Library UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.Examples.Codomain
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Prelude.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.opp_precat.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.NaturalTransformations.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.PrecategoryBinProduct.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.whiskering.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Constructions.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Bicat. Import Bicat.Notations.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Morphisms.Adjunctions.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Invertible_2cells.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Univalence.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Unitors.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.BicategoryLaws.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.AdjointUnique.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Examples.OneTypes.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.DispBicat.
Import DispBicat.Notations.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.DispAdjunctions.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.DispInvertibles.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.DispUnivalence.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.Examples.Trivial.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.Examples.Sigma.
Local Open Scope cat.
Local Open Scope mor_disp_scope.
Definition cod_1cell_path_help
{B : bicat}
{b c : B}
(f₁ f₂ : B ⟦ b , c ⟧)
: invertible_2cell f₁ f₂ ≃ invertible_2cell f₁ (id₁ _ · f₂).
Show proof.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Prelude.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.opp_precat.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.NaturalTransformations.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.PrecategoryBinProduct.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.whiskering.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Constructions.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Bicat. Import Bicat.Notations.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Morphisms.Adjunctions.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Invertible_2cells.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Univalence.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Unitors.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.BicategoryLaws.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.AdjointUnique.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Examples.OneTypes.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.DispBicat.
Import DispBicat.Notations.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.DispAdjunctions.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.DispInvertibles.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.DispUnivalence.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.Examples.Trivial.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.Examples.Sigma.
Local Open Scope cat.
Local Open Scope mor_disp_scope.
Definition cod_1cell_path_help
{B : bicat}
{b c : B}
(f₁ f₂ : B ⟦ b , c ⟧)
: invertible_2cell f₁ f₂ ≃ invertible_2cell f₁ (id₁ _ · f₂).
Show proof.
use make_weq.
- intro α.
refine (α • linvunitor _ ,, _).
apply α.
- use isweq_iso.
+ intro α.
use make_invertible_2cell.
* exact (α • lunitor _).
* is_iso.
apply property_from_invertible_2cell.
+ abstract
(intro p ;
use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply isaprop_is_invertible_2cell | ] ;
cbn ;
rewrite vassocl ;
rewrite linvunitor_lunitor ;
apply id2_right).
+ abstract
(intros α ; cbn ;
use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply isaprop_is_invertible_2cell | ] ;
cbn ;
rewrite vassocl ;
rewrite lunitor_linvunitor ;
apply id2_right).
- intro α.
refine (α • linvunitor _ ,, _).
apply α.
- use isweq_iso.
+ intro α.
use make_invertible_2cell.
* exact (α • lunitor _).
* is_iso.
apply property_from_invertible_2cell.
+ abstract
(intro p ;
use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply isaprop_is_invertible_2cell | ] ;
cbn ;
rewrite vassocl ;
rewrite linvunitor_lunitor ;
apply id2_right).
+ abstract
(intros α ; cbn ;
use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply isaprop_is_invertible_2cell | ] ;
cbn ;
rewrite vassocl ;
rewrite lunitor_linvunitor ;
apply id2_right).
1. Definition of the displayed bicategory
Section CodomainArrow.
Variable (B : bicat).
Definition cod_disp_prebicat_1_id_comp_cells
: disp_prebicat_1_id_comp_cells (prod_bicat B B).
Show proof.
Definition cod_disp_prebicat_ops
: disp_prebicat_ops cod_disp_prebicat_1_id_comp_cells.
Show proof.
Definition cod_disp_prebicat_data
: disp_prebicat_data (prod_bicat B B).
Show proof.
Definition cod_disp_prebicat_laws
: disp_prebicat_laws cod_disp_prebicat_data.
Show proof.
Definition cod_disp_prebicat
: disp_prebicat (prod_bicat B B).
Show proof.
Definition cod_has_disp_cellset
: has_disp_cellset cod_disp_prebicat.
Show proof.
Definition cod_disp_bicat_help
: disp_bicat (prod_bicat B B).
Show proof.
Definition cod_disp_bicat
: disp_bicat B
:= sigma_bicat _ _ cod_disp_bicat_help.
End CodomainArrow.
Variable (B : bicat).
Definition cod_disp_prebicat_1_id_comp_cells
: disp_prebicat_1_id_comp_cells (prod_bicat B B).
