Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.IndexedCategories.IndexedCategoryToFibration

1. The displayed category arising from an indexed category
  Definition indexed_cat_to_disp_cat_ob_mor
    : disp_cat_ob_mor C.
  Show proof.
    simple refine (_ ,, _).
    - exact (λ x, Φ x).
    - exact (λ x y xx yy f, xx --> (Φ $ f) yy).

  Definition indexed_cat_to_disp_cat_id_comp
    : disp_cat_id_comp C indexed_cat_to_disp_cat_ob_mor.
  Show proof.
    - exact (λ x xx, indexed_cat_id Φ x xx).
    - exact (λ x y z f g xx yy zz ff gg,
             · #(Φ $ f) gg
             · indexed_cat_comp Φ g f zz).

  Definition indexed_cat_to_disp_cat_data
    : disp_cat_data C.
  Show proof.
    simple refine (_ ,, _).
    - exact indexed_cat_to_disp_cat_ob_mor.
    - exact indexed_cat_to_disp_cat_id_comp.

  Proposition transportf_indexed_cat_to_disp_cat
              {x y : C}
              {xx : indexed_cat_to_disp_cat_data x}
              {yy : indexed_cat_to_disp_cat_data y}
              {f g : x --> y}
              (p : f = g)
              (ff : xx --> (Φ $ f) yy)
    : transportf
        (λ z, xx -->[ z ] yy)
      ff · idtoiso (maponpaths (λ h, (Φ $ h) yy) p).
  Show proof.
    induction p ; cbn.
    rewrite id_right.
    apply idpath.

  Proposition indexed_cat_to_disp_cat_axioms
    : disp_cat_axioms C indexed_cat_to_disp_cat_data.
  Show proof.
    repeat split.
    - intros x y f xx yy ff ; cbn in *.
        apply maponpaths_2.
        exact (!(nat_trans_ax (indexed_cat_id Φ x) _ _ ff)).
      rewrite !assoc'.
        apply maponpaths.
        apply (indexed_cat_runitor_alt Φ).
      unfold transportb.
      rewrite transportf_indexed_cat_to_disp_cat.
      apply idpath.
    - intros x y f xx yy ff ; cbn in *.
      rewrite !assoc'.
        apply maponpaths.
        apply (indexed_cat_lunitor_alt Φ).
      unfold transportb.
      rewrite transportf_indexed_cat_to_disp_cat.
      apply idpath.
    - intros w x y z f g h ww xx yy zz ff gg hh ; cbn in *.
      rewrite !functor_comp.
      rewrite !assoc'.
        do 3 apply maponpaths.
        refine (!_).
        apply (indexed_cat_lassociator Φ h g f zz).
      unfold transportb.
      rewrite transportf_indexed_cat_to_disp_cat.
      rewrite !assoc'.
      do 2 apply maponpaths.
        do 2 refine (assoc _ _ _ @ _).
          do 2 apply maponpaths_2.
          apply (nat_trans_ax (indexed_cat_comp Φ g f)).
        do 2 refine (assoc' _ _ _ @ _).
        apply idpath.
      do 6 apply maponpaths.
      apply homset_property.
    - intros x y f xx yy ; cbn in *.
      apply homset_property.

  Definition indexed_cat_to_disp_cat
    : disp_cat C.
  Show proof.
    simple refine (_ ,, _).
    - exact indexed_cat_to_disp_cat_data.
    - exact indexed_cat_to_disp_cat_axioms.

2. Isomorphisms in the displayed category from an indexed category
  Definition indexed_cat_to_disp_cat_z_iso_weq_base
             {x : C}
             (xx₁ xx₂ : Φ x)
    : (xx₁ --> xx₂) (xx₁ --> (Φ $ identity x) xx₂).
  Show proof.
    use weq_iso.
    - exact (λ f, f · indexed_cat_id Φ x xx₂).
    - exact (λ f, f · inv_from_z_iso (indexed_cat_id_z_iso Φ xx₂)).
    - abstract
        (intro f ; cbn ;
         rewrite !assoc' ;
         refine (_ @ id_right _) ;
         apply maponpaths ;
         exact (z_iso_inv_after_z_iso (indexed_cat_id_z_iso Φ xx₂))).
    - abstract
        (intro f ; cbn ;
         rewrite !assoc' ;
         refine (_ @ id_right _) ;
         apply maponpaths ;
         exact (z_iso_after_z_iso_inv (indexed_cat_id_z_iso Φ xx₂))).

