Library Nijn.Interpretation.OrderInterpretation

Require Import Nijn.Prelude.
Require Import Nijn.Syntax.
Require Import Nijn.TerminationTechniques.RuleRemoval.RuleSelector.
Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.

Interpretations of algebraic functional systems

Section OrderInterpretation.
  Context {B : Type}
          (semB : B CompatRel)
          `{ (b : B), isCompatRel (semB b)}.

Interpretation of types

  Fixpoint sem_Ty
           (A : ty B)
    : CompatRel
    := match A with
       | Base bsemB b
       | A1 A2sem_Ty A1 wm sem_Ty A2

  Global Instance sem_Ty_CompatRel
         (A : ty B)
    : isCompatRel (sem_Ty A).
    induction A ; apply _.

  Fixpoint sem_Ty_el
           (els : (b : B), semB b)
           (A : ty B)
    : sem_Ty A
    := match A with
       | Base b ⇒ (els b : sem_Ty (Base b))
       | A1 A2const_wm (sem_Ty_el els A2)

Interpretation of contexts

  Fixpoint sem_Con
           (C : con B)
    : CompatRel
    := match C with
       | unit_CompatRel
       | A ,, Csem_Ty A × sem_Con C

  Global Instance sem_Con_isCompatRel
         (C : con B)
    : isCompatRel (sem_Con C).
    induction C ; apply _.

  Fixpoint sem_Con_el
             (els : (b : B), semB b)
             (C : con B)
    : sem_Con C
    := match C with
       | tt
       | A ,, C(sem_Ty_el els A , sem_Con_el els C)

Interpretation of variables

  Fixpoint sem_Var
           {C : con B}
           {A : ty B}
           (v : var C A)
    : sem_Con C wm sem_Ty A
    := match v with
       | Vzfst_wm
       | Vs vsem_Var v wm snd_wm

  Global Instance sem_Var_strictMonotone
         {C : con B}
         {A : ty B}
         (v : var C A)
    : strictMonotone (sem_Var v).
    induction v ; apply _.

  Context {F : Type}
          {ar : F ty B}
          (semF : (f : F), sem_Ty (ar f))
          (semApp : (A1 A2 : ty B),
                      (sem_Ty A1 wm sem_Ty A2) × sem_Ty A1 wm sem_Ty A2).

Interpretation of terms

  Fixpoint sem_Tm
           {C : con B}
           {A : ty B}
           (t : tm ar C A)
    : sem_Con C wm sem_Ty A
    := match t with
       | BaseTm fconst_wm (semF f)
       | TmVar vsem_Var v
       | λ fλwm (sem_Tm f)
       | f · tsemApp _ _ wm sem_Tm f , sem_Tm t

Interpretation of substitutions

  Fixpoint sem_Sub
           {C1 C2 : con B}
           (s : sub ar C1 C2)
    : sem_Con C1 wm sem_Con C2
    := match s with
       | ToEmpty Cconst_wm (tt : unit_CompatRel)
       | s && t sem_Tm t , sem_Sub s

Interpretation of weakenings

  Definition sem_Wk
             {C1 C2 : con B}
             (w : wk C1 C2)
    : sem_Con C1 sem_Con C2.
    induction w as [ | ? ? ? w IHw | ? ? ? w IHw ].
    - exact (fun _tt).
    - exact (fun x(fst x , IHw (snd x))).
    - exact (fun xIHw (snd x)).

  Global Instance sem_Wk_weakMonotone
                  {C1 C2 : con B}
                  (w : wk C1 C2)
    : weakMonotone (sem_Wk w).
    induction w ; apply _.

  Global Instance sem_Wk_strictMonotone
                  {C1 C2 : con B}
                  (w : wk C1 C2)
    : strictMonotone (sem_Wk w).
    induction w.
    - intro ; cbn in ×.
    - apply _.
    - apply _.
End OrderInterpretation.

Lemmas on the interpretation of substitution

Proposition sem_idWk
            {B : Type}
            (semB : B CompatRel)
            `{ (b : B), isCompatRel (semB b)}
            {C : con B}
            (x : sem_Con semB C)
  : sem_Wk semB (idWk C) x = x.
  induction C as [ | A C IHC ].
  - destruct x.
  - destruct x ; simpl.
    rewrite IHC.

