Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Projection

Author: Niels van der Weide
In this file, we show the following:
  • a displayed category adds properties if the type of displayed morphisms is contractible
  • a displayed category adds structure if the type of displayed morphisms is a proposition
We start with the definitions from
Definition adds_structure
           {C : category}
           (D : disp_cat C)
  : UU
  := faithful (pr1_category D).

Definition adds_properties
           {C : category}
           (D : disp_cat C)
  : UU
  := full_and_faithful (pr1_category D).

Definition discrete_pr1_category
           {C : category}
           (D : disp_cat C)
  : UU
  := faithful (pr1_category D)
     conservative (pr1_category D).

Definition pseudomonic_pr1_category
           {C : category}
           (D : disp_cat C)
  : UU
  := pseudomonic (pr1_category D).

Now we give some conditions to check whether structure or properties are being added via the hlevel of the displayed morphisms. Local propositionality is now found in Core.v
A displayed category is locally inhabited if there is a displayed morphism above each morphism in the base.
Definition locally_inhabited
           {C : category}
           (D : disp_cat C)
  : UU
  := (x y : C)
       (f : x --> y)
       (xx : D x) (yy : D y),
     xx -->[ f ] yy.

Definition locally_iso_inhabited
           {C : category}
           (D : disp_cat C)
  : UU
  := (x y : C)
       (f : z_iso x y)
       (xx : D x) (yy : D y),
     xx -->[ f ] yy.

Lastly, we look at local contractability.
Definition locally_contractible
           {C : category}
           (D : disp_cat C)
  : UU
  := (x y : C)
       (f : x --> y)
       (xx : D x) (yy : D y),
     iscontr (xx -->[ f ] yy).

Definition isaprop_locally_contractible
           {C : category}
           (D : disp_cat C)
  : isaprop (locally_contractible D).
Show proof.
  do 5 (use impred ; intro).
  apply isapropiscontr.

Definition locally_iso_contractible
           {C : category}
           (D : disp_cat C)
  : UU
  := (x y : C)
       (f : z_iso x y)
       (xx : D x) (yy : D y),
     iscontr (xx -->[ f ] yy).

Definition isaprop_locally_iso_contractible
           {C : category}
           (D : disp_cat C)
  : isaprop (locally_iso_contractible D).
Show proof.
  do 5 (use impred ; intro).
  apply isapropiscontr.

A displayed category is called groupoidal if all morphisms over isomorphisms are also isomorphisms.
Definition groupoidal_disp_cat
           {C : category}
           (D : disp_cat_data C)
  : UU
  := (x y : C)
       (f : x --> y)
       (Hf : is_z_isomorphism f)
       (xx : D x) (yy : D y)
       (ff : xx -->[ f ] yy),
     is_z_iso_disp (make_z_iso' f Hf) ff.

Definition isaprop_groupoidal_disp_cat
           {C : category}
           (D : disp_cat C)
  : isaprop (groupoidal_disp_cat D).
Show proof.
  do 7 (use impred ; intro).
  apply isaprop_is_z_iso_disp.

Discrete displayed categories are both groupoidal and locally propositional.
Definition discrete_disp_cat
           {C : category}
           (D : disp_cat C)
  : UU
  := locally_propositional D × groupoidal_disp_cat D.

We define pseudomonic displayed categories as well
Definition pseudomonic_disp_cat
           {C : category}
           (D : disp_cat C)
  : UU
  := locally_propositional D × locally_iso_inhabited D.

Definition isaprop_pseudomonic_disp_cat
           {C : category}
           (D : disp_cat C)
  : isaprop (pseudomonic_disp_cat D).
Show proof.
  use invproofirrelevance.
  intros φ φ.
  use pathsdirprod.
  - apply isaprop_locally_propositional.
  - repeat (use funextsec ; intro).
    apply (pr1 φ).

Now let us look at the relations between these properties.
Definition locally_propositional_if_locally_contractible
           {C : category}
           (D : disp_cat C)
  : locally_contractible D locally_propositional D.
Show proof.
  intros HD ? ; intros.
  apply isapropifcontr.
  apply HD.

