Library UniMath.Bicategories.Morphisms.Examples.MorphismsInSliceBicat
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Bicat.
Import Bicat.Notations.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Invertible_2cells.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Unitors.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.BicategoryLaws.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.EquivToAdjequiv.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Univalence.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.Examples.Slice.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Morphisms.Adjunctions.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Morphisms.FullyFaithful.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Morphisms.DiscreteMorphisms.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Morphisms.Eso.
Local Open Scope cat.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Bicat.
Import Bicat.Notations.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Invertible_2cells.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Unitors.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.BicategoryLaws.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.EquivToAdjequiv.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Univalence.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.Examples.Slice.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Morphisms.Adjunctions.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Morphisms.FullyFaithful.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Morphisms.DiscreteMorphisms.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Morphisms.Eso.
Local Open Scope cat.
1. Proving properties of morphisms in the slice bicategory
1.1 Faithful 1-cells
1.2 Fully faithful 1-cells
Definition to_fully_faithful_slice
(Hα : fully_faithful_1cell (pr1 α))
: fully_faithful_1cell α.
Show proof.
(Hα : fully_faithful_1cell (pr1 α))
: fully_faithful_1cell α.
Show proof.
use make_fully_faithful.
- apply to_faithful_slice.
exact (pr1 Hα).
- intros g β₁ β₂ pf.
simple refine ((_ ,, _) ,, _).
+ exact (fully_faithful_1cell_inv_map Hα (pr1 pf)).
+ abstract
(cbn ;
use (vcomp_rcancel (_ ◃ pr12 α)) ;
[ is_iso ; apply property_from_invertible_2cell | ] ;
rewrite !vassocl ;
rewrite vcomp_whisker ;
use (vcomp_rcancel (lassociator _ _ _)) ; [ is_iso | ] ;
rewrite !vassocl ;
rewrite <- rwhisker_rwhisker ;
rewrite (fully_faithful_1cell_inv_map_eq Hα (pr1 pf)) ;
refine (_ @ pr2 pf) ; cbn ;
rewrite !vassocl ;
apply idpath).
+ abstract
(use eq_2cell_slice ; cbn ;
apply (fully_faithful_1cell_inv_map_eq Hα (pr1 pf))).
- apply to_faithful_slice.
exact (pr1 Hα).
- intros g β₁ β₂ pf.
simple refine ((_ ,, _) ,, _).
+ exact (fully_faithful_1cell_inv_map Hα (pr1 pf)).
+ abstract
(cbn ;
use (vcomp_rcancel (_ ◃ pr12 α)) ;
[ is_iso ; apply property_from_invertible_2cell | ] ;
rewrite !vassocl ;
rewrite vcomp_whisker ;
use (vcomp_rcancel (lassociator _ _ _)) ; [ is_iso | ] ;
rewrite !vassocl ;
rewrite <- rwhisker_rwhisker ;
rewrite (fully_faithful_1cell_inv_map_eq Hα (pr1 pf)) ;
refine (_ @ pr2 pf) ; cbn ;
rewrite !vassocl ;
apply idpath).
+ abstract
(use eq_2cell_slice ; cbn ;
apply (fully_faithful_1cell_inv_map_eq Hα (pr1 pf))).
1.3 Conservative 1-cells
Definition to_conservative_slice
(Hα : conservative_1cell (pr1 α))
: conservative_1cell α.
Show proof.
(Hα : conservative_1cell (pr1 α))
: conservative_1cell α.
Show proof.
intros g β₁ β₂ p Hp.
apply is_invertible_2cell_in_slice_bicat.
apply Hα.
apply (from_is_invertible_2cell_in_slice_bicat Hp).
apply is_invertible_2cell_in_slice_bicat.
apply Hα.
apply (from_is_invertible_2cell_in_slice_bicat Hp).
1.4 Discrete 1-cells
1.5 Pseudomonic 1-cells
Definition to_pseudomonic_slice
(Hα : pseudomonic_1cell (pr1 α))
: pseudomonic_1cell α.
Show proof.
(Hα : pseudomonic_1cell (pr1 α))
: pseudomonic_1cell α.
Show proof.
use make_pseudomonic.
- apply to_faithful_slice.
exact (pr1 Hα).
- intros g β₁ β₂ pf Hpf.
simple refine ((_ ,, _) ,, _ ,, _).
+ refine (pseudomonic_1cell_inv_map Hα (pr1 pf) _).
exact (from_is_invertible_2cell_in_slice_bicat Hpf).
