Library UniMath.OrderTheory.DCPOs.Examples.IdealCompletion

1. Abstract bases
Definition abstract_basis_data
  : UU
  := (X : UU), X X hProp.

Coercion type_of_abstract_basis_data
         (B : abstract_basis_data)
  : UU
  := pr1 B.

Definition rel_of_abstract_basis_data
           {B : abstract_basis_data}
           (b₁ b₂ : B)
  : hProp
  := pr2 B b₁ b₂.

Notation "b₁ ≺ b₂" := (rel_of_abstract_basis_data b₁ b₂) (at level 70).

Definition make_abstract_basis_data
           (X : Type)
           (R : X X UU)
           (HR : (x y : X), isaprop (R x y))
  : abstract_basis_data
  := X ,, λ x y, make_hProp (R x y) (HR x y).

Definition abstract_basis_laws
           (B : abstract_basis_data)
  : UU
  := (istrans (λ (b₁ b₂ : B), b₁ b₂)
     ( (a : B), (b : B), b a)
     ( (a₁ a₂ b : B), a₁ b a₂ b (a : B), a b × a₁ a × a₂ a))%type.

Definition abstract_basis
  : UU
  := (B : abstract_basis_data), abstract_basis_laws B.

Definition make_abstract_basis
           (B : abstract_basis_data)
           (HB : abstract_basis_laws B)
  : abstract_basis
  := B ,, HB.

Coercion abstract_basis_to_data
         (B : abstract_basis)
  : abstract_basis_data
  := pr1 B.

Proposition trans_abstract_basis
            {B : abstract_basis}
            {b₁ b₂ b₃ : B}
            (p : b₁ b₂)
            (q : b₂ b₃)
  : b₁ b₃.
Show proof.
  exact (pr12 B b₁ b₂ b₃ p q).

Proposition nullary_interpolation_abstract_basis
            {B : abstract_basis}
            (a : B)
  : (b : B), b a.
Show proof.
  exact (pr122 B a).

Proposition binary_interpolation_abstract_basis
            {B : abstract_basis}
            {a₁ a₂ b : B}
            (p : a₁ b)
            (q : a₂ b)
  : ( (a : B), a b × a₁ a × a₂ a)%type.
Show proof.
  exact (pr222 B a₁ a₂ b p q).

Definition is_reflexive_abstract_basis
           (B : abstract_basis)
  : UU
  := isrefl (λ (b₁ b₂ : B), b₁ b₂).

2. Preorder to abstract basis
Section PreorderToBasis.
  Context (X : PreorderedSet).

  Definition preorder_to_abstract_basis_data
    : abstract_basis_data.
  Show proof.
    use make_abstract_basis_data.
    - exact X.
    - exact (λ x y, PreorderedSetRelation X x y).
    - intros x y.
      apply propproperty.

  Proposition preorder_to_abstract_basis_laws
    : abstract_basis_laws preorder_to_abstract_basis_data.
  Show proof.
    repeat split.
    - apply istrans_po.
    - intros a.
      refine (hinhpr (a ,, _)).
      apply isrefl_po.
    - intros a₁ a₂ b p q.
      refine (hinhpr (b ,, _ ,, p ,, q)).
      apply isrefl_po.

  Definition preorder_to_abstract_basis
    : abstract_basis.
  Show proof.
End PreorderToBasis.

3. Ideals
Section Ideals.
  Context {B : abstract_basis}.

  Definition is_ideal
             (P : B hProp)
    : hProp
    := (( (b : B), P b)
       ( (a₁ a₂ : B), P a₁ P a₂ (b : B), P b a₁ b a₂ b)
       ( (a b : B), P b a b P a))%logic.

  Definition is_ideal_el
             {P : B hProp}
             (HP : is_ideal P)
    : (b : B), P b
    := pr1 HP.

