Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.FunctorAlgebras

Benedikt Ahrens started March 2015
Extended by: Anders Mörtberg. October 2015
Rewritten using displayed categories by: Kobe Wullaert. October 2022
Contents :
  • Category of algebras of an endofunctor
  • This category is saturated if base precategory is
  • Lambek's lemma: if (A,a) is an inital F-algebra then a is an iso
  • The natural numbers are initial for X ↦ 1 + X

Category of algebras of an endofunctor

Section Algebra_Definition.

  Context {C : category} (F : functor C C).

  Definition algebra_disp_cat_ob_mor : disp_cat_ob_mor C.
  Show proof.
    use tpair.
    - exact (λ x, F x --> x).
    - exact (λ x y hx hy f, hx · f = #F f · hy).

  Definition algebra_disp_cat_id_comp
    : disp_cat_id_comp C algebra_disp_cat_ob_mor.
  Show proof.
    - intros x hx ; cbn.
      rewrite !functor_id.
      rewrite id_left, id_right.
      apply idpath.
    - intros x y z f g hx hy hz hf hg ; cbn in *.
      rewrite !functor_comp.
      rewrite !assoc.
      rewrite hf.
      rewrite !assoc'.
      rewrite hg.
      apply idpath.

  Definition algebra_disp_cat_data : disp_cat_data C
    := algebra_disp_cat_ob_mor ,, algebra_disp_cat_id_comp.

  Definition algebra_disp_cat_axioms
    : disp_cat_axioms C algebra_disp_cat_data.
  Show proof.
    repeat split ; intros ; try (apply homset_property).
    apply isasetaprop.
    apply homset_property.

  Definition algebra_disp_cat : disp_cat C
    := algebra_disp_cat_data ,, algebra_disp_cat_axioms.

  Definition category_FunctorAlg : category
    := total_category algebra_disp_cat.

  Definition FunctorAlg := category_FunctorAlg.

  Definition algebra_ob : UU := ob FunctorAlg.

  Definition alg_carrier (X : algebra_ob) : C := pr1 X.
  Local Coercion alg_carrier : algebra_ob >-> ob.

  Definition alg_map (X : algebra_ob) : F X --> X := pr2 X.

A morphism of F-algebras (F X, g : F X --> X) and (F Y, h : F Y --> Y) is a morphism f : X --> Y such that the following diagram commutes:
>>>>>>> master
         F f
    F x ----> F y
    |         |
    | g       | h
    V         V
    x ------> y
Definition is_algebra_mor (X Y : algebra_ob) (f : alg_carrier X --> alg_carrier Y) : UU
  := alg_map X · f = #F f · alg_map Y.

  Definition algebra_mor (X Y : algebra_ob) : UU := FunctorAlgX,Y.
  Coercion mor_from_algebra_mor {X Y : algebra_ob} (f : algebra_mor X Y) : CX, Y := pr1 f.

  Lemma algebra_mor_commutes (X Y : algebra_ob) (f : algebra_mor X Y)
    : alg_map X · f = #F f · alg_map Y.
  Show proof.
    exact (pr2 f).

End Algebra_Definition.

Definition algebra_mor_eq' {C : category} {F : functor C C} {X Y : algebra_ob F} (f g : algebra_mor F X Y)
  : (f : alg_carrier F X --> alg_carrier F Y) = g f = g.
Show proof.
  apply invweq.
  apply subtypeInjectivity.
  intro a. apply C.

Definition algebra_mor_eq {C : category} {F : functor C C} {X Y : FunctorAlg F} (f g : (FunctorAlg F)⟦X,Y)
  : ((pr1 f : alg_carrier F X --> alg_carrier F Y) = (pr1 g)) -> f = g.
Show proof.
  exact (algebra_mor_eq' f g).

Section fixacategory.

  Context {C : category}
          (F : functor C C).

forgetful functor from FunctorAlg to its underlying category

This category is saturated if the base category is

Section FunctorAlg_saturated.