Show proof.
use tpair.
- use tpair.
+ use tpair.
* exact (λ X, pr2 X --> pr1 X).
* exact (λ X Y fX fY f, invertible_2cell (fX · pr1 f) (pr2 f · fY)).
+ use tpair.
* refine (λ X fX, (runitor _ • linvunitor _ ,, _)).
* refine (λ X Y Z f g fX fY fZ ff fg,
(lassociator _ _ _
• (pr1 ff ▹ _)
• rassociator _ _ _
• (_ ◃ pr1 fg)
• lassociator _ _ _
,, _)).
cbn ; is_iso.
** exact (pr2 ff).
** exact (pr2 fg).
- exact (λ X Y f g α fX fY ff fg,
pr1 ff • (pr2 α ▹ _)
(_ ◃ pr1 α) • pr1 fg).
- use tpair.
+ use tpair.
* exact (λ X, pr2 X --> pr1 X).
* exact (λ X Y fX fY f, invertible_2cell (fX · pr1 f) (pr2 f · fY)).
+ use tpair.
* refine (λ X fX, (runitor _ • linvunitor _ ,, _)).
* refine (λ X Y Z f g fX fY fZ ff fg,
(lassociator _ _ _
• (pr1 ff ▹ _)
• rassociator _ _ _
• (_ ◃ pr1 fg)
• lassociator _ _ _
,, _)).
cbn ; is_iso.
** exact (pr2 ff).
** exact (pr2 fg).
- exact (λ X Y f g α fX fY ff fg,
pr1 ff • (pr2 α ▹ _)
(_ ◃ pr1 α) • pr1 fg).
Definition cod_disp_prebicat_ops
: disp_prebicat_ops cod_disp_prebicat_1_id_comp_cells.
Show proof.
repeat split.
- intros X Y f fX fY pf.
simpl ; cbn.
rewrite id2_rwhisker, id2_right.
rewrite lwhisker_id2, id2_left.
apply idpath.
- intros X Y f fX fY pf.
simpl ; cbn.
rewrite <- rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite runitor_rwhisker.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- linvunitor_assoc.
rewrite lwhisker_hcomp.
rewrite <- linvunitor_natural.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite lunitor_triangle.
rewrite linvunitor_lunitor.
apply id2_right.
- intros X Y f fX fY pf.
simpl ; cbn.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite runitor_rwhisker.
rewrite lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite linvunitor_lunitor, id2_right.
rewrite runitor_triangle.
rewrite vcomp_runitor.
rewrite !vassocr.
apply maponpaths_2.
rewrite left_unit_assoc.
apply idpath.
- intros X Y f fX fY pf.
simpl ; cbn.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite lwhisker_hcomp.
rewrite triangle_l_inv.
rewrite <- rwhisker_hcomp.
rewrite rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rinvunitor_runitor, id2_left.
rewrite <- linvunitor_assoc.
rewrite lwhisker_hcomp.
rewrite <- linvunitor_natural.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite linvunitor_assoc.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite rassociator_lassociator, id2_right.
apply idpath.
- intros X Y f fX fY pf.
simpl ; cbn.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rinvunitor_triangle.
rewrite !rwhisker_hcomp.
rewrite <- rinvunitor_natural.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- left_unit_inv_assoc.
rewrite lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rinvunitor_runitor, id2_left.
rewrite lwhisker_hcomp.
rewrite triangle_l_inv.
apply idpath.
- intros X₁ X₂ X₃ X₄ f g h fX₁ fX₂ fX₃ fX₄ pf pg ph.
simpl ; cbn.
rewrite <- !rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite <- !lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocl.
use vcomp_move_L_pM.
{ is_iso. }
rewrite !vassocr.
do 8 apply maponpaths_2.
apply lassociator_lassociator.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply idpath.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rwhisker_rwhisker.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply idpath.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
use vcomp_move_R_Mp.
{ is_iso. }
rewrite !vassocl.
refine (!_).
do 5 apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
apply lassociator_lassociator.
rewrite !vassocr.
apply maponpaths_2.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite lwhisker_lwhisker.
rewrite !vassocr.
apply maponpaths_2.
use vcomp_move_L_Mp.
