Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.AlternativeDefinitions.AugmentedSimplexCategory

Require Import UniMath.Foundations.PartD.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.NaturalNumbers.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Sets.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.Tactics.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Isos.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.NaturalTransformations.
Require Import UniMath.Combinatorics.StandardFiniteSets.
Require Import UniMath.Combinatorics.FiniteSets.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.PrecategoryBinProduct.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.AlternativeDefinitions.MonoidalCategoriesTensored.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.AlternativeDefinitions.MonoidalFunctorsTensored.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.SimplicialSets.

Definition fincard_has_homsets (n m : nat) : isaset (( n )%stn -> ( m )%stn) :=
  (Propositions.funspace_isaset (isasetstn m)).

Proposition iscontr_inequal (n m : nat) : iscontr ((n > m) ⨿ (n m)).
Show proof.
  unfold iscontr.
  exists (natgthorleh n m). intro t.
  induction t.
  - unfold natgthorleh.
    induction (isdecrelnatgth n m).
    + simpl. apply maponpaths. apply (pr2 (n > m)).
    + contradiction.
  - unfold natgthorleh.
    induction (isdecrelnatgth n m).
    + simpl. assert (¬ (n > m)). { apply natlehtonegnatgth. assumption. } contradiction.
    + simpl. apply maponpaths. apply (pr2 (n m)).

Local Proposition iscontr_inequal' (n m : nat) : iscontr ((n < m) ⨿ (n m)).
Show proof.
  change (n < m) with (m > n).
  change (n m) with (m n).
  exact (iscontr_inequal m n).

Local Proposition fincard_hom_extensionality { n m : nat } { f g : ( n )%stn ( m )%stn } : ( x : ( n )%stn, (pr1 (f x)= pr1 (g x))) -> f=g.
Show proof.
  intro X. apply funextfun.
  intro x. apply subtypeInjectivity_prop.
  exact (X x).

Definition ordconstr {n : nat} (k : nat) (bd : k < n) : stn n := k,,bd.

Definition precat_Delta_precategory_data : precategory_data.
Show proof.
  use make_precategory_data.
  - exact (make_precategory_ob_mor nat monfunstn).
  - intros m. apply monfunstnid.   - intros l m n f g. exact (monfunstncomp f g).

Definition precat_Delta_is_precategory : is_precategory precat_Delta_precategory_data.
Show proof.
  unfold precat_Delta_precategory_data.
  unfold is_precategory. split. {
    - intros a b f. unfold "id". simpl in *. reflexivity.
    - intros a b f. unfold "id". simpl in *. reflexivity.
  } {
    - reflexivity.
    - reflexivity.

Definition precat_Delta : precategory :=
  (precat_Delta_precategory_data,, precat_Delta_is_precategory).

Notation "C ⊠ D" := (precategory_binproduct C D) (at level 38).

Definition precat_fincard_data : precategory_data.
Show proof.
  unshelve eapply (make_precategory_data _).
  - unshelve eapply (make_precategory_ob_mor _ _).
    * exact nat.
    * exact (λ n, λ m, (n%stn m%stn)).   - intro c. exact (idfun (c)%stn).   - intros n m k f g. exact (gf).

Proposition precat_fincard_is_precategory : is_precategory precat_fincard_data.
Show proof.
  unfold precat_Delta_precategory_data.
  unfold is_precategory. split. {
    - intros a b f. unfold "id". simpl in *. reflexivity.
    - intros a b f. unfold "id". simpl in *. reflexivity.
  } {
    - reflexivity.
    - reflexivity.

Definition precat_fincard : precategory := (precat_fincard_data,, precat_fincard_is_precategory).

Proposition Delta_has_homsets : has_homsets precat_Delta.
Show proof.
  unfold has_homsets. simpl. intros a b.
  apply isaset_total2.
  - exact (fincard_has_homsets a b).
  - intro f. apply impred_isaset. intro x. apply impred_isaset. intro y. apply impred_isaset.
    intro. exact (isasetaprop (propproperty (f x f y))).

Definition category_Delta : category := (precat_Delta,, Delta_has_homsets).
Definition category_fincard : category := (precat_fincard,, fincard_has_homsets).

Notation Δ_sdg := category_fincard.
Notation Δ := category_Delta.
Notation Δ_sd := category_Delta.

Definition Δ_ob_constr ( n : nat) : Δ := n.
Definition Δ_sdg_ob_constr ( n : nat) : Δ_sdg := n.

Open Scope cat.

Definition Δ_mor_constr { n m : nat } ( f : ( n )%stn -> ( m )%stn )
           ( pk : x y : ( n )%stn, x y -> f x f y) : (Δ_ob_constr n) --> (Δ_ob_constr m)
:= (make_monfunstn f pk).

Definition Δ_sdg_mor_constr { n m : nat } ( f : ( n )%stn -> ( m )%stn ) :
  Δ_sdg_ob_constr n --> Δ_sdg_ob_constr m := f.

Definition fget_monoton_functor_data : functor_data category_Delta category_fincard.
Show proof.
    use tpair. { exact (idfun nat). }
    intros a b f. exact (pr1 f).

Proposition fget_monoton_is_functor : is_functor fget_monoton_functor_data.
Show proof.
  use tpair.
  - unfold functor_idax. reflexivity.
  - unfold functor_compax. reflexivity.

Definition fget_monoton_functor : functor category_Delta category_fincard :=
  (fget_monoton_functor_data,, fget_monoton_is_functor).

Local Notation U := fget_monoton_functor.

Local Proposition U_faithful { a b : Δ } (f g : a --> b) : (# U f = # U g) -> f = g.
Show proof.
  apply subtypeInjectivity. unfold isPredicate.
  intro. apply impred_isaprop.
  intro. apply impred_isaprop.
  intro. apply impred_isaprop.
  intro. apply propproperty.

Local Proposition morphism_extensionality { a b : Δ } (f g : a --> b) :
  ( x, (# U f) x = (# U g) x) -> f = g.
Show proof.
  intro ext_hypothesis.
  simpl in ext_hypothesis. apply U_faithful. simpl.
  apply fincard_hom_extensionality. intro x. apply maponpaths. exact (ext_hypothesis x).