  Context {C : category}
          (H : is_univalent C)
          (F : functor C C).

  Definition algebra_eq_type (X Y : FunctorAlg F) : UU
    := p : z_iso (pr1 X) (pr1 Y), is_algebra_mor F X Y p.

Definition algebra_ob_eq (X Y : FunctorAlg F) :
  (X = Y) algebra_eq_type X Y.
Show proof.
  eapply weqcomp.
  - apply total2_paths_equiv.
  - set (H1 := make_weq _ (H (pr1 X) (pr1 Y))).
    apply (weqbandf H1).
    intro p.
    destruct X as [X α].
    destruct Y as [Y β]; simpl in *.
    destruct p.
    rewrite idpath_transportf.
    unfold is_algebra_mor; simpl.
    rewrite functor_id.
    rewrite id_left, id_right.
    apply idweq.

Definition is_z_iso_from_is_algebra_iso (X Y : FunctorAlg F) (f : X --> Y)
  : is_z_isomorphism f is_z_isomorphism (pr1 f).
Show proof.
  intro p.
  set (H' := z_iso_inv_after_z_iso (make_z_iso' f p)).
  set (H'':= z_iso_after_z_iso_inv (make_z_iso' f p)).
  exists (pr1 (inv_from_z_iso (make_z_iso' f p))).
  split; simpl.
  - apply (maponpaths pr1 H').
  - apply (maponpaths pr1 H'').

Definition inv_algebra_mor_from_is_z_iso {X Y : FunctorAlg F} (f : X --> Y)
  : is_z_isomorphism (pr1 f) (Y --> X).
Show proof.
  intro T.
  set (fiso:=make_z_iso' (pr1 f) T).
  set (finv:=inv_from_z_iso fiso).
  exists finv.
  unfold finv.
  apply pathsinv0.
  apply z_iso_inv_on_left.
  rewrite functor_on_inv_from_z_iso.
  rewrite <- assoc.
  apply pathsinv0.
  apply z_iso_inv_on_right.
  apply (pr2 f).

Definition is_algebra_iso_from_is_z_iso {X Y : FunctorAlg F} (f : X --> Y)
  : is_z_isomorphism (pr1 f) is_z_isomorphism f.
Show proof.
  intro T.
  exists (inv_algebra_mor_from_is_z_iso f T).
  split; simpl.
  - apply algebra_mor_eq.
    apply (z_iso_inv_after_z_iso (make_z_iso' (pr1 f) T)).
  - apply algebra_mor_eq.
    apply (z_iso_after_z_iso_inv (make_z_iso' (pr1 f) T)).

Definition algebra_iso_first_z_iso {X Y : FunctorAlg F}
  : z_iso X Y f : X --> Y, is_z_isomorphism (pr1 f).
Show proof.
  apply (weqbandf (idweq _ )).
  unfold idweq. simpl.
  intro f.
  apply weqimplimpl.
  - apply is_z_iso_from_is_algebra_iso.
  - apply is_algebra_iso_from_is_z_iso.
  - apply (isaprop_is_z_isomorphism (C:=FunctorAlg F) f).
  - apply (isaprop_is_z_isomorphism (pr1 f)).

Definition swap (A B : UU) : A × B B × A.
Show proof.
  intro ab.
  exists (pr2 ab).
  exact (pr1 ab).

Definition swapweq (A B : UU) : (A × B) (B × A).
Show proof.
  exists (swap A B).
  apply (isweq_iso _ (swap B A)).
  - abstract ( intro ab; destruct ab; apply idpath ).
  - abstract ( intro ba; destruct ba; apply idpath ).

Definition algebra_z_iso_rearrange {X Y : FunctorAlg F}
  : ( f : X --> Y, is_z_isomorphism (pr1 f)) algebra_eq_type X Y.
Show proof.
  eapply weqcomp.
  - apply weqtotal2asstor.
  - simpl. unfold algebra_eq_type.
    apply invweq.
    eapply weqcomp.
    + apply weqtotal2asstor.
    + simpl. apply (weqbandf (idweq _ )).
      unfold idweq. simpl.
      intro f; apply swapweq.