  Section IsoWeqDispIso.
    Context {x : C}
            (xx₁ xx₂ : Φ x)
            (f : xx₁ --> xx₂).

    Section IsoToDispIso.
      Context (Hf : is_z_isomorphism f).

      Let f_iso := (f ,, Hf) : z_iso xx₁ xx₂.

      Definition indexed_cat_to_disp_cat_to_disp_iso_inv
        : xx₂ --> (Φ $ identity x) xx₁
        := inv_from_z_iso f_iso · indexed_cat_id Φ x xx₁.

      Proposition indexed_cat_to_disp_cat_to_disp_iso_inv_right
        : indexed_cat_to_disp_cat_to_disp_iso_inv
          · # (Φ $ identity x) (f · indexed_cat_id Φ x xx₂)
          · indexed_cat_comp Φ (identity x) (identity x) xx₂
          indexed_cat_id Φ x xx₂
          · idtoiso (maponpaths (λ h, (Φ $ h) xx₂) (!(id_left _))).
      Show proof.
        unfold indexed_cat_to_disp_cat_to_disp_iso_inv.
        rewrite functor_comp.
        rewrite !assoc'.
          do 3 apply maponpaths.
          apply (indexed_cat_lunitor_alt Φ).
          apply maponpaths.
          rewrite !assoc.
          apply maponpaths_2.
          refine (!_).
          apply (nat_trans_ax (indexed_cat_id Φ x)).
        rewrite !assoc.
        rewrite z_iso_after_z_iso_inv.
        refine (maponpaths (λ z, z · _) (id_left _) @ _).
        do 4 apply maponpaths.
        apply homset_property.

      Proposition indexed_cat_to_disp_cat_to_disp_iso_inv_left
        : f
          · indexed_cat_id Φ x xx₂
          · # (Φ $ identity x) indexed_cat_to_disp_cat_to_disp_iso_inv
          · indexed_cat_comp Φ (identity x) (identity x) xx₁
          indexed_cat_id Φ x xx₁
          · idtoiso (maponpaths (λ h, (Φ $ h) xx₁) (!(id_left _))).
      Show proof.
        unfold indexed_cat_to_disp_cat_to_disp_iso_inv.
        rewrite functor_comp.
        rewrite !assoc'.
          do 3 apply maponpaths.
          apply (indexed_cat_lunitor_alt Φ).
          apply maponpaths.
          rewrite !assoc.
          apply maponpaths_2.
          refine (!_).
          apply (nat_trans_ax (indexed_cat_id Φ x)).
        rewrite !assoc.
          do 2 apply maponpaths_2.
          apply (z_iso_inv_after_z_iso f_iso).
        refine (maponpaths (λ z, z · _) (id_left _) @ _).
        do 4 apply maponpaths.
        apply homset_property.

      Definition indexed_cat_to_disp_cat_to_disp_iso
        : @is_z_iso_disp
             _ _
             (identity_z_iso x)
             _ _
             (indexed_cat_to_disp_cat_z_iso_weq_base xx₁ xx₂ f).
      Show proof.
        simple refine (_ ,, _ ,, _).
        - exact indexed_cat_to_disp_cat_to_disp_iso_inv.
        - abstract
            (cbn ;
             unfold transportb ;
             rewrite transportf_indexed_cat_to_disp_cat ;
             refine (indexed_cat_to_disp_cat_to_disp_iso_inv_right @ _) ;
             do 4 apply maponpaths ;
             apply homset_property).
        - abstract
            (cbn ;
             unfold transportb ;
             rewrite transportf_indexed_cat_to_disp_cat ;
             refine (indexed_cat_to_disp_cat_to_disp_iso_inv_left @ _) ;
             do 4 apply maponpaths ;
             apply homset_property).
    End IsoToDispIso.