  Definition is_ideal_top
             {P : B hProp}
             (HP : is_ideal P)
             {a₁ a₂ : B}
             (Ha₁ : P a₁)
             (Ha₂ : P a₂)
    : (b : B), P b a₁ b a₂ b
    := pr12 HP a₁ a₂ Ha₁ Ha₂.

  Definition is_ideal_lower_set
             {P : B hProp}
             (HP : is_ideal P)
             {a b : B}
             (Hb : P b)
             (p : a b)
    : P a
    := pr22 HP a b Hb p.

  Proposition is_ideal_rounded
              {P : B hProp}
              (HP : is_ideal P)
              {a : B}
              (Ha : P a)
    : (b : B), a b P b.
  Show proof.
    assert (H := is_ideal_top HP Ha Ha).
    revert H.
    use factor_through_squash.
      apply propproperty.
    intros b.
    induction b as ( b & p₁ & p₂ & p₃ ).
    exact (hinhpr (b ,, p₂ ,, p₁)).
End Ideals.

4. Rounded ideal completion
Section RoundedIdealCompletion.
  Context (B : abstract_basis).

  Proposition lub_of_ideals
              (D : directed_set (funset_dcpo B hProp_dcpo))
              (HD : (d : D), is_ideal (D d))
    : is_ideal ( D).
  Show proof.
    simple refine (_ ,, _ ,, _).
    - assert (H := directed_set_el D).
      revert H.
      use factor_through_squash.
        apply propproperty.
      intro d.
      assert (H := is_ideal_el (HD d)).
      revert H.
      use factor_through_squash.
        apply propproperty.
      intro b.
      induction b as [ b p ].
      exact (hinhpr (b ,, hinhpr (d ,, p))).
    - intros a₁ a₂.
      use factor_through_squash.
        apply propproperty.
      intros Ha₁ ; cbn in Ha₁.
      induction Ha₁ as [ d₁ p₁ ].
      use factor_through_squash.
        apply propproperty.
      intros Ha₂ ; cbn in Ha₂.
      induction Ha₂ as [ d₂ p₂ ].
      assert (H := directed_set_top D d₁ d₂).
      revert H.
      use factor_through_squash.
        apply propproperty.
      intro H ; cbn in H.
      induction H as [ dt [ H₁ H₂ ]].
      assert (H := is_ideal_top (HD dt) (H₁ a₁ p₁) (H₂ a₂ p₂)).
      revert H.
      use factor_through_squash.
        apply propproperty.
      intros H.
      induction H as ( b & q₁ & q₂ & q₃ ).
      exact (hinhpr (b ,, hinhpr (dt ,, q₁) ,, q₂ ,, q₃)).
    - intros a b.
      use factor_through_squash.
        apply propproperty.
      intros H q ; cbn in H.
      induction H as [ d p ] ; cbn.
      refine (hinhpr (d ,, _)).
      exact (is_ideal_lower_set (HD d) p q).

  Definition rounded_ideal_completion
    : dcpo
    := sub_dcpo
         (funset_dcpo B hProp_dcpo)

  Definition in_rounded_ideal
             (b : B)
             (I : rounded_ideal_completion)
    : hProp
    := pr1 I b.

  Local Notation "b ∈ I" := (in_rounded_ideal b I).

  Proposition is_ideal_principal_ideal
              (b : B)
    : is_ideal (λ a, a b).
  Show proof.
    repeat split.
    - exact (nullary_interpolation_abstract_basis b).
    - intros a₁ a₂ p q.
      exact (binary_interpolation_abstract_basis p q).
    - intros a₁ a₂ p q.
      exact (trans_abstract_basis q p).

  Definition principal_ideal
    : B rounded_ideal_completion
    := λ b, ((λ a, a b) ,, is_ideal_principal_ideal b).

  Proposition principal_ideal_monotone
              {b₁ b₂ : B}
              (p : b₁ b₂)
    : principal_ideal b₁ principal_ideal b₂.
  Show proof.
    intros a q ; cbn in *.
    exact (trans_abstract_basis q p).

