Library UniMath.Bicategories.Transformations.Examples.PseudoTransformationIntoCat

1. Pseudotransformations between pseudofunctors from discrete bicategories
Section PseudoTransFromCat.
  Context {C : category}
          {B : bicat}
          {F G : psfunctor (cat_to_bicat C) B}
          (τ : (x : C), F x --> G x)
          (τ : (x y : C)
                  (f : x --> y),
                invertible_2cell (τ x · # G f) (# F f · τ y))
          (τid : (x : C),
                 (τ x psfunctor_id G x)
                  τ x x (identity x)
                 runitor (τ x)
                  linvunitor (τ x)
                  (psfunctor_id F x τ x))
          (τc : (x y z : C)
                  (f : x --> y)
                  (g : y --> z),
                (τ x psfunctor_comp G f g)
                 τ x z (f · g)
                lassociator (τ x) (# G f) (# G g)
                 (τ x y f # G g)
                 rassociator (# F f) (τ y) (# G g)
                 (# F f τ y z g)
                 lassociator (# F f) (# F g) (τ z)
                 (psfunctor_comp F f g τ z)).

  Definition make_pstrans_from_cat_data
    : pstrans_data F G.
  Show proof.
    use make_pstrans_data.
    - exact τ.
    - exact τ.

  Proposition make_pstrans_from_cat_laws
    : is_pstrans make_pstrans_from_cat_data.
  Show proof.
    repeat split.
    - cbn ; intros x y f g p.
      induction p.
        apply maponpaths_2.
        apply maponpaths.
        refine (_ @ psfunctor_id2 G f).
        apply maponpaths.
        apply homset_property.
      rewrite lwhisker_id2.
      rewrite id2_left.
      refine (!_).
        do 2 apply maponpaths.
        refine (_ @ psfunctor_id2 F f).
        apply maponpaths.
        apply homset_property.
      rewrite id2_rwhisker.
      rewrite id2_right.
      apply idpath.
    - exact τid.
    - exact τc.

  Definition make_pstrans_from_cat
    : pstrans F G.
  Show proof.
    use make_pstrans.
    - exact make_pstrans_from_cat_data.
    - exact make_pstrans_from_cat_laws.
End PseudoTransFromCat.

2. Pseudotransformations between pseudofunctors to categories
Definition pstrans_from_cat_into_cat_data
           {C : category}
           (F G : psfunctor (cat_to_bicat C) bicat_of_univ_cats)
  : UU
  := (τ : (x : C), F x --> G x),
      (x y : C)
       (f : x --> y),
     nat_z_iso (τ x · # G f) (# F f · τ y).

Definition make_pstrans_from_cat_into_cat_data
           {C : category}
           {F G : psfunctor (cat_to_bicat C) bicat_of_univ_cats}
           (τ : (x : C), F x --> G x)
           (τ : (x y : C)
                   (f : x --> y),
                 nat_z_iso (τ x · # G f) (# F f · τ y))
  : pstrans_from_cat_into_cat_data F G
  := τ ,, τ.

Definition pstrans_from_cat_into_cat_data_to_ob
           {C : category}
           {F G : psfunctor (cat_to_bicat C) bicat_of_univ_cats}
           (τ : pstrans_from_cat_into_cat_data F G)
           (x : C)
  : F x --> G x
  := pr1 τ x.

Coercion pstrans_from_cat_into_cat_data_to_ob : pstrans_from_cat_into_cat_data >-> Funclass.

Definition pstrans_from_cat_into_cat_data_nat
           {C : category}
           {F G : psfunctor (cat_to_bicat C) bicat_of_univ_cats}
           (τ : pstrans_from_cat_into_cat_data F G)
           {x y : C}
           (f : x --> y)
  : nat_z_iso (τ x · # G f) (# F f · τ y)
  := pr2 τ x y f.

