Library UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Strictness

Strict bicategories

Data of strictness structure
Definition strictness_structure_data
           (B : bicat)
  : UU
  := ( (a b : B) (f : a --> b), id₁ a · f = f)
     × ( (a b : B) (f : a --> b), f · id₁ b = f)
     × ( (a b c d : B) (f : a --> b) (g : b --> c) (h : c --> d),
        f · (g · h) = f · g · h).

Definition plunitor
           {B : bicat}
           (S : strictness_structure_data B)
           {a b : B}
           (f : a --> b)
  : id₁ a · f = f
  := pr1 S _ _ f.

Definition plinvunitor
           {B : bicat}
           (S : strictness_structure_data B)
           {a b : B}
           (f : a --> b)
  : f = id₁ a · f
  := !(pr1 S _ _ f).

Definition prunitor
           {B : bicat}
           (S : strictness_structure_data B)
           {a b : B}
           (f : a --> b)
  : f · id₁ b = f
  := pr12 S _ _ f.

Definition prinvunitor
           {B : bicat}
           (S : strictness_structure_data B)
           {a b : B}
           (f : a --> b)
  : f = f · id₁ b
  := !(pr12 S _ _ f).

Definition plassociator
           {B : bicat}
           (S : strictness_structure_data B)
           {a b c d : B}
           (f : a --> b)
           (g : b --> c)
           (h : c --> d)
  : f · (g · h) = f · g · h
  := pr22 S _ _ _ _ f g h.

Definition prassociator
           {B : bicat}
           (S : strictness_structure_data B)
           {a b c d : B}
           (f : a --> b)
           (g : b --> c)
           (h : c --> d)
  : f · g · h = f · (g · h)
  := !(pr22 S _ _ _ _ f g h).

The requirements for the data
Definition strictness_structure_laws
           {B : bicat}
           (S : strictness_structure_data B)
  : UU
  := ( (a b : B) (f : a --> b), pr1 (idtoiso_2_1 _ _ (plunitor S f)) = lunitor f)
     × ( (a b : B) (f : a --> b), pr1 (idtoiso_2_1 _ _ (prunitor S f)) = runitor f)
     × ( (a b c d : B) (f : a --> b) (g : b --> c) (h : c --> d),
        pr1 (idtoiso_2_1 _ _ (plassociator S f g h)) = lassociator f g h).

Definition strictness_structure
           (B : bicat)
  : UU
  := (S : strictness_structure_data B), strictness_structure_laws S.

The laws form a proposition
Lemma isPredicate_strictness_structure_laws
           (B : bicat)
  : isPredicate (@strictness_structure_laws B).
Show proof.
  intro S.
  repeat use isapropdirprod.
  - do 3 (use impred ; intro).
    apply B.
  - do 3 (use impred ; intro).
    apply B.
  - do 7 (use impred ; intro).
    apply B.

Coercion strictness_structure_to_data
         {B : bicat}
         (S : strictness_structure B)
  : strictness_structure_data B
  := pr1 S.

Definition idtoiso_plunitor
           {B : bicat}
           (S : strictness_structure B)
           {a b : B}
           (f : a --> b)
  : pr1 (idtoiso_2_1 _ _ (plunitor S f)) = lunitor f
  := pr12 S _ _ f.

Definition idtoiso_prunitor
           {B : bicat}
           (S : strictness_structure B)
           {a b : B}
           (f : a --> b)
  : pr1 (idtoiso_2_1 _ _ (prunitor S f)) = runitor f
  := pr122 S _ _ f.

Definition idtoiso_plassociator
           {B : bicat}
           (S : strictness_structure B)
           {a b c d : B}
           (f : a --> b)
           (g : b --> c)
           (h : c --> d)
  : pr1 (idtoiso_2_1 _ _ (plassociator S f g h)) = lassociator f g h
  := pr222 S _ _ _ _ f g h.