Definition locally_inhabited_if_locally_contractible
           {C : category}
           (D : disp_cat C)
  : locally_contractible D locally_inhabited D.
Show proof.
  intros HD ? ; intros.
  apply HD.

Definition locally_contractible_if_locally_inhabited_prop
           {C : category}
           (D : disp_cat C)
  : locally_inhabited D
     locally_propositional D
     locally_contractible D.
Show proof.
  intros HD₁ HD₂ x y f xx yy.
  use iscontraprop1.
  - exact (HD₂ x y f xx yy).
  - exact (HD₁ x y f xx yy).

Definition locally_groupoid_if_pseudomonic
           {C : category}
           (D : disp_cat C)
           (H : pseudomonic_disp_cat D)
  : groupoidal_disp_cat D.
Show proof.
  intros x y f Hf xx yy ff.
  simple refine (_ ,, (_ ,, _)).
  + exact (pr2 H y x (z_iso_inv (f ,, Hf)) yy xx).
  + apply H.
  + apply H.

Definition pseudomonic_to_iso_contractible
           {C : category}
           {D : disp_cat C}
           (H : pseudomonic_disp_cat D)
  : locally_iso_contractible D.
Show proof.
  intros x y f xx yy.
  use iscontraprop1.
  - apply H.
  - apply H.

Definition pseudomonic_weq_locally_prop_and_iso_contractible
           {C : category}
           (D : disp_cat C)
  : pseudomonic_disp_cat D
    locally_propositional D × locally_iso_contractible D.
Show proof.
  use weqimplimpl.
  - intro H.
    + apply H.
    + apply pseudomonic_to_iso_contractible.
      exact H.
  - intro H.
    + exact (pr1 H).
    + intros x y f xx yy.
      apply (pr2 H).
  - apply isaprop_pseudomonic_disp_cat.
  - apply isapropdirprod.
    + apply isaprop_locally_propositional.
    + apply isaprop_locally_iso_contractible.

Locally propositionality implies the displayed objects form a set. For this, we assume the displayed univalence.
Definition locally_propositional_to_obj_set
           {C : category}
           (D : disp_cat C)
           (HD₁ : is_univalent_disp D)
           (HD₂ : locally_propositional D)
  : (x : C), isaset (D x).
Show proof.
  intros x xx yy.
  specialize (HD₁ x x (idpath _) xx yy).
  apply (isofhlevelweqb 1 (make_weq _ HD₁)).
  use isofhleveltotal2.
  - apply HD₂.
  - intro.
    apply isaprop_is_z_iso_disp.

Locally contractibility implies the displayed objects form a proposition. We first show that all displayed morphisms are invertible. Again we assume displayed univalence.
Definition locally_contractible_disp_iso
           {C : category}
           (D : disp_cat C)
           {x y : C}
           {f : z_iso x y}
           {xx : D x} {yy : D y}
           (ff : xx -->[ f ] yy)
           (HD : locally_contractible D)
  : is_z_iso_disp f ff.
Show proof.
  simple refine (_ ,, _ ,, _).
  - apply HD.
  - apply (locally_propositional_if_locally_contractible _ HD).
  - apply (locally_propositional_if_locally_contractible _ HD).

Definition locally_iso_contractible_disp_iso
           {C : category}
           (D : disp_cat C)
           {x y : C}
           {f : z_iso x y}
           {xx : D x} {yy : D y}
           (ff : xx -->[ f ] yy)
           (HD : locally_iso_contractible D)
           (HD' : locally_propositional D)
  : is_z_iso_disp f ff.
Show proof.
  simple refine (_ ,, _ ,, _).
  - apply (HD y x (z_iso_inv f) yy xx).
  - apply HD'.
  - apply HD'.