{ is_iso. }
rewrite !vassocl.
do 4 apply maponpaths.
exact (!(lassociator_lassociator _ _ _ _)).
rewrite !vassocr.
apply maponpaths_2.
rewrite !vassocl.
do 3 apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite rassociator_lassociator, lwhisker_id2.
apply id2_left.
rewrite rwhisker_lwhisker.
rewrite !vassocr.
apply maponpaths_2.
rewrite !vassocl.
use vcomp_move_R_pM.
{ is_iso. }
rewrite !vassocr.
use vcomp_move_L_Mp.
{ is_iso. }
rewrite lassociator_lassociator.
apply idpath.
- intros X₁ X₂ X₃ X₄ f g h fX₁ fX₂ fX₃ fX₄ pf pg ph.
simpl ; cbn.
rewrite <- !rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite <- !lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocr.
refine (!_).
do 7 apply maponpaths_2.
rewrite lassociator_lassociator.
apply idpath.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rwhisker_rwhisker.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply idpath.
apply maponpaths.
use vcomp_move_L_pM.
{ is_iso. }
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- lassociator_lassociator.
rewrite !vassocl.
do 2 apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite lassociator_rassociator, id2_rwhisker.
rewrite id2_left.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply idpath.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- rwhisker_lwhisker.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply idpath.
apply maponpaths.
use vcomp_move_L_pM.
{ is_iso. }
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite lassociator_lassociator.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite lassociator_rassociator.
rewrite id2_left.
apply idpath.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- lwhisker_lwhisker.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite <- lassociator_lassociator.
rewrite vassocr.
apply idpath.
- intros X Y f g h p q fX fY pf pg ph pp pq.
simpl ; cbn in *.
rewrite <- rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite pp.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite pq.
rewrite !vassocr.
apply maponpaths_2.
apply lwhisker_vcomp.
- intros X Y Z f g₁ g₂ p fX fY fZ pf pg₁ pg₂ pp.
simpl ; cbn in *.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite lwhisker_lwhisker.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- vcomp_whisker.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- lwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite <- rwhisker_lwhisker.
rewrite !vassocr.
apply maponpaths_2.
rewrite !lwhisker_vcomp.
apply maponpaths.
exact pp.
- intros X Y Z f₁ f₂ g p fX fY fZ pf₁ pf₂ pg pp.
simpl ; cbn in *.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rwhisker_lwhisker.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite rwhisker_rwhisker.
rewrite !vassocr.
apply maponpaths_2.
rewrite rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite <- pp.
rewrite <- rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rwhisker_rwhisker_alt.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite vcomp_whisker.
apply idpath.
- intros X Y f fX fY pf.
simpl ; cbn.
rewrite id2_rwhisker, id2_right.
rewrite lwhisker_id2, id2_left.
apply idpath.
- intros X Y f fX fY pf.
simpl ; cbn.
rewrite <- rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite runitor_rwhisker.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- linvunitor_assoc.
rewrite lwhisker_hcomp.
rewrite <- linvunitor_natural.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite lunitor_triangle.
rewrite linvunitor_lunitor.
apply id2_right.
- intros X Y f fX fY pf.
simpl ; cbn.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite runitor_rwhisker.
rewrite lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite linvunitor_lunitor, id2_right.
rewrite runitor_triangle.
rewrite vcomp_runitor.
rewrite !vassocr.
apply maponpaths_2.
rewrite left_unit_assoc.
apply idpath.
- intros X Y f fX fY pf.
simpl ; cbn.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite lwhisker_hcomp.
rewrite triangle_l_inv.
rewrite <- rwhisker_hcomp.
rewrite rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rinvunitor_runitor, id2_left.
rewrite <- linvunitor_assoc.
rewrite lwhisker_hcomp.
rewrite <- linvunitor_natural.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite linvunitor_assoc.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite rassociator_lassociator, id2_right.
apply idpath.
- intros X Y f fX fY pf.
simpl ; cbn.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rinvunitor_triangle.
rewrite !rwhisker_hcomp.
rewrite <- rinvunitor_natural.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- left_unit_inv_assoc.
rewrite lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rinvunitor_runitor, id2_left.
rewrite lwhisker_hcomp.
rewrite triangle_l_inv.
apply idpath.