+ abstract
(cbn ;
use (vcomp_rcancel (_ ◃ pr12 α)) ;
[ is_iso ; apply property_from_invertible_2cell | ] ;
rewrite !vassocl ;
rewrite vcomp_whisker ;
use (vcomp_rcancel (lassociator _ _ _)) ; [ is_iso | ] ;
rewrite !vassocl ;
rewrite <- rwhisker_rwhisker ;
rewrite (pseudomonic_1cell_inv_map_eq Hα (pr1 pf)) ;
refine (_ @ pr2 pf) ; cbn ;
rewrite !vassocl ;
apply idpath).
+ use is_invertible_2cell_in_slice_bicat.
apply is_invertible_2cell_pseudomonic_1cell_inv_map.
+ abstract
(use eq_2cell_slice ; cbn ;
apply (pseudomonic_1cell_inv_map_eq Hα (pr1 pf))).
End ToMorphismInSlice.- apply to_faithful_slice.
exact (pr1 Hα).
- intros g β₁ β₂ pf Hpf.
simple refine ((_ ,, _) ,, _ ,, _).
+ refine (pseudomonic_1cell_inv_map Hα (pr1 pf) _).
exact (from_is_invertible_2cell_in_slice_bicat Hpf).
+ abstract
(cbn ;
use (vcomp_rcancel (_ ◃ pr12 α)) ;
[ is_iso ; apply property_from_invertible_2cell | ] ;
rewrite !vassocl ;
rewrite vcomp_whisker ;
use (vcomp_rcancel (lassociator _ _ _)) ; [ is_iso | ] ;
rewrite !vassocl ;
rewrite <- rwhisker_rwhisker ;
rewrite (pseudomonic_1cell_inv_map_eq Hα (pr1 pf)) ;
refine (_ @ pr2 pf) ; cbn ;
rewrite !vassocl ;
apply idpath).
+ use is_invertible_2cell_in_slice_bicat.
apply is_invertible_2cell_pseudomonic_1cell_inv_map.
+ abstract
(use eq_2cell_slice ; cbn ;
apply (pseudomonic_1cell_inv_map_eq Hα (pr1 pf))).
2. Characterizations
Section FromMorphismInSlice.
Context {B : bicat}
(inv_B : locally_groupoid B)
{b : B}
{f₁ f₂ : slice_bicat b}
(α : f₁ --> f₂).
Context {B : bicat}
(inv_B : locally_groupoid B)
{b : B}
{f₁ f₂ : slice_bicat b}
(α : f₁ --> f₂).
2.1. Faithful 1-cells
Definition from_faithful_slice
(Hα : faithful_1cell α)
: faithful_1cell (pr1 α).
Show proof.
Definition faithful_weq_slice
: faithful_1cell (pr1 α) ≃ faithful_1cell α.
Show proof.
(Hα : faithful_1cell α)
: faithful_1cell (pr1 α).
Show proof.
intros x g₁ g₂ α₁ α₂ p.
pose (f₀ := make_ob_slice (g₁ · pr2 f₁)).
pose (β₁ := @make_1cell_slice
_ _
f₀ f₁
(id2_invertible_2cell _)).
pose (β₂ := @make_1cell_slice
_ _
f₀ f₁
(@make_invertible_2cell _ _ _ _ _ (α₁ ▹ _) (inv_B _ _ _ _ _))).
assert (r₁ : cell_slice_homot β₁ β₂ α₁).
unfold cell_slice_homot.
rewrite id2_left.
apply idpath.
pose (p₁ := @make_2cell_slice _ _ _ _ β₁ β₂ α₁ r₁).
assert (r₂ : cell_slice_homot β₁ β₂ α₂).
unfold cell_slice_homot.
rewrite id2_left.
use (vcomp_rcancel (_ ◃ pr12 α)) ; [ is_iso ; apply property_from_invertible_2cell | ].
rewrite !vcomp_whisker.
apply maponpaths.
use (vcomp_rcancel (lassociator _ _ _)) ; [ is_iso | ].
rewrite <- !rwhisker_rwhisker.
do 2 apply maponpaths.
exact (!p).
pose (p₂ := @make_2cell_slice _ _ _ _ β₁ β₂ α₂ r₂).
assert (r : p₁ ▹ α = p₂ ▹ α).
use eq_2cell_slice ; cbn.
exact p.
exact (maponpaths pr1 (Hα f₀ β₁ β₂ p₁ p₂ r)).
