Library UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Examples.StructuredCategories

1. Categories with a terminal object
Definition disp_bicat_terminal_obj
  : disp_bicat bicat_of_univ_cats.
Show proof.
  use disp_subbicat.
  - exact (λ C, Terminal (pr1 C)).
  - exact (λ C₁ C₂ _ _ F, preserves_terminal F).
  - exact (λ C _, identity_preserves_terminal _).
  - exact (λ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HF HG, composition_preserves_terminal HF HG).

Definition univ_cat_with_terminal_obj
  : bicat
  := total_bicat disp_bicat_terminal_obj.

Definition disp_univalent_2_1_disp_bicat_terminal_obj
  : disp_univalent_2_1 disp_bicat_terminal_obj.
Show proof.

Definition disp_univalent_2_0_disp_bicat_terminal_obj
  : disp_univalent_2_0 disp_bicat_terminal_obj.
Show proof.
  use disp_subbicat_univalent_2_0.
  - exact univalent_cat_is_univalent_2.
  - intro C.
    apply isaprop_Terminal.
    exact (pr2 C).
  - intros.
    apply isaprop_preserves_terminal.

Definition disp_univalent_2_disp_bicat_terminal_obj
  : disp_univalent_2 disp_bicat_terminal_obj.
Show proof.

Definition is_univalent_2_1_univ_cat_with_terminal_obj
  : is_univalent_2_1 univ_cat_with_terminal_obj.
Show proof.

Definition is_univalent_2_0_univ_cat_with_terminal_obj
  : is_univalent_2_0 univ_cat_with_terminal_obj.
Show proof.

Definition is_univalent_2_univ_cat_with_terminal_obj
  : is_univalent_2 univ_cat_with_terminal_obj.
Show proof.

2. Categories with binary products
Definition disp_bicat_binprod
  : disp_bicat bicat_of_univ_cats.
Show proof.
  use disp_subbicat.
  - exact (λ C, BinProducts (pr1 C)).
  - exact (λ C₁ C₂ _ _ F, preserves_binproduct F).
  - exact (λ C _, identity_preserves_binproduct _).
  - exact (λ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HF HG, composition_preserves_binproduct HF HG).

Definition univ_cat_with_binprod
  : bicat
  := total_bicat disp_bicat_binprod.

Definition disp_univalent_2_1_disp_bicat_binprod
  : disp_univalent_2_1 disp_bicat_binprod.
Show proof.

Definition disp_univalent_2_0_disp_bicat_binprod
  : disp_univalent_2_0 disp_bicat_binprod.
Show proof.
  use disp_subbicat_univalent_2_0.
  - exact univalent_cat_is_univalent_2.
  - intro C.
    use impred ; intro x.
    use impred ; intro y.
    use isaprop_BinProduct.
    exact (pr2 C).
  - intros.
    apply isaprop_preserves_binproduct.

Definition disp_univalent_2_disp_bicat_binprod
  : disp_univalent_2 disp_bicat_binprod.
Show proof.

Definition is_univalent_2_1_univ_cat_with_binprod
  : is_univalent_2_1 univ_cat_with_binprod.
Show proof.

Definition is_univalent_2_0_univ_cat_with_binprod
  : is_univalent_2_0 univ_cat_with_binprod.
Show proof.

Definition is_univalent_2_univ_cat_with_binprod
  : is_univalent_2 univ_cat_with_binprod.
Show proof.

3. Categories with pullbacks
Definition disp_bicat_pullback
  : disp_bicat bicat_of_univ_cats.
Show proof.
  use disp_subbicat.
  - exact (λ C, Pullbacks (pr1 C)).
  - exact (λ C₁ C₂ _ _ F, preserves_pullback F).
  - exact (λ C _, identity_preserves_pullback _).
  - exact (λ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HF HG, composition_preserves_pullback HF HG).

Definition univ_cat_with_pb
  : bicat
  := total_bicat disp_bicat_pullback.

Definition disp_univalent_2_1_disp_bicat_pullback
  : disp_univalent_2_1 disp_bicat_pullback.
Show proof.

Definition disp_univalent_2_0_disp_bicat_pullback
  : disp_univalent_2_0 disp_bicat_pullback.
Show proof.
  use disp_subbicat_univalent_2_0.
  - exact univalent_cat_is_univalent_2.
  - intro C.
    repeat (use impred ; intro).
    apply isaprop_Pullback.
    exact (pr2 C).
  - intros.
    apply isaprop_preserves_pullback.

Definition disp_univalent_2_disp_bicat_pullback
  : disp_univalent_2 disp_bicat_pullback.
Show proof.

Definition is_univalent_2_1_univ_cat_with_pb
  : is_univalent_2_1 univ_cat_with_pb.
Show proof.

Definition is_univalent_2_0_univ_cat_with_pb
  : is_univalent_2_0 univ_cat_with_pb.
Show proof.

Definition is_univalent_2_univ_cat_with_pb
  : is_univalent_2 univ_cat_with_pb.
Show proof.

4. Categories with finite limits
Definition disp_bicat_finlim
  : disp_bicat bicat_of_univ_cats
  := disp_dirprod_bicat

Definition univ_cat_with_finlim
  : bicat
  := total_bicat disp_bicat_finlim.

Definition disp_univalent_2_1_disp_bicat_finlim
  : disp_univalent_2_1 disp_bicat_finlim.
Show proof.

Definition disp_univalent_2_0_disp_bicat_finlim
  : disp_univalent_2_0 disp_bicat_finlim.
Show proof.

Definition disp_univalent_2_disp_bicat_finlim
  : disp_univalent_2 disp_bicat_finlim.
Show proof.

Definition is_univalent_2_1_univ_cat_with_finlim
  : is_univalent_2_1 univ_cat_with_finlim.
Show proof.

Definition is_univalent_2_0_univ_cat_with_finlim
  : is_univalent_2_0 univ_cat_with_finlim.
Show proof.

Definition is_univalent_2_univ_cat_with_finlim
  : is_univalent_2 univ_cat_with_finlim.
Show proof.

5. Categories with an initial object
Definition disp_bicat_initial_obj
  : disp_bicat bicat_of_univ_cats.
Show proof.
  use disp_subbicat.
  - exact (λ C, Initial (pr1 C)).
  - exact (λ C₁ C₂ _ _ F, preserves_initial F).
  - exact (λ C _, identity_preserves_initial _).
  - exact (λ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HF HG, composition_preserves_initial HF HG).

Definition univ_cat_with_initial
  : bicat
  := total_bicat disp_bicat_initial_obj.

Definition disp_univalent_2_1_disp_bicat_initial_obj
  : disp_univalent_2_1 disp_bicat_initial_obj.
Show proof.
  use disp_subbicat_univalent_2_1.
  apply isaprop_preserves_initial.

Definition disp_univalent_2_0_disp_bicat_initial_obj
  : disp_univalent_2_0 disp_bicat_initial_obj.
Show proof.
  use disp_subbicat_univalent_2_0.
  - exact univalent_cat_is_univalent_2.
  - intro C.
    apply isaprop_Initial.
    exact (pr2 C).
  - intros.
    apply isaprop_preserves_initial.

Definition disp_univalent_2_disp_bicat_initial_obj
  : disp_univalent_2 disp_bicat_initial_obj.
Show proof.

Definition is_univalent_2_1_univ_cat_with_initial
  : is_univalent_2_1 univ_cat_with_initial.
Show proof.

Definition is_univalent_2_0_univ_cat_with_initial
  : is_univalent_2_0 univ_cat_with_initial.
Show proof.

Definition is_univalent_2_univ_cat_with_initial
  : is_univalent_2 univ_cat_with_initial.
Show proof.

6. Categories with binary coproducts
Definition disp_bicat_bincoprod
  : disp_bicat bicat_of_univ_cats.
Show proof.
  use disp_subbicat.
  - exact (λ C, BinCoproducts (pr1 C)).
  - exact (λ C₁ C₂ _ _ F, preserves_bincoproduct F).
  - exact (λ C _, identity_preserves_bincoproduct _).
  - exact (λ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HF HG, composition_preserves_bincoproduct HF HG).

Definition univ_cat_with_bincoprod
  : bicat
  := total_bicat disp_bicat_bincoprod.

Definition disp_univalent_2_1_disp_bicat_bincoprod
  : disp_univalent_2_1 disp_bicat_bincoprod.
Show proof.

Definition disp_univalent_2_0_disp_bicat_bincoprod
  : disp_univalent_2_0 disp_bicat_bincoprod.
Show proof.
  use disp_subbicat_univalent_2_0.
  - exact univalent_cat_is_univalent_2.
  - intro C.
    repeat (use impred ; intro).
    apply isaprop_BinCoproduct.
    exact (pr2 C).
  - intros.
    apply isaprop_preserves_bincoproduct.

Definition disp_univalent_2_disp_bicat_bincoprod
  : disp_univalent_2 disp_bicat_bincoprod.
Show proof.

Definition is_univalent_2_1_univ_cat_with_bincoprod
  : is_univalent_2_1 univ_cat_with_bincoprod.
Show proof.

Definition is_univalent_2_0_univ_cat_with_bincoprod
  : is_univalent_2_0 univ_cat_with_bincoprod.
Show proof.

Definition is_univalent_2_univ_cat_with_bincoprod
  : is_univalent_2 univ_cat_with_bincoprod.
Show proof.