Definition algebra_idtoiso (X Y : FunctorAlg F) :
  (X = Y) z_iso X Y.
Show proof.
  eapply weqcomp.
  - apply algebra_ob_eq.
  - eapply weqcomp.
    + apply (invweq (algebra_z_iso_rearrange)).
    + apply (invweq algebra_iso_first_z_iso).

Lemma isweq_idtoiso_FunctorAlg (X Y : FunctorAlg F)
  : isweq (@idtoiso _ X Y).
Show proof.
  apply (isweqhomot (algebra_idtoiso X Y)).
  - intro p. induction p.
    apply (z_iso_eq(C:=FunctorAlg F)). apply algebra_mor_eq.
    apply idpath.
  - apply (pr2 _ ).

Lemma is_univalent_FunctorAlg : is_univalent (FunctorAlg F).
Show proof.
  intros X Y.
  apply isweq_idtoiso_FunctorAlg.

Lemma idtomor_FunctorAlg_commutes (X Y: FunctorAlg F) (e: X = Y)
  : mor_from_algebra_mor F (idtomor _ _ e) = idtomor _ _ (maponpaths (alg_carrier F) e).
Show proof.
  induction e.
  apply idpath.

Corollary idtoiso_FunctorAlg_commutes (X Y: FunctorAlg F) (e: X = Y)
  : mor_from_algebra_mor F (morphism_from_z_iso _ _ (idtoiso e))
    = idtoiso (maponpaths (alg_carrier F) e).
Show proof.
  unfold morphism_from_z_iso.
  rewrite eq_idtoiso_idtomor.
  2: { apply pathsinv0, eq_idtoiso_idtomor. }
  apply idtomor_FunctorAlg_commutes.

End FunctorAlg_saturated.

Lambek's lemma: If (A,a) is an initial F-algebra then a is an iso

Section Lambeks_lemma.

Variables (C : category) (F : functor C C).
Variables (Aa : FunctorAlg F) (AaIsInitial : isInitial (FunctorAlg F) Aa).

Local Definition AaInitial : Initial (FunctorAlg F) :=
  make_Initial _ AaIsInitial.

Local Notation A := (alg_carrier _ Aa).
Local Notation a := (alg_map _ Aa).

Local Definition FAa : FunctorAlg F := tpair (λ X, C F X,X) (F A) (# F a).
Local Definition Fa' := InitialArrow AaInitial FAa.
Local Definition a' : CA,F A := mor_from_algebra_mor F Fa'.
Local Definition Ha' := algebra_mor_commutes _ _ _ Fa'.

Lemma initialAlg_is_iso_subproof : is_inverse_in_precat a a'.
Show proof.
  assert (Ha'a : a' · a = identity A).
  { assert (algMor_a'a : is_algebra_mor _ _ _ (a' · a)).
    { unfold is_algebra_mor, a'; rewrite functor_comp.
      eapply pathscomp0; [|eapply cancel_postcomposition; apply Ha'].
      apply assoc. }
    apply pathsinv0; set (X := tpair _ _ algMor_a'a).
    apply (maponpaths pr1 (!@InitialEndo_is_identity _ AaInitial X)).
  split; trivial.
  eapply pathscomp0; [apply Ha'|]; cbn.
  rewrite <- functor_comp.
  eapply pathscomp0; [eapply maponpaths; apply Ha'a|].
  apply functor_id.

Lemma initialAlg_is_z_iso : is_z_isomorphism a.
Show proof.
  exists a'.
  exact initialAlg_is_iso_subproof.

End Lambeks_lemma.

The natural numbers are intial for X ↦ 1 + X

This can be used as a definition of a natural numbers object (NNO) in any category with binary coproducts and a terminal object. We prove the universal property of NNOs below.

Section Nats.
  Context (C : category).
  Context (bc : BinCoproducts C).
  Context (hsC : has_homsets C).
  Context (T : Terminal C).

