Library Nijn.Examples.MapRuleRemoval

Require Import Nijn.Nijn.

Open Scope poly_scope.

The base types
Inductive base_types :=
| TBtype
| TList.

Global Instance decEq_base_types : decEq base_types.

Definition Btype := Base TBtype.
Definition List := Base TList.

The function symbols and their arities
Inductive fun_symbols :=
| TNil
| TCons
| TMap.

Global Instance decEq_fun_symbols : decEq fun_symbols.

Definition map_ar f
  := match f with
     | TNilList
     | TConsBtype List List
     | TMap(Btype Btype) List List

Definition Nil {C} : tm map_ar C _ := BaseTm TNil.
Definition Cons {C} : tm map_ar C _ := BaseTm TCons.
Definition Map {C} : tm map_ar C _ := BaseTm TMap.

The rewrite rules
Program Definition map_nil :=
    (_ ,, ) _
    (Map · V 0 · Nil)

Program Definition map_cons :=
    (_ ,, _ ,, _ ,, ) _
    (Map · V 0 · (Cons · V 1 · V 2))
    (Cons · (V 0 · V 1) · (Map · V 0 · V 2)).

Definition map_afs :=
    (map_nil :: map_cons :: nil).

The polynomials
Definition map_fun_poly f : poly (arity map_afs f) :=
  match f with
  | TNilto_Poly (P_const 2)
  | TCons
    λP let y0 := P_var (Vz) in
    λP let y1 := P_var (Vs Vz) in
    to_Poly (P_const 3 + y0 + y1)
  | TMap
    λP let y0 := P_var Vz in
    λP let G1 := P_var (Vs Vz) in
    to_Poly (P_const 3 + P_const 3 × y0 + G1 ·P y0 + P_const 3 × y0 × G1 ·P y0)

Strong normalization
Theorem map_isSN : isSN map_afs.
  rule_removal_certificate (0 :: nil).
  { poly_certificate map_fun_poly. }
  rule_removal_certificate (0 :: nil).
  { poly_certificate map_fun_poly. }