  Proposition is_directed_below_ideal
              (I : rounded_ideal_completion)
    : is_directed
        (λ (b : b : B, b I), principal_ideal (pr1 b)).
  Show proof.
    - exact (is_ideal_el (pr2 I)).
    - intros i j.
      assert (H := is_ideal_top (pr2 I) (pr2 i) (pr2 j)).
      revert H.
      use factor_through_squash.
        apply propproperty.
      intro t.
      induction t as ( t & p₁ & p₂ & p₃ ).
      refine (hinhpr ((t ,, p₁) ,, _ ,, _)) ; cbn.
      + intros x q.
        exact (trans_abstract_basis q p₂).
      + intros x q.
        exact (trans_abstract_basis q p₃).

  Definition below_ideal_directed_set
             (I : rounded_ideal_completion)
    : directed_set rounded_ideal_completion.
  Show proof.
    use make_directed_set.
    - exact ( (b : B), b I).
    - exact (λ b, principal_ideal (pr1 b)).
    - exact (is_directed_below_ideal I).

  Proposition rounded_ideal_lub_2
              (I : rounded_ideal_completion)
    : below_ideal_directed_set I I.
  Show proof.
    apply dcpo_lub_is_least.
    intros [b Hb].
    intros x Hx. simpl in Hx.
    use (is_ideal_lower_set _ Hb Hx).
    apply I.

  Proposition rounded_ideal_lub_1
              (I : rounded_ideal_completion)
    : I below_ideal_directed_set I.
  Show proof.
    intros x Hx.
    assert (H := is_ideal_rounded (pr2 I) Hx).
    revert H.
    use factor_through_squash.
      apply propproperty.
    intros b.
    induction b as [ b [ p₁ p₂ ]].
    exact (hinhpr ((b ,, p₂) ,, p₁)).

  Proposition rounded_ideal_lub
              (I : rounded_ideal_completion)
    : I = below_ideal_directed_set I.
  Show proof.
    apply antisymm_dcpo.
    - apply rounded_ideal_lub_1.
    - apply rounded_ideal_lub_2.

  Proposition principal_ideal_way_below
              {I : rounded_ideal_completion}
              (b : B)
              (Hb : b I)
    : principal_ideal b I.
  Show proof.
    intros D HD.
    assert (H := HD _ Hb). revert H.
    use factor_through_squash_hProp.
    intro d ; cbn in d.
    induction d as [ d Hd ].
    refine (hinhpr (d ,, _)).
    cbn ; intros x Hx.
    exact (is_ideal_lower_set (pr2 (D d)) Hd Hx).

  Proposition lt_way_below
              (b1 b2 : B)
              (Hb : b1 b2)
    : principal_ideal b1 principal_ideal b2.
  Show proof.
    apply principal_ideal_way_below.
    exact Hb.

  Proposition from_way_below_ideal_completion
              {I J : rounded_ideal_completion}
              (Hb : I J)
    : b₁, b₁ J I principal_ideal b₁.
  Show proof.
    specialize (Hb (below_ideal_directed_set J) (rounded_ideal_lub_1 J)).
    revert Hb.
    use factor_through_squash.
      apply propproperty.
    intros [[b' Hb'] Hi]. simpl in Hi.
    assert (H := is_ideal_el (pr2 I)).
    revert H.
    use factor_through_squash.
      apply propproperty.
    intros [b₀ Hb0].
    use (hinhpr (b',, (Hb',, _))).
    - simpl. intros x Hx.
      apply Hi. exact Hx.

  Proposition to_way_below_ideal_completion
    {I J : rounded_ideal_completion}
    (b₁ : B)
    (Hb1 : b₁ J)
    (HI : I principal_ideal b₁)
    : I J.
  Show proof.
    intros D HJ.
    assert (HbJ : principal_ideal b₁ J).
    { apply principal_ideal_way_below, Hb1. }
    specialize (HbJ D HJ).
    revert HbJ.
    use factor_through_squash.
      apply propproperty.
    intros [i Hi].
    use (hinhpr (i,, _)).
    exact (trans_dcpo HI Hi).