Lemma mon_iso_mon_inv {n m : Δ} {f : n --> m} (I : is_z_isomorphism ((# U) f)) :
   x y : (m)%stn, x y -> (is_z_isomorphism_mor I) x (is_z_isomorphism_mor I) y.
Show proof.
  intros x y l.
  unfold is_z_isomorphism in I. simpl in I.
  induction I as [I_fn I_is_inverse_in_preord], f as [f_fn f_guarantee].
  induction (natlehchoice x y l) as [a | a'].
  - induction (natgthorleh (I_fn x) (I_fn y)).
      contradiction (natlthtonegnatgeh x y a).
      assert ( z , f_fn (I_fn z) = z) as X. {
        intro z. change (f_fn (I_fn z)) with (compose (C:=Δ_sdg) I_fn f_fn z).
        simpl. set (j := (pr2 I_is_inverse_in_preord)). simpl in j.
        rewrite j. reflexivity.
      rewrite <- (X x), <- (X y); apply f_guarantee. exact (natlthtoleh _ _ a0).
    + exact b.
  - simpl is_z_isomorphism_mor. apply subtypeInjectivity_prop in a'.
    induction a'. exact (isreflnatleh (I_fn x)).

Lemma fincard_inv_is_inverse_in_precat (n m : Δ) (f : n --> m ) (I : is_z_isomorphism ((# U) f)):
is_inverse_in_precat f (is_z_isomorphism_mor I,, mon_iso_mon_inv I).
Show proof.
  unfold is_z_isomorphism in I. simpl in I.
  induction I as [g is_inverse], f as [ffun fguarantee].
  simpl in is_inverse. induction is_inverse as [l r].
  - apply morphism_extensionality. simpl. intro x.
    change ((@compose precat_fincard _ _ _ ffun g) x = x). simpl. rewrite l. reflexivity.
  - apply morphism_extensionality. intro x. simpl.
    change (ffun (g x)) with (compose (C:=Δ_sdg) g ffun x).
    simpl. rewrite r. unfold "id". reflexivity.

Lemma U_reflects_isos (n m : Δ) ( f : n --> m ) : (is_z_isomorphism ((# U) f)) -> (is_z_isomorphism f).
Show proof.
  intro I.
  use tpair. { exact (is_z_isomorphism_mor I,, mon_iso_mon_inv I). }
  cbv beta.
  exact (fincard_inv_is_inverse_in_precat n m f I).

Local Proposition U_reflects_id (a : Δ) (f : a --> a) :
    (# U f) = id (U a) -> f = id a.
Show proof.
  intro. apply U_faithful. assumption.

Local Definition ordinal_addition : (Δ Δ) Δ.
Show proof.
  intro nm. induction nm as [n m]. exact (n+m).
Arguments ordinal_addition /.

Local Definition pr_n_m_l { n m : nat} ( x : ( n + m)%stn ) (s : x < n) : ( n )%stn.
Show proof.
  exists (stntonat _ x).
  exact s.

Local Definition pr_n_m_r { n m : nat} ( x : ( n + m)%stn ) (s : x n) : ( m )%stn.
Show proof.
  exists (stntonat _ x - n).
  apply nat_split.
  - exact (stnlt x).
  - exact s.

Local Definition sumfn {n n' m m' : nat} (f : ( n )%stn ( m )%stn) ( g : ( n' )%stn ( m' )%stn) : ( n + n' )%stn ( m + m')%stn.
Show proof.
  intro x.
  induction (natlthorgeh x n) as [less_n | geq_n].
  - set (x' := pr_n_m_l x less_n).
    refine (ordconstr (n:=m+m') (stntonat _ (f x')) _).
    apply (natgehgthtrans _ m _).
    + exact (natlehnplusnm m m').
    + exact (stnlt (f x')).
  - set (x' := pr_n_m_r x geq_n).
    refine (ordconstr (stntonat _ (g x')+m) _).
    rewrite natpluscomm. apply natlthandplusl. exact (stnlt (g x')).

Local Proposition pr_n_m_l_compute { n m : nat}
      ( x : ( n + m)%stn ) (s : x < n) : stntonat _ (pr_n_m_l x s) = stntonat _ x.
Show proof.

Local Proposition pr_n_m_r_compute { n m : nat}
      ( x : ( n + m)%stn ) (s : x n) : stntonat _ (pr_n_m_r x s) = (stntonat _ x) - n.
Show proof.

Local Proposition proj_incl_l { n m : nat } ( x : ( n + m)%stn ) (s : x < n) :
  (stn_left n m) (pr_n_m_l x s) = x.
Show proof.
  unfold stn_left. simpl.
  apply subtypeInjectivity_prop.

Local Proposition proj_incl_r { n m : nat } ( x : ( n + m)%stn ) (s : x n) :
  (stn_right n m) (pr_n_m_r x s) = x.
Show proof.
  unfold stn_right. simpl.
  apply subtypeInjectivity_prop.
  rewrite natpluscomm. exact (minusplusnmm x n s).

Definition natlthorgeh_left_branch {n m : nat} (s : n < m) (j : (n < m) ⨿ (n m)) : j = inl s
  := (proofirrelevancecontr (iscontr_inequal m n) j (inl s)).
Definition natlthorgeh_right_branch {n m : nat} (s : n m) (j : (n < m) ⨿ (n m)) : j = inr s
  := (proofirrelevancecontr (iscontr_inequal m n) j (inr s)).

Local Proposition sumfn_l { n n' m m' : nat}
      (f : ( n )%stn -> ( m )%stn) ( g : ( n' )%stn -> ( m' )%stn)
      (x : ( n + n' )%stn) ( s : x < n) : (sumfn f g) x < m.
Show proof.
  unfold sumfn.
  rewrite (natlthorgeh_left_branch s _).
  exact (stnlt (f (pr_n_m_l x s))).

Local Proposition sumfn_r { n n' m m' : nat }
      (f : ( n )%stn -> ( m )%stn) (g : ( n' )%stn -> ( m' )%stn)
      (x : ( n + n' )%stn) ( s : x n) : (sumfn f g) x m.
Show proof.
  unfold sumfn. rewrite (natlthorgeh_right_branch s _).
  simpl. change (g (pr_n_m_r x s) + m m). exact (natlehmplusnm _ m).

Local Proposition sumfn_l1 { n n' m m' : nat}
      (f : ( n )%stn -> ( m )%stn) ( g : ( n' )%stn -> ( m' )%stn)
      (x : ( n + n' )%stn) ( s : x < n) :
  f (pr_n_m_l x s) = pr_n_m_l ((sumfn f g) x) (sumfn_l f g x s).
Show proof.
  apply subtypeInjectivity_prop.
  simpl. unfold sumfn. rewrite (natlthorgeh_left_branch s _).
  simpl. reflexivity.

Local Proposition sumfn_r1 { n n' m m' : nat}
      (f : ( n )%stn -> ( m )%stn) (g : ( n' )%stn -> ( m' )%stn)
      (x : ( n + n' )%stn) ( s :x n) :
  g (pr_n_m_r x s) = pr_n_m_r ((sumfn f g) x) (sumfn_r f g x s).
Show proof.
  apply subtypeInjectivity_prop.
  simpl. unfold sumfn. rewrite (natlthorgeh_right_branch s _).
  simpl. rewrite ( plusminusnmm _ m). reflexivity.