Coherent strictness structure. For these, one also needs the triangle and pentagon.
Definition is_coh_strictness_structure
           {B : bicat}
           (S : strictness_structure B)
  : UU
  := ( (a b c : B) (f : a --> b) (g : b --> c),
      maponpaths (λ z, f · z) (plunitor S g)
      plassociator S _ _ _ @ maponpaths (λ z, z · g) (prunitor S f))
       (v w x y z : B)
      (f : v --> w) (g : w --> x)
      (h : x --> y) (k : y --> z),
     maponpaths (λ z, f · z) (plassociator S g h k)
     @ plassociator S f (g · h) k
     @ maponpaths (λ z, z · k) (plassociator S f g h)
     plassociator S f g (h · k)
     @ plassociator S (f · g) h k.

Definition coh_strictness_structure
           (B : bicat)
  := (S : strictness_structure B), is_coh_strictness_structure S.

Coercion pr_strictness_structure
         {B : bicat}
         (S : coh_strictness_structure B)
  : strictness_structure B
  := pr1 S.

Being coherent is a proposition
Lemma isPredicate_is_coh_strictness_structure
           {B : bicat}
           (HB : is_univalent_2_1 B)
  : isPredicate (@is_coh_strictness_structure B).
Show proof.
  intro S.
  use isapropdirprod.
  - do 5 (use impred ; intro).
    exact (univalent_bicategory_1_cell_hlevel_3 _ HB _ _ _ _ _ _).
  - do 9 (use impred ; intro).
    exact (univalent_bicategory_1_cell_hlevel_3 _ HB _ _ _ _ _ _).

Definition of 2-category
Definition locally_strict
           (B : bicat)
  : UU
  := (a b : B), isaset (a --> b).

Definition is_strict_bicat
           (B : bicat)
  : UU
  := locally_strict B
     coh_strictness_structure B.

Definition make_is_strict_bicat
           {B : bicat}
           (HB : locally_strict B)
           (S : strictness_structure B)
  : is_strict_bicat B.
Show proof.
  use tpair.
  - exact HB.
  - repeat use tpair.
    + exact (@plunitor _ S).
    + exact (@prunitor _ S).
    + exact (@plassociator _ S).
    + exact (@idtoiso_plunitor _ S).
    + exact (@idtoiso_prunitor _ S).
    + exact (@idtoiso_plassociator _ S).
    + abstract (simpl ; intros ; apply HB).
    + abstract (simpl ; intros ; apply HB).

Lemma isPredicate_is_coh_strictness_structure_from_locally_strict
           {B : bicat}
           (HB : locally_strict B)
  : isPredicate (@is_coh_strictness_structure B).
Show proof.
  intro z.
  apply invproofirrelevance.
  intros c₁ c₂.
  use pathsdirprod.
  - do 5 (use funextsec ; intro).
    apply (isasetaprop (HB _ _ _ _)).
  - do 9 (use funextsec ; intro).
    apply (isasetaprop (HB _ _ _ _)).

Lemma isaprop_is_strict_bicat
           (B : bicat)
  : isaprop (is_strict_bicat B).
Show proof.
  apply invproofirrelevance.
  intros x y.
  induction x as [LSx CSx].
  induction y as [LSY CSy].
  use pathsdirprod.
  - do 2 (use funextsec ; intro).
    apply isapropisaset.
  - use subtypePath.
    { exact (isPredicate_is_coh_strictness_structure_from_locally_strict LSx). }
    use subtypePath.
    { exact (isPredicate_strictness_structure_laws B). }
    repeat use pathsdirprod.
    + repeat (use funextsec ; intro).
      apply LSx.
    + repeat (use funextsec ; intro).
      apply LSx.
    + repeat (use funextsec ; intro).
      apply LSx.

Definition strict_bicat
  := (B : bicat), is_strict_bicat B.

Coercion bicat_of_strict_bicat
         (B : strict_bicat)
  : bicat
  := pr1 B.

Strict bicat to 2-cat
Definition strict_bicat_to_precategory_data
           (B : strict_bicat)
  : precategory_data.
Show proof.
  - use make_precategory_data.
    + use make_precategory_ob_mor.
      * exact (ob B).
      * exact (λ b₁ b₂, b₁ --> b₂).
    + exact (λ z, id₁ z).
    + exact (λ _ _ _ f g, f · g).