pose (f₀ := make_ob_slice (g₁ · pr2 f₁)).
pose (β₁ := @make_1cell_slice
_ _
f₀ f₁
(id2_invertible_2cell _)).
pose (β₂ := @make_1cell_slice
_ _
f₀ f₁
(@make_invertible_2cell _ _ _ _ _ (α₁ ▹ _) (inv_B _ _ _ _ _))).
assert (r₁ : cell_slice_homot β₁ β₂ α₁).
unfold cell_slice_homot.
rewrite id2_left.
apply idpath.
pose (p₁ := @make_2cell_slice _ _ _ _ β₁ β₂ α₁ r₁).
assert (r₂ : cell_slice_homot β₁ β₂ α₂).
unfold cell_slice_homot.
rewrite id2_left.
use (vcomp_rcancel (_ ◃ pr12 α)) ; [ is_iso ; apply property_from_invertible_2cell | ].
rewrite !vcomp_whisker.
apply maponpaths.
use (vcomp_rcancel (lassociator _ _ _)) ; [ is_iso | ].
rewrite <- !rwhisker_rwhisker.
do 2 apply maponpaths.
exact (!p).
pose (p₂ := @make_2cell_slice _ _ _ _ β₁ β₂ α₂ r₂).
assert (r : p₁ ▹ α = p₂ ▹ α).
use eq_2cell_slice ; cbn.
exact p.
exact (maponpaths pr1 (Hα f₀ β₁ β₂ p₁ p₂ r)).
Definition faithful_weq_slice
: faithful_1cell (pr1 α) ≃ faithful_1cell α.
Show proof.
use weqimplimpl.
- apply to_faithful_slice.
- apply from_faithful_slice.
- apply isaprop_faithful_1cell.
- apply isaprop_faithful_1cell.
- apply to_faithful_slice.
- apply from_faithful_slice.
- apply isaprop_faithful_1cell.
- apply isaprop_faithful_1cell.
2.2 Fully faithful 1-cells
Section FromFullyFaithfulSlice.
Context (Hα : fully_faithful_1cell α)
{x : B}
{g₁ g₂ : x --> pr1 f₁}
(βf : g₁ · pr1 α ==> g₂ · pr1 α).
Let h : slice_bicat b
:= make_ob_slice (g₁ · pr2 f₁).
Let β₁ : h --> f₁
:= @make_1cell_slice _ _ h f₁ g₁ (id2_invertible_2cell _).
Let γ : invertible_2cell (g₁ · pr2 f₁) (g₂ · pr2 f₁).
Show proof.
:= @make_1cell_slice _ _ h f₁ g₂ γ.
Local Lemma from_fully_faithful_slice_cell_homot
: cell_slice_homot (β₁ · α) (β₂ · α) βf.
Show proof.
Let p : β₁ · α ==> β₂ · α
:= @make_2cell_slice
_ _ _ _
(β₁ · α) (β₂ · α)
Definition from_fully_faithful_slice_cell
: g₁ ==> g₂
:= pr1 (@fully_faithful_1cell_inv_map _ _ _ _ Hα h β₁ β₂ p).
Definition from_fully_faithful_slice_cell_eq
: from_fully_faithful_slice_cell ▹ pr1 α = βf
:= maponpaths pr1 (@fully_faithful_1cell_inv_map_eq _ _ _ _ Hα h β₁ β₂ p).
End FromFullyFaithfulSlice.
Definition from_fully_faithful_slice
(Hα : fully_faithful_1cell α)
: fully_faithful_1cell (pr1 α).
Show proof.
Definition fully_faithful_weq_slice
: fully_faithful_1cell (pr1 α) ≃ fully_faithful_1cell α.
Show proof.
Section EsoSlice.
Context {B : bicat}
(HB : is_univalent_2_1 B)
(inv_B : locally_groupoid B)
{b : B}
{f₁ f₂ : slice_bicat b}
(α : f₁ --> f₂).
Context (Hα : fully_faithful_1cell α)
{x : B}
{g₁ g₂ : x --> pr1 f₁}
(βf : g₁ · pr1 α ==> g₂ · pr1 α).
Let h : slice_bicat b
:= make_ob_slice (g₁ · pr2 f₁).
Let β₁ : h --> f₁
:= @make_1cell_slice _ _ h f₁ g₁ (id2_invertible_2cell _).
Let γ : invertible_2cell (g₁ · pr2 f₁) (g₂ · pr2 f₁).