Local Proposition sumfn_l2 { n n' m m' : nat}
      (f : ( n )%stn -> ( m )%stn) ( g : ( n' )%stn -> ( m' )%stn)
      (x : ( n + n' )%stn) ( s : x < n) :
  (stn_left m m') (f (pr_n_m_l x s)) = (sumfn f g) x.
Show proof.
  rewrite (sumfn_l1 f g x s). exact (proj_incl_l (sumfn f g x) (sumfn_l f g x s)).

Local Proposition sumfn_r2 { n n' m m' : nat}
      (f : ( n )%stn -> ( m )%stn) ( g : ( n' )%stn -> ( m' )%stn)
      (x : ( n + n' )%stn) ( s : x n) :
  (stn_right m m') (g (pr_n_m_r x s)) = (sumfn f g) x.
Show proof.
  rewrite (sumfn_r1 f g x s). exact (proj_incl_r (sumfn f g x) (sumfn_r f g x s)).

Local Proposition stn_left_monotonic ( n m : nat ) :
   x y : ( n )%stn, (x y) -> ( stn_left n m x ) ( stn_left n m y).
Show proof.
  intros x y l.
  exact l.

Local Proposition stn_right_monotonic ( n m : nat ) :
   x y : ( m )%stn, (x y) -> ( stn_right n m x ) ( stn_right n m y).
Show proof.
  intros x y l. simpl.
  change (n + x n + y).
  rewrite natpluscomm. rewrite (natpluscomm n y). apply natlehandplusr.
  exact l.

Definition monfunmonprop { n m : nat } (f : monfunstn n m) := pr2 f.

Local Arguments precategory_binproduct_mor /.

Local Definition ordinal_hom :
   a b : ob (Δ Δ), a --> b -> (ordinal_addition a) --> (ordinal_addition b).
Show proof.
  simpl. intros nn' mm'. induction nn' as [n n'], mm' as [m m'].
  intro fg. simpl in fg. induction fg as [f g].
  unshelve refine (make_monfunstn _ _).
  - exact (sumfn f g).
  - intros x y.
    induction f as [f_fun f_guarantee]. induction g as [g_fun g_guarantee].
    intro l. simpl. change (sumfn f_fun g_fun x sumfn f_fun g_fun y).
    unfold sumfn.
    induction natlthorgeh as [xl | xgth], (natlthorgeh y n) as [yl | ygth].
    + simpl. exact (f_guarantee (pr_n_m_l x xl) (pr_n_m_l y yl) l).
    + simpl. apply natlthtoleh. apply (natgehgthtrans _ m _ ).
      * exact (natlehmplusnm _ m).
      * exact (stnlt (f_fun _)).
    + contradiction (natgthnegleh yl). exact (istransnatleh xgth l).
    + simpl. change (g_fun (pr_n_m_r x xgth) + m g_fun (pr_n_m_r y ygth) +m ).
      apply natlehandplusr. apply g_guarantee. rewrite pr_n_m_r_compute.
      rewrite pr_n_m_r_compute. exact (natgehandminusr _ _ n l).

Local Definition tensor_data_card : (functor_data (Δ_sdg Δ_sdg) Δ_sdg).
Show proof.
  use functor_data_constr.
  + exact ordinal_addition.
  + intros a b pr. induction pr as [f g]. exact (sumfn f g).

Local Definition tensor_data_ord : (functor_data (Δ Δ) Δ).
Show proof.
use functor_data_constr.
       + exact ordinal_addition.
       + exact ordinal_hom.

Local Proposition tensor_id_card : (functor_idax tensor_data_card).
Show proof.
  intro a. induction a as [n m]. simpl. unfold sumfn. apply fincard_hom_extensionality.
  intro x.
  induction natlthorgeh.
  - simpl. unfold "id". reflexivity.
  - simpl. unfold "id". simpl. exact (minusplusnmm x n b).

Local Proposition tensor_id_ord : (functor_idax tensor_data_ord).
Show proof.
  intro a.
  apply U_reflects_id. unfold tensor_data_ord.
  apply (tensor_id_card).

Local Proposition tensor_comp_card : (functor_compax tensor_data_card).
Show proof.
  unfold functor_compax. unfold tensor_data_card. simpl.
  intros a b c f g.
  induction a as [a0 a1], b as [b0 b1], c as [c0 c1].
  simpl in f, g. induction f as [f0 f1], g as [g0 g1].

  apply fincard_hom_extensionality. simpl. intro x.
  unfold "·". simpl. unfold sumfn.

  induction natlthorgeh.
  - rewrite (natlthorgeh_left_branch (stnlt (f0 (ordconstr x a) )) _). simpl in *.
    apply maponpaths. apply maponpaths.
    apply subtypeInjectivity_prop.
  - rewrite (natlthorgeh_right_branch (natgehplusnmm _ b0) _). simpl in *.
    apply (maponpaths (λ k : nat, k+c0)). apply maponpaths. apply maponpaths.
    apply subtypeInjectivity_prop.
                              simpl. exact (pathsinv0 (plusminusnmm _ b0)).

Local Proposition tensor_comp_ord : (functor_compax tensor_data_ord).
Show proof.
  unfold functor_compax, tensor_data_ord. intros a b c f g.
  induction f as [f0 f1], g as [g0 g1].
  set (Uf := make_dirprod (# U f0) (# U f1)).
  set (Ug := make_dirprod (# U g0) (# U g1)).
  apply U_faithful. exact (tensor_comp_card a b c Uf Ug).

Local Proposition tensor_card_is_functor : is_functor tensor_data_card.
Show proof.
  exact tensor_id_card.
  exact tensor_comp_card.

Local Proposition tensor_ord_is_functor : is_functor tensor_data_ord.
Show proof.
  exact tensor_id_ord.
  exact tensor_comp_ord.

Local Definition tensor_functor_card : functor (Δ_sdg Δ_sdg) Δ_sdg.
Show proof.
use make_functor.
       + exact tensor_data_card.
       + exact tensor_card_is_functor.

Local Definition tensor_functor_ord : functor (Δ Δ) Δ.
Show proof.
use make_functor.
       + exact tensor_data_ord.
       + exact tensor_ord_is_functor.

Local Definition tensor_unit : Δ :=0.
Arguments tensor_unit /.