Definition strict_bicat_to_precategory_is_precategory
           (B : strict_bicat)
  : is_precategory (strict_bicat_to_precategory_data B).
Show proof.
  repeat split ; cbn.
  - exact (λ _ _ f, plunitor (pr22 B) f).
  - exact (λ _ _ f, prunitor (pr22 B) f).
  - exact (λ _ _ _ _ f g h, plassociator (pr22 B) f g h).
  - exact (λ _ _ _ _ f g h, prassociator (pr22 B) f g h).

Lemma strict_bicat_to_precategory_has_homsets
           (B : strict_bicat)
  : has_homsets (strict_bicat_to_precategory_data B).
Show proof.
  exact (pr12 B).

Definition strict_bicat_to_two_cat_data
           (B : strict_bicat)
  : two_cat_data.
Show proof.
  use tpair.
  - exact (strict_bicat_to_precategory_data B).
  - use tpair.
    + exact (λ _ _ f g, f ==> g).
    + repeat split.
      * exact (λ _ _ f, id₂ f).
      * exact (λ _ _ _ _ _ α β, α β).
      * exact (λ _ _ _ f _ _ α, f α).
      * exact (λ _ _ _ _ _ g α, α g).

Definition strict_bicat_to_two_cat_category
           (B : strict_bicat)
  : two_cat_category.
Show proof.
  use tpair.
  - exact (strict_bicat_to_two_cat_data B).
  - split.
    + exact (strict_bicat_to_precategory_is_precategory B).
    + exact (strict_bicat_to_precategory_has_homsets B).

Lemma idto2mor_idtoiso
           {B : strict_bicat}
           {a b : B}
           {f g : a --> b}
           (p : f = g)
  : @idto2mor (strict_bicat_to_two_cat_data B) _ _ _ _ p
    pr1 (idtoiso_2_1 _ _ p).
Show proof.
  induction p.
  apply idpath.

Lemma strict_bicat_to_two_cat_laws
           (B : strict_bicat)
  : two_cat_laws (strict_bicat_to_two_cat_category B).
Show proof.
  repeat split.
  - intros ; apply id2_left.
  - intros ; apply id2_right.
  - intros ; apply vassocr.
  - intros ; apply lwhisker_id2.
  - intros ; apply id2_rwhisker.
  - intros ; apply lwhisker_vcomp.
  - intros ; apply rwhisker_vcomp.
  - intros ; apply vcomp_whisker.
  - intros ; cbn.
    rewrite !idto2mor_idtoiso.
    rewrite !idtoiso_plunitor.
    apply vcomp_lunitor.
  - intros ; cbn.
    rewrite !idto2mor_idtoiso.
    rewrite !idtoiso_prunitor.
    apply vcomp_runitor.
  - intros ; cbn.
    rewrite !idto2mor_idtoiso.
    rewrite !idtoiso_plassociator.
    apply lwhisker_lwhisker.
  - intros ; cbn.
    rewrite !idto2mor_idtoiso.
    rewrite !idtoiso_plassociator.
    apply rwhisker_lwhisker.
  - intros ; cbn.
    rewrite !idto2mor_idtoiso.
    rewrite !idtoiso_plassociator.
    apply rwhisker_rwhisker.

Definition strict_bicat_to_two_cat
           (B : strict_bicat)
  : two_cat.
Show proof.
  use tpair.
  - use tpair.
    + exact (strict_bicat_to_two_cat_category B).
    + exact (strict_bicat_to_two_cat_laws B).
  - intros x y f g ; simpl.
    apply (pr1 B).

Univalent 2-categories
Lemma univalent_two_cat_2cells_are_prop
           (B : strict_bicat)
           (HB : is_univalent_2_1 B)
           {a b : B}
           (f g : a --> b)
  : isaprop (invertible_2cell f g).
Show proof.
  refine (isofhlevelweqf 1 (make_weq _ (HB _ _ f g)) _).
  exact (pr12 B _ _ f g).