Show proof.
use make_invertible_2cell.
- exact ((_ ◃ pr12 α)
• lassociator _ _ _
• (βf ▹ _)
• rassociator _ _ _
• (_ ◃ (pr22 α)^-1)).
- apply inv_B.
Let β₂ : h --> f₁- exact ((_ ◃ pr12 α)
• lassociator _ _ _
• (βf ▹ _)
• rassociator _ _ _
• (_ ◃ (pr22 α)^-1)).
- apply inv_B.
:= @make_1cell_slice _ _ h f₁ g₂ γ.
Local Lemma from_fully_faithful_slice_cell_homot
: cell_slice_homot (β₁ · α) (β₂ · α) βf.
Show proof.
unfold cell_slice_homot ; cbn.
rewrite id2_left.
rewrite !vassocl.
do 2 apply maponpaths.
refine (!_).
do 2 apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite vcomp_linv.
rewrite lwhisker_id2.
apply id2_left.
rewrite rassociator_lassociator.
apply id2_right.
rewrite id2_left.
rewrite !vassocl.
do 2 apply maponpaths.
refine (!_).
do 2 apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite vcomp_linv.
rewrite lwhisker_id2.
apply id2_left.
rewrite rassociator_lassociator.
apply id2_right.
Let p : β₁ · α ==> β₂ · α
:= @make_2cell_slice
_ _ _ _
(β₁ · α) (β₂ · α)
Definition from_fully_faithful_slice_cell
: g₁ ==> g₂
:= pr1 (@fully_faithful_1cell_inv_map _ _ _ _ Hα h β₁ β₂ p).
Definition from_fully_faithful_slice_cell_eq
: from_fully_faithful_slice_cell ▹ pr1 α = βf
:= maponpaths pr1 (@fully_faithful_1cell_inv_map_eq _ _ _ _ Hα h β₁ β₂ p).
End FromFullyFaithfulSlice.
Definition from_fully_faithful_slice
(Hα : fully_faithful_1cell α)
: fully_faithful_1cell (pr1 α).
Show proof.
use make_fully_faithful.
- apply from_faithful_slice.
exact (pr1 Hα).
- intros x g₁ g₂ βf.
simple refine (_ ,, _).
+ exact (from_fully_faithful_slice_cell Hα βf).
+ exact (from_fully_faithful_slice_cell_eq Hα βf).
- apply from_faithful_slice.
exact (pr1 Hα).
- intros x g₁ g₂ βf.
simple refine (_ ,, _).
+ exact (from_fully_faithful_slice_cell Hα βf).
+ exact (from_fully_faithful_slice_cell_eq Hα βf).
Definition fully_faithful_weq_slice
: fully_faithful_1cell (pr1 α) ≃ fully_faithful_1cell α.
Show proof.
use weqimplimpl.
- apply to_fully_faithful_slice.
- apply from_fully_faithful_slice.
- apply isaprop_fully_faithful_1cell.
- apply isaprop_fully_faithful_1cell.
End FromMorphismInSlice.- apply to_fully_faithful_slice.
- apply from_fully_faithful_slice.
- apply isaprop_fully_faithful_1cell.
- apply isaprop_fully_faithful_1cell.
Section EsoSlice.
Context {B : bicat}
(HB : is_univalent_2_1 B)
(inv_B : locally_groupoid B)
{b : B}
{f₁ f₂ : slice_bicat b}
(α : f₁ --> f₂).
3. Constructing esos in slice bicategory
Section ToSliceEsoFull.
Context (Hα : is_eso (pr1 α))
{h₁ h₂ : slice_bicat b}
{μ : h₁ --> h₂}
(Hμ : fully_faithful_1cell μ)
{β₁ β₂ : f₂ --> h₁}
(p₁ : α · β₁ ==> α · β₂)
(p₂ : β₁ · μ ==> β₂ · μ)
(r : (p₁ ▹ μ) • rassociator α β₂ μ
rassociator α β₁ μ • (α ◃ p₂)).
Definition to_eso_slice_lift_2_eq
: cell_slice_homot
β₁ β₂
(pr1 α) Hα
(from_fully_faithful_slice inv_B μ Hμ)
(pr1 β₁) (pr1 β₂)
(pr1 p₁) (pr1 p₂)
(maponpaths pr1 r)).
Show proof.
Definition to_eso_slice_lift_2
: β₁ ==> β₂.
Show proof.