Local Definition tensor_left_unitor_card : left_unitor tensor_functor_card tensor_unit.
Show proof.
  unfold left_unitor, I_pretensor, functor_fix_fst_arg,functor_identity,nat_z_iso.
  use tpair.
  - unfold "⟹". use tpair.
    + unfold nat_trans_data. intro x. exact (id x).
    + abstract (cbv beta;
      unfold is_nat_trans; intros n m f;
      apply fincard_hom_extensionality;
      simpl; unfold functor_fix_fst_arg_ob, tensor_functor_card;
      simpl; intro x;
      simpl; rewrite natplusr0; apply maponpaths, maponpaths, subtypeInjectivity_prop; simpl;
      exact (natminuseqn x)).
  - cbv beta.     unfold is_nat_z_iso, is_z_isomorphism, is_inverse_in_precat.
    intro c. exists (id c).
    abstract ( split; unfold tensor_functor_card, functor_fix_fst_arg_ob, tensor_data_card;
      simpl; exact (id_left (id c)); exact (id_left (id c))).

Local Definition tensor_left_unitor_ord : left_unitor tensor_functor_ord tensor_unit.
Show proof.
  unfold left_unitor, I_pretensor, functor_fix_fst_arg,functor_identity,nat_z_iso.
  use tpair.
  - unfold "⟹". use tpair.
    + unfold nat_trans_data. intro n. exact (id n).
    + abstract (cbv beta;
      unfold is_nat_trans; intros n m f; apply morphism_extensionality;
      unfold tensor_functor_ord; simpl;
      unfold functor_fix_fst_arg_ob, sumfn; simpl;
      intro x;
      apply subtypeInjectivity_prop;
      simpl; rewrite natplusr0;
      apply maponpaths, maponpaths, subtypeInjectivity_prop; simpl; exact (natminuseqn x)).
  - cbv beta;
    unfold is_nat_z_iso; intro c; unfold is_z_isomorphism.
    exists (id c). abstract (simpl; unfold is_inverse_in_precat;
    unfold tensor_functor_ord, functor_fix_fst_arg_ob, tensor_data_ord; simpl;
    exact (id_left (id c))).

Local Definition tensor_right_unitor_card_nt_data : nat_trans_data (I_posttensor tensor_functor_card tensor_unit) (functor_identity Δ_sdg).
Show proof.
  simpl. unfold "⟹". unfold nat_trans_data. simpl. intro x.
      unfold functor_fix_snd_arg_ob, tensor_functor_card, tensor_unit. simpl.
      rewrite natplusr0. exact (idfun _).

Local Definition tensor_right_unitor_card_is_nat_trans : is_nat_trans (I_posttensor tensor_functor_card tensor_unit) (functor_identity Δ_sdg) tensor_right_unitor_card_nt_data.
Show proof.
  unfold is_nat_trans, tensor_right_unitor_card_nt_data. simpl.
  intros n m f. unfold functor_fix_snd_arg_mor; simpl.
  apply fincard_hom_extensionality; unfold functor_fix_snd_arg_ob; simpl.
  intro x.
  unfold "·"; simpl. unfold sumfn.
  assert (x < n) as j. { simpl; induction (natplusr0 n); exact (stnlt x). }
  rewrite (natlthorgeh_left_branch j _). simpl.
  generalize (natgehgthtrans (m+0) m), (! natplusr0 m). intros h p.
  intermediate_path (pr1 (f (ordconstr x j))).
  - induction (natplusr0 m). reflexivity.
  - apply maponpaths, maponpaths, subtypeInjectivity_prop;
      simpl; induction (natplusr0 n); reflexivity.

Local Definition tensor_right_unitor_card : right_unitor tensor_functor_card tensor_unit.
Show proof.
  use tpair. { exact (tensor_right_unitor_card_nt_data,,tensor_right_unitor_card_is_nat_trans). }
  cbv beta.
  unfold is_nat_z_iso, is_z_isomorphism. simpl. intro c.
  use tpair.
    + simpl. unfold functor_fix_snd_arg_ob, tensor_functor_card. simpl.
       rewrite natplusr0. exact (idfun _).
    + abstract(cbv beta;
      unfold is_inverse_in_precat, tensor_right_unitor_card_nt_data;
      induction (natplusr0 c); unfold functor_fix_snd_arg_ob, tensor_functor_card;
        simpl; exact (id_left (id Δ_sdg_ob_constr (c + 0)));
      induction (natplusr0 c); simpl; exact (id_left (id Δ_sdg_ob_constr (c + 0)))).

Local Definition tensor_right_unitor_ord_nt_data : nat_trans_data (I_posttensor tensor_functor_ord tensor_unit) (functor_identity Δ_sd).
Show proof.
  unfold nat_trans_data. intro n. use make_monfunstn.
  * simpl. unfold functor_fix_snd_arg_ob, tensor_functor_ord.
  simpl. rewrite natplusr0. exact (idfun _).
  * cbv beta. intros x y leq. induction (natplusr0 n). exact leq.

Arguments tensor_right_unitor_ord_nt_data /.

Local Definition tensor_right_unitor_ord_is_nat_trans : is_nat_trans (I_posttensor tensor_functor_ord tensor_unit) (functor_identity Δ_sd) tensor_right_unitor_ord_nt_data.
Show proof.
  unfold is_nat_trans. intros n m f.
      apply U_faithful. rewrite (functor_comp U). simpl.
      unfold "·". simpl.
      apply fincard_hom_extensionality.
      unfold functor_fix_snd_arg_ob, tensor_functor_ord. simpl.
      induction (natplusr0 m). simpl. intro x.

      unfold sumfn.
      assert (x < n) as xbd. { simpl in *. induction (pathsinv0 (natplusr0 n)). exact (stnlt x). }
      rewrite (natlthorgeh_left_branch xbd _). simpl.
      apply maponpaths. apply maponpaths. apply subtypeInjectivity_prop.
      induction (natplusr0 n). simpl. reflexivity.

Local Proposition tensor_right_unitor_ord : right_unitor tensor_functor_ord tensor_unit.
Show proof.
  unfold right_unitor.
  use tpair. { exact (tensor_right_unitor_ord_nt_data,,tensor_right_unitor_ord_is_nat_trans). }
  cbv beta. unfold is_nat_z_iso. simpl. intro c. unfold is_z_isomorphism.
  use tpair. { simpl. unfold functor_fix_snd_arg_ob. simpl.
               rewrite natplusr0. exact (monfunstnid c). }
    abstract(cbv beta; unfold tensor_right_unitor_ord_nt_data;
               unfold functor_fix_snd_arg_ob; simpl;
               induction (natplusr0 c); simpl; reflexivity;
               induction (natplusr0 c); reflexivity).

