W w).
Show proof.
Proposition enriched_weighted_to_conical_is_conical_lim_is_wedge
: is_wedge
(weighted_hom E D W w)
Show proof.
Definition enriched_weighted_to_conical_is_conical_lim_wedge
: wedge (weighted_hom E D W w).
Show proof.
Definition enriched_weighted_to_conical_is_conical_lim_mor
: v --> E ⦃ w, a ⦄
:= mor_to_end
(pr2 a w)
Proposition enriched_weighted_to_conical_is_conical_lim_mor_eq
(i : I)
: enriched_weighted_to_conical_is_conical_lim_mor
· postcomp_arr E w (enriched_to_arr E (enriched_lim_cone_pr E D W a i))
fs i.
Show proof.
Definition enriched_weighted_to_conical_is_conical_lim
: is_conical_lim_enriched E D enriched_weighted_to_conical_cone.
Show proof.
Context {V : sym_mon_closed_cat}
{C : category}
(E : enrichment C V)
{I : category}
(D : I ⟶ C).
Let W : I ⟶ V := constant_functor _ _ I_{V}.
Context (a : lim_enriched E D W).
Definition enriched_weighted_to_conical_cone
: enriched_conical_lim_cone D.
Show proof.
use make_enriched_conical_lim_cone.
- exact a.
- exact (λ i, enriched_to_arr E (enriched_lim_cone_pr _ _ _ a i)).
- abstract
(intros i j f ; cbn ;
use (invmaponpathsweq (make_weq _ (isweq_enriched_from_arr E _ _))) ; cbn ;
rewrite enriched_from_to_arr ;
pose (enriched_lim_cone_commute _ _ _ a f) as p ;
cbn in p ;
rewrite id_left in p ;
rewrite <- p ;
rewrite enriched_from_arr_comp ;
rewrite enriched_from_to_arr ;
rewrite tensor_split ;
rewrite !assoc ;
rewrite <- tensor_linvunitor ;
rewrite !assoc' ;
apply maponpaths ;
rewrite !assoc ;
apply idpath).
- exact a.
- exact (λ i, enriched_to_arr E (enriched_lim_cone_pr _ _ _ a i)).
- abstract
(intros i j f ; cbn ;
use (invmaponpathsweq (make_weq _ (isweq_enriched_from_arr E _ _))) ; cbn ;
rewrite enriched_from_to_arr ;
pose (enriched_lim_cone_commute _ _ _ a f) as p ;
cbn in p ;
rewrite id_left in p ;
rewrite <- p ;
rewrite enriched_from_arr_comp ;
rewrite enriched_from_to_arr ;
rewrite tensor_split ;
rewrite !assoc ;
rewrite <- tensor_linvunitor ;
rewrite !assoc' ;
apply maponpaths ;
rewrite !assoc ;
apply idpath).
Section ConicalLimUMP.
Context {w : C}
(v : V)
(fs : ∏ (i : I), v --> E ⦃ w, D i ⦄)
(ps : ∏ (i j : I) (k : i --> j), fs i · postcomp_arr E w (#D k) = fs j).
Proposition enriched_weighted_to_conical_is_conical_lim_unique
: isaprop
(∑ (g : v --> E ⦃ w, a ⦄),
∏ (i : I),
g · postcomp_arr E w (enriched_to_arr E (enriched_lim_cone_pr E D W a i))
fs i).
Show proof.
use invproofirrelevance.
intros φ₁ φ₂.
use subtypePath.
use impred ; intro.
apply homset_property.
use (mor_to_end_eq _ (pr2 a w)).
intros i ; cbn.
use internal_funext.
intros z h.
rewrite !tensor_comp_r_id_r.
rewrite !assoc'.
rewrite !internal_beta.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite <- !tensor_comp_mor.
rewrite !id_right.
rewrite !tensor_sym_mon_braiding.
rewrite !assoc'.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !tensor_comp_r_id_l.
rewrite !assoc'.
apply maponpaths.
pose (p := maponpaths (λ z, mon_lunitor _ · z) (pr2 φ₁ i @ !(pr2 φ₂ i))).
cbn in p.
unfold postcomp_arr in p.
rewrite !enriched_from_to_arr in p.
rewrite !assoc' in p.
rewrite !(maponpaths (λ z, _ · z) (assoc _ _ _)) in p.
rewrite !tensor_linvunitor in p.
rewrite !assoc in p.
rewrite !mon_lunitor_linvunitor in p.
rewrite !id_left in p.
rewrite <- !tensor_split in p.
exact p.
intros φ₁ φ₂.
use subtypePath.
use impred ; intro.
apply homset_property.
use (mor_to_end_eq _ (pr2 a w)).
intros i ; cbn.
use internal_funext.
intros z h.
rewrite !tensor_comp_r_id_r.
rewrite !assoc'.
rewrite !internal_beta.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite <- !tensor_comp_mor.
rewrite !id_right.
rewrite !tensor_sym_mon_braiding.
rewrite !assoc'.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !tensor_comp_r_id_l.
rewrite !assoc'.
apply maponpaths.
pose (p := maponpaths (λ z, mon_lunitor _ · z) (pr2 φ₁ i @ !(pr2 φ₂ i))).
cbn in p.
unfold postcomp_arr in p.
rewrite !enriched_from_to_arr in p.
rewrite !assoc' in p.
rewrite !(maponpaths (λ z, _ · z) (assoc _ _ _)) in p.
rewrite !tensor_linvunitor in p.
rewrite !assoc in p.
rewrite !mon_lunitor_linvunitor in p.
rewrite !id_left in p.
rewrite <- !tensor_split in p.
exact p.
