Library Nijn.TerminationTechniques.PolynomialMethod.Polynomial

Require Import Nijn.Prelude.
Require Import Nijn.Syntax.
Require Import Nijn.Interpretation.OrderInterpretation.
Require Import Nijn.TerminationTechniques.RuleRemoval.RuleSelector.

Require Import Lia.

The polynomial method

We start by defining polynomials. To do that, we define both base polynomials and arbitrary polynomials and that we can convert between base polynomials and polynomials of a base type. Since base polynomials do not keep track of the type, we can freely add and multiply them without worrying about whether their types are actually the same.
Inductive base_poly {B : Type} : con B Type :=
| P_const : {C : con B}, nat base_poly C
| P_plus : {C : con B}, base_poly C base_poly C base_poly C
| P_mult : {C : con B}, base_poly C base_poly C base_poly C
| from_poly : {C : con B} {b : B},
                poly C (Base b)
                 base_poly C
with poly {B : Type} : con B ty B Type :=
| P_base : {C : con B} {b : B}, base_poly C poly C (Base b)
| P_var : {C : con B} {A : ty B},
            var C A
             poly C A
| P_app : {C : con B} {A₁ A₂ : ty B},
            poly C (A₁ A₂)
             poly C A₁
             poly C A₂
| P_lam : {C : con B} {A₁ A₂ : ty B},
            poly (A₁ ,, C) A₂
             poly C (A₁ A₂).

Polynomial interpretation

Section PolyAlgebra.
  Context {B : Type} {F : Type}
          (X : afs B F)
          (J : (f : F), poly (arity X f)).

  Definition p_base : B CompatRel
    := fun (_ : B) ⇒ nat_CompatRel.

  Notation "⟦ C ⟧con" := (sem_Con p_base C).
  Notation "⟦ A ⟧ty" := (sem_Ty p_base A).

Semantics of polynomials

  Fixpoint sem_base_poly
           {C : con B}
           (P : base_poly C)
    : C con wm nat_CompatRel
    := match P with
       | P_const nconst_wm (n : nat_CompatRel)
       | P_plus P1 P2plus_fun_wm (sem_base_poly P1) (sem_base_poly P2)
       | P_mult P1 P2mult_fun_wm (sem_base_poly P1) (sem_base_poly P2)
       | from_poly Psem_poly P
   with sem_poly
        {C : con B}
        {A : ty B}
        (P : poly C A)
    : C con wm A ty
    := match P with
       | P_base Psem_base_poly P
       | P_var vsem_Var _ v
       | P_app P1 P2sem_poly P1 ·wm sem_poly P2
       | P_lam Pλwm (sem_poly P)

  Notation "⟦ P ⟧poly" := (sem_poly P).

  Definition p_fun_sym (f : F) : arity X f ty
    := J f poly tt.

Minimal element of interpretations of types

  Fixpoint min_el_ty
           (A : ty B)
    : minimal_element A ty
    := match A with
       | Base _nat_minimal_element
       | A1 A2min_el_fun_space (min_el_ty A2)

Lower value functions

  Fixpoint lvf
           {A : ty B}
    : A ty wm nat_CompatRel
    := match A with
       | Base _id_wm
       | A₁ A₂lvf wm apply_el_wm (min_el_ty A₁)

  Proposition lvf_strict_monotonic
              {A : ty B}
              {x x' : A ty}
              (p : x > x')
    : lvf x > lvf x'.
    induction A as [ b | A₁ IHA₁ A₂ IHA₂ ] ; cbn.
    - exact p.
    - apply IHA₂.
      apply p.

Addition with natural numbers

  Fixpoint plus_ty_nat
           {A : ty B}
    : A ty × nat_CompatRel wm A ty
    := match A with
       | Base _plus_wm
       | A1 A2
           let f := fst_wm wm snd_wm in
           let x := fst_wm in
           let n := snd_wm wm snd_wm in
           λwm (plus_ty_nat wm f ·wm x , n )

  Notation "f '+c' n" := (plus_ty_nat (f , n)) (at level 50).

  Proposition plus_ty_nat_strict_monotone_l
              {A : ty B}
              (x : A ty)
              {y y' : nat_CompatRel}
              (p : y > y')
    : x +c y > x +c y'.
    induction A as [ b | A₁ IHA₁ A₂ IHA₂ ] ; cbn.
    - cbn in p.
    - intros z.
      apply IHA₂.

  Proposition plus_ty_nat_strict_monotone_r
              {A : ty B}
              {x x' : A ty}
              (y : nat_CompatRel)
              (p : x > x')
    : x +c y > x' +c y.
    induction A as [ b | A₁ IHA₁ A₂ IHA₂ ] ; cbn.
    - cbn in p.
    - intros z.
      apply IHA₂.
      apply p.

