Library Nijn.Prelude.Orders.Examples

Require Import Nijn.Prelude.Checks.
Require Import Nijn.Prelude.Basics.Lemmas.
Require Import Nijn.Prelude.Relations.WellfoundedRelation.
Require Import Nijn.Prelude.Orders.CompatibleRelation.
Require Import Nijn.Prelude.Orders.MonotonicMaps.
Require Import Lia.

Declare Scope compat.
Open Scope compat.

Exmaples of compatible relations

The unit type
Definition unit_CompatRel : CompatRel
  := {| carrier := unit ;
        gt _ _ := False ;
        ge _ _ := True |}.

This relation is well-founded
Proposition unit_Wf : Wf (fun (x y : unit_CompatRel) ⇒ x > y).
  intro z.
  apply acc.

Global Instance unit_isCompatRel : isCompatRel unit_CompatRel.
  unshelve esplit ; cbn ; auto ; try (apply _).

Definition unit_strict_minimal_element
  : strict_minimal_element unit_CompatRel.
  simple refine (make_strict_min_el _ _ _).
  - exact tt.
  - intros y Hx.
    induction y.

Definition unit_minimal_element
  : minimal_element unit_CompatRel
  := is_minimal_to_strict_minimal unit_strict_minimal_element.

Product of compatible relations
Definition prod_CompatRel
           (X Y : CompatRel)
  : CompatRel
  := {| carrier := X × Y ;
        gt x y := fst x > fst y snd x > snd y ;
        ge x y := fst x fst y snd x snd y |}.

Notation "X * Y" := (prod_CompatRel X Y) : compat.

The product of well-founded orders is again well-founded
Definition isWf_pair
           (X Y : CompatRel)
           {x : X} {y : Y}
           (Hx : isWf (@gt X) x)
           (Hy : isWf (@gt Y) y)
  : isWf (@gt _) ((x , y) : prod_CompatRel X Y).
  revert Hy.
  revert y.
  induction Hx as [x Hx IHx].
  intros y HY.
  induction HY as [y Hy].
  apply acc.
  intros [z1 z2] [Hz1 Hz2] ; simpl in ×.
  apply IHx.
  - assumption.
  - apply Hy.

Proposition Wf_prod
            (X Y : CompatRel)
            (HX : Wf (@gt X))
            (HY : Wf (@gt Y))
  : Wf (@gt (X × Y)).
  intros x.
  destruct x as [x y].
  apply isWf_pair.
  - apply HX.
  - apply HY.

Global Instance prod_isCompatRel
       (X Y : CompatRel)
       `{isCompatRel X}
       `{isCompatRel Y}
  : isCompatRel (X × Y).
  unshelve esplit ; cbn ; try (intros ; apply _).
  - intros x y z p q ; split.
    + refine (gt_trans _ _).
      × apply p.
      × apply q.
    + refine (gt_trans _ _).
      × apply p.
      × apply q.
  - intros x y z p q ; split.
    + refine (ge_trans _ _).
      × apply p.
      × apply q.
    + refine (ge_trans _ _).
      × apply p.
      × apply q.
  - intros x ; split ; apply ge_refl.
  - intros x y p ; split ; apply compat ; apply p.
  - intros x y z p q.
    + refine (ge_gt _ _).
      × apply p.
      × apply q.
    + refine (ge_gt _ _).
      × apply p.
      × apply q.
  - intros x y z p q.
    + refine (gt_ge _ _).
      × apply p.
      × apply q.
    + refine (gt_ge _ _).
      × apply p.
      × apply q.

Definition prod_minimal_element
           {X Y : CompatRel}
           (x : minimal_element X)
           (y : minimal_element Y)
  : minimal_element (X × Y).
  simple refine (make_min_el _ _ _).
  - exact (min_el _ x , min_el _ y).
  - intro z.
    split ; cbn.
    + apply is_minimal.
    + apply is_minimal.

Compatible relations of tuples
Definition tuple_CompatRel
          (X : CompatRel)
          (Y : QuasiRel)
  : CompatRel
  := {| carrier := X × Y ;
        gt x y := fst x > fst y (snd x snd y)%qr ;
        ge x y := fst x fst y (snd x snd y)%qr |}.