Definition tensor_associator_card_nat_trans_data : nat_trans_data (assoc_left tensor_functor_card) (assoc_right tensor_functor_card).
Show proof.
  unfold nat_trans_data. simpl. induction x as [nm k], nm as [n m].
   simpl. rewrite natplusassoc. exact (idfun _).

Arguments tensor_associator_card_nat_trans_data /.

Definition tensor_associator_card_is_nat_trans : is_nat_trans _ _ tensor_associator_card_nat_trans_data.
Show proof.
  unfold is_nat_trans. simpl.
  induction x as [nm k], nm as [n m], x' as [n'm' k'], n'm' as [n' m'].
  simpl. induction f as [fg h], fg as [f g].
  unfold "·". simpl.
  apply fincard_hom_extensionality. simpl.
  induction x as [xval xbd].
  simpl. induction (natplusassoc n' m' k'). simpl.
  unfold sumfn. simpl.

  set (QQ := internal_paths_rew_r nat (n + m + k ) (n + (m + k )) _ _ _).
  assert (xval < n + (m + k)) as xbd'. { rewrite (pathsinv0 (natplusassoc n m k)). exact xbd. }
  assert ((QQ (xval,, xbd)) = (xval,, xbd')) as j.
  { apply subtypeInjectivity_prop. induction (natplusassoc n m k). reflexivity. }
  simpl in j. rewrite j.
  induction (natlthorgeh _ _) as [INDXLN | INDXGTN].
  + simpl.
     assert (xval < (n + m)) as leq by exact (natgehgthtrans _ n _ (natlehnplusnm n m) INDXLN).
     rewrite (natlthorgeh_left_branch leq _). simpl.
  + simpl. induction (natlthorgeh _ _) as [XNLM | XNGTM].
    * simpl.
      assert ((xval - n) < m) as SS by exact (nat_split XNLM INDXGTN).
      rewrite (natlthorgeh_left_branch SS _). simpl.
      apply (maponpaths (λ k, k + n')), maponpaths, maponpaths, subtypeInjectivity_prop.
    * simpl. assert (xval - n m) as SS.
      { rewrite (pathsinv0 (plusminusnmm m n)).
        apply natgehandminusr. rewrite natpluscomm. exact XNGTM.
      rewrite (natlthorgeh_right_branch SS _). simpl.
      rewrite natplusassoc, (natpluscomm n' m').
      apply (maponpaths (λ k, k + (m' + n'))), maponpaths, maponpaths, subtypeInjectivity_prop.
      simpl. rewrite natminusminus. reflexivity.

Definition tensor_associator_card_nat_trans : nat_trans (assoc_left tensor_functor_card) (assoc_right tensor_functor_card)
  := (tensor_associator_card_nat_trans_data,,tensor_associator_card_is_nat_trans).

Definition tensor_associator_ord_nat_trans_data :
  nat_trans_data (assoc_left tensor_functor_ord) (assoc_right tensor_functor_ord).
Show proof.
  unfold nat_trans_data. intro x. induction x as [nm k], nm as [n m].
  unfold tensor_functor_ord. simpl.
  rewrite natplusassoc. exact (monfunstnid _).

Arguments tensor_associator_ord_nat_trans_data /.

Definition tensor_associator_ord_is_nat_trans : is_nat_trans _ _ tensor_associator_ord_nat_trans_data.
Show proof.
  cbv beta. unfold is_nat_trans, tensor_associator_ord_nat_trans_data. simpl.
  intros nmk n'm'k' fgh. induction nmk as [nm k], nm as [n m].
  induction n'm'k' as [n'm' k'], n'm' as [n' m'].
  induction fgh as [fg h], fg as [f g].
  simpl in *. apply U_faithful. unfold U. simpl.
  apply fincard_hom_extensionality. intro x. simpl.
  induction (natplusassoc n' m' k'). simpl.
  unfold sumfn. simpl.
  set (QQ := internal_paths_rew_r nat (n + m + k ) (n + (m + k )) _ _ _).
  simpl in QQ.
  assert (x < n + (m + k)) as xbd'.
  { rewrite (pathsinv0 (natplusassoc n m k)). exact (stnlt x). }
  set (x' := ordconstr (stntonat _ x) xbd').
  assert (QQ x =x') as RW.
  { apply subtypeInjectivity_prop. induction (natplusassoc n m k). reflexivity. }
  rewrite RW. simpl.

  induction (natlthorgeh x n).
  + simpl. assert (x < (n + m)) as l.
    { apply (natgehgthtrans _ n _ ).
      * rewrite natpluscomm. exact (natlehmplusnm m n).
      * exact a.
    rewrite (natlthorgeh_left_branch l _). simpl.
    apply maponpaths. apply maponpaths. apply subtypeInjectivity_prop. reflexivity.
  + simpl. induction x as [xval xbd]. simpl.
    induction (natlthorgeh (xval - n) m).
    * simpl. assert ( xval < n + m) as l. {
         rewrite (pathsinv0 (minusplusnmm xval n b)). rewrite (natpluscomm n m).
         exact (natlthandplusr _ _ n a).
       } simpl.
       rewrite (natlthorgeh_left_branch l _). simpl. apply (maponpaths (λ k, k + n')).
       apply maponpaths. apply maponpaths. apply subtypeInjectivity_prop. reflexivity.
    * simpl. assert (xval n + m) as geq. {
        rewrite (pathsinv0 (minusplusnmm xval n b)). rewrite (natpluscomm n m).
        exact (natlehandplusr _ _ _ b0).
      rewrite (natlthorgeh_right_branch geq _). simpl. rewrite (natpluscomm n' m').
      rewrite natplusassoc. apply (maponpaths (λ k, k + (m'+n'))).
      apply maponpaths. apply maponpaths. apply subtypeInjectivity_prop. simpl.
      exact (pathsinv0 (natminusminus _ _ _)).

Definition tensor_associator_ord_nat_trans :
  nat_trans (assoc_left tensor_functor_ord) (assoc_right tensor_functor_ord):=
  (tensor_associator_ord_nat_trans_data,, tensor_associator_ord_is_nat_trans).

