Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Examples.PointedSetStructures

1. Structures of pointed sets
Definition struct_pointed_hset_data
  : hset_struct_data.
Show proof.
  simple refine (_ ,, _).
  - exact (λ X, X).
  - exact (λ X Y x y f, f x = y).

Definition struct_pointed_hset_laws
  : hset_struct_laws struct_pointed_hset_data.
Show proof.
  repeat split.
  - intro X.
    apply setproperty.
  - intros X Y px py f.
    apply setproperty.
  - intros X Y Z px py pz f g p q ; cbn in *.
    rewrite p, q.
    apply idpath.
  - intros X px px' p q ; cbn in *.
    exact p.

Definition struct_pointed_hset
  : hset_struct
  := struct_pointed_hset_data ,, struct_pointed_hset_laws.

2. Limits and colimits of pointed sets
Definition cartesian_struct_pointed_hset_data
  : hset_cartesian_struct_data
  := struct_pointed_hset ,, tt ,, λ X Y x y, x ,, y.

Definition cartesian_struct_pointed_hset_laws
  : hset_cartesian_struct_laws cartesian_struct_pointed_hset_data.
Show proof.
  repeat split.
  intros W X Y pw px py f g p q ; cbn in *.
  unfold prodtofuntoprod ; cbn.
  rewrite p, q.
  apply idpath.

Definition cartesian_struct_pointed_hset
  : hset_cartesian_struct
  := cartesian_struct_pointed_hset_data ,, cartesian_struct_pointed_hset_laws.

Definition equalizers_struct_pointed_hset
  : hset_equalizer_struct struct_pointed_hset.
Show proof.
  simple refine (_ ,, _).
  - refine (λ X Y f g px py p q, px ,, _).
    abstract (exact (p @ !q)).
  - abstract
      (repeat split ; cbn ;
       intros X Y f g px py p q W pw h r s ;
       use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply setproperty | ] ;
       exact r).

Definition coequalizers_struct_pointed_hset
  : hset_coequalizer_struct struct_pointed_hset.
Show proof.
  simple refine (_ ,, _).
  - exact (λ X Y f g px py p q, setquotpr _ py).
  - abstract
      (repeat split ; cbn ;
       intros X Y f g px py p q W pw h r s ;
       exact r).

Definition type_products_struct_pointed_hset
           (I : UU)
  : hset_struct_type_prod struct_pointed_hset I.
Show proof.
  simple refine (_ ,, _).
  - exact (λ D fs, fs).
  - abstract
      (repeat split ; cbn ;
       intros D PD W pw fs pq ;
       use funextsec ;
       exact pq).

3. Pointed sets form a pointed structure
4. The smash product
Definition pointed_struct_pointed_hset_with_smash_data
  : hset_struct_with_smash_data
Show proof.
  - exact false.
  - exact (λ X Y x y, setquotpr _ (x ,, y)).

Proposition pointed_struct_pointed_hset_with_smash_laws
  : hset_struct_with_smash_laws
Show proof.
  repeat split.
  - intros X Y x y f pf g pg.
    cbn in *.
    unfold pointed_hset_struct_unit_map.
    rewrite pf.
    apply idpath.
  - intro y.
    use iscompsetquotpr.
    apply hinhpr.
    use inr.
    unfold product_point_coordinate ; cbn.
    unfold pointed_struct_pointed_hset_data.
    + exact (inl (idpath _)).
    + exact (inl (idpath _)).
  - intro x.
    use iscompsetquotpr.
    apply hinhpr.
    use inr.
    unfold product_point_coordinate ; cbn.
    unfold pointed_struct_pointed_hset_data.
    + exact (inr (idpath _)).
    + exact (inr (idpath _)).
  - intros Z z h Ph hp₁ hp₂ hp₃ ; cbn in *.
    exact Ph.

Definition pointed_struct_pointed_hset_with_smash
  : hset_struct_with_smash
Show proof.

Definition pointed_struct_pointed_hset_with_smash_closed_pointed
  : hset_struct_with_smash_closed_pointed
Show proof.
  refine ((λ X Y x y, (λ _, y) ,, idpath _) ,, _).
  intro ; intros.
  apply idpath.

Proposition pointed_struct_pointed_hset_with_smash_adj_laws
  : hset_struct_with_smash_closed_adj_laws
Show proof.
  - intros X Y Z f.
    induction X as [ X x ].
    induction Y as [ Y y ].
    induction Z as [ Z z ].
    induction f as [ f p ].
    cbn in *.
    exact (eqtohomot (maponpaths pr1 p) y).
  - intros X Y Z f.
    induction X as [ X x ].
    induction Y as [ Y y ].
    induction Z as [ Z z ].
    induction f as [ f p ].
    use subtypePath.
      apply setproperty.
    use funextsec.
    intro a.
    refine (_ @ p).
    refine (maponpaths f _).
    use iscompsetquotpr.
    apply hinhpr ; cbn.
    use inr.
    unfold product_point_coordinate ; cbn.
    unfold pointed_struct_pointed_hset_data.
    split ; use inl ; apply idpath.

Definition pointed_struct_pointed_hset_with_smash_adj
  : hset_struct_with_smash_closed_adj
  := pointed_struct_pointed_hset_with_smash_closed_pointed

Proposition pointed_struct_pointed_hset_with_smash_laws_enrich
  : hset_struct_with_smash_closed_laws_enrich
Show proof.
  - intros X Y Z.
    induction X as [ X x ].
    induction Y as [ Y y ].
    induction Z as [ Z z ].
    use subtypePath.
      intro ; apply setproperty.
    use funextsec.
    use setquotunivprop'.
      intro ; apply setproperty.
    intro xz.
    cbn in *.
    apply idpath.
  - intros X Y Z.
    induction X as [ X x ].
    induction Y as [ Y y ].
    induction Z as [ Z z ].
    use subtypePath.
      intro ; apply setproperty.
    use funextsec.
    intro a.
    use subtypePath.
      intro ; apply setproperty.
    use funextsec.
    intro b.
    cbn in *.
    apply idpath.

Definition pointed_struct_pointed_hset_with_smash_closed
  : hset_struct_with_smash_closed
  := cartesian_struct_pointed_hset