Library UniMath.Bicategories.Morphisms.Eso

Require Import UniMath.Foundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.NaturalTransformations.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Isos.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Univalence.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Adjunctions.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Equivalences.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Equivalences.FullyFaithful.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.IsoCommaCategory.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Bicat.
Import Bicat.Notations.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Invertible_2cells.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Univalence.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.AdjointUnique.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Examples.BicatOfUnivCats.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Morphisms.FullyFaithful.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Morphisms.Adjunctions.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Morphisms.Properties.ClosedUnderInvertibles.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.OrthogonalFactorization.Orthogonality.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Limits.Pullbacks.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Limits.PullbackFunctions.
Import PullbackFunctions.Notations.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Limits.PullbackEquivalences.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Limits.Examples.BicatOfUnivCatsLimits.

Local Open Scope cat.

Section EsoMorphisms.
  Context {B : bicat}
          {b₁ b₂ : B}
          (f : b₁ --> b₂).

1. Esos

  Definition is_eso
    : UU
    := (c₁ c₂ : B)
         (m : c₁ --> c₂)
         (Hm : fully_faithful_1cell m),
       f m.

  Definition isaprop_is_eso
             (HB_2_1 : is_univalent_2_1 B)
    : isaprop is_eso.
  Show proof.
    use impred ; intro c₁.
    use impred ; intro c₂.
    use impred ; intro m.
    use impred ; intro H.
    exact (isaprop_orthogonal f m HB_2_1).

2. Constructing esos
To construct an eso, one should do 3 things. First of all, one needs to construct a lift for diagrams of the following shape
g₁ b₁ -------> c₁ | | f | | m | | V V b₂ -------> c₂ g₂
where m is a fully faithful 1-cell. This diagram commutes up to an invertible 2-cell. The resulting triangles should commute up to an invertible 2-cell and the obvious coherency must be satisfied up to equality.
This expresses that the relevant functor is essentially surjective.
  Definition is_eso_essentially_surjective
    : UU
    := (c₁ c₂ : B)
         (m : c₁ --> c₂)
         (Hm : fully_faithful_1cell m)
         (g₁ : b₁ --> c₁)
         (g₂ : b₂ --> c₂)
         (α : invertible_2cell (g₁ · m) (f · g₂)),
        (l : b₂ --> c₁)
         (ζ₁ : invertible_2cell (f · l) g₁)
         (ζ₂ : invertible_2cell (l · m) g₂),
       (ζ₁ m) α = rassociator _ _ _ (f ζ₂).

The second thing allows us to construct 2-cells between lifts.
This expresses that the relevant functor is full.
  Definition is_eso_full
    : UU
    := (c₁ c₂ : B)
         (m : c₁ --> c₂)
         (Hm : fully_faithful_1cell m)
         (l₁ l₂ : b₂ --> c₁)
         (k₁ : f · l₁ ==> f · l₂)
         (k₂ : l₁ · m ==> l₂ · m)
         (p : (k₁ m) rassociator _ _ _
              rassociator _ _ _ (f k₂)),
        (ξ : l₁ ==> l₂),
       f ξ = k₁
       ξ m = k₂.

The last thing allows us to prove that 2-cells between lifts are equal.
This expresses that the relevant functor is faithful.
  Definition is_eso_faithful
    : UU
    := (c₁ c₂ : B)
         (m : c₁ --> c₂)
         (Hm : fully_faithful_1cell m)
         (l₁ l₂ : b₂ --> c₁)
         (ζ₁ ζ₂ : l₁ ==> l₂),
       f ζ₁ = f ζ₂
       ζ₁ m = ζ₂ m
       ζ₁ = ζ₂.

Now we can give a constructor for eso morphisms if the bicategory is locally univalent.
Note that local univalence is needed so that we can get an equivalence from functors that are essentially surjective and fully faithful.
  Definition make_is_eso
             (HB_2_1 : is_univalent_2_1 B)
             (H₁ : is_eso_full)
             (H₂ : is_eso_faithful)
             (H₃ : is_eso_essentially_surjective)
    : is_eso.
  Show proof.
    intros c₁ c₂ m Hm.
    use make_orthogonal.
    - exact HB_2_1.
    - exact (H₁ c₁ c₂ m Hm).
    - exact (H₂ c₁ c₂ m Hm).
    - exact (H₃ c₁ c₂ m Hm).

3. Projections for esos
  Section Projections.
    Context (H : is_eso).

Lifting property for for 1-cells
    Section LiftOne.
      Context {c₁ c₂ : B}
              {m : c₁ --> c₂}
              (Hm : fully_faithful_1cell m)
              (g₁ : b₁ --> c₁)
              (g₂ : b₂ --> c₂)
              (α : invertible_2cell (g₁ · m) (f · g₂)).