Definition to_eso_slice_lift_2_left
: α ◃ to_eso_slice_lift_2 = p₁.
Show proof.
Definition to_eso_slice_lift_2_right
: to_eso_slice_lift_2 ▹ μ = p₂.
Show proof.
End ToSliceEsoFull.
Definition to_eso_full_slice
(Hα : is_eso (pr1 α))
: is_eso_full α
:= λ h₁ h₂ μ Hμ β₁ β₂ p₁ p₂ r,
to_eso_slice_lift_2 Hα Hμ p₁ p₂ r
to_eso_slice_lift_2_left Hα Hμ p₁ p₂ r
to_eso_slice_lift_2_right Hα Hμ p₁ p₂ r.
Definition to_eso_faithful_slice
(Hα : is_eso (pr1 α))
: is_eso_faithful α.
Show proof.
Section ToSliceEsoEssentiallySurjective.
Context (Hα : is_eso (pr1 α))
{g₁ g₂ : slice_bicat b}
{μ : g₁ --> g₂}
(Hμ : fully_faithful_1cell μ)
{β₁ : f₁ --> g₁}
{β₂ : f₂ --> g₂}
(p : invertible_2cell (β₁ · μ) (α · β₂)).
Let γ : invertible_2cell (pr1 β₁ · pr1 μ) (pr1 α · pr1 β₂).
Show proof.
Definition to_eso_slice_lift_1
: f₂ --> g₁.
Show proof.
Definition to_eso_slice_lift_1_left_eq
: cell_slice_homot
(α · to_eso_slice_lift_1)
(pr1 α) Hα
(from_fully_faithful_slice inv_B μ Hμ)
(pr1 β₁) (pr1 β₂)
Show proof.
Definition to_eso_slice_lift_1_left
: invertible_2cell
(α · to_eso_slice_lift_1)
Show proof.
Definition to_eso_slice_lift_1_right_eq
: cell_slice_homot
(to_eso_slice_lift_1 · μ)
(pr1 α) Hα
(from_fully_faithful_slice inv_B μ Hμ)
(pr1 β₁) (pr1 β₂)
Show proof.
Definition to_eso_slice_lift_1_right
: invertible_2cell (to_eso_slice_lift_1 · μ) β₂.
Show proof.
Definition to_eso_slice_lift_1_eq
: (to_eso_slice_lift_1_left ▹ μ) • p
rassociator _ _ _ • (α ◃ to_eso_slice_lift_1_right).
Show proof.
End ToSliceEsoEssentiallySurjective.
Definition to_eso_essentially_surjective_slice
(Hα : is_eso (pr1 α))
: is_eso_essentially_surjective α
:= λ g₁ g₂ μ Hμ β₁ β₂ p,
to_eso_slice_lift_1 Hα Hμ p
to_eso_slice_lift_1_left Hα Hμ p
to_eso_slice_lift_1_right Hα Hμ p
to_eso_slice_lift_1_eq Hα Hμ p.
Definition to_eso_slice
(Hα : is_eso (pr1 α))
: is_eso α.
Show proof.
Context (Hα : is_eso (pr1 α))
{h₁ h₂ : slice_bicat b}
{μ : h₁ --> h₂}
(Hμ : fully_faithful_1cell μ)
{β₁ β₂ : f₂ --> h₁}
(p₁ : α · β₁ ==> α · β₂)
(p₂ : β₁ · μ ==> β₂ · μ)
(r : (p₁ ▹ μ) • rassociator α β₂ μ
rassociator α β₁ μ • (α ◃ p₂)).
Definition to_eso_slice_lift_2_eq
: cell_slice_homot
β₁ β₂
(pr1 α) Hα
(from_fully_faithful_slice inv_B μ Hμ)
(pr1 β₁) (pr1 β₂)
(pr1 p₁) (pr1 p₂)
(maponpaths pr1 r)).
Show proof.
unfold cell_slice_homot.
use (vcomp_rcancel (_ ◃ pr12 μ)).
apply property_from_invertible_2cell.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite vcomp_whisker.
use (vcomp_rcancel (lassociator _ _ _)) ; [ is_iso | ].
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite <- rwhisker_rwhisker.
do 4 apply maponpaths.
apply is_eso_lift_2_right.
pose (r' := pr2 p₂).
cbn in r'.
rewrite !vassocl in r'.
exact r'.
use (vcomp_rcancel (_ ◃ pr12 μ)).
apply property_from_invertible_2cell.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite vcomp_whisker.
use (vcomp_rcancel (lassociator _ _ _)) ; [ is_iso | ].