Definition locally_contractible_to_obj_prop
           {C : category}
           (D : disp_cat C)
           (HD₁ : is_univalent_disp D)
           (HD₂ : locally_contractible D)
  : (x : C), isaprop (D x).
Show proof.
  intros x xx yy.
  specialize (HD₁ x x (idpath _) xx yy).
  apply (isofhlevelweqb 0 (make_weq _ HD₁)).
  use isofhleveltotal2.
  - apply HD₂.
  - intro f.
    apply iscontraprop1.
    + apply isaprop_is_z_iso_disp.
    + apply locally_contractible_disp_iso.
      apply HD₂.

Definition locally_iso_contractible_to_obj_prop
           {C : category}
           (D : disp_cat C)
           (HD₁ : is_univalent_disp D)
           (HD₂ : locally_iso_contractible D)
           (HD₃ : locally_propositional D)
  : (x : C), isaprop (D x).
Show proof.
  intros x xx yy.
  specialize (HD₁ x x (idpath _) xx yy).
  apply (isofhlevelweqb 0 (make_weq _ HD₁)).
  use isofhleveltotal2.
  - apply HD₂.
  - intro f.
    apply iscontraprop1.
    + apply isaprop_is_z_iso_disp.
    + apply locally_iso_contractible_disp_iso.
      * apply HD₂.
      * exact HD₃.

We can instantiate this to pseudomonic displayed categories
Definition pseudomonic_disp_cat_to_obj_prop
           {C : category}
           (D : disp_cat C)
           (HD₁ : is_univalent_disp D)
           (HD₂ : pseudomonic_disp_cat D)
  : (x : C), isaprop (D x).
Show proof.
  apply locally_iso_contractible_to_obj_prop.
  - exact HD₁.
  - apply pseudomonic_to_iso_contractible.
    exact HD₂.
  - apply HD₂.

Adding properties is the same as being locally propositional
Definition pr1_category_faithful
           {C : category}
           (D : disp_cat C)
           (HD : locally_propositional D)
  : adds_structure D.
Show proof.
  intros x y f.
  use invproofirrelevance.
  intros fib₁ fib₂.
  use subtypePath.
  { intro ; apply homset_property. }
  use subtypePath.
  { intro ; apply HD. }
  exact (pr2 fib₁ @ !(pr2 fib₂)).

Definition disp_cat_is_locally_propositional
           {C : category}
           (D : disp_cat C)
           (HD : adds_structure D)
  : locally_propositional D.
Show proof.
  intros x y f xx yy.
  apply invproofirrelevance.
  intros ff gg.
  unfold faithful in HD.
  specialize (HD (x ,, xx) (y ,, yy) f).
  pose (proofirrelevance _ HD ((f ,, ff) ,, idpath _) ((f ,, gg) ,, idpath _)) as HD'.
  simpl in HD'.
  pose (maponpaths pr1 HD') as p.
  refine (_ @ fiber_paths p).
  refine (!_) ; cbn.
  apply transportf_set.
  apply homset_property.

Definition adds_structure_weq_locally_propositional
           {C : category}
           (D : disp_cat C)
  : adds_structure D locally_propositional D.
Show proof.
  use weqimplimpl.
  - exact (disp_cat_is_locally_propositional D).
  - exact (pr1_category_faithful D).
  - apply isaprop_faithful.
  - apply isaprop_locally_propositional.

Definition pr1_category_full
          {C : category}
          (D : disp_cat C)
          (HD : locally_inhabited D)
  : full (pr1_category D).
Show proof.
  intros x y f.
  apply hinhpr.
  refine ((f ,, _) ,, idpath _) ; cbn.
  exact (HD (pr1 x) (pr1 y) f (pr2 x) (pr2 y)).

Definition pr1_category_fully_faithful
          {C : category}
          (D : disp_cat C)
          (HD : locally_contractible D)
  : adds_properties D.
Show proof.
  - apply pr1_category_full.
    apply locally_inhabited_if_locally_contractible.
    apply HD.
  - apply pr1_category_faithful.
    apply locally_propositional_if_locally_contractible.
    apply HD.