Proposition sem_wkVar
            {B : Type}
            (semB : B CompatRel)
            `{ (b : B), isCompatRel (semB b)}
            {F : Type}
            {ar : F ty B}
            (semF : (f : F), sem_Ty semB (ar f))
            (semApp : (A1 A2 : ty B),
                        (sem_Ty semB A1 wm sem_Ty semB A2) × sem_Ty semB A1
                        sem_Ty semB A2)
            {C1 C2 : con B}
            (w : wk C1 C2)
            {A : ty B}
            (v : var C2 A)
            (x : sem_Con semB C1)
  : sem_Tm semB semF semApp (TmVar (wkVar v w)) x
    sem_Tm semB semF semApp (TmVar v) (sem_Wk semB w x).
  induction w as [ | ? ? ? w IHw | ? ? ? w IHw ].
  - cbn.
    destruct x.
  - destruct x as [x1 x2].
    dependent induction v.
    + cbn.
    + simpl.
      apply IHw.
  - exact (IHw v (snd x)).

Proposition sem_keepWk
            {B : Type}
            (semB : B CompatRel)
            `{ (b : B), isCompatRel (semB b)}
            {F : Type}
            {ar : F ty B}
            (semF : (f : F), sem_Ty semB (ar f))
            (semApp : (A1 A2 : ty B),
                        (sem_Ty semB A1 wm sem_Ty semB A2) × sem_Ty semB A1
                        sem_Ty semB A2)
            {C1 C2 : con B}
            (w : wk C1 C2)
            {A1 A2 : ty B}
            (t : tm ar (A1 ,, C2) A2)
            (x : sem_Con semB C1)
            (y : sem_Ty semB A1)
  : sem_Tm semB semF semApp (wkTm t (Keep A1 w)) (y , x)
    sem_Tm semB semF semApp t (y , sem_Wk semB w x).
  dependent induction t.
  - reflexivity.
  - dependent induction v.
    + reflexivity.
    + simpl.
      exact (sem_wkVar semB semF semApp w v x).
  - simpl.
    apply eq_weakMonotoneMap.
    intro a.
    refine (IHt semB _ semF semApp _ _ (Keep _ w) _ t _ _ _ _) ; auto.
  - simpl.
    do 2 f_equal.
    + apply IHt1 ; auto.
    + apply IHt2 ; auto.

Proposition sem_dropIdWk
            {B : Type}
            (semB : B CompatRel)
            `{ (b : B), isCompatRel (semB b)}
            {F : Type}
            {ar : F ty B}
            (semF : (f : F), sem_Ty semB (ar f))
            (semApp : (A1 A2 : ty B),
                        (sem_Ty semB A1 wm sem_Ty semB A2) × sem_Ty semB A1
                        sem_Ty semB A2)
            {C : con B}
            {A1 A2 : ty B}
            (t : tm ar C A1)
            (x : sem_Con semB C)
            (y : sem_Ty semB A2)
  : sem_Tm semB semF semApp (wkTm t (Drop A2 (idWk C))) (y , x)
    sem_Tm semB semF semApp t x.
  dependent induction t.
  - reflexivity.
  - simpl.
    induction v.
    + reflexivity.
    + simpl.
      rewrite IHv.
  - simpl.
    apply eq_weakMonotoneMap.
    intro z ; simpl.
    rewrite (sem_keepWk _ _ _ (Drop A2 (idWk C)) t (y , x) z).
    do 2 f_equal.
    exact (sem_idWk _ x).
  - simpl.
    rewrite IHt1, IHt2.

Proposition sem_dropSub
            {B : Type}
            (semB : B CompatRel)
            `{ (b : B), isCompatRel (semB b)}
            {F : Type}
            {ar : F ty B}
            (semF : (f : F), sem_Ty semB (ar f))
            (semApp : (A1 A2 : ty B),
                        (sem_Ty semB A1 wm sem_Ty semB A2) × sem_Ty semB A1
                        sem_Ty semB A2)
            {C1 C2 : con B}
            (s : sub ar C1 C2)
            {A : ty B}
            (y : sem_Ty semB A)
            (x : sem_Con semB C1)
  : sem_Sub semB semF semApp (dropSub _ s) (y , x)
    sem_Sub semB semF semApp s x.
  induction s.
  - reflexivity.
  - simpl.
    rewrite IHs.
    repeat f_equal.
    exact (sem_dropIdWk _ _ _ t x y).

Proposition sem_idSub
            {B : Type}
            (semB : B CompatRel)
            `{ (b : B), isCompatRel (semB b)}
            {F : Type}
            {ar : F ty B}
            (semF : (f : F), sem_Ty semB (ar f))
            (semApp : (A1 A2 : ty B),
                        (sem_Ty semB A1 wm sem_Ty semB A2) × sem_Ty semB A1
                        sem_Ty semB A2)
            {C : con B}
            (x : sem_Con semB C)
  : x = sem_Sub semB semF semApp (idSub C ar) x.
  induction C as [ | A C IHC ].
  - induction x ; cbn.
  - induction x as [x1 x2] ; simpl.
      apply sem_dropSub.
    apply IHC.