Definition enriched_weighted_to_conical_is_conical_lim_wedge_data
: wedge_data (weighted_hom E D W w).
Show proof.
Proposition enriched_weighted_to_conical_is_conical_lim_is_wedge
: is_wedge
(weighted_hom E D W w)
Show proof.
intros i j f ; cbn.
use internal_funext.
intros z h.
rewrite !tensor_comp_r_id_r.
rewrite !assoc'.
unfold internal_pre_post_comp.
rewrite !internal_beta.
rewrite functor_id.
rewrite postcomp_arr_id.
rewrite id_right.
rewrite !tensor_id_id.
rewrite !id_left.
rewrite tensor_split.
rewrite !assoc'.
rewrite (maponpaths (λ z, _ · z) (assoc _ _ _)).
rewrite internal_beta.
refine (!_).
rewrite tensor_split.
rewrite !assoc'.
rewrite (maponpaths (λ z, _ · z) (assoc _ _ _)).
rewrite internal_beta.
rewrite !assoc'.
do 2 apply maponpaths.
refine (!_).
apply ps.
use internal_funext.
intros z h.
rewrite !tensor_comp_r_id_r.
rewrite !assoc'.
unfold internal_pre_post_comp.
rewrite !internal_beta.
rewrite functor_id.
rewrite postcomp_arr_id.
rewrite id_right.
rewrite !tensor_id_id.
rewrite !id_left.
rewrite tensor_split.
rewrite !assoc'.
rewrite (maponpaths (λ z, _ · z) (assoc _ _ _)).
rewrite internal_beta.
refine (!_).
rewrite tensor_split.
rewrite !assoc'.
rewrite (maponpaths (λ z, _ · z) (assoc _ _ _)).
rewrite internal_beta.
rewrite !assoc'.
do 2 apply maponpaths.
refine (!_).
apply ps.
Definition enriched_weighted_to_conical_is_conical_lim_wedge
: wedge (weighted_hom E D W w).
Show proof.
use make_wedge.
- exact enriched_weighted_to_conical_is_conical_lim_wedge_data.
- exact enriched_weighted_to_conical_is_conical_lim_is_wedge.
- exact enriched_weighted_to_conical_is_conical_lim_wedge_data.
- exact enriched_weighted_to_conical_is_conical_lim_is_wedge.
Definition enriched_weighted_to_conical_is_conical_lim_mor
: v --> E ⦃ w, a ⦄
:= mor_to_end
(pr2 a w)
Proposition enriched_weighted_to_conical_is_conical_lim_mor_eq
(i : I)
: enriched_weighted_to_conical_is_conical_lim_mor
· postcomp_arr E w (enriched_to_arr E (enriched_lim_cone_pr E D W a i))
fs i.
Show proof.
pose (maponpaths
(λ z, z #⊗ identity _ · internal_eval _ _)
(pr2 a w)
as p.
cbn in p.
rewrite tensor_comp_id_r in p.
rewrite !assoc' in p.
rewrite !internal_beta in p.
rewrite !assoc in p.
rewrite <- tensor_split' in p.
rewrite tensor_sym_mon_braiding in p.
refine (_ @ id_left _).
rewrite <- mon_rinvunitor_runitor.
rewrite !assoc'.
rewrite <- p.
unfold postcomp_arr.
rewrite !assoc.
apply maponpaths_2.
rewrite tensor_linvunitor.
rewrite sym_mon_braiding_rinvunitor.
rewrite !assoc'.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite <- tensor_split.
rewrite enriched_from_to_arr.
apply idpath.
End ConicalLimUMP.(λ z, z #⊗ identity _ · internal_eval _ _)
(pr2 a w)
as p.
cbn in p.
rewrite tensor_comp_id_r in p.
rewrite !assoc' in p.
rewrite !internal_beta in p.
rewrite !assoc in p.
rewrite <- tensor_split' in p.
rewrite tensor_sym_mon_braiding in p.
refine (_ @ id_left _).
rewrite <- mon_rinvunitor_runitor.
rewrite !assoc'.
rewrite <- p.
unfold postcomp_arr.
rewrite !assoc.
apply maponpaths_2.
rewrite tensor_linvunitor.
rewrite sym_mon_braiding_rinvunitor.
rewrite !assoc'.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite <- tensor_split.
rewrite enriched_from_to_arr.
apply idpath.
Definition enriched_weighted_to_conical_is_conical_lim
: is_conical_lim_enriched E D enriched_weighted_to_conical_cone.
Show proof.
intros w v cc.
use iscontraprop1.
- exact (enriched_weighted_to_conical_is_conical_lim_unique v (pr1 cc)).
- refine (enriched_weighted_to_conical_is_conical_lim_mor v (pr1 cc) (pr2 cc)
intros i.
exact (enriched_weighted_to_conical_is_conical_lim_mor_eq v (pr1 cc) (pr2 cc) i).
End LimitToConical.use iscontraprop1.
- exact (enriched_weighted_to_conical_is_conical_lim_unique v (pr1 cc)).
- refine (enriched_weighted_to_conical_is_conical_lim_mor v (pr1 cc) (pr2 cc)
intros i.
exact (enriched_weighted_to_conical_is_conical_lim_mor_eq v (pr1 cc) (pr2 cc) i).