- intros X₁ X₂ X₃ X₄ f g h fX₁ fX₂ fX₃ fX₄ pf pg ph.
simpl ; cbn.
rewrite <- !rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite <- !lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocl.
use vcomp_move_L_pM.
{ is_iso. }
rewrite !vassocr.
do 8 apply maponpaths_2.
apply lassociator_lassociator.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply idpath.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rwhisker_rwhisker.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply idpath.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
use vcomp_move_R_Mp.
{ is_iso. }
rewrite !vassocl.
refine (!_).
do 5 apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
apply lassociator_lassociator.
rewrite !vassocr.
apply maponpaths_2.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite lwhisker_lwhisker.
rewrite !vassocr.
apply maponpaths_2.
use vcomp_move_L_Mp.
{ is_iso. }
rewrite !vassocl.
do 4 apply maponpaths.
exact (!(lassociator_lassociator _ _ _ _)).
rewrite !vassocr.
apply maponpaths_2.
rewrite !vassocl.
do 3 apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite rassociator_lassociator, lwhisker_id2.
apply id2_left.
rewrite rwhisker_lwhisker.
rewrite !vassocr.
apply maponpaths_2.
rewrite !vassocl.
use vcomp_move_R_pM.
{ is_iso. }
rewrite !vassocr.
use vcomp_move_L_Mp.
{ is_iso. }
rewrite lassociator_lassociator.
apply idpath.
- intros X₁ X₂ X₃ X₄ f g h fX₁ fX₂ fX₃ fX₄ pf pg ph.
simpl ; cbn.
rewrite <- !rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite <- !lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocr.
refine (!_).
do 7 apply maponpaths_2.
rewrite lassociator_lassociator.
apply idpath.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rwhisker_rwhisker.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply idpath.
apply maponpaths.
use vcomp_move_L_pM.
{ is_iso. }
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- lassociator_lassociator.
rewrite !vassocl.
do 2 apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite lassociator_rassociator, id2_rwhisker.
rewrite id2_left.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply idpath.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- rwhisker_lwhisker.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply idpath.
apply maponpaths.
use vcomp_move_L_pM.
{ is_iso. }
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite lassociator_lassociator.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite lassociator_rassociator.
rewrite id2_left.
apply idpath.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- lwhisker_lwhisker.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite <- lassociator_lassociator.
rewrite vassocr.
apply idpath.
- intros X Y f g h p q fX fY pf pg ph pp pq.
simpl ; cbn in *.
rewrite <- rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite pp.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite pq.
rewrite !vassocr.
apply maponpaths_2.
apply lwhisker_vcomp.
- intros X Y Z f g₁ g₂ p fX fY fZ pf pg₁ pg₂ pp.
simpl ; cbn in *.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite lwhisker_lwhisker.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- vcomp_whisker.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- lwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite <- rwhisker_lwhisker.
rewrite !vassocr.
apply maponpaths_2.
rewrite !lwhisker_vcomp.
apply maponpaths.
exact pp.
- intros X Y Z f₁ f₂ g p fX fY fZ pf₁ pf₂ pg pp.
simpl ; cbn in *.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rwhisker_lwhisker.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite rwhisker_rwhisker.
rewrite !vassocr.
apply maponpaths_2.
rewrite rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite <- pp.
rewrite <- rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rwhisker_rwhisker_alt.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite vcomp_whisker.
apply idpath.
Definition cod_disp_prebicat_data
: disp_prebicat_data (prod_bicat B B).
Show proof.
Definition cod_disp_prebicat_laws
: disp_prebicat_laws cod_disp_prebicat_data.
Show proof.
Definition cod_disp_prebicat
: disp_prebicat (prod_bicat B B).
Show proof.
Definition cod_has_disp_cellset
: has_disp_cellset cod_disp_prebicat.
Show proof.
Definition cod_disp_bicat_help
: disp_bicat (prod_bicat B B).
Show proof.
Definition cod_disp_bicat
: disp_bicat B
:= sigma_bicat _ _ cod_disp_bicat_help.
End CodomainArrow.
Some projections and builders
Definition dom
{B : bicat}
{X : B}
(f : cod_disp_bicat B X)
: B
:= pr1 f.
Definition ar
{B : bicat}
{X : B}
(f : cod_disp_bicat B X)
: dom f --> X
:= pr2 f.