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite <- rwhisker_rwhisker.
do 4 apply maponpaths.
apply is_eso_lift_2_right.
pose (r' := pr2 p₂).
cbn in r'.
rewrite !vassocl in r'.
exact r'.
Definition to_eso_slice_lift_2
: β₁ ==> β₂.
Show proof.
use make_2cell_slice.
- exact (is_eso_lift_2
(from_fully_faithful_slice inv_B _ Hμ)
(pr1 β₁) (pr1 β₂)
(pr1 p₁) (pr1 p₂)
(maponpaths pr1 r)).
- exact to_eso_slice_lift_2_eq.
- exact (is_eso_lift_2
(from_fully_faithful_slice inv_B _ Hμ)
(pr1 β₁) (pr1 β₂)
(pr1 p₁) (pr1 p₂)
(maponpaths pr1 r)).
- exact to_eso_slice_lift_2_eq.
Definition to_eso_slice_lift_2_left
: α ◃ to_eso_slice_lift_2 = p₁.
Show proof.
Definition to_eso_slice_lift_2_right
: to_eso_slice_lift_2 ▹ μ = p₂.
Show proof.
End ToSliceEsoFull.
Definition to_eso_full_slice
(Hα : is_eso (pr1 α))
: is_eso_full α
:= λ h₁ h₂ μ Hμ β₁ β₂ p₁ p₂ r,
to_eso_slice_lift_2 Hα Hμ p₁ p₂ r
to_eso_slice_lift_2_left Hα Hμ p₁ p₂ r
to_eso_slice_lift_2_right Hα Hμ p₁ p₂ r.
Definition to_eso_faithful_slice
(Hα : is_eso (pr1 α))
: is_eso_faithful α.
Show proof.
intros h₁ h₂ μ Hμ β₁ β₂ p₁ p₂ r₁ r₂.
use eq_2cell_slice.
use (is_eso_lift_eq _ Hα (from_fully_faithful_slice inv_B _ Hμ)).
- exact (maponpaths pr1 r₁).
- exact (maponpaths pr1 r₂).
use eq_2cell_slice.
use (is_eso_lift_eq _ Hα (from_fully_faithful_slice inv_B _ Hμ)).
- exact (maponpaths pr1 r₁).
- exact (maponpaths pr1 r₂).
Section ToSliceEsoEssentiallySurjective.
Context (Hα : is_eso (pr1 α))
{g₁ g₂ : slice_bicat b}
{μ : g₁ --> g₂}
(Hμ : fully_faithful_1cell μ)
{β₁ : f₁ --> g₁}
{β₂ : f₂ --> g₂}
(p : invertible_2cell (β₁ · μ) (α · β₂)).
Let γ : invertible_2cell (pr1 β₁ · pr1 μ) (pr1 α · pr1 β₂).
Show proof.
Definition to_eso_slice_lift_1
: f₂ --> g₁.
Show proof.
simple refine (_ ,, _).
- exact (is_eso_lift_1
_ Hα
(from_fully_faithful_slice inv_B _ Hμ)
(pr1 β₁) (pr1 β₂)
- pose (is_eso_lift_1_comm_right
_ Hα
(from_fully_faithful_slice inv_B _ Hμ)
(pr1 β₁) (pr1 β₂)
as i.
use make_invertible_2cell.
+ exact (pr12 β₂
• (i^-1 ▹ _)
• rassociator _ _ _
• (_ ◃ (pr22 μ)^-1)).
+ apply inv_B.
- exact (is_eso_lift_1
_ Hα
(from_fully_faithful_slice inv_B _ Hμ)
(pr1 β₁) (pr1 β₂)
- pose (is_eso_lift_1_comm_right
_ Hα
(from_fully_faithful_slice inv_B _ Hμ)
(pr1 β₁) (pr1 β₂)
as i.
use make_invertible_2cell.
+ exact (pr12 β₂
• (i^-1 ▹ _)
• rassociator _ _ _
• (_ ◃ (pr22 μ)^-1)).
+ apply inv_B.