Global Instance tuple_isCompatRel
              (X : CompatRel)
              `{isCompatRel X}
              (Y : QuasiRel)
              `{isQuasiRel Y}
  : isCompatRel (tuple_CompatRel X Y).
  unshelve esplit ; cbn ; try (intros ; apply _).
  - intros x y z [ p1 p2 ] [ q1 q2 ].
    + exact (gt_trans p1 q1).
    + exact (ge_qr_trans p2 q2).
  - intros x y z [ p1 p2 ] [ q1 q2 ].
    + exact (ge_trans p1 q1).
    + exact (ge_qr_trans p2 q2).
  - intros x.
    + apply ge_refl.
    + apply ge_qr_refl.
  - intros x y [ p1 p2 ].
    + exact (compat p1).
    + exact p2.
  - intros x y z [ p1 p2 ] [ q1 q2 ].
    + exact (ge_gt p1 q1).
    + exact (ge_qr_trans p2 q2).
  - intros x y z [ p1 p2 ] [ q1 q2 ].
    + exact (gt_ge p1 q1).
    + exact (ge_qr_trans p2 q2).

Definition isWf_pair_tuple
           (X : CompatRel)
           (Y : QuasiRel)
           {x : X} {y : Y}
           (Hx : isWf (@gt X) x)
  : isWf (@gt _) ((x , y) : tuple_CompatRel X Y).
  revert y.
  induction Hx as [x Hx IHx].
  intros y.
  apply acc.
  intros [z1 z2] [Hz1 Hz2] ; simpl in ×.
  apply IHx.

Proposition Wf_tuple
           (X : CompatRel)
           (Y : QuasiRel)
           (HX : Wf (@gt X))
  : Wf (@gt (tuple_CompatRel X Y)).
  intros x.
  destruct x as [x y].
  apply isWf_pair_tuple.
  apply HX.

Dependent product of well-founded relations
Definition depprod_CompatRel
           {X : Type}
           (Y : X CompatRel)
  : CompatRel
  := {| carrier := ( (x : X), Y x) ;
        gt f g := (x : X), f x > g x ;
        ge f g := (x : X), f x g x |}.

Notation "∏ Y" := (depprod_CompatRel Y) (at level 10).

Global Instance depprod_isCompatRel
           {X : Type}
           (Y : X CompatRel)
           `{ (x : X), isCompatRel (Y x)}
  : isCompatRel ( Y).
  unshelve esplit ; cbn ; try (intros ; apply _).
  - intros f g h p q x.
    exact (gt_trans (p x) (q x)).
  - intros f g h p q x.
    exact (ge_trans (p x) (q x)).
  - intros f x.
    exact (ge_refl (f x)).
  - intros f g p x.
    exact (compat (p x)).
  - intros f g h p q x.
    exact (ge_gt (p x) (q x)).
  - intros f g h p q x.
    exact (gt_ge (p x) (q x)).

Definition depprod_minimal_element
           {X : Type}
           (Y : X CompatRel)
           (y : (x : X), minimal_element (Y x))
  : minimal_element ( Y).
  simple refine (make_min_el _ _ _).
  - exact (fun xy x).
  - intros z x.
    apply is_minimal.

The power of well-founded relations
Fixpoint power_CompatRel
         (X : CompatRel)
         (n : nat)
  : CompatRel
  := match n with
     | 0 ⇒ unit_CompatRel
     | S nX × power_CompatRel X n

Notation "X ^ n" := (power_CompatRel X n).

Global Instance power_isCompatRel
       (X : CompatRel)
       (n : nat)
       `{isCompatRel X}
  : isCompatRel (X ^ n).
  induction n as [ | n IHn ] ; cbn.
  - apply _.
  - apply _.

Definition power_minimal_element
           (X : CompatRel)
           (n : nat)
           (x : minimal_element X)
  : minimal_element (X ^ n).
  induction n as [ | n IHn ].
  - apply unit_minimal_element.
  - apply prod_minimal_element.
    + exact x.
    + exact IHn.

The natural numbers have the structure of well-founded relation
Definition nat_CompatRel
  : CompatRel
  := {| carrier := nat ;
        gt n m := n > m ;
        ge n m := n m |}%nat.

The strict order is well-founded
Proposition nat_Wf : Wf (@gt nat_CompatRel).
  intro n.
  induction n as [ | n IHn ].
  - apply acc.
    intros ; simpl in ×.
  - inversion IHn.
    apply acc.
    intros y Hy.
    assert (n > y n = y)%nat as X by (simpl in × ; lia).
    destruct X.
    + apply H.
    + subst.
      exact IHn.

Global Instance nat_isCompatRel
  : isCompatRel nat_CompatRel.
  unshelve esplit ; cbn ; intros ; try lia ; try (apply _).

Definition nat_strict_minimal_element
  : strict_minimal_element nat_CompatRel.
  simple refine (make_strict_min_el _ _ _).
  - exact 0.
  - intros n Hn.