Definition make_ar
{B : bicat}
{X Y : B}
(f : X --> Y)
: cod_disp_bicat B Y
:= (X ,, f).
Definition make_disp_1cell_cod
{B : bicat}
{X Y : B}
{f : X --> Y}
{dX : cod_disp_bicat B X}
{dY : cod_disp_bicat B Y}
(h : dom dX --> dom dY)
(p : invertible_2cell (pr2 dX · f) (h · pr2 dY))
: dX -->[ f ] dY
:= h ,, p.
Definition coherent_homot
{B : bicat}
{X Y : B}
{f g : X --> Y}
(α : f ==> g)
{dX : cod_disp_bicat B X}
{dY : cod_disp_bicat B Y}
{df : dX -->[ f ] dY}
{dg : dX -->[ g ] dY}
(h : pr1 df ==> pr1 dg)
: UU
:= pr12 df • (h ▹ pr2 dY)
(pr2 dX ◃ α) • pr12 dg.
Definition make_disp_2cell_cod
{B : bicat}
{X Y : B}
{f g : X --> Y}
{α : f ==> g}
{dX : cod_disp_bicat B X}
{dY : cod_disp_bicat B Y}
{df : dX -->[ f ] dY}
{dg : dX -->[ g ] dY}
(h : pr1 df ==> pr1 dg)
(hh : coherent_homot α h)
: df ==>[ α ] dg
:= h ,, hh.
Definition is_disp_invertible_2cell_cod
{B : bicat}
{X Y : B}
{f g : X --> Y}
{α : invertible_2cell f g}
{dX : cod_disp_bicat B X}
{dY : cod_disp_bicat B Y}
{ff : dX -->[ f ] dY}
{gg : dX -->[ g ] dY}
(αα : ff ==>[ α ] gg)
(Hαα : is_invertible_2cell (pr1 αα))
: is_disp_invertible_2cell α αα.
Show proof.
Definition transportf_cell_of_cod_over
{B : bicat}
{b₁ b₂ : B}
{f₁ f₂ : b₁ --> b₂}
{α β : f₁ ==> f₂}
{h₁ : cod_disp_bicat B b₁}
{h₂ : cod_disp_bicat B b₂}
{ff₁ : h₁ -->[ f₁ ] h₂}
{ff₂ : h₁ -->[ f₂ ] h₂}
(p : α = β)
(αα : ff₁ ==>[ α ] ff₂)
: pr1 (transportf
(λ z, ff₁ ==>[ z ] ff₂)
pr1 αα.
Show proof.
Definition transportb_cell_of_cod_over
{B : bicat}
{b₁ b₂ : B}
{f₁ f₂ : b₁ --> b₂}
{α β : f₁ ==> f₂}
{h₁ : cod_disp_bicat B b₁}
{h₂ : cod_disp_bicat B b₂}
{ff₁ : h₁ -->[ f₁ ] h₂}
{ff₂ : h₁ -->[ f₂ ] h₂}
(p : α = β)
(ββ : ff₁ ==>[ β ] ff₂)
: pr1 (transportb
(λ z, ff₁ ==>[ z ] ff₂)
pr1 ββ.
Show proof.
Definition from_is_disp_invertible_2cell_cod
{B : bicat}
{X Y : B}
{f g : X --> Y}
{α : invertible_2cell f g}
{dX : cod_disp_bicat B X}
{dY : cod_disp_bicat B Y}
{ff : dX -->[ f ] dY}
{gg : dX -->[ g ] dY}
(αα : ff ==>[ α ] gg)
(Hαα : is_disp_invertible_2cell α αα)
: is_invertible_2cell (pr1 αα).
Show proof.
Definition disp_locally_groupoid_cod
(B : bicat)
(inv_B : locally_groupoid B)
: disp_locally_groupoid (cod_disp_bicat B).
Show proof.
Definition disp_locally_groupoid_cod_one_types
: disp_locally_groupoid (cod_disp_bicat one_types).
Show proof.
{B : bicat}
{X : B}
(f : cod_disp_bicat B X)
: B
:= pr1 f.
Definition ar
{B : bicat}
{X : B}
(f : cod_disp_bicat B X)
: dom f --> X
:= pr2 f.