Definition tensor_associator_card : associator tensor_functor_card.
Show proof.
  unfold associator, nat_z_iso, is_nat_z_iso.
  exists tensor_associator_card_nat_trans.
  induction c as [nm k], nm as [n m].
  unfold is_z_isomorphism.
  use tpair.
  - simpl.
    rewrite natplusassoc. exact (monfunstnid _).
  - abstract(cbv beta;
    unfold is_inverse_in_precat;
      simpl; unfold tensor_associator_card_nat_trans_data; simpl;
        induction (natplusassoc n m k); simpl;
        apply fincard_hom_extensionality; reflexivity;
     simpl; unfold tensor_associator_card_nat_trans_data;
      induction (pathsinv0 (natplusassoc n m k));
      simpl; induction (natplusassoc n m k); simpl; apply fincard_hom_extensionality;

Definition tensor_associator_ord : associator tensor_functor_ord.
  unfold associator, nat_z_iso.
  exists tensor_associator_ord_nat_trans.
  unfold is_nat_z_iso.
  intro c. induction c as [nm k]. induction nm as [n m].
  unfold is_z_isomorphism.
  use tpair. {
    simpl. rewrite natplusassoc. exact (monfunstnid _).
  { abstract(cbv beta;
    unfold is_inverse_in_precat, tensor_associator_ord_nat_trans,
      simpl; induction (natplusassoc n m k); simpl;
        apply morphism_extensionality; reflexivity;
      simpl; induction (pathsinv0 (natplusassoc n m k));
        simpl; induction (natplusassoc n m k); simpl; apply morphism_extensionality;

Proposition triangle_eq_holds_card : triangle_eq tensor_functor_card tensor_unit tensor_left_unitor_card tensor_right_unitor_card tensor_associator_card.
Show proof.
  unfold triangle_eq. simpl. intros a b. apply fincard_hom_extensionality.
  unfold tensor_functor_card, functor_fix_snd_arg_ob,
    tensor_right_unitor_card_nt_data, tensor_associator_card_nat_trans_data.
  intro x. induction x as [xval xbd].
  unfold sumfn. simpl.

  set (QJ := internal_paths_rew_r nat (a + 0 + b) _ _ _ _ ). simpl in QJ.
  assert (xval < a + b) as XLAB'. { rewrite (pathsinv0 (natplusr0 a)). exact xbd. }
  set (x' := ordconstr xval XLAB'). unfold "·". simpl.
  assert ((QJ (xval,, xbd)) = x') as RW.
  { apply subtypeInjectivity_prop. simpl in *. unfold QJ. generalize (natplusassoc a 0 b).
    simpl. generalize (a + b). induction p. reflexivity.
  } simpl in *. rewrite RW.
  induction (natlthorgeh xval _) as [XLA | XGA].
  - simpl. assert (xval < a) as XLA'. { rewrite (natplusr0 a) in XLA. exact XLA. }
    rewrite (natlthorgeh_left_branch XLA' _). simpl in *. induction (natplusr0 a). reflexivity.
  - simpl. assert (xval a) as XGA'. { rewrite (natplusr0 a) in XGA. exact XGA. }
    rewrite (natlthorgeh_right_branch XGA' _). simpl in *. rewrite (natplusr0 a). reflexivity.

Proposition triangle_eq_holds_ord : triangle_eq tensor_functor_ord tensor_unit tensor_left_unitor_ord tensor_right_unitor_ord tensor_associator_ord.
Show proof.
  unfold triangle_eq. simpl. intros a b. apply morphism_extensionality.
  unfold tensor_functor_ord, functor_fix_snd_arg_ob. simpl.
  unfold tensor_associator_ord_nat_trans_data. simpl.
  intro x. induction x as [xval xbd].
  unfold sumfn. simpl.
  set (QJ := internal_paths_rew_r nat (a + 0 + b) _ _ _ _ ). simpl in QJ.
  assert (xval < a + b) as XLAB'. { rewrite (pathsinv0 (natplusr0 a)). exact xbd. }
  set (x' := ordconstr xval XLAB'). unfold "·". simpl.
  assert ((QJ (xval,, xbd)) = x') as RW.
  { apply subtypeInjectivity_prop. simpl in *. unfold QJ. generalize (natplusassoc a 0 b).
    simpl. generalize (a + b). induction p. reflexivity.
  } simpl in *. rewrite RW.
  apply subtypeInjectivity_prop.
  induction (natlthorgeh xval _) as [XLA | XGA].
  - simpl. assert (xval < a) as XLA'. { rewrite (natplusr0 a) in XLA. exact XLA. }
    rewrite (natlthorgeh_left_branch XLA' _). simpl in *.
    induction (natplusr0 a). reflexivity.
  - simpl. assert (xval a) as XGA'. { rewrite (natplusr0 a) in XGA. exact XGA. }
    rewrite (natlthorgeh_right_branch XGA' _). simpl in *. rewrite (natplusr0 a). reflexivity.

Proposition pentagon_eq_holds_card : pentagon_eq tensor_functor_card tensor_associator_card.
Show proof.
  unfold pentagon_eq. intros. apply fincard_hom_extensionality. simpl.
  unfold tensor_associator_card_nat_trans_data. simpl.
  intro x. induction (natplusassoc b c d). simpl.
  induction (natplusassoc a b (c + d)). simpl.
  unfold "·". simpl.
  induction (natplusassoc (a + b) c d). simpl.
  unfold "id". simpl. set (k:=(tensor_id_card (make_dirprod a (b + c + d)))).
  unfold "id" in k. simpl in k. simpl.
  unfold "id" in k. simpl in k. unfold Δ_sdg_ob_constr. rewrite k.
  induction (natplusassoc a (b + c) d), (natplusassoc a b c). simpl.
  set (k':=(tensor_id_card (make_dirprod (a + b + c) d))).
  unfold "id" in k'. simpl in k'.
  unfold "id" in k'. simpl in k'. rewrite k'. reflexivity.

Proposition pentagon_eq_holds_ord : pentagon_eq tensor_functor_ord tensor_associator_ord.
Show proof.
  unfold pentagon_eq.
  intros. apply U_faithful. rewrite (functor_comp U), (functor_comp U), (functor_comp U).
  apply fincard_hom_extensionality.
  unfold tensor_associator_ord. simpl.
  unfold tensor_associator_ord_nat_trans_data. simpl.
  intro x. induction (natplusassoc b c d), (natplusassoc a b (c + d)).
  unfold "·". simpl.
  induction (natplusassoc (a + b) c d).
  set (j:= (tensor_id_card (make_dirprod a (b + c + d)))).
  unfold tensor_data_card in j. simpl in j. unfold "id" in j. simpl in j.
  unfold idfun. simpl. unfold idfun in j. rewrite j. induction (natplusassoc a (b + c) d).
  induction (natplusassoc a b c). simpl.
  set (j' := (tensor_id_card (make_dirprod (a + b + c) d))).

  unfold tensor_data_card in j'. simpl in j'.
  simpl in j'. unfold "id" in j'. simpl in j'. unfold idfun in *. rewrite j'.