Definition to_eso_slice_lift_1_left_eq
: cell_slice_homot
(α · to_eso_slice_lift_1)
(pr1 α) Hα
(from_fully_faithful_slice inv_B μ Hμ)
(pr1 β₁) (pr1 β₂)
Show proof.
unfold cell_slice_homot.
cbn -[is_eso_lift_1_comm_right is_eso_lift_1_comm_left].
rewrite <- !lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocl.
do 4 apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite lwhisker_lwhisker.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite <- vcomp_whisker.
apply idpath.
rewrite !vassocr.
use vcomp_move_R_Mp ; [ is_iso | ].
cbn -[is_eso_lift_1_comm_right is_eso_lift_1_comm_left].
rewrite !vassocl.
pose (is_eso_lift_1_eq
_ Hα
(from_fully_faithful_slice inv_B _ Hμ)
(pr1 β₁) (pr1 β₂)
as H.
cbn -[is_eso_lift_1_comm_right is_eso_lift_1_comm_left] in H.
use vcomp_move_R_pM ; [ apply property_from_invertible_2cell | ].
use vcomp_move_R_pM ; [ is_iso ; apply property_from_invertible_2cell | ].
use vcomp_move_R_pM ; [ is_iso | ].
cbn -[is_eso_lift_1_comm_right is_eso_lift_1_comm_left].
rewrite !vassocr.
apply maponpaths_2.
rewrite lwhisker_hcomp.
rewrite inverse_pentagon_5.
rewrite <- rwhisker_hcomp.
apply idpath.
rewrite !vassocl.
use vcomp_move_R_pM ; [ is_iso | ].
cbn -[is_eso_lift_1_comm_right is_eso_lift_1_comm_left].
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator.
rewrite !vassocl.
use vcomp_move_R_pM ; [ is_iso | ].
cbn -[is_eso_lift_1_comm_right is_eso_lift_1_comm_left].
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite <- H.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite <- rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite <- rwhisker_rwhisker_alt.
apply maponpaths.
clear H.
pose (pr21 p) as H.
cbn in H.
rewrite !vassocr.
use vcomp_move_L_Mp ; [ is_iso ; apply property_from_invertible_2cell | ].
use vcomp_move_L_Mp ; [ apply property_from_invertible_2cell | ].
use vcomp_move_L_Mp ; [ is_iso | ].
use vcomp_move_R_pM ; [ is_iso | ].
rewrite !vassocr.
refine (!_).
do 2 apply maponpaths_2.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite !vassocl in H.
exact H.
rewrite !vassocl.
do 2 apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite lassociator_rassociator.
apply id2_left.
rewrite lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite vcomp_rinv.
rewrite lwhisker_id2.
apply id2_right.
cbn -[is_eso_lift_1_comm_right is_eso_lift_1_comm_left].
rewrite <- !lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocl.
do 4 apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite lwhisker_lwhisker.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite <- vcomp_whisker.
apply idpath.
rewrite !vassocr.
use vcomp_move_R_Mp ; [ is_iso | ].
cbn -[is_eso_lift_1_comm_right is_eso_lift_1_comm_left].
rewrite !vassocl.
pose (is_eso_lift_1_eq
_ Hα
(from_fully_faithful_slice inv_B _ Hμ)
(pr1 β₁) (pr1 β₂)
as H.
cbn -[is_eso_lift_1_comm_right is_eso_lift_1_comm_left] in H.
use vcomp_move_R_pM ; [ apply property_from_invertible_2cell | ].
use vcomp_move_R_pM ; [ is_iso ; apply property_from_invertible_2cell | ].
use vcomp_move_R_pM ; [ is_iso | ].
cbn -[is_eso_lift_1_comm_right is_eso_lift_1_comm_left].
rewrite !vassocr.
apply maponpaths_2.
rewrite lwhisker_hcomp.
rewrite inverse_pentagon_5.
rewrite <- rwhisker_hcomp.
apply idpath.
rewrite !vassocl.
use vcomp_move_R_pM ; [ is_iso | ].
cbn -[is_eso_lift_1_comm_right is_eso_lift_1_comm_left].
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator.
rewrite !vassocl.
use vcomp_move_R_pM ; [ is_iso | ].
cbn -[is_eso_lift_1_comm_right is_eso_lift_1_comm_left].
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite <- H.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite <- rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite <- rwhisker_rwhisker_alt.
apply maponpaths.
clear H.
pose (pr21 p) as H.
cbn in H.
rewrite !vassocr.
use vcomp_move_L_Mp ; [ is_iso ; apply property_from_invertible_2cell | ].
use vcomp_move_L_Mp ; [ apply property_from_invertible_2cell | ].
use vcomp_move_L_Mp ; [ is_iso | ].
use vcomp_move_R_pM ; [ is_iso | ].
rewrite !vassocr.
refine (!_).
do 2 apply maponpaths_2.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite !vassocl in H.
exact H.
rewrite !vassocl.
do 2 apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite lassociator_rassociator.
apply id2_left.
rewrite lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite vcomp_rinv.
rewrite lwhisker_id2.
apply id2_right.