Definition make_ar
{B : bicat}
{X Y : B}
(f : X --> Y)
: cod_disp_bicat B Y
:= (X ,, f).
Definition make_disp_1cell_cod
{B : bicat}
{X Y : B}
{f : X --> Y}
{dX : cod_disp_bicat B X}
{dY : cod_disp_bicat B Y}
(h : dom dX --> dom dY)
(p : invertible_2cell (pr2 dX · f) (h · pr2 dY))
: dX -->[ f ] dY
:= h ,, p.
Definition coherent_homot
{B : bicat}
{X Y : B}
{f g : X --> Y}
(α : f ==> g)
{dX : cod_disp_bicat B X}
{dY : cod_disp_bicat B Y}
{df : dX -->[ f ] dY}
{dg : dX -->[ g ] dY}
(h : pr1 df ==> pr1 dg)
: UU
:= pr12 df • (h ▹ pr2 dY)
(pr2 dX ◃ α) • pr12 dg.
Definition make_disp_2cell_cod
{B : bicat}
{X Y : B}
{f g : X --> Y}
{α : f ==> g}
{dX : cod_disp_bicat B X}
{dY : cod_disp_bicat B Y}
{df : dX -->[ f ] dY}
{dg : dX -->[ g ] dY}
(h : pr1 df ==> pr1 dg)
(hh : coherent_homot α h)
: df ==>[ α ] dg
:= h ,, hh.
Definition is_disp_invertible_2cell_cod
{B : bicat}
{X Y : B}
{f g : X --> Y}
{α : invertible_2cell f g}
{dX : cod_disp_bicat B X}
{dY : cod_disp_bicat B Y}
{ff : dX -->[ f ] dY}
{gg : dX -->[ g ] dY}
(αα : ff ==>[ α ] gg)
(Hαα : is_invertible_2cell (pr1 αα))
: is_disp_invertible_2cell α αα.
Show proof.
use tpair.
- use tpair.
+ exact (Hαα^-1).
+ abstract
(simpl ;
use vcomp_move_R_Mp ; is_iso ;
simpl ;
rewrite !vassocl ;
use vcomp_move_L_pM ; is_iso ;
simpl ;
refine (!_) ;
apply αα).
- split.
+ abstract
(use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply B | ] ;
simpl ;
unfold transportb ;
rewrite pr1_transportf ;
rewrite transportf_const ;
unfold idfun ; cbn ;
apply vcomp_rinv).
+ abstract
(use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply B | ] ;
simpl ;
unfold transportb ;
rewrite pr1_transportf ;
rewrite transportf_const ;
cbn ;
apply vcomp_linv).
- use tpair.
+ exact (Hαα^-1).
+ abstract
(simpl ;
use vcomp_move_R_Mp ; is_iso ;
simpl ;
rewrite !vassocl ;
use vcomp_move_L_pM ; is_iso ;
simpl ;
refine (!_) ;
apply αα).
- split.
+ abstract
(use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply B | ] ;
simpl ;
unfold transportb ;
rewrite pr1_transportf ;
rewrite transportf_const ;
unfold idfun ; cbn ;
apply vcomp_rinv).
+ abstract
(use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply B | ] ;
simpl ;
unfold transportb ;
rewrite pr1_transportf ;
rewrite transportf_const ;
cbn ;
apply vcomp_linv).
Definition transportf_cell_of_cod_over
{B : bicat}
{b₁ b₂ : B}
{f₁ f₂ : b₁ --> b₂}
{α β : f₁ ==> f₂}
{h₁ : cod_disp_bicat B b₁}
{h₂ : cod_disp_bicat B b₂}
{ff₁ : h₁ -->[ f₁ ] h₂}
{ff₂ : h₁ -->[ f₂ ] h₂}
(p : α = β)
(αα : ff₁ ==>[ α ] ff₂)
: pr1 (transportf
(λ z, ff₁ ==>[ z ] ff₂)
pr1 αα.
Show proof.
Definition transportb_cell_of_cod_over
{B : bicat}
{b₁ b₂ : B}
{f₁ f₂ : b₁ --> b₂}
{α β : f₁ ==> f₂}
{h₁ : cod_disp_bicat B b₁}
{h₂ : cod_disp_bicat B b₂}
{ff₁ : h₁ -->[ f₁ ] h₂}
{ff₂ : h₁ -->[ f₂ ] h₂}
(p : α = β)
(ββ : ff₁ ==>[ β ] ff₂)
: pr1 (transportb
(λ z, ff₁ ==>[ z ] ff₂)
pr1 ββ.