Univalent categories do not form a 2-category
Definition diag_set
  : HSET_univalent_category HSET_univalent_category.
Show proof.
  use make_functor.
  - use make_functor_data.
    + exact (λ X, setdirprod X X).
    + exact (λ _ _ f x, f (pr1 x) ,, f (pr2 x)).
  - split.
    + intro X.
      apply idpath.
    + intros X Y Z f g.
      apply idpath.

Definition swap
  : nat_z_iso diag_set diag_set.
Show proof.
  use make_nat_z_iso.
  - use make_nat_trans.
    + intros X x.
      exact (pr2 x ,, pr1 x).
    + intros X Y f.
      apply idpath.
  - intros X.
    use tpair.
    + exact (λ z, pr2 z ,, pr1 z).
    + split.
      * apply idpath.
      * apply idpath.

Lemma cat_not_a_two_cat
  : ¬ (is_strict_bicat bicat_of_univ_cats).
Show proof.
  intro H.
  pose (maponpaths
                   (λ z, pr1 z)
                         (bicat_of_univ_cats ,, H)
                      (id2_invertible_2cell _)
                      (nat_z_iso_to_invertible_2cell _ _ swap)))
             (true ,, false)))
    as C.
  exact (nopathstruetofalse C).

Local univalence gives rise to a unique strictness structure
Definition strictness_from_univalent_2_1
           {B : bicat}
           (HB : is_univalent_2_1 B)
  : strictness_structure B.
Show proof.
  repeat use tpair.
  - refine (λ _ _ f, isotoid_2_1 HB (lunitor f ,, _)).
  - refine (λ _ _ f, isotoid_2_1 HB (runitor f ,, _)).
  - refine (λ _ _ _ _ f g h, isotoid_2_1 HB (lassociator f g h ,, _)).
  - abstract
      (cbn ; intros ;
       rewrite idtoiso_2_1_isotoid_2_1 ;
       apply idpath).
  - abstract
      (cbn ; intros ;
       rewrite idtoiso_2_1_isotoid_2_1 ;
       apply idpath).
  - abstract
      (cbn ; intros ;
       rewrite idtoiso_2_1_isotoid_2_1 ;
       apply idpath).

Lemma is_coh_strictness_from_univalent_2_1
           {B : bicat}
           (HB : is_univalent_2_1 B)
  : is_coh_strictness_structure (strictness_from_univalent_2_1 HB).
Show proof.
  - intros a b c f g ; cbn.
    rewrite isotoid_2_1_lwhisker.
    rewrite isotoid_2_1_rwhisker.
    rewrite isotoid_2_1_vcomp.
    apply maponpaths.
    use subtypePath.
    { intro ; apply isaprop_is_invertible_2cell. }
    refine (!_).
    apply runitor_rwhisker.
  - intros v w x y z f g h k ; cbn.
    rewrite isotoid_2_1_lwhisker.
    rewrite isotoid_2_1_rwhisker.
    rewrite !isotoid_2_1_vcomp.
    apply maponpaths.
    use subtypePath.
    { intro ; apply isaprop_is_invertible_2cell. }
    rewrite vassocr.
    apply lassociator_lassociator.

Definition coh_strictness_from_univalent_2_1
           (B : bicat)
           (HB : is_univalent_2_1 B)
  : coh_strictness_structure B.
Show proof.
  use tpair.
  - exact (strictness_from_univalent_2_1 HB).
  - exact (is_coh_strictness_from_univalent_2_1 HB).