Definition AugmentedSimplexCategory : monoidal_cat.
Show proof.
  use make_monoidal_cat.
  + exact Δ.
  + exact tensor_functor_ord.
  + exact tensor_unit.
  + exact tensor_left_unitor_ord.
  + exact tensor_right_unitor_ord.
  + exact tensor_associator_ord.
  + exact triangle_eq_holds_ord.
  + exact pentagon_eq_holds_ord.

Definition FinCard : monoidal_cat.
Show proof.
  use make_monoidal_cat.
  + exact Δ_sdg.
  + exact tensor_functor_card.
  + exact tensor_unit.
  + exact tensor_left_unitor_card.
  + exact tensor_right_unitor_card.
  + exact tensor_associator_card.
  + exact triangle_eq_holds_card.
  + exact pentagon_eq_holds_card.

Definition U_ε : (monoidal_cat_unit FinCard) --> U (monoidal_cat_unit AugmentedSimplexCategory).
Show proof.
  unfold U. simpl. unfold monoidal_cat_unit. simpl. exact (idfun ( tensor_unit )%stn).

Definition U_μ : monoidal_functor_map AugmentedSimplexCategory FinCard U.
Show proof.
  unfold monoidal_functor_map. simpl.
  unfold "⟹". use tpair.
  - unfold nat_trans_data. unfold precategory_binproduct_data.
    simpl. simpl. intro x. induction x as [n m].
    simpl. exact (idfun ( n + m )%stn).
  - abstract(cbv beta;
      unfold is_nat_trans; simpl; intros x x'; induction x as [n m], x' as [n' m'];
      unfold precategory_binproduct_mor; intro fg; simpl in fg; induction fg as [f g];
    set (s:= id_left (Δ_sdg_mor_constr (AugmentedSimplexCategory.sumfn (pr1 f) (pr1 g))));
    unfold "id" in s; simpl in s; unfold Δ_sdg_mor_constr in s;
    unfold Δ_sdg_ob_constr in s; unfold idfun;
    simpl in s; simpl; induction f as [ffun fguarantee], g as [gfun gguarantee];
    simpl in s; simpl; unfold "·"; unfold "·" in s; simpl in s; simpl;
    unfold idfun in s; rewrite s; reflexivity).

Definition U_α : monoidal_functor_associativity AugmentedSimplexCategory FinCard U U_μ.
Show proof.
  unfold monoidal_functor_associativity.
  intros x y z. simpl.
  unfold MonoidalFunctorsTensored.α_D, MonoidalFunctorsTensored.α_C. simpl.
  unfold monoidal_cat_associator. simpl.
  change (idfun ( x + y + z)%stn) with (identity (C:=Δ_sdg) (x + y + z)).
  change (idfun ( x + y )%stn) with (identity (C:=Δ_sdg) (x + y)).
  change (idfun ( x + (y + z) )%stn) with (identity (C:=Δ_sdg) (x + (y+z))).
  change (idfun ( y + z )%stn) with (identity (C:=Δ_sdg) (y+z)).
  set (j':= (tensor_id_card (make_dirprod (x + y) z))). simpl in *. rewrite j'.
  set (j:= (tensor_id_card (make_dirprod x (y + z)))). simpl in *. rewrite j.
  simpl in *.
  rewrite (id_right (C:=Δ_sdg)), (id_right (C:=Δ_sdg)),
  (id_right (C:=Δ_sdg)), (id_left (C:=Δ_sdg)).
  apply fincard_hom_extensionality. intro t.   cbn. unfold tensor_associator_ord_nat_trans_data, tensor_associator_card_nat_trans_data.
  induction (nat_rect _ _). reflexivity.

Local Proposition U_unitality : monoidal_functor_unitality AugmentedSimplexCategory FinCard U U_ε U_μ.
Show proof.
  unfold monoidal_functor_unitality.
  simpl. intro x. unfold MonoidalFunctorsTensored.λ_D, monoidal_cat_left_unitor. simpl.
  - change (idfun (x)%stn) with (identity (C:=Δ_sdg) x).
    rewrite (id_right (C:=Δ_sdg)), (id_right (C:=Δ_sdg)).
    cbn. unfold U_ε, sumfn. simpl. apply funextsec. intro A. simpl.
    apply subtypeInjectivity_prop. simpl. rewrite natminuseqn. rewrite natplusr0. reflexivity.
  - change (idfun (x)%stn) with (identity (C:=Δ_sdg) x).
    unfold MonoidalFunctorsTensored.I_C, monoidal_cat_unit. simpl.
    rewrite (id_right (C:=Δ_sdg)). cbn.
    unfold tensor_right_unitor_card_nt_data.
    induction (natplusr0 x). simpl.
    apply funextsec. intro y. simpl. unfold sumfn.
    induction y as [yval ybd]. simpl.
    assert (yval < x) as j. { rewrite (natplusr0 x) in ybd. exact ybd. }
    rewrite (natlthorgeh_left_branch j _). simpl.
    induction (! natplusr0 x). simpl. apply subtypeInjectivity_prop. reflexivity.

Definition U_Mon_Lax : lax_monoidal_functor AugmentedSimplexCategory FinCard.
Show proof.
  use make_lax_monoidal_functor.
  + exact U.
  + exact U_ε.
  + exact U_μ.
  + exact U_α.
  + exact U_unitality.

Definition U_Mon_Strong : strong_monoidal_functor AugmentedSimplexCategory FinCard.
Show proof.
  exists U_Mon_Lax. split.
  - cbn. unfold is_z_isomorphism. use tpair.
    + simpl. exact (idfun ( tensor_unit )%stn).
    + abstract(simpl; unfold is_inverse_in_precat; split;
        unfold U_ε; exact (id_right (C:=Δ_sdg) (idfun _));
        unfold U_ε; exact (id_right (C:=Δ_sdg) (idfun _))).
  - unfold is_nat_z_iso. simpl. intro c. induction c as [n m].
    unfold is_z_isomorphism. simpl. exists (idfun ( n + m)%stn).
    abstract(unfold is_inverse_in_precat; split;
      exact (id_right (C:=Δ_sdg) (idfun _));
      exact (id_right (C:=Δ_sdg) (idfun _))).

Local Lemma functor_eq_to_object_eq_on_homs
  (C D : precategory) (F G : functor C D) ( p : F = G) (c : C) (d : D) ( f : d --> G c) :
    internal_paths_rew_r (C D) F G (λ H : C D, D d , H c) f p =
      internal_paths_rew_r D (F c) (G c) (λ d' : D, D d , d' ) f
                           (maponpaths (λ H : C D, H c) p).
Show proof.
  induction p. reflexivity.