Definition nat_minimal_element
  : minimal_element nat_CompatRel
  := is_minimal_to_strict_minimal nat_strict_minimal_element.

Function spaces of weakly monotonic maps
Definition fun_CompatRel
           (X Y : CompatRel)
  : CompatRel
  := {| carrier := weakMonotoneMap X Y ;
        gt f g := (x : X), f x > g x ;
        ge f g := (x : X), f x g x |}.

Notation "X →wm Y" := (fun_CompatRel X Y) (at level 99).

Global Instance fun_isCompatRel
       (X Y : CompatRel)
       `{isCompatRel Y}
  : isCompatRel (X wm Y).
  unshelve esplit ; cbn ; try (intros ; apply _).
  - intros f g h p q x.
    exact (gt_trans (p x) (q x)).
  - intros f g h p q x.
    exact (ge_trans (p x) (q x)).
  - intros f x.
    exact (ge_refl (f x)).
  - intros f g p x.
    exact (compat (p x)).
  - intros f g h p q x.
    exact (ge_gt (p x) (q x)).
  - intros f g h p q x.
    exact (gt_ge (p x) (q x)).

The function space is well-founded if we can find an element of the domain
Proposition fun_Wf
            (X Y : CompatRel)
            (x : X)
            (HY : Wf (fun (x y : Y) ⇒ x > y))
  : Wf (fun (f g : fun_CompatRel X Y) ⇒ f > g).
  simple refine (fiber_Wf HY _ _).
  - exact (fun ff x).
  - intros f g p ; simpl.
    apply p.

Function space of strongly monotonic maps
Definition strong_fun_CompatRel
           (X Y : CompatRel)
  : CompatRel
  := {| carrier := strongMonotoneMap X Y ;
        gt f g := (x : X), f x > g x ;
        ge f g := (x : X), f x g x |}.

Notation "X →s Y" := (strong_fun_CompatRel X Y) (at level 99).

Global Instance strong_fun_isCompatRel
       (X Y : CompatRel)
       `{isCompatRel Y}
  : isCompatRel (X s Y).
  unshelve esplit ; cbn ; try (intros ; apply _).
  - intros f g h p q x.
    exact (gt_trans (p x) (q x)).
  - intros f g h p q x.
    exact (ge_trans (p x) (q x)).
  - intros f x.
    exact (ge_refl (f x)).
  - intros f g p x.
    exact (compat (p x)).
  - intros f g h p q x.
    exact (ge_gt (p x) (q x)).
  - intros f g h p q x.
    exact (gt_ge (p x) (q x)).

The function space is well-founded if we can find an element of the domain
Proposition strong_fun_Wf
            (X Y : CompatRel)
            (x : X)
            (HY : Wf (fun (x y : Y) ⇒ x > y))
  : Wf (fun (f g : strong_fun_CompatRel X Y) ⇒ f > g).
  simple refine (fiber_Wf HY _ _).
  - exact (fun ff x).
  - intros f g p ; simpl.
    apply p.

Examples of weakly monotone maps

The constant functions
Global Instance const_weakMonotone
       (X Y : CompatRel)
       `{isCompatRel Y}
       (y : Y)
  : weakMonotone (fun (_ : X) ⇒ y).
  intros x1 x2 p.
  apply ge_refl.

Definition const_wm
           {X Y : CompatRel}
           `{isCompatRel Y}
           (y : Y)
  : X wm Y
  := make_monotone (fun (_ : X) ⇒ y) _.

Definition min_el_fun_space
           {X : CompatRel}
           {Y : CompatRel}
           `{isCompatRel Y}
           (m : minimal_element Y)
  : minimal_element (X wm Y).
  simple refine (make_min_el _ _ _).
  - exact (const_wm m).
  - intros f x.
    apply m.

The identity function
Global Instance id_strictMonotone (X : CompatRel)
  : strictMonotone (@id X).
  intros x y p.
  exact p.

Global Instance id_weakMonotone (X : CompatRel)
  : weakMonotone (@id X).
  intros x y p.
  exact p.

Definition id_wm
           {X : CompatRel}
  : X wm X
  := make_monotone id _.

Definition id_strong_monotone
           {X : CompatRel}
  : X s X
  := make_strong_monotone id _ _.

The composition
Global Instance comp_strictMonotone
       {X Y Z : CompatRel}
       (f : X Y)
       (g : Y Z)
       `{strictMonotone _ _ f}
       `{strictMonotone _ _ g}
  : strictMonotone (g o f).
  intros x y p ; cbn.
  do 2 apply map_gt.