  Proposition plus_ty_nat_ge
              {A : ty B}
              (x : A ty)
              (y : nat_CompatRel)
    : x +c y x.
    induction A as [ b | A₁ IHA₁ A₂ IHA₂ ] ; cbn.
    - lia.
    - intros z.
      apply IHA₂.

Interpretation of application

  Definition p_app
             {A1 A2 : ty B}
    : A1 A2 ty × A1 ty wm A2 ty
    := let f := fst_wm in
       let x := snd_wm in
       plus_ty_nat wm f ·wm x , lvf wm x .

  Definition p_app'
             (A1 A2 : ty B)
    : A1 A2 ty × A1 ty wm A2 ty
    := p_app.

  Proposition p_app_ge_id
              (A₁ A₂ : ty B)
              (f : A₁ ty wm A₂ ty)
              (x : A₁ ty)
    : p_app (f , x) f x.
    apply plus_ty_nat_ge.

  Proposition p_app_strict_l
              (A₁ A₂ : ty B)
              (f₁ f₂ : A₁ ty wm A₂ ty)
              (x : A₁ ty)
              (p : f₁ > f₂)
    : p_app (f₁ , x) > p_app (f₂ , x).
    unfold p_app ; cbn.
    apply plus_ty_nat_strict_monotone_r.
    apply p.

  Proposition p_app_strict_r
              (A₁ A₂ : ty B)
              (f : A₁ ty wm A₂ ty)
              (x₁ x₂ : A₁ ty)
              (p : x₁ > x₂)
    : p_app (f , x₁) > p_app (f , x₂).
    unfold p_app ; cbn.
    simple refine (ge_gt _ _).
    - exact (f x₂ +c lvf x₁).
    - apply map_ge.
      + cbn.
        apply map_ge.
        apply compat.
        exact p.
      + apply ge_refl.
    - apply plus_ty_nat_strict_monotone_l.
      apply (lvf_strict_monotonic p).

  Notation "⟦ t ⟧tm" := (sem_Tm p_base p_fun_sym p_app' t).

Compatibility requirement

  Definition poly_WMalgebra_rewrite_rule
             (r : rewriteRules X)
             (Hr : (x : vars r con),
                      lhs r tm x > rhs r tm x)
             (C : con B)
             (s : sub (arity X) C (vars r))
             (x : C con)
    : lhs r [ s ] tm x > rhs r [ s ] tm x.
    rewrite !sub_Lemma.
    apply Hr.

  Definition poly_WMalgebra_rewrite_rule_ge
             (r : rewriteRules X)
             (Hr : (x : vars r con),
                      lhs r tm x rhs r tm x)
             (C : con B)
             (s : sub (arity X) C (vars r))
             (x : C con)
    : lhs r [ s ] tm x rhs r [ s ] tm x.
    rewrite !sub_Lemma.
    apply Hr.

Interpretation from polynomials

  Definition poly_InterpretationData
    : InterpretationData X.
    simple refine (make_InterpretationData
                     (fun _ ⇒ 0)
                     (fun _nat_Wf)
    - exact p_app_strict_l.
    - exact p_app_strict_r.
    - exact p_app_ge_id.

  Definition poly_Interpretation
             (H : (r : rewriteRules X)
                         (x : vars r con),
                   lhs r tm x > rhs r tm x)
    : Interpretation X.
    simple refine (make_Interpretation _ _ _ _ _).
    - exact poly_InterpretationData.
    - abstract
        (intros ;
         apply poly_WMalgebra_rewrite_rule ;
         apply H).

Strong reduction pairs from polynomials

  Definition poly_strong_reduction_pair
    : strong_reduction_pair (arity X).
    apply interpretation_to_strong_reduction_pair.
    exact poly_InterpretationData.

  Definition poly_SelectorInterpretation
             `{decEq B}
             `{decEq F}
             (P : selector X)
             (H_gt : (r : rewriteRules X)
                            (x : vars r con),
                       selector_members P r
                        lhs r tm x > rhs r tm x)
             (H_ge : (r : rewriteRules X)
                            (x : vars r con),
                       ~(selector_members P r)
                        lhs r tm x rhs r tm x)
    : SelectorInterpretation X P.
    refine {| s_inter := poly_InterpretationData ;
             semR_gt := _ ;
             semR_ge := _|}.
    - abstract
        (intros r C s x Hr ;
         apply poly_WMalgebra_rewrite_rule ;
         intro ;
         apply (H_gt r _ Hr)).
    - abstract
        (intros r C s x Hr ;
         apply poly_WMalgebra_rewrite_rule_ge ;
         intro ;
         apply (H_ge r _ Hr)).
End PolyAlgebra.