Local Proposition tensor_card_is_strict_left_iso_id :
   eq_λ : I_pretensor (monoidal_cat_tensor FinCard)
         (monoidal_cat_unit FinCard) = functor_identity (pr1 FinCard),
  (is_nat_z_iso_id eq_λ (monoidal_cat_left_unitor FinCard)).
Show proof.
  intro eq_λ.
  unfold is_nat_z_iso_id. intro c. unfold nat_comp_to_endo.
  rewrite functor_eq_to_object_eq_on_homs. set (j := maponpaths _ _). simpl in j. simpl in c.
  assert (j = idpath c) as RW by apply (setproperty natset); rewrite RW.

Local Arguments monoidal_cat_tensor /.
Local Arguments monoidal_cat_unit /.
Local Arguments functor_fix_fst_arg /.
Local Arguments functor_fix_snd_arg /.
Local Arguments functor_fix_fst_arg_ob /.
Local Arguments functor_fix_snd_arg_ob /.

Local Definition right_unitor_id (c : Δ_sdg) :
           I_posttensor (monoidal_cat_tensor FinCard)
         (monoidal_cat_unit FinCard) c = functor_identity (pr1 FinCard) c.
Show proof.
  simpl. exact (natplusr0 c).

Local Proposition tensor_card_is_strict_right_iso_id : eq_ρ : I_posttensor (monoidal_cat_tensor FinCard)
         (monoidal_cat_unit FinCard) = functor_identity (pr1 FinCard),
  is_nat_z_iso_id eq_ρ (monoidal_cat_right_unitor FinCard).
Show proof.
  unfold is_nat_z_iso_id. intros eq_ρ c. unfold nat_comp_to_endo.
  set (Δ_sdg := (pr1 FinCard)).
  set (Rtensor0 := (I_posttensor _ _)).
  set (idfunctor := (functor_identity _)).
  rewrite functor_eq_to_object_eq_on_homs. set (j := maponpaths _ _).
  cbv beta in j.
  assert (j = right_unitor_id c) as RW by apply (setproperty natset); rewrite RW.
  unfold right_unitor_id, transportb. apply fincard_hom_extensionality.
  intro x. unfold Rtensor0 in x. simpl in x.
  simpl. unfold tensor_right_unitor_card_nt_data. simpl.
  induction (natplusr0 c). simpl. reflexivity.

Local Proposition tensor_card_is_strict_associator_id :
   eq_α : assoc_left tensor_functor_card = assoc_right tensor_functor_card,
  is_nat_z_iso_id eq_α (monoidal_cat_associator FinCard).
Show proof.
  unfold is_nat_z_iso_id. intro eq_α.
  intro c. simpl in c. induction c as [nm k]. induction nm as [n m].
  unfold nat_comp_to_endo. rewrite functor_eq_to_object_eq_on_homs.
  unfold assoc_left. simpl.
  set (j:= maponpaths _ _).
  assert (j = (natplusassoc n m k)) as RW by apply (pr2 natset). rewrite RW.
  simpl. generalize (natplusassoc n m k). induction p. simpl. reflexivity.

Definition FinCardStrict : strict_monoidal_cat.
Show proof.
  use tpair. { exact FinCard. }
  cbv beta. intros eq_λ eq_ρ eq_α.
  use tpair. { exact (tensor_card_is_strict_left_iso_id eq_λ). }
  cbv beta. split. { exact (tensor_card_is_strict_right_iso_id eq_ρ). }
  exact (tensor_card_is_strict_associator_id eq_α).

Local Proposition tensor_Δ_left_unitor_is_id :
   eq_λ : I_pretensor (monoidal_cat_tensor AugmentedSimplexCategory)
         (monoidal_cat_unit AugmentedSimplexCategory) = functor_identity (pr1 AugmentedSimplexCategory), (is_nat_z_iso_id eq_λ (monoidal_cat_left_unitor AugmentedSimplexCategory)).
Show proof.
  unfold is_nat_z_iso_id. intros eq_λ c.
  unfold nat_comp_to_endo. set (Δ_sd := (pr1 FinCard)).
  set (Ltensor0 := (I_pretensor _ _)).
  set (idfunctor := (functor_identity _)).
  rewrite functor_eq_to_object_eq_on_homs. set (j := maponpaths _ _).
  unfold monoidal_cat_left_unitor. simpl pr1.
  unfold tensor_left_unitor_ord. simpl.
  unfold Ltensor0, idfunctor in j. simpl in j.
  assert (j = idpath c) as RW by apply (setproperty natset). rewrite RW.

Local Proposition tensor_Δ_right_unitor_is_id :
   eq_ρ : I_posttensor (monoidal_cat_tensor AugmentedSimplexCategory)
                        (monoidal_cat_unit AugmentedSimplexCategory) =
             functor_identity (pr1 AugmentedSimplexCategory),
  is_nat_z_iso_id eq_ρ (monoidal_cat_right_unitor AugmentedSimplexCategory).
Show proof.
  unfold is_nat_z_iso_id. intro eq_ρ. intro c.
  unfold nat_comp_to_endo.
  set (Rtensor0 := (I_posttensor _ _)).
  set (idfunctor := (functor_identity _)).
  rewrite functor_eq_to_object_eq_on_homs. set (j := maponpaths _ _).
  cbv beta in j.
  assert (j = right_unitor_id c) as RW. { apply (setproperty natset). } rewrite RW.
  simpl. unfold right_unitor_id. induction (natplusr0 c). simpl. reflexivity.

Local Proposition tensor_ord_is_strict_associator_id :
   eq_α : assoc_left tensor_functor_ord = assoc_right tensor_functor_ord,
  is_nat_z_iso_id eq_α (monoidal_cat_associator AugmentedSimplexCategory).
Show proof.
  unfold is_nat_z_iso_id. intro eq_α.
  intro c. simpl in c. induction c as [nm k], nm as [n m].
  unfold nat_comp_to_endo. rewrite functor_eq_to_object_eq_on_homs.
  unfold assoc_left. simpl.
  set (j:= maponpaths _ _).
  assert (j = (natplusassoc n m k)) as RW by apply (setproperty natset); rewrite RW.
  simpl. generalize (natplusassoc n m k). induction p. reflexivity.

Definition FinOrdStrict : strict_monoidal_cat.
Show proof.
  use tpair. { exact AugmentedSimplexCategory. }
  cbv beta. intros eq_λ eq_ρ eq_α.
  use tpair. { exact (tensor_Δ_left_unitor_is_id eq_λ). }
  split. { exact (tensor_Δ_right_unitor_is_id eq_ρ). }
  exact (tensor_ord_is_strict_associator_id eq_α).