    Section DispIsoToIso.
      Context (Hf : @is_z_iso_disp
                       _ _
                       (identity_z_iso x)
                       _ _
                       (indexed_cat_to_disp_cat_z_iso_weq_base xx₁ xx₂ f)).

      Definition indexed_cat_to_disp_cat_from_disp_iso_inv
        : xx₂ --> xx₁
        := inv_mor_disp_from_z_iso Hf · inv_from_z_iso (indexed_cat_id_z_iso Φ xx₁).

      Proposition indexed_cat_to_disp_cat_from_disp_iso_inv_right
        : f · indexed_cat_to_disp_cat_from_disp_iso_inv = identity _.
      Show proof.
        unfold indexed_cat_to_disp_cat_from_disp_iso_inv.
        rewrite !assoc.
        refine (!_).
        use z_iso_inv_on_left.
        rewrite id_left.
        pose (inv_mor_after_z_iso_disp Hf) as p.
        cbn in p.
        unfold transportb in p.
        rewrite transportf_indexed_cat_to_disp_cat in p.
        use (cancel_z_iso
                 _ _
                 (idtoiso (maponpaths (λ h, (Φ $ h) xx₁) (!(id_left (identity x)))))).
        refine (_ @ p) ; clear p.
        rewrite !assoc'.
        apply maponpaths.
        rewrite !assoc.
        refine (!_).
          apply maponpaths_2.
          refine (!_).
          apply (nat_trans_ax (indexed_cat_id Φ x)).
        rewrite !assoc'.
        apply maponpaths.
        apply (indexed_cat_runitor_alt Φ).

      Proposition indexed_cat_to_disp_cat_from_disp_iso_inv_left
        : indexed_cat_to_disp_cat_from_disp_iso_inv · f = identity _.
      Show proof.
        unfold indexed_cat_to_disp_cat_from_disp_iso_inv.
        rewrite !assoc'.
          apply maponpaths.
          refine (!_).
          apply (nat_trans_ax (nat_z_iso_inv (indexed_cat_id_nat_z_iso Φ x)) _ _ _
                  : _ · inv_from_z_iso (indexed_cat_id_z_iso Φ xx₂)
                    inv_from_z_iso (indexed_cat_id_z_iso Φ xx₁) · f).
        rewrite !assoc.
        refine (!_).
        use z_iso_inv_on_left.
        rewrite id_left.
        use (cancel_z_iso
                 _ _
                 (idtoiso (maponpaths (λ h, (Φ $ h) xx₂) (!(id_left (identity x)))))).
        pose (z_iso_disp_after_inv_mor Hf) as p.
        cbn in p.
        unfold transportb in p.
        rewrite transportf_indexed_cat_to_disp_cat in p.
        refine (_ @ p) ; clear p.
        rewrite !functor_comp.
        rewrite !assoc'.
        do 2 apply maponpaths.
        refine (!_).
        refine (indexed_cat_lunitor_alt Φ _ _ @ _).
        do 3 apply maponpaths.
        apply homset_property.

      Definition indexed_cat_to_disp_cat_from_disp_iso
        : is_z_isomorphism f.
      Show proof.
        simple refine (_ ,, _ ,, _).
        - exact indexed_cat_to_disp_cat_from_disp_iso_inv.
        - exact indexed_cat_to_disp_cat_from_disp_iso_inv_right.
        - exact indexed_cat_to_disp_cat_from_disp_iso_inv_left.
    End DispIsoToIso.

    Definition indexed_cat_to_disp_cat_z_iso_weq_fiber
      : is_z_isomorphism f
           _ _
           (identity_z_iso x)
           _ _
           (indexed_cat_to_disp_cat_z_iso_weq_base xx₁ xx₂ f).
    Show proof.
      use weqimplimpl.
      - exact indexed_cat_to_disp_cat_to_disp_iso.
      - exact indexed_cat_to_disp_cat_from_disp_iso.
      - apply isaprop_is_z_isomorphism.
      - apply isaprop_is_z_iso_disp.
  End IsoWeqDispIso.