The substitution lemma

Proposition sub_Lemma
            {B : Type}
            (semB : B CompatRel)
            `{ (b : B), isCompatRel (semB b)}
            {F : Type}
            {ar : F ty B}
            (semF : (f : F), sem_Ty semB (ar f))
            (semApp : (A1 A2 : ty B),
                        (sem_Ty semB A1 wm sem_Ty semB A2) × sem_Ty semB A1
                        sem_Ty semB A2)
            {C1 C2 : con B}
            (s : sub ar C1 C2)
            {A : ty B}
            (t : tm ar C2 A)
            (x : sem_Con semB C1)
  : sem_Tm semB semF semApp (t [ s ]) x
    sem_Tm semB semF semApp t (sem_Sub semB semF semApp s x).
  revert s x.
  revert C1.
  induction t ; intros C1 s x.
  - reflexivity.
  - induction v.
    + dependent induction s.
    + dependent induction s.
      exact (IHv s).
  - simpl.
    apply eq_weakMonotoneMap.
    intro y.
    specialize (IHt _ (keepSub _ s) (y , x)).
      apply IHt.
    do 2 f_equal.
    apply sem_dropSub.
  - simpl.
    rewrite IHt1.
    rewrite IHt2.

Interpretation of beta reduction
Proposition sem_beta
            {B : Type}
            (semB : B CompatRel)
            `{ (b : B), isCompatRel (semB b)}
            {F : Type}
            {ar : F ty B}
            (semF : (f : F), sem_Ty semB (ar f))
            (semApp : (A1 A2 : ty B),
                        (sem_Ty semB A1 wm sem_Ty semB A2) × sem_Ty semB A1
                        sem_Ty semB A2)
            (semApp_gt_id : (A1 A2 : ty B)
                                   (f : sem_Ty semB A1 wm sem_Ty semB A2)
                                   (x : sem_Ty semB A1),
                semApp _ _ (f , x) f x)
            {C : con B}
            {A1 A2 : ty B}
            (f : tm ar (A1 ,, C) A2)
            (t : tm ar C A1)
            (x : sem_Con semB C)
  : sem_Tm
      semB semF semApp
      ((λ f) · t)
      semB semF semApp
      (f [ beta_sub t ])
  unfold beta_sub.
  rewrite sub_Lemma.
  simpl ; cbn.
  refine (ge_eq _ _).
  - apply semApp_gt_id.
  - simpl.
    do 2 f_equal.
    apply sem_idSub.

The notion of interpretation

Record InterpretationData {B F : Type} (X : afs B F) : Type :=
      semB : B CompatRel ;
      semB_isCompatRel : (b : B), isCompatRel (semB b) ;
      els : (b : B), semB b ;
      semB_Wf : (b : B), Wf (fun (x y : semB b) ⇒ x > y) ;
      semF : (f : F), sem_Ty semB (arity X f) ;
      semApp : (A1 A2 : ty B),
                        (sem_Ty semB A1 wm sem_Ty semB A2) × sem_Ty semB A1
                        sem_Ty semB A2 ;
      sem_App_l : (A1 A2 : ty B)
                         (f1 f2 : sem_Ty semB A1 wm sem_Ty semB A2)
                         (x : sem_Ty semB A1),
        f1 > f2 semApp _ _ (f1 , x) > semApp _ _ (f2 , x) ;
      sem_App_r : (A1 A2 : ty B)
                         (f : sem_Ty semB A1 wm sem_Ty semB A2)
                         (x1 x2 : sem_Ty semB A1),
        x1 > x2 semApp _ _ (f , x1) > semApp _ _ (f , x2) ;
      semApp_gt_id : (A1 A2 : ty B)
                            (f : sem_Ty semB A1 wm sem_Ty semB A2)
                            (x : sem_Ty semB A1),
        semApp _ _ (f , x) f x

Arguments semB {B F X} _ _.
Arguments semF {B F X} _ _.
Arguments semApp {B F X} _ _.
Arguments els {B F X} _ _.
Arguments make_InterpretationData {_ _} _ _.

Global Instance interpretation_isCompatRel
                {B F : Type}
                {X : afs B F}
                (I : InterpretationData X)
                (b : B)
  : isCompatRel (semB I b).
  apply semB_isCompatRel.