Definition to_eso_slice_lift_1_left
: invertible_2cell
(α · to_eso_slice_lift_1)
Show proof.
use make_invertible_2cell.
- use make_2cell_slice.
+ exact (is_eso_lift_1_comm_left
_ Hα
(from_fully_faithful_slice inv_B _ Hμ)
(pr1 β₁) (pr1 β₂)
+ exact to_eso_slice_lift_1_left_eq.
- apply is_invertible_2cell_in_slice_bicat.
apply inv_B.
- use make_2cell_slice.
+ exact (is_eso_lift_1_comm_left
_ Hα
(from_fully_faithful_slice inv_B _ Hμ)
(pr1 β₁) (pr1 β₂)
+ exact to_eso_slice_lift_1_left_eq.
- apply is_invertible_2cell_in_slice_bicat.
apply inv_B.
Definition to_eso_slice_lift_1_right_eq
: cell_slice_homot
(to_eso_slice_lift_1 · μ)
(pr1 α) Hα
(from_fully_faithful_slice inv_B μ Hμ)
(pr1 β₁) (pr1 β₂)
Show proof.
unfold cell_slice_homot.
cbn -[is_eso_lift_1_comm_right is_eso_lift_1_comm_left].
rewrite !vassocl.
do 3 apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite vcomp_linv.
rewrite lwhisker_id2.
rewrite id2_left.
apply idpath.
do 2 apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rassociator_lassociator.
apply id2_left.
rewrite rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite vcomp_linv.
rewrite id2_rwhisker.
apply id2_right.
cbn -[is_eso_lift_1_comm_right is_eso_lift_1_comm_left].
rewrite !vassocl.
do 3 apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite vcomp_linv.
rewrite lwhisker_id2.
rewrite id2_left.
apply idpath.
do 2 apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rassociator_lassociator.
apply id2_left.
rewrite rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite vcomp_linv.
rewrite id2_rwhisker.
apply id2_right.
Definition to_eso_slice_lift_1_right
: invertible_2cell (to_eso_slice_lift_1 · μ) β₂.
Show proof.
use make_invertible_2cell.
- use make_2cell_slice.
+ exact (is_eso_lift_1_comm_right
_ Hα
(from_fully_faithful_slice inv_B _ Hμ)
(pr1 β₁) (pr1 β₂)
+ exact to_eso_slice_lift_1_right_eq.
- apply is_invertible_2cell_in_slice_bicat.
apply inv_B.
- use make_2cell_slice.
+ exact (is_eso_lift_1_comm_right
_ Hα
(from_fully_faithful_slice inv_B _ Hμ)
(pr1 β₁) (pr1 β₂)
+ exact to_eso_slice_lift_1_right_eq.
- apply is_invertible_2cell_in_slice_bicat.
apply inv_B.
Definition to_eso_slice_lift_1_eq
: (to_eso_slice_lift_1_left ▹ μ) • p
rassociator _ _ _ • (α ◃ to_eso_slice_lift_1_right).
Show proof.
End ToSliceEsoEssentiallySurjective.
Definition to_eso_essentially_surjective_slice
(Hα : is_eso (pr1 α))
: is_eso_essentially_surjective α
:= λ g₁ g₂ μ Hμ β₁ β₂ p,
to_eso_slice_lift_1 Hα Hμ p
to_eso_slice_lift_1_left Hα Hμ p
to_eso_slice_lift_1_right Hα Hμ p
to_eso_slice_lift_1_eq Hα Hμ p.
Definition to_eso_slice
(Hα : is_eso (pr1 α))
: is_eso α.
Show proof.
use make_is_eso.
- use is_univalent_2_1_slice_bicat.
exact HB.
- exact (to_eso_full_slice Hα).
- exact (to_eso_faithful_slice Hα).
- exact (to_eso_essentially_surjective_slice Hα).
End EsoSlice.- use is_univalent_2_1_slice_bicat.
exact HB.
- exact (to_eso_full_slice Hα).
- exact (to_eso_faithful_slice Hα).
- exact (to_eso_essentially_surjective_slice Hα).