  Local Notation "1" := T.
  Local Notation "f + g" := (BinCoproductOfArrows _ _ _ f g).
  Local Notation "[ f , g ]" := (BinCoproductArrow _ _ f g).

  Let F : functor C C := BinCoproduct_of_functors _ _ bc
                                                  (constant_functor _ _ 1)
                                                  (functor_identity _).

F on objects: X ↦ 1 + X
  Definition F_compute1 : c : C, F c = BinCoproductObject (bc 1 c) :=
    fun c => (idpath _).

F on arrows: f ↦ identity 1, f
  Definition F_compute2 {x y : C} : f : x --> y, # F f = (identity 1) + f :=
    fun c => (idpath _).

  Definition nat_ob : UU := Initial (FunctorAlg F).

  Definition nat_ob_carrier (N : nat_ob) : ob C :=
    alg_carrier _ (InitialObject N).
  Local Coercion nat_ob_carrier : nat_ob >-> ob.

We have an arrow alg_map : (F N = 1 + N) --> N, so by the η-rule (UMP) for the coproduct, we can assume that it arises from a pair of maps nat_ob_z,nat_ob_s by composing with coproduct injections.
                  in1         in2
               1 ----> 1 + N <---- N
               |         |         |
      nat_ob_z |         | alg_map | nat_ob_s
               |         V         |
               +-------> N <-------+
  Definition nat_ob_z (N : nat_ob) : (1 --> N) :=
    BinCoproductIn1 (bc 1 (alg_carrier F (pr1 N))) · (alg_map _ (pr1 N)).

  Definition nat_ob_s (N : nat_ob) : (N --> N) :=
    BinCoproductIn2 (bc 1 (alg_carrier F (pr1 N))) · (alg_map _ (pr1 N)).

  Local Notation "0" := (nat_ob_z _).

Use the universal property of the coproduct to make any object with a point and an endomorphism into an F-algebra
  Definition make_F_alg {X : ob C} (f : 1 --> X) (g : X --> X) : ob (FunctorAlg F).
  Show proof.
    refine (X,, _).
    exact (BinCoproductArrow _ f g).

Using make_F_alg, X will be an F-algebra, and by initiality of N, there will be a unique morphism of F-algebras N --> X, which can be projected to a morphism in C.
  Definition nat_ob_rec (N : nat_ob) {X : ob C} :
     (f : 1 --> X) (g : X --> X), (N --> X) :=
    fun f g => mor_from_algebra_mor F (InitialArrow N (make_F_alg f g)).

When calling the recursor on 0, you get the base case. Specifically,
nat_ob_z · nat_ob_rec = f
  Lemma nat_ob_rec_z (N : nat_ob) {X : ob C} :
     (f : 1 --> X) (g : X --> X), nat_ob_z N · nat_ob_rec N f g = f.
  Show proof.
    intros f g.

    pose (inlN := BinCoproductIn1 (bc 1 N)).
    pose (succ := nat_ob_s N).

By initiality of N, there is a unique morphism making the following diagram commute:
               inlN         identity 1 + nat_ob_rec
            1 -----> 1 + N -------------------------> 1 + X
                       |                                |
             alg_map N |                                | alg_map X
                       V                                V
                       N   -------------------------->  X
This proof uses somewhat idiosyncratic "forward reasoning", transforming the term "diagram" rather than the goal.
      (diagram :=
           (fun x => inlN · x)
           (algebra_mor_commutes F (pr1 N) _ (InitialArrow N (make_F_alg f g)))).
    rewrite (F_compute2 _) in diagram.

Using the η-rules for coproducts, we can assume that alg_map X = f,g for f : 1 --> X, g : X --> X.
    rewrite (BinCoproductArrowEta C 1 X (bc _ _) _ _) in diagram.