  Proposition way_below_ideal_completion_eq (I J : rounded_ideal_completion) :
    I J b₁, b₁ J I principal_ideal b₁.
  Show proof.
    use weqimplimpl.
    - apply from_way_below_ideal_completion.
    - use factor_through_squash.
      { apply propproperty. }
      intros [b [HJ HI]].
      apply (to_way_below_ideal_completion b HJ HI).
    - apply propproperty.
    - apply propproperty.

  Definition rounded_ideal_completion_basis_data
    : dcpo_basis_data rounded_ideal_completion.
  Show proof.
    use make_dcpo_basis_data.
    - exact B.
    - exact principal_ideal.

  Proposition rounded_ideal_completion_basis_laws
    : dcpo_basis_laws
  Show proof.
    intro I.
    - split.
      + assert (H := is_ideal_el (pr2 I)).
        revert H.
        use factor_through_squash.
          apply propproperty.
        intros b.
        induction b as [ b p ].
        refine (hinhpr (b ,, _)).
        apply principal_ideal_way_below.
        exact p.
      + intros b₁ b₂.
        induction b₁ as [ b₁ p₁ ].
        induction b₂ as [ b₂ p₂ ].
        cbn -[way_below] in b₁, p₁, b₂, p₂.
        assert (H := p₁ _ (rounded_ideal_lub_1 I)).
        revert H.
        use factor_through_squash.
          apply propproperty.
        intros c₁.
        induction c₁ as ( ( c₁ & q₁ ) & s₁ ).
        assert (H := p₂ _ (rounded_ideal_lub_1 I)).
        revert H.
        use factor_through_squash.
          apply propproperty.
        intros c₂.
        induction c₂ as ( ( c₂ & q₂ ) & s₂ ).
        cbn in c₁, q₁, s₁, c₂, q₂, s₂.
        assert (H := is_ideal_top (pr2 I) q₁ q₂).
        revert H.
        use factor_through_squash.
          apply propproperty.
        intros t.
        induction t as ( t & r₁ & r₂ & r₃ ).
        simple refine (hinhpr ((t ,, _) ,, (_ ,, _))) ; cbn -[way_below].
        * apply principal_ideal_way_below.
          exact r₁.
        * intros x v.
          refine (trans_abstract_basis _ r₂).
          use s₁.
          exact v.
        * intros x v.
          refine (trans_abstract_basis _ r₃).
          use s₂.
          exact v.
      + intros b x p.
        induction b as [ b q ].
        cbn -[way_below] in b, q, p.
        exact (way_below_to_le q x p).
      + intros I' HI' x p.
        assert (H := is_ideal_rounded (pr2 I) p).
        revert H.
        use factor_through_squash.
          apply propproperty.
        intros b.
        induction b as [ b [ q₁ q₂ ]].
        assert (H : principal_ideal b I).
          apply principal_ideal_way_below.
          exact q₂.
        exact (HI' (b ,, H) x q₁).

  Definition rounded_ideal_completion_basis
    : dcpo_basis rounded_ideal_completion.
  Show proof.

  Definition rounded_ideal_completion_continuous_struct
    : continuous_dcpo_struct rounded_ideal_completion.
  Show proof.
End RoundedIdealCompletion.

5. Rounded ideal completion for reflexive bases
Section RoundedIdealCompletionAlgebraic.
  Context (B : abstract_basis)
          (HB : is_reflexive_abstract_basis B).