Lemma isaprop_coh_strictness_from_univalence_2_1
           (B : bicat)
           (HB : is_univalent_2_1 B)
  : isaprop (coh_strictness_structure B).
Show proof.
  apply invproofirrelevance.
  intros S₁ S₂.
  use subtypePath.
  { exact (isPredicate_is_coh_strictness_structure HB). }
  use subtypePath.
  { exact (isPredicate_strictness_structure_laws B). }
  repeat use pathsdirprod.
  - use funextsec ; intro a.
    use funextsec ; intro b.
    use funextsec ; intro f.
    refine (_ @ isotoid_2_1_idtoiso_2_1 HB (plunitor S₂ f)).
    refine (!(isotoid_2_1_idtoiso_2_1 HB (plunitor S₁ f)) @ _).
    apply maponpaths.
    use subtypePath.
    { intro ; apply isaprop_is_invertible_2cell. }
    rewrite !idtoiso_plunitor.
    apply idpath.
  - use funextsec ; intro a.
    use funextsec ; intro b.
    use funextsec ; intro f.
    refine (_ @ isotoid_2_1_idtoiso_2_1 HB (prunitor S₂ f)).
    refine (!(isotoid_2_1_idtoiso_2_1 HB (prunitor S₁ f)) @ _).
    apply maponpaths.
    use subtypePath.
    { intro ; apply isaprop_is_invertible_2cell. }
    rewrite !idtoiso_prunitor.
    apply idpath.
  - use funextsec ; intro a.
    use funextsec ; intro b.
    use funextsec ; intro c.
    use funextsec ; intro d.
    use funextsec ; intro f.
    use funextsec ; intro g.
    use funextsec ; intro h.
    refine (_ @ isotoid_2_1_idtoiso_2_1 HB (plassociator S₂ f g h)).
    refine (!(isotoid_2_1_idtoiso_2_1 HB (plassociator S₁ f g h)) @ _).
    apply maponpaths.
    use subtypePath.
    { intro ; apply isaprop_is_invertible_2cell. }
    rewrite !idtoiso_plassociator.
    apply idpath.

Definition unique_strictness_structure_is_univalent_2_1
           (B : bicat)
           (HB : is_univalent_2_1 B)
  : iscontr (coh_strictness_structure B).
Show proof.
  use tpair.
  - exact (coh_strictness_from_univalent_2_1 B HB).
  - intro.
    apply isaprop_coh_strictness_from_univalence_2_1.
    exact HB.

Lemma idto2mor_transport
           (C : two_cat)
           {x y : pr1 C}
           {f g : x --> y}
           (p : f = g)
  : idto2mor p = transportf _ p (TwoCategories.id2 f).
Show proof.
  induction p.
  apply idpath.

Lemma precomp_transportf
           (C : two_cat)
           {x y : pr1 C}
           {f g h: x --> y}
           (p : g = h)
           (α : two_cat_cells _ f g)
  : TwoCategories.vcomp2
      (transportf (two_cat_cells _ g) p (TwoCategories.id2 g))
    transportf (two_cat_cells _ f) p α.
Show proof.
  induction p.
  unfold idfun.
  rewrite TwoCategories.id2_right.
  apply idpath.

Lemma postcomp_transportf
           (C : two_cat)
           {x y : pr1 C}
           {f g h: x --> y}
           (p : f = g)
           (α : two_cat_cells _ g h)
  : TwoCategories.vcomp2
      (transportf (two_cat_cells _ f) p (TwoCategories.id2 f))
    transportb (λ z, two_cat_cells _ z h) p α.
Show proof.
  induction p.
  unfold idfun.
  rewrite TwoCategories.id2_left.
  apply idpath.

Definition two_cat_to_prebicat_data
           (C : two_cat)
  : prebicat_data.
Show proof.
  use build_prebicat_data.
  - apply C.
  - simpl.
    intros x y.
    refine (x --> y).
  - simpl.
    intros ? ? f g.
    exact (two_cat_cells _ f g).
  - simpl.
    apply identity.
  - simpl.
    intros ? ? ? f g.
    refine (f · g).
  - simpl.
    apply TwoCategories.id2.
  - simpl.
    intros ? ? ? ? ? α β.
    exact (TwoCategories.vcomp2 α β).
  - simpl.
    intros ? ? ? f g h α.
    refine (TwoCategories.lwhisker f α).
  - simpl.
    intros ? ? ? g h f α.
    refine (TwoCategories.rwhisker f α).
  - simpl.
    intros ? ? f.
    apply idto2mor.
    exact (id_left (f : pr1 C X , Y )).
  - simpl.
    intros ? ? f.
    apply idto2mor.
    exact (!id_left (f : pr1 C X , Y )).
  - simpl.
    intros ? ? f.
    apply idto2mor.
    exact (id_right (f : pr1 C X , Y )).
  - simpl.
    intros ? ? f.
    apply idto2mor.
    exact (!id_right (f : pr1 C X , Y )).
  - simpl.
    intros ? ? ? ? f g h.
    apply idto2mor.
    refine (assoc (f : pr1 C _ , _ ) g h).
  - simpl.
    intros ? ? ? ? f g h.
    apply idto2mor.
    refine (!assoc (f : pr1 C _ , _ ) g h).