Definition pstrans_from_cat_into_cat_laws
           {C : category}
           {F G : psfunctor (cat_to_bicat C) bicat_of_univ_cats}
           (τ : pstrans_from_cat_into_cat_data F G)
  : UU
  := ( (x : C)
        (xx : pr1 (F x)),
      pr11 (psfunctor_id G x) (pr1 x) xx)
      · pr1 (pstrans_from_cat_into_cat_data_nat τ (id₁ x)) xx
      # (pr1 (τ x)) (pr11 (psfunctor_id F x) xx))
     ( (x y z : C)
        (f : x --> y)
        (g : y --> z)
        (xx : pr1 (F x)),
       pr11 (psfunctor_comp G f g) (pr1 x) xx)
       · pr1 (pstrans_from_cat_into_cat_data_nat τ (f · g)) xx
       # (pr1 (# G g)) ((pr11 (pstrans_from_cat_into_cat_data_nat τ f)) xx)
       · (pr11 (pstrans_from_cat_into_cat_data_nat τ g)) (pr1 (# F f) xx)
       · # (pr1 (τ z)) (pr11 (psfunctor_comp F f g) xx)).

Section PseudoTransIntoCat.
  Context {C : category}
          {F G : psfunctor (cat_to_bicat C) bicat_of_univ_cats}
          (τ : pstrans_from_cat_into_cat_data F G)
          (Hτ : pstrans_from_cat_into_cat_laws τ).

  Definition pstrans_from_cat_into_cat
    : pstrans F G.
  Show proof.
    use make_pstrans_from_cat.
    - exact τ.
    - intros x y f.
      use nat_z_iso_to_invertible_2cell.
      exact (pstrans_from_cat_into_cat_data_nat τ f).
    - abstract
        (intros x ;
         use nat_trans_eq ; [ apply homset_property | ] ;
         intro xx ;
         cbn -[psfunctor_id] ;
         rewrite !id_left ;
         exact (pr1 Hτ x xx)).
    - abstract
        (intros x y z f g ;
         use nat_trans_eq ; [ apply homset_property | ] ;
         intro xx ;
         cbn -[psfunctor_comp] ;
         rewrite !id_left ;
         rewrite !id_right ;
         exact (pr2 Hτ x y z f g xx)).
End PseudoTransIntoCat.

3. Indexed functors to pseudotransformations
Definition indexed_functor_to_pstrans
           {C : category}
           {Φ Ψ : indexed_cat C}
           (τ : indexed_functor Φ Ψ)
  : pstrans
      (indexed_cat_to_psfunctor Φ)
      (indexed_cat_to_psfunctor Ψ).
Show proof.
  use pstrans_from_cat_into_cat.
  - use make_pstrans_from_cat_into_cat_data.
    + exact τ.
    + exact (λ x y f, indexed_functor_natural τ f).
  - split.
    + exact (λ x xx, indexed_functor_id τ xx).
    + exact (λ x y z f g xx, indexed_functor_comp τ f g xx).

4. Pseudotransformations to indexed functors
Section PseudoTransformationToIndexedFunctor.
  Context {C : category}
          {F G : psfunctor (cat_to_bicat C) bicat_of_univ_cats}
          (τ : pstrans F G).

  Definition pstrans_to_indexed_functor_data
    : indexed_functor_data
        (psfunctor_to_indexed_cat F)
        (psfunctor_to_indexed_cat G).
  Show proof.
    use make_indexed_functor_data.
    - exact (λ x, τ x).
    - exact (λ x y f, invertible_2cell_to_nat_z_iso _ _ (psnaturality_of τ f)).

  Proposition pstrans_to_indexed_functor_laws
    : indexed_functor_laws pstrans_to_indexed_functor_data.
  Show proof.
    repeat split.
    - intros x xx.
      refine (nat_trans_eq_pointwise (pstrans_id τ x) xx @ _) ; cbn.
      rewrite !id_left.
      apply idpath.
    - intros x y z f g xx.
      refine (nat_trans_eq_pointwise (pstrans_comp τ f g) xx @ _) ; cbn.
      rewrite !id_left, !id_right.
      apply idpath.

  Definition pstrans_to_indexed_functor
    : indexed_functor
        (psfunctor_to_indexed_cat F)
        (psfunctor_to_indexed_cat G).
  Show proof.
End PseudoTransformationToIndexedFunctor.