Record Interpretation {B F : Type} (X : afs B F) : Type :=
      inter :> InterpretationData X ;
      semR : (r : rewriteRules X)
                    (C : con B)
                    (s : sub (arity X) C (vars r))
                    (x : sem_Con (semB inter) C),
        sem_Tm (semB _) (semF _) (semApp _) (lhs r [ s ]) x
        sem_Tm (semB _) (semF _) (semApp _) (rhs r [ s ]) x

If we are using rule removal, then we need an interpretation that interprets some rule using the strict relation and other rules using the weaker one. The notion of SelectorInterpretation does this for us.
Record SelectorInterpretation
       {B F : Type}
       `{decEq B} `{decEq F}
       (X : afs B F)
       (P : selector X)
  : Type
  := make_SelectorInterpretation
         s_inter :> InterpretationData X ;
         semR_gt : (r : rewriteRules X)
                          (C : con B)
                          (s : sub (arity X) C (vars r))
                          (x : sem_Con (semB s_inter) C),
                     selector_members P r
                     sem_Tm (semB _) (semF _) (semApp _) (lhs r [ s ]) x
                     sem_Tm (semB _) (semF _) (semApp _) (rhs r [ s ]) x ;
         semR_ge : (r : rewriteRules X)
                          (C : con B)
                          (s : sub (arity X) C (vars r))
                          (x : sem_Con (semB s_inter) C),
                     ~(selector_members P r)
                     sem_Tm (semB _) (semF _) (semApp _) (lhs r [ s ]) x
                     sem_Tm (semB _) (semF _) (semApp _) (rhs r [ s ]) x

Definition sem_Ty_Wf
           {B F : Type}
           {X : afs B F}
           (I : InterpretationData X)
           (A : ty B)
  : @Wf (sem_Ty (semB I) A) (fun x yx > y).
  induction A as [ b | A₁ IHA₁ A₂ IHA₂ ].
  - apply semB_Wf.
  - cbn.
    apply fun_Wf.
    + apply sem_Ty_el.
      × apply _.
      × apply els.
    + apply IHA₂.

Strong normalization from interpretations

Definition interpretation_to_lexico
           {B F : Type}
           {X : afs B F}
           (I : Interpretation X)
           {C : con B}
           {A : ty B}
           (x : tm (arity X) C A)
  : (sem_Con (semB I) C wm sem_Ty (semB I) A) × tm (arity X) C A
  := (sem_Tm (semB I) (semF I) (semApp I) x , x).

Import AFSNotation.

Definition sem_Rewrite_lexico
           {B F : Type}
           {X : afs B F}
           (I : Interpretation X)
           {C : con B}
           {A : ty B}
           (t1 t2 : tm X C A)
           (p : t1 ∼> t2)
  : lexico
      (sem_Con (semB I) C wm sem_Ty (semB I) A)
      (fun s1 s2s1 ∼>β+ s2)
      (interpretation_to_lexico I t1)
      (interpretation_to_lexico I t2).
  induction p.
  - induction r.
      destruct IHr as [IHr | [IHr1 IHr2]].
      × left ; simpl.
        intro y.
        apply sem_App_l.
        exact (IHr y).
      × simpl in IHr1, IHr2.
        right ; simpl.
        ** intro.
           apply (semApp _ _).
           *** simpl.
               apply IHr1.
           *** simpl.
               apply ge_refl.
        ** apply beta_App_l.
           exact IHr2.
      destruct IHr as [IHr | [IHr1 IHr2]].
      × left ; simpl.
        intro y.
        apply sem_App_r.
        exact (IHr y).
      × right ; simpl.
        simpl in IHr1, IHr2.
        ** intro.
           apply (semApp _ _).
           split ; simpl.
           *** intro.
               apply ge_refl.
           *** apply IHr1.
        ** apply beta_App_r.
           exact IHr2.
      destruct IHr as [IHr | [IHr1 IHr2]].
      × left ; simpl ; simpl in IHr.
        intros x y.
        apply IHr.
      × right ; simpl.
        simpl in IHr1, IHr2.
        ** intros.
           apply IHr1.
        ** apply beta_Lam.
           exact IHr2.
    + induction r.
      × induction b.
        right ; simpl.
        ** intros.
           apply sem_beta.
           apply semApp_gt_id.
        ** apply beta_betaRed.
      × left ; simpl.
        apply semR.
    refine (lexico_trans _ _ _ _ _).
    + intros ? ? ? q1 q2.
      exact (beta_Trans q1 q2).
    + apply IHp1.
    + apply IHp2.