Lemma two_cat_to_prebicat_laws
           (C : two_cat)
  : prebicat_laws (two_cat_to_prebicat_data C).
Show proof.
  repeat split.
  - intros.
    apply TwoCategories.id2_left.
  - intros.
    apply TwoCategories.id2_right.
  - intros.
    apply TwoCategories.vassocr.
  - intros.
    apply TwoCategories.lwhisker_id2.
  - intros.
    apply TwoCategories.id2_rwhisker.
  - intros.
    apply TwoCategories.lwhisker_vcomp.
  - intros.
    apply TwoCategories.rwhisker_vcomp.
  - intros.
    apply TwoCategories.vcomp_lunitor.
  - intros.
    apply TwoCategories.vcomp_runitor.
  - intros.
    apply TwoCategories.lwhisker_lwhisker.
  - intros.
    apply TwoCategories.rwhisker_lwhisker.
  - intros.
    apply TwoCategories.rwhisker_rwhisker.
  - intros.
    apply TwoCategories.vcomp_whisker.
  - intros ; cbn.
      apply idto2mor_comp.
    rewrite pathsinv0r.
    apply idpath.
  - intros ; cbn.
      apply idto2mor_comp.
    rewrite pathsinv0l.
    apply idpath.
  - intros ; cbn.
      apply idto2mor_comp.
    rewrite pathsinv0r.
    apply idpath.
  - intros ; cbn.
      apply idto2mor_comp.
    rewrite pathsinv0l.
    apply idpath.
  - intros ; cbn.
      apply idto2mor_comp.
    rewrite pathsinv0r.
    apply idpath.
  - intros ; cbn.
      apply idto2mor_comp.
    rewrite pathsinv0l.
    apply idpath.
  - intros ; cbn.
      apply maponpaths.
      apply idto2mor_rwhisker.
      apply idto2mor_comp.
    refine (!_).
      apply idto2mor_lwhisker.
    refine (!_).
    apply maponpaths.
    apply (homset_property C).
  - intros ; cbn.
      apply maponpaths.
      apply idto2mor_rwhisker.
      do 2 apply maponpaths_2.
      apply idto2mor_lwhisker.
      apply maponpaths_2.
      apply idto2mor_comp.
      apply idto2mor_comp.
    refine (!_).
      apply idto2mor_comp.
    refine (!_).
    apply maponpaths.
    apply (homset_property C).

Definition two_cat_to_prebicat
           (C : two_cat)
  : prebicat.
Show proof.
  use tpair.
  - apply (two_cat_to_prebicat_data C).
  - apply two_cat_to_prebicat_laws.

Definition two_cat_to_bicat
           (C : two_cat)
  : bicat.
Show proof.
  use tpair.
  - exact (two_cat_to_prebicat C).
  - apply C.

Lemma idto2mor_idtoiso_two_cat
           {C : two_cat}
           {a b : C}
           {f g : a --> b}
           (p : f = g)
  : pr1 (@idtoiso_2_1 (two_cat_to_bicat C) _ _ _ _ p)
    idto2mor p.
Show proof.
  induction p.
  apply idpath.

Lemma two_cat_is_strict_bicat
           (C : two_cat)
  : is_strict_bicat (two_cat_to_bicat C).
Show proof.
  use make_is_strict_bicat.
  - apply (homset_property C).
  - use tpair.
    + repeat split.
      * intros a b f.
        exact (id_left (f : pr1 C _ , _ )).
      * intros a b f.
        exact (id_right (f : pr1 C _ , _ )).
      * intros a b c d f g h.
        exact (assoc (f : pr1 C _ , _ ) g h).
    + simpl.
      repeat split ; intros ; apply idto2mor_idtoiso_two_cat.