Global Instance comp_weakMonotone
       {X Y Z : CompatRel}
       (f : X Y)
       (g : Y Z)
       `{weakMonotone _ _ f}
       `{weakMonotone _ _ g}
  : weakMonotone (g o f).
  intros x y p ; cbn.
  do 2 apply map_ge.

Definition comp_wm
           {X Y Z : CompatRel}
           (f : X wm Y)
           (g : Y wm Z)
  : X wm Z
  := make_monotone (g o f) _.

Notation "g ∘wm f" := (comp_wm f g) (at level 40).

Definition comp_strong_monotone
           {X Y Z : CompatRel}
           (f : X s Y)
           (g : Y s Z)
  : X s Z
  := make_strong_monotone (g o f) _ _.

The first projection
Global Instance fst_strictMonotone
       {X Y : CompatRel}
  : @strictMonotone (X × Y) X fst.
  intros x y p.
  apply p.

Global Instance fst_weakMonotone
       {X Y : CompatRel}
  : @weakMonotone (X × Y) X fst.
  intros x y p.
  apply p.

Definition fst_wm
           {X Y : CompatRel}
  : X × Y wm X
  := make_monotone _ _.

Definition fst_strong_monotone
           {X Y : CompatRel}
  : (X × Y) s X
  := make_strong_monotone _ _ _.

The second projection
Global Instance snd_strictMonotone
       {X Y : CompatRel}
  : @strictMonotone (X × Y) Y snd.
  intros x y p.
  apply p.

Global Instance snd_weakMonotone
       {X Y : CompatRel}
  : @weakMonotone (X × Y) Y snd.
  intros x y p.
  apply p.

Definition snd_wm
           {X Y : CompatRel}
  : X × Y wm Y
  := make_monotone _ _.

Definition snd_strong_monotone
           {X Y : CompatRel}
  : (X × Y) s Y
  := make_strong_monotone _ _ _.

The pairing of weakly monotone maps
Global Instance pair_weakMonotone
       {X Y Z : CompatRel}
       (f : X Y)
       (g : X Z)
       `{weakMonotone _ _ f}
       `{weakMonotone _ _ g}
  : @weakMonotone X (Y × Z) (fun x(f x , g x)).
  intros x y p.
  - simpl.
    apply map_ge.
  - simpl.
    apply map_ge.

Global Instance pair_strictMonotone
       {X Y Z : CompatRel}
       (f : X Y)
       (g : X Z)
       `{strictMonotone _ _ f}
       `{strictMonotone _ _ g}
  : @strictMonotone X (Y × Z) (fun x(f x , g x)).
  intros x y p.
  - simpl.
    apply map_gt.
  - simpl.
    apply map_gt.

Definition pair_wm
           {X Y Z : CompatRel}
           (f : X wm Y)
           (g : X wm Z)
  : X wm (Y × Z)
  := @make_monotone X (Y × Z) (fun x(f x , g x)) _.

Notation "⟨ f , g ⟩" := (pair_wm f g).

Definition pair_strong_monotone
           {X Y Z : CompatRel}
           (f : X s Y)
           (g : X s Z)
  : X s (Y × Z)
  := @make_strong_monotone X (Y × Z) (fun x(f x , g x)) _ _.

Lambda abstraction
Global Instance lambda_abs_on_X_monotone
       {X Y Z : CompatRel}
       `{isCompatRel X}
       (f : Y × X wm Z)
       (x : X)
  : weakMonotone (fun yf (y , x)).
  intros z1 z2 p.
  apply map_ge.
  - exact p.
  - apply ge_refl.

Definition lambda_abs_on_X
           {X Y Z : CompatRel}
           `{isCompatRel X}
           (f : Y × X wm Z)
           (x : X)
  : Y wm Z
  := make_monotone (fun yf (y , x)) _.

Global Instance lambda_abs_mon
       {X Y Z : CompatRel}
       `{isCompatRel X}
       `{isCompatRel Y}
       (f : X × Y wm Z)
  : weakMonotone (fun xlambda_abs_on_X f x).
  intros x y p z ; cbn.
  apply map_ge.
  - apply ge_refl.
  - exact p.

Definition lambda_abs
            {X Y Z : CompatRel}
            `{isCompatRel X}
            `{isCompatRel Y}
            (f : Y × X wm Z)
  : X wm (Y wm Z)
  := make_monotone (fun x : Xlambda_abs_on_X f x) _.

Notation "'λwm' f" := (lambda_abs f) (at level 10).