  Definition indexed_cat_to_disp_cat_z_iso_weq
             {x : C}
             (xx₁ xx₂ : Φ x)
    : z_iso xx₁ xx₂
      @z_iso_disp _ indexed_cat_to_disp_cat _ _ (identity_z_iso _) xx₁ xx₂.
  Show proof.
    use weqbandf.
    - exact (indexed_cat_to_disp_cat_z_iso_weq_base xx₁ xx₂).
    - exact (indexed_cat_to_disp_cat_z_iso_weq_fiber xx₁ xx₂).

  Definition is_z_iso_disp_indexed_cat_to_disp_cat
             {x : C}
             (xx₁ xx₂ : Φ x)
             (f : xx₁ --> (Φ $ identity x) xx₂)
             (Hf : is_z_isomorphism f)
    : @is_z_iso_disp
        _ _
        (identity_z_iso x)
        xx₁ xx₂
  Show proof.
    pose (f' := f · inv_from_z_iso (indexed_cat_id_z_iso Φ xx₂)).
    refine (transportf
              (λ z, is_z_iso_disp _ z)
              (indexed_cat_to_disp_cat_to_disp_iso xx₁ xx₂ f' _)).
    - cbn ; unfold f'.
      rewrite !assoc'.
      refine (_ @ id_right _).
      apply maponpaths.
      apply z_iso_after_z_iso_inv.
    - use is_z_isomorphism_comp.
      + exact Hf.
      + apply is_z_iso_inv_from_z_iso.

3. The univalence of that displayed category
  Proposition is_univalent_disp_indexed_cat_to_disp_cat
    : is_univalent_disp indexed_cat_to_disp_cat.
  Show proof.
    use is_univalent_disp_from_fibers.
    intros x xx₁ xx₂.
    use weqhomot.
    - exact (indexed_cat_to_disp_cat_z_iso_weq xx₁ xx₂
              make_weq idtoiso (pr2 (Φ x) _ _))%weq.
    - abstract
        (intro p ;
         induction p ;
         use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply isaprop_is_z_iso_disp | ] ;
         cbn ;
         apply id_left).

4. Cartesian morphisms are the same as certain isomorphisms
  Section Cartesians.
    Context {x y : C}
            {f : x --> y}
            {xx : Φ x}
            {yy : Φ y}
            {ff : xx --> (Φ $ f) yy}
            (Hff : is_z_isomorphism ff)
            {w : C}
            (g : w --> x)
            {ww : Φ w}
            (hh : ww --> (Φ $ g · f) yy).

    Let ff_iso : z_iso xx ((Φ $ f) yy) := ff ,, Hff.

    Proposition is_cartesian_indexed_cat_factorisation_unique
      : isaprop ( gg, gg · # (Φ $ g) ff · indexed_cat_comp Φ f g yy = hh).
    Show proof.
      use invproofirrelevance.
      intros φ φ.
      use subtypePath.
        apply homset_property.
      use (cancel_z_iso _ _ (functor_on_z_iso (Φ $ g) ff_iso)).
      use (cancel_z_iso _ _ (indexed_cat_comp_z_iso Φ f g yy)).
      exact (pr2 φ @ ! (pr2 φ)).

    Definition is_cartesian_indexed_cat_factorisation
      : ww --> (Φ $ g) xx
      := hh
         · inv_from_z_iso (indexed_cat_comp_z_iso Φ f g yy)
         · # (Φ $ g) (inv_from_z_iso ff_iso).

    Proposition is_cartesian_indexed_cat_factorisation_commutes
      : is_cartesian_indexed_cat_factorisation
        · # (Φ $ g) ff
        · indexed_cat_comp Φ f g yy
    Show proof.
      unfold is_cartesian_indexed_cat_factorisation.
      rewrite !assoc'.
        do 2 apply maponpaths.
        rewrite !assoc.
        apply maponpaths_2.
        rewrite <- functor_comp.
        rewrite z_iso_after_z_iso_inv.
        rewrite functor_id.
        apply idpath.
      rewrite id_left.
      rewrite z_iso_after_z_iso_inv.
      apply id_right.
  End Cartesians.