  Proposition rounded_ideal_completion_compact_basis_laws
    : compact_basis_laws
        (rounded_ideal_completion B)
        (rounded_ideal_completion_basis_data B).
  Show proof.
    refine (_ ,, _ ,, _).
    - intros b ; cbn -[way_below] in *.
      apply principal_ideal_way_below.
      apply HB.
    - intro I.
      + assert (H := is_ideal_el (pr2 I)).
        revert H.
        use factor_through_squash.
          apply propproperty.
        intros b.
        induction b as [ b p ].
        refine (hinhpr (b ,, _)).
        intros x q ; cbn in q.
        exact (is_ideal_lower_set (pr2 I) p q).
      + intros b₁ b₂.
        induction b₁ as [ b₁ p₁ ].
        induction b₂ as [ b₂ p₂ ].
        cbn in b₁, p₁, b₂, p₂.
        assert (Hb₁ : in_rounded_ideal B b₁ I).
          apply p₁.
          apply HB.
        assert (Hb₂ : in_rounded_ideal B b₂ I).
          apply p₂.
          apply HB.
        assert (H := is_ideal_top (pr2 I) Hb₁ Hb₂).
        revert H.
        use factor_through_squash.
          apply propproperty.
        intro t.
        induction t as ( t & q₁ & q₂ & q₃ ).
        simple refine (hinhpr ((t ,, _) ,, _ ,, _)) ; cbn.
        * intros x r.
          exact (is_ideal_lower_set (pr2 I) q₁ r).
        * intros x r.
          exact (trans_abstract_basis r q₂).
        * intros x r.
          exact (trans_abstract_basis r q₃).
      intro I.
      + intros b x p.
        induction b as [ b q ].
        cbn in b, q, p.
        apply q.
        exact p.
      + intros I' HI' x p.
        assert (H := is_ideal_rounded (pr2 I) p).
        revert H.
        use factor_through_squash.
          apply propproperty.
        intros b.
        induction b as [ b [ q₁ q₂ ]].
        refine (HI' (b ,, _) x q₁) ; cbn.
        intros c r.
        exact (is_ideal_lower_set (pr2 I) q₂ r).

  Definition rounded_ideal_completion_compact_basis
    : compact_basis (rounded_ideal_completion B).
  Show proof.
End RoundedIdealCompletionAlgebraic.

6. Hausdorff separatedness in the ideal completion

Lemma hausdorff_separated_ideal_completion
      (B : abstract_basis)
      (x y : rounded_ideal_completion B)
  : is_hausdorff_separated x y
    ( (b1 b2 : B),
     in_rounded_ideal _ b1 x
     in_rounded_ideal _ b2 y
     ¬( (b3 : B),
       principal_ideal _ b1 principal_ideal _ b3
       principal_ideal _ b2 principal_ideal _ b3))%logic.
Show proof.
  use logeqweq.
  - intros H.
    assert (H' := hausdorff_separated_continuous_dcpo_weq
                    (rounded_ideal_completion_basis B)
                    x y
    revert H'.
    use factor_through_squash_hProp.
    intros ( b₁ & b₂ & p₁ & p₂ & p₃ ).
    assert (Q := from_way_below_ideal_completion B p₁).
    revert Q.
    use factor_through_squash_hProp.
    intros ( c & r₁ & r₂ ).
    assert (Q := from_way_below_ideal_completion B p₂).
    revert Q.
    use factor_through_squash_hProp.
    intros ( d & s₁ & s₂ ).
    refine (hinhpr (c ,, d ,, _ ,, _ ,, _)).
    + exact r₁.
    + exact s₁.
    + use factor_through_squash.
        apply isapropempty.
      intros ( e & t₁ & t₂ ).
      refine (p₃ _).
      refine (hinhpr (e ,, _ ,, _)).
      * exact (trans_le_way_below r₂ t₁).
      * exact (trans_le_way_below s₂ t₂).
  - use factor_through_squash_hProp.
    intros ( b₁ & b₂ & p₁ & p₂ & p₃ ).
    apply (invmap
                (rounded_ideal_completion_basis B)
                x y)).
    refine (hinhpr (b₁ ,, b₂ ,, _ ,, _ ,, _)).
    + apply principal_ideal_way_below.
      exact p₁.
    + apply principal_ideal_way_below.
      exact p₂.
    + exact p₃.