Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.categories.wosets

This file defines two category structures on well-ordered sets:
1. This first where the morphisms are maps that preserve the ordering and initial segments (wosetfuncat).
2. The second with arbitrary set theoretic functions as morphisms (WOSET).
Both of these have initial (Initial_wosetfuncat, Initial_WOSET) and terminal objects (Terminal_wosetfuncat, Terminal_WOSET). The former doesn't seem to have binary products (see discussion below), but using Zermelo's well-ordering theorem (and hence the axiom of choice) I have proved that the latter merely has binary products (hasBinProducts_WOSET). I believe that the proofs that WOSET has all limits and colimits carry over exactly like the proof for binary products, but because the category only merely has binary products I ran into all kinds of problems when trying to prove that it merely has exponentials, see discussion at the end of the file.
Written by: Anders Mörtberg (Feb 2018)

The category of well-ordered sets with order preserving morphisms

Section wosetfuncat.

Definition wosetfun_precategory : precategory.
Show proof.
use make_precategory.
- exists (WellOrderedSet,,wofun).
  split; simpl.
  + intros X.
    apply (_,,iswofun_idfun).
  + intros X Y Z f g.
    apply (_,,iswofun_funcomp f g).
- abstract (now repeat split; simpl; intros; apply wofun_eq).

Lemma has_homsets_wosetfun_precategory : has_homsets wosetfun_precategory.
Show proof.
intros X Y.
apply (isasetsubset (pr1wofun X Y)).
- apply isaset_set_fun_space.
- apply isinclpr1; intro f.
  apply isaprop_iswofun.

Definition wosetfuncat : category :=

TODO: remove this assumption by proving it
Definition wo_setcategory (isaset_WellOrderedSet : isaset WellOrderedSet) :
Show proof.
exists wosetfun_precategory.
- apply isaset_WellOrderedSet.
- apply has_homsets_wosetfun_precategory.

Lemma Initial_wosetfuncat : Initial wosetfuncat.
Show proof.
use make_Initial.
- exact empty_woset.
- apply make_isInitial; intro a; simpl.
  use tpair.
  + exists fromempty.
    abstract (now split; intros []).
  + abstract (now intros f; apply wofun_eq, funextfun; intros []).

Lemma Terminal_wosetfuncat : Terminal wosetfuncat.
Show proof.
use make_Terminal.
+ exact unit_woset.
+ apply make_isTerminal; intro a.
  use tpair.
  - exists (λ _, tt).
    abstract (split; [intros x y H|intros x [] []]; apply (WO_isrefl unit_woset)).
  - abstract (now intros f; apply wofun_eq, funextfun; intros x; induction (pr1 f x)).

Can we prove any further properties of wosetcat? It doesn't seem like it has binary products, at least the lexicographic ordering does not work. Consider {0,1} × {2,3}, in it we have (0,3) < (1,2) but pr2 doesn't preserve the ordering. (Thanks Dan for pointing this out to me!)

The category of well-ordered sets with arbitrary functions as morphisms

Section WOSET.

TODO: prove the following missing result
Variable isaset_WellOrderedSet : isaset WellOrderedSet.

Definition WOSET_precategory : precategory.
Show proof.
use make_precategory.
- use tpair.
  + exists ((WellOrderedSet,,isaset_WellOrderedSet) : hSet).
    apply (λ X Y, pr11 X pr11 Y).
  + split; simpl.
    * intros X; apply idfun.
    * intros X Y Z f g; apply (g f).
- abstract (now intros).

Lemma has_homsets_WOSET : has_homsets WOSET_precategory.
Show proof.
  red ; intros ; apply isaset_set_fun_space.

Definition WOSET : category := (WOSET_precategory,,has_homsets_WOSET).

Definition WOSET_setcategory : setcategory.
Show proof.
exists WOSET.
- apply setproperty.
- apply has_homsets_WOSET.

Lemma Initial_WOSET : Initial WOSET.
Show proof.
use make_Initial.
- exact empty_woset.
- apply make_isInitial; intro a.
  use tpair.
  + simpl; intro e; induction e.
  + abstract (intro f; apply funextfun; intro e; induction e).

Lemma Terminal_WOSET : Terminal WOSET.
Show proof.
use make_Terminal.
- exact unit_woset.
- apply make_isTerminal; intro a.
  exists (λ _, tt).
  abstract (simpl; intro f; apply funextfun; intro x; case (f x); apply idpath).

Direct proof that woset has binary products using Zermelo's well-ordering theorem. We could prove this using the lexicograpic ordering, but it seems like we need decidable equality for this to work which would not work very well when we construct exponentials.
Lemma hasBinProducts_WOSET (AC : AxiomOfChoice) : hasBinProducts WOSET.
Show proof.
intros A B.
set (AB := BinProductObject _ (BinProductsHSET (pr1 A) (pr1 B)) : hSet).
apply (squash_to_hProp (@ZermeloWellOrdering AB AC)); intros R.
apply hinhpr.
use make_BinProduct.
- exists AB.
  exact R.
- apply (BinProductPr1 _ (BinProductsHSET _ _)).
- apply (BinProductPr2 _ (BinProductsHSET _ _)).
- intros H.
  apply (isBinProduct_BinProduct _ (BinProductsHSET _ _) (pr1 H)).

Using the axiom of choice we can push the quantifiers into the truncation. Hopefully this will help with using this definition below for defining exponentials. However it might run into problems with AC not computing.
Definition squash_BinProducts_WOSET (AC : AxiomOfChoice) : BinProducts WOSET .
Show proof.
use AC; intros A; use AC; intros B.
apply (hasBinProducts_WOSET AC).

Below follows an attempt to prove that this category has exponentials