Definition two_cat_to_strict_bicat
           (C : two_cat)
  : strict_bicat.
Show proof.
  use tpair.
  - exact (two_cat_to_bicat C).
  - exact (two_cat_is_strict_bicat C).

Lemma strict_bicat_to_two_cat_to_strict_bicat
           (C : strict_bicat)
  : two_cat_to_strict_bicat (strict_bicat_to_two_cat C) = C.
Show proof.
  use subtypePath.
    apply isaprop_is_strict_bicat.
  use subtypePath.
    do 4 (apply impred ; intro).
    apply isapropisaset.
  use total2_paths2_f.
  - use total2_paths2_f.
    + apply idpath.
    + cbn.
      repeat use pathsdirprod ; try apply idpath.
      * use funextsec.
        intro x.
        use funextsec.
        intro y.
        use funextsec.
        intro f.
        rewrite !idto2mor_idtoiso.
        apply idtoiso_plunitor.
      * use funextsec.
        intro x.
        use funextsec.
        intro y.
        use funextsec.
        intro f.
        rewrite !idto2mor_idtoiso.
        apply idtoiso_prunitor.
      * use funextsec.
        intro x.
        use funextsec.
        intro y.
        use funextsec.
        intro f.
        rewrite !idto2mor_idtoiso.
        rewrite idtoiso_2_1_inv ; simpl.
        refine (!(id2_right _) @ _).
        use vcomp_move_R_pM.
        { is_iso. }
        refine (!_).
          apply maponpaths_2.
          apply idtoiso_plunitor.
        apply lunitor_linvunitor.
      * use funextsec.
        intro x.
        use funextsec.
        intro y.
        use funextsec.
        intro f.
        rewrite !idto2mor_idtoiso.
        rewrite idtoiso_2_1_inv ; simpl.
        refine (!(id2_right _) @ _).
        use vcomp_move_R_pM.
        { is_iso. }
        refine (!_).
          apply maponpaths_2.
          apply idtoiso_prunitor.
        apply runitor_rinvunitor.
      * use funextsec ; intro w.
        use funextsec ; intro x.
        use funextsec ; intro y.
        use funextsec ; intro z.
        use funextsec ; intro f.
        use funextsec ; intro g.
        use funextsec ; intro h.
        rewrite !idto2mor_idtoiso.
        rewrite idtoiso_2_1_inv ; simpl.
        refine (!(id2_right _) @ _).
        use vcomp_move_R_pM.
        { is_iso. }
        refine (!_).
          apply maponpaths_2.
          apply idtoiso_plassociator.
        apply lassociator_rassociator.
      * use funextsec ; intro w.
        use funextsec ; intro x.
        use funextsec ; intro y.
        use funextsec ; intro z.
        use funextsec ; intro f.
        use funextsec ; intro g.
        use funextsec ; intro h.
        rewrite !idto2mor_idtoiso.
        apply idtoiso_plassociator.
  - apply isaprop_prebicat_laws.
    apply cellset_property.

Lemma two_cat_to_strict_bicat_to_two_cat
           (C : two_cat)
  : strict_bicat_to_two_cat (two_cat_to_strict_bicat C) = C.
Show proof.
  use subtypePath.
    do 4 (use impred ; intro).
    apply isapropisaset.
  use total2_paths2_f.
  - use total2_paths2_f.
    + apply idpath.
    + apply isapropdirprod.
      * apply isaprop_is_precategory.
        intros x y.
        apply (pr22 (pr11 C)).
      * apply isaprop_has_homsets.
  - apply isaprop_two_cat_laws.

Definition two_cat_equiv_strict_bicat
  : two_cat strict_bicat.
Show proof.
  use make_weq.
  - exact two_cat_to_strict_bicat.
  - use isweq_iso.
    + exact strict_bicat_to_two_cat.
    + exact two_cat_to_strict_bicat_to_two_cat.
    + exact strict_bicat_to_two_cat_to_strict_bicat.