Show proof.
Definition from_is_disp_invertible_2cell_cod
{B : bicat}
{X Y : B}
{f g : X --> Y}
{α : invertible_2cell f g}
{dX : cod_disp_bicat B X}
{dY : cod_disp_bicat B Y}
{ff : dX -->[ f ] dY}
{gg : dX -->[ g ] dY}
(αα : ff ==>[ α ] gg)
(Hαα : is_disp_invertible_2cell α αα)
: is_invertible_2cell (pr1 αα).
Show proof.
use make_is_invertible_2cell.
- exact (pr11 Hαα).
- abstract
(exact (maponpaths pr1 (pr12 Hαα) @ transportb_cell_of_cod_over _ _)).
- abstract
(exact (maponpaths pr1 (pr22 Hαα) @ transportb_cell_of_cod_over _ _)).
- exact (pr11 Hαα).
- abstract
(exact (maponpaths pr1 (pr12 Hαα) @ transportb_cell_of_cod_over _ _)).
- abstract
(exact (maponpaths pr1 (pr22 Hαα) @ transportb_cell_of_cod_over _ _)).
Definition disp_locally_groupoid_cod
(B : bicat)
(inv_B : locally_groupoid B)
: disp_locally_groupoid (cod_disp_bicat B).
Show proof.
Definition disp_locally_groupoid_cod_one_types
: disp_locally_groupoid (cod_disp_bicat one_types).
Show proof.
2. The univalence
Section UnivalenceOfCodomain.
Context (B : bicat).
Definition cod_invertible_2_cell_to_disp_invertible_help
{c₁ c₂ : B}
{f : B ⟦ c₁, c₂ ⟧}
{φ₁ : cod_disp_bicat B c₁}
{φ₂ : cod_disp_bicat B c₂}
{ψ₁ ψ₂ : φ₁ -->[ f] φ₂}
(α : invertible_2cell (pr1 ψ₁) (pr1 ψ₂))
(Hα : coherent_homot (id2_invertible_2cell f) (pr1 α))
: disp_invertible_2cell (id2_invertible_2cell f) ψ₁ ψ₂.
Show proof.
Definition cod_invertible_2_cell_to_disp_invertible
{c₁ c₂ : B}
{f : B ⟦ c₁, c₂ ⟧}
{φ₁ : cod_disp_bicat B c₁}
{φ₂ : cod_disp_bicat B c₂}
{ψ₁ ψ₂ : φ₁ -->[ f] φ₂}
: (∑ (α : invertible_2cell (pr1 ψ₁) (pr1 ψ₂)),
coherent_homot (id2_invertible_2cell f) (pr1 α))
disp_invertible_2cell (id2_invertible_2cell f) ψ₁ ψ₂.
Show proof.
Definition cod_disp_invertible_invertible_2_cell
{c₁ c₂ : B}
{f : B ⟦ c₁, c₂ ⟧}
{φ₁ : cod_disp_bicat B c₁}
{φ₂ : cod_disp_bicat B c₂}
{ψ₁ ψ₂ : φ₁ -->[ f] φ₂}
: disp_invertible_2cell (id2_invertible_2cell f) ψ₁ ψ₂
∑ (α : invertible_2cell (pr1 ψ₁) (pr1 ψ₂)),
coherent_homot (id2_invertible_2cell f) (pr1 α).
Show proof.
Definition cod_invertible_2_cell_weq_disp_invertible
{c₁ c₂ : B}
{f : B ⟦ c₁, c₂ ⟧}
{φ₁ : cod_disp_bicat B c₁}
{φ₂ : cod_disp_bicat B c₂}
{ψ₁ ψ₂ : φ₁ -->[ f] φ₂}
: (∑ (α : invertible_2cell (pr1 ψ₁) (pr1 ψ₂)),
coherent_homot (id2_invertible_2cell f) (pr1 α))
disp_invertible_2cell (id2_invertible_2cell f) ψ₁ ψ₂.
Show proof.
Definition cod_2cell_path
{c₁ c₂ : B}
{f : B ⟦ c₁