Using the β-rules for coproducts, we can simplify some of the terms (identity 1 + _) · f, g --β--> identity 1 · f, _ · g
    rewrite (precompWithBinCoproductArrow C (bc 1 N) (bc 1 X)
                                          (identity 1) _ _ _) in diagram.

inl · identity 1 · f, _ · g --β--> identity 1 · f
    rewrite (BinCoproductIn1Commutes C 1 N (bc 1 _) _ _ _) in diagram.

We can dispense with the identity
    rewrite (id_left _) in diagram.

    rewrite assoc in diagram.
    rewrite (BinCoproductArrowEta C 1 N (bc _ _) _ _) in diagram.

    refine (_ @ (BinCoproductIn1Commutes C _ _ (bc 1 _) _ f g)).
    rewrite (!BinCoproductIn1Commutes C _ _ (bc 1 _) _ 0 succ).
    unfold nat_ob_rec in *.
    exact diagram.

  Opaque nat_ob_rec_z.

The succesor case:
nat_ob_s · nat_ob_rec = nat_ob_rec · g
The proof is very similar.
  Lemma nat_ob_rec_s (N : nat_ob) {X : ob C} :
     (f : 1 --> X) (g : X --> X),
    nat_ob_s N · nat_ob_rec N f g = nat_ob_rec N f g · g.
  Show proof.
    intros f g.

    pose (inrN := BinCoproductIn2 (bc 1 N)).
    pose (succ := nat_ob_s N).

By initiality of N, there is a unique morphism making the same diagram commute as above, but with "inrN" in place of "inlN".
      (diagram :=
           (fun x => inrN · x)
           (algebra_mor_commutes F (pr1 N) _ (InitialArrow N (make_F_alg f g)))).
    rewrite (F_compute2 _) in diagram.

    rewrite (BinCoproductArrowEta C 1 X (bc _ _) _ _) in diagram.

Using the β-rules for coproducts, we can simplify some of the terms (identity 1 + _) · f, g --β--> identity 1 · f, _ · g
    rewrite (precompWithBinCoproductArrow C (bc 1 N) (bc 1 X)
                                          (identity 1) _ _ _) in diagram.

inl · identity 1 · f, _ · g --β--> identity 1 · f
    rewrite (BinCoproductIn2Commutes C 1 N (bc 1 _) _ _ _) in diagram.

    rewrite assoc in diagram.
    rewrite (BinCoproductArrowEta C 1 N (bc _ _) _ _) in diagram.

      (_ @ maponpaths (fun x => nat_ob_rec N f g · x)
         (BinCoproductIn2Commutes C _ _ (bc 1 _) _ f g)).
    rewrite (!BinCoproductIn2Commutes C _ _ (bc 1 _) _ 0 (nat_ob_s N)).
    unfold nat_ob_rec in *.
    exact diagram.

  Opaque nat_ob_rec_s.

End Nats.

nat_ob implies NNO
Lemma nat_ob_NNO {C : category} (BC : BinCoproducts C) (hsC : has_homsets C) (TC : Terminal C) :
  nat_ob _ BC TC NNO TC.
Show proof.
intros N.
use make_NNO.
- exact (nat_ob_carrier _ _ _ N).
- apply nat_ob_z.
- apply nat_ob_s.
- intros n z s.
  use unique_exists.
  + apply (nat_ob_rec _ _ _ _ z s).
  + split; [ apply nat_ob_rec_z | apply nat_ob_rec_s ].
  + intros x; apply isapropdirprod; apply hsC.
  + intros x [H1 H2].
    transparent assert (xalg : (FunctorAlg (BinCoproduct_of_functors C C BC
                                              (constant_functor C C TC)
                                              (functor_identity C))
                                               InitialObject N, make_F_alg C BC TC z s )).
    { refine (x,,_).
      abstract (apply pathsinv0; etrans; [apply precompWithBinCoproductArrow |];
                rewrite id_left, <- H1;
                etrans; [eapply maponpaths, pathsinv0, H2|];
                now apply pathsinv0, BinCoproductArrowUnique; rewrite assoc;
                apply maponpaths).
    exact (maponpaths pr1 (InitialArrowUnique N (make_F_alg C BC TC z s) xalg)).