Theorem afs_is_SN_from_Interpretation
        {B F : Type}
        {X : afs B F}
        (I : Interpretation X)
  : isSN X.
  intros C A.
  simple refine (fiber_Wf _ _ (sem_Rewrite_lexico I)).
  apply lexico_Wf.
  - apply _.
  - apply fun_Wf.
    + exact (sem_Con_el _ (els I) _).
    + induction A.
      × apply semB_Wf.
      × simpl.
        apply fun_Wf.
        ** exact (sem_Ty_el _ (els I) _).
        ** apply IHA2.
  - apply BetaRed_SN.

Strong reduction pairs

Definition interpretation_to_term_order
           {B F : Type}
           {X : afs B F}
           (I : InterpretationData X)
  : term_order (arity X).
  simple refine (make_term_order _ _ _).
  - intros C A t₁ t₂.
    exact (sem_Tm (semB I) (semF I) (semApp I) t₁
           sem_Tm (semB I) (semF I) (semApp I) t₂).
  - intros C A t₁ t₂.
    exact (sem_Tm (semB I) (semF I) (semApp I) t₁
           sem_Tm (semB I) (semF I) (semApp I) t₂).

Global Instance interpretation_to_term_isCompatRel
                {B F : Type}
                {X : afs B F}
                (I : InterpretationData X)
                (C : con B)
                (A : ty B)
  : isCompatRel (term_CompatRel (arity X) C A (interpretation_to_term_order I)).
  unshelve esplit.
  - intros x y z p q w ; cbn in ×.
    exact (gt_trans (p _) (q w)).
  - intros x y z p q w ; cbn in ×.
    exact (ge_trans (p _) (q w)).
  - intros x w ; cbn in ×.
    apply ge_refl.
  - intros x y p w.
    apply compat.
    apply p.
  - intros x y z p q w.
    apply (ge_gt (p w) (q w)).
  - intros x y z p q w.
    apply (gt_ge (p w) (q w)).

Global Instance interpretation_is_strong_reduction_pair
                {B F : Type}
                {X : afs B F}
                (I : InterpretationData X)
  : is_strong_reduction_pair (arity X) (interpretation_to_term_order I).
  unshelve esplit.
  - intros.
    simple refine (fiber_Wf _ _ _).
    + exact (sem_Con (semB I) C wm sem_Ty (semB I) A).
    + exact (fun f gf > g).
    + apply (fun_Wf
               (sem_Con (semB I) C)
               (sem_Ty (semB I) A) (sem_Con_el _ (els I) C)).
      apply sem_Ty_Wf.
    + exact (sem_Tm (semB I) (semF I) (semApp I)).
    + intros t₁ t₂ p x.
      exact (p x).
  - intros ; cbn ; apply _.
  - intros C₁ C₂ s A t₁ t₂ p x ; cbn.
    rewrite !sub_Lemma.
    apply p.
  - intros C₁ C₂ s A t₁ t₂ p x ; cbn.
    rewrite !sub_Lemma.
    apply p.
  - intros C A₁ A₂ f₁ f₂ t p x ; cbn.
    apply sem_App_l.
    apply p.
  - intros C A₁ A₂ f t₁ t₂ p x ; cbn.
    apply sem_App_r.
    apply p.
  - intros C A₁ A₂ f₁ f₂ t₁ t₂ p₁ p₂ x ; cbn.
    apply map_ge.
    + apply p₁.
    + apply p₂.
  - intros C A₁ A₂ f₁ f₂ p x y ; cbn.
    apply p.
  - intros C A₁ A₂ f₁ f₂ p x y ; cbn.
    apply p.
  - intros C A₁ A₂ f t x ; cbn.
    apply sem_beta.
    apply semApp_gt_id.

Definition interpretation_to_strong_reduction_pair
           {B F : Type}
           {X : afs B F}
           (I : InterpretationData X)
  : strong_reduction_pair (arity X)
  := make_srp _ (interpretation_to_term_order I) _.

Definition interpretation_respects_selector
           {B F : Type}
           `{decEq B}
           `{decEq F}
           {X : afs B F}
           (P : selector X)
           (I : SelectorInterpretation X P)
  : respects_selector X (interpretation_to_strong_reduction_pair I) P.
  - intros r Hr x.
    pose (semR_gt X P I r (vars r) (idSub _ _) x Hr) as p.
    rewrite !subTm_id in p.
    exact p.
  - intros r Hr x.
    pose (semR_ge X P I r (vars r) (idSub _ _) x Hr) as p.
    rewrite !subTm_id in p.
    exact p.