Global Instance plus_isWeakMonotone
                {A : CompatRel}
                (f g : A nat_CompatRel)
                `{Hf : weakMonotone _ _ f}
                `{Hg : weakMonotone _ _ g}
  : weakMonotone (fun a ⇒ (f a + g a : nat_CompatRel)).
  intros a1 a2 p.
  pose (Hf _ _ p).
  pose (Hg _ _ p).
  cbn in ×.

Definition plus_wm
  : nat_CompatRel × nat_CompatRel wm nat_CompatRel
  := @make_monotone
       (nat_CompatRel × nat_CompatRel)
       (fun xfst x + snd x)

Global Instance plus_isStrictMonotone
                {A : CompatRel}
                (f g : A nat_CompatRel)
                `{Hf : strictMonotone _ _ f}
                `{Hg : strictMonotone _ _ g}
  : strictMonotone (fun a ⇒ (f a + g a : nat_CompatRel)).
  intros a1 a2 p.
  pose (Hf a1 a2 p).
  pose (Hg a1 a2 p).
  cbn in ×.

Definition plus_fun_wm
           {A : CompatRel}
           (f g : A wm nat_CompatRel)
  : A wm nat_CompatRel
  := make_monotone (fun a ⇒ (f a + g a : nat_CompatRel)) _.

Definition plus_strong_monotone
           {A : CompatRel}
           (f g : A s nat_CompatRel)
  : A s nat_CompatRel
  := make_strong_monotone (fun a ⇒ (f a + g a : nat_CompatRel)) _ _.

Global Instance mult_isWeakMonotone
                {A : CompatRel}
                (f g : weakMonotoneMap A nat_CompatRel)
  : weakMonotone (fun a ⇒ (f a × g a : nat_CompatRel)%nat).
  intros a1 a2 p.
  pose (is_weak_monotone _ _ f _ _ p).
  pose (is_weak_monotone _ _ g _ _ p).
  cbn in ×.

Definition mult_fun_wm
           {A : CompatRel}
           (f g : weakMonotoneMap A nat_CompatRel)
  : weakMonotoneMap A nat_CompatRel
  := make_monotone (fun a ⇒ (f a × g a : nat_CompatRel)%nat) _.

Global Instance app_isWeakMonotone
                {A B C : CompatRel}
                `{isCompatRel C}
                (f : A wm (B wm C))
                (x : A wm B)
  : weakMonotone (fun a : Af a (x a)).
  intros a1 a2 p.
  refine (ge_trans
            (is_weak_monotone _ _ f _ _ p (x a1))
  exact (is_weak_monotone _ _ (f a2) _ _ (is_weak_monotone _ _ x _ _ p)).

Definition app_wm
           {X Y Z : CompatRel}
           `{isCompatRel Z}
           (f : X wm (Y wm Z))
           (x : X wm Y)
  : X wm Z
  := make_monotone (fun af a (x a)) _.

Notation "f '·wm' x" := (app_wm f x) (at level 20, left associativity).

Global Instance strong_app_isWeakMonotone
                {A B C : CompatRel}
                `{isCompatRel C}
                (f : A s (B s C))
                (x : A s B)
  : weakMonotone (fun a : Af a (x a)).
  intros a1 a2 p.
  refine (ge_trans
            (strong_is_weak _ _ f _ _ p (x a1))
  exact (strong_is_weak _ _ (f a2) _ _ (strong_is_weak _ _ x _ _ p)).

Global Instance strong_app_isStrictMonotone
                {A B C : CompatRel}
                `{isCompatRel C}
                (f : A s (B s C))
                (x : A s B)
  : strictMonotone (fun a : Af a (x a)).
  intros a1 a2 p.
  refine (gt_trans
            (strong_is_strict _ _ f _ _ p (x a1))
  exact (strong_is_strict _ _ (f a2) _ _ (strong_is_strict _ _ x _ _ p)).

Definition app_strong_monotone
           {A B C : CompatRel}
           `{isCompatRel C}
           (f : A s (B s C))
           (x : A s B)
  : A s C
  := make_strong_monotone (fun af a (x a)) _ _.

Application to a fixed element
Global Instance apply_el_is_weak_monotone
                {A₁ A₂ : CompatRel}
                (x : A₁)
  : @weakMonotone (A₁ wm A₂) A₂ (fun ff x).
  intros h₁ h₂ p.
  apply p.

Definition apply_el_wm
           {X Y : CompatRel}
           (x : X)
  : (X wm Y) wm Y
  := @make_monotone
       (X wm Y)
       (fun ff x)