Section DispProjectionIsContractible.
  Context {C : category}
         (D : disp_cat C)
         (HD : adds_properties D).

  Definition pr1_category_inhabited
    : locally_inhabited D.
  Show proof.
    intros x y f xx yy.
    pose (pr1 HD (x ,, xx) (y ,, yy) f) as i.
    unfold issurjective in i.
    cbn in i.
    use (@hinhuniv _ (make_hProp _ _) _ i).
    - apply disp_cat_is_locally_propositional.
      apply HD.
    - cbn ; intros z.
      pose (pr21 z) as m.
      pose (pr2 z) as p.
      cbn in m, p.
      exact (transportf (λ z, xx -->[ z ] yy) p m).

  Definition pr1_category_locally_contractible
    : locally_contractible D.
  Show proof.
    use locally_contractible_if_locally_inhabited_prop.
    - exact pr1_category_inhabited.
    - apply disp_cat_is_locally_propositional.
      apply HD.
End DispProjectionIsContractible.

Definition adds_properties_weq_locally_contractible
          {C : category}
          (D : disp_cat C)
  : adds_properties D locally_contractible D.
Show proof.

Next we relate groupoidal displayed categories with conservativity
Definition groupoidal_disp_cat_to_conservative
          {C : category}
          {D : disp_cat C}
          (HD : groupoidal_disp_cat D)
  : conservative (pr1_category D).
Show proof.
  intros x y f Hf.
  use is_z_iso_total.
  - exact Hf.
  - apply HD.

Definition conservative_to_groupoidal_disp_cat
          {C : category}
          {D : disp_cat C}
          (HD : conservative (pr1_category D))
  : groupoidal_disp_cat D.
Show proof.
  intros x y f Hf xx yy ff.
  assert (@is_z_isomorphism (total_category D) (_ ,, _) (_ ,, _) (f ,, ff)) as Hff.
    apply HD.
    apply Hf.
  refine (transportf
            (λ z, is_z_iso_disp (make_z_iso' f z) ff)
            (is_z_iso_disp_from_total Hff)).
  apply isaprop_is_z_isomorphism.

Definition groupoidal_disp_cat_weq_conservative
          {C : category}
          (D : disp_cat C)
  : groupoidal_disp_cat D conservative (pr1_category D).
Show proof.

We can also characterize discrete displayed categories
Now we characterize at pseudomonic displayed categories
Definition pseudomonic_disp_cat_to_pseudomonic_pr1
          {C : category}
          (D : disp_cat C)
          (H : pseudomonic_disp_cat D)
  : pseudomonic_pr1_category D.
Show proof.
  - apply pr1_category_faithful.
    apply H.
  - intros x y f.
    apply hinhpr.
    simple refine (((pr1 f ,, pr2 H (pr1 x) (pr1 y) f (pr2 x) (pr2 y)) ,, _) ,, _).
    + cbn.
      use is_z_iso_total.
      * exact (pr2 f).
      * cbn.
        apply locally_groupoid_if_pseudomonic.
        apply H.
    + use z_iso_eq ; cbn.
      apply idpath.

Definition pseudomonic_disp_cat_from_pseudomonic_pr1
          {C : category}
          (D : disp_cat C)
          (H : pseudomonic_pr1_category D)
  : pseudomonic_disp_cat D.
Show proof.
  - apply disp_cat_is_locally_propositional.
    apply H.
  - intros x y f xx yy.
    use (factor_through_squash _ _ (pr2 H (x ,, xx) (y ,, yy) f)).
    + apply disp_cat_is_locally_propositional.
      apply H.
    + intros ff.
      exact (transportf
               (λ z, _ -->[ z ] _)
               (maponpaths pr1 (pr2 ff))
               (pr211 ff)).

Definition pseudomonic_disp_cat_weq_pseudomonic_pr1
          {C : category}
          (D : disp_cat C)
  : pseudomonic_disp_cat D pseudomonic_pr1_category D.
Show proof.