  Proposition is_cartesian_indexed_cat
              {x y : C}
              {f : x --> y}
              {xx : Φ x}
              {yy : Φ y}
              (ff : xx --> (Φ $ f) yy)
              (Hff : is_z_isomorphism ff)
    : @is_cartesian
        y x
        yy xx
  Show proof.
    intros w g ww hh ; cbn in *.
    use iscontraprop1.
    - exact (is_cartesian_indexed_cat_factorisation_unique Hff g hh).
    - simple refine (_ ,, _).
      + exact (is_cartesian_indexed_cat_factorisation Hff g hh).
      + exact (is_cartesian_indexed_cat_factorisation_commutes Hff g hh).

  Section CartesianAreIsos.
    Context {x y : C}
            {f : x --> y}
            {xx : Φ x}
            {yy : Φ y}
            (ff : xx --> (Φ $ f) yy)
            (Hff : @is_cartesian
                     y x
                     yy xx

    Let ζ : (Φ $ f) yy --> (Φ $ identity x · f) yy
      := indexed_cat_id Φ x ((Φ $ f) yy) · indexed_cat_comp Φ f (identity x) yy.

    Let φ : (Φ $ f) yy --> (Φ $ identity x) xx
      := cartesian_factorisation
           (identity _)

    Definition is_cartesian_to_iso_indexed_cat_inv
      : (Φ $ f) yy --> xx
      := φ · inv_from_z_iso (indexed_cat_id_z_iso Φ xx).

    Proposition is_cartesian_to_iso_indexed_cat_left
      : ff · is_cartesian_to_iso_indexed_cat_inv = identity xx.
    Show proof.
      unfold is_cartesian_to_iso_indexed_cat_inv, φ.
      rewrite !assoc.
      refine (!_).
      use z_iso_inv_on_left.
      use (cartesian_factorisation_unique Hff) ; cbn.
      rewrite !assoc'.
        apply maponpaths.
        rewrite !assoc.
        exact (cartesian_factorisation_commutes Hff (identity _) ζ).
      unfold ζ.
      rewrite !assoc.
      apply maponpaths_2.
        apply (nat_trans_ax (indexed_cat_id Φ x)).
      apply maponpaths_2.
      refine (!_).
      apply id_left.

    Proposition is_cartesian_to_iso_indexed_cat_right
      : is_cartesian_to_iso_indexed_cat_inv · ff = identity ((Φ $ f) yy).
    Show proof.
      unfold is_cartesian_to_iso_indexed_cat_inv, φ.
      rewrite !assoc'.
        apply maponpaths.
        exact (!(nat_trans_ax (nat_z_iso_inv (indexed_cat_id_nat_z_iso Φ x)) _ _ ff)
               : inv_from_z_iso (indexed_cat_id_z_iso Φ xx)
                 · ff
                 # (Φ $ identity x) ff
                 · inv_from_z_iso (indexed_cat_id_z_iso Φ ((Φ $ f) yy))).
      rewrite !assoc.
      refine (!_).
      use z_iso_inv_on_left.
      rewrite id_left.
      use (cancel_z_iso _ _ (indexed_cat_comp_z_iso Φ f (identity x) yy)).
      exact (cartesian_factorisation_commutes Hff (identity _) ζ).

    Definition is_cartesian_to_iso_indexed_cat
      : is_z_isomorphism ff.
    Show proof.
      simple refine (_ ,, _ ,, _).
      - exact is_cartesian_to_iso_indexed_cat_inv.
      - exact is_cartesian_to_iso_indexed_cat_left.
      - exact is_cartesian_to_iso_indexed_cat_right.
  End CartesianAreIsos.

5. The cleaving from an indexed category
  Definition indexed_cat_to_cleaving
    : cleaving indexed_cat_to_disp_cat.
  Show proof.
    intros y x f yy ; cbn in *.
    refine ((Φ $ f) yy ,, identity _ ,, _).
    use is_cartesian_indexed_cat.
    apply is_z_isomorphism_identity.
End IndexedCatToFibration.