      Definition is_eso_lift_1
        : b₂ --> c₁
        := orthogonal_lift_1 (H c₁ c₂ m Hm) g₁ g₂ α.

      Definition is_eso_lift_1_comm_left
        : invertible_2cell (f · is_eso_lift_1) g₁
        := orthogonal_lift_1_comm_left (H c₁ c₂ m Hm) g₁ g₂ α.

      Definition is_eso_lift_1_comm_right
        : invertible_2cell (is_eso_lift_1 · m) g₂
        := orthogonal_lift_1_comm_right (H c₁ c₂ m Hm) g₁ g₂ α.

      Definition is_eso_lift_1_eq
        : (is_eso_lift_1_comm_left m) α
          rassociator _ _ _ (f is_eso_lift_1_comm_right)
        := orthogonal_lift_1_eq (H c₁ c₂ m Hm) g₁ g₂ α.
    End LiftOne.

Lifting property for for 2-cells
    Section LiftTwo.
      Context {c₁ c₂ : B}
              {m : c₁ --> c₂}
              (Hm : fully_faithful_1cell m)
              (l₁ l₂ : b₂ --> c₁)
              (k₁ : f · l₁ ==> f · l₂)
              (k₂ : l₁ · m ==> l₂ · m)
              (p : (k₁ m) rassociator _ _ _
                   rassociator _ _ _ (f k₂)).

      Definition is_eso_lift_2
        : l₁ ==> l₂
        := orthogonal_lift_2 (H c₁ c₂ m Hm) l₁ l₂ k₁ k₂ p.

      Definition is_eso_lift_2_left
        : f is_eso_lift_2 = k₁
        := orthogonal_lift_2_left (H c₁ c₂ m Hm) l₁ l₂ k₁ k₂ p.

      Definition is_eso_lift_2_right
        : is_eso_lift_2 m = k₂
        := orthogonal_lift_2_right (H c₁ c₂ m Hm) l₁ l₂ k₁ k₂ p.
    End LiftTwo.

Lifting property for for equalities
    Definition is_eso_lift_eq
               {c₁ c₂ : B}
               {m : c₁ --> c₂}
               (Hm : fully_faithful_1cell m)
               {l₁ l₂ : b₂ --> c₁}
               (ζ₁ ζ₂ : l₁ ==> l₂)
               (p₁ : f ζ₁ = f ζ₂)
               (p₂ : ζ₁ m = ζ₂ m)
      : ζ₁ = ζ₂.
    Show proof.
      exact (orthogonal_lift_eq (H c₁ c₂ m Hm) ζ₁ ζ₂ p₁ p₂).
  End Projections.

4. Esos via pullbacks
  Definition is_eso_via_pb
             (HB_2_1 : is_univalent_2_1 B)
    : UU
    := (c₁ c₂ : B)
         (m : c₁ --> c₂)
         (Hm : fully_faithful_1cell m),
       orthogonal_via_pb f m HB_2_1.

  Definition isaprop_is_eso_via_pb
             (HB_2_1 : is_univalent_2_1 B)
    : isaprop (is_eso_via_pb HB_2_1).
  Show proof.
    use impred ; intro c₁.
    use impred ; intro c₂.
    use impred ; intro m.
    use impred ; intro Hm.
    exact (isaprop_orthogonal_via_pb f m HB_2_1).

  Definition is_eso_weq_is_eso_via_pb
             (HB_2_1 : is_univalent_2_1 B)
    : is_eso is_eso_via_pb HB_2_1.
  Show proof.
    use weqonsecfibers ; intro c₁.
    use weqonsecfibers ; intro c₂.
    use weqonsecfibers ; intro m.
    use weqonsecfibers ; intro Hm₁.
    exact (orthogonal_weq_orthogonal_via_pb f m HB_2_1).
End EsoMorphisms.

6. (eso, ff)-factorization
Definition eso_ff_factorization
           (B : bicat)
    : UU
  := (b₁ b₂ : B)
       (f : b₁ --> b₂),
      (im : B)
       (f' : b₁ --> im)
       (m : im --> b₂),
     is_eso f'
     fully_faithful_1cell m
     invertible_2cell (f' · m) f.

7. Closure under pullbacks
Definition is_eso_closed_under_pb
           (B : bicat_with_pb)
  : UU
  := (x y z : B)
       (f : x --> z)
       (Hf : is_eso f)
       (g : y --> z),
     is_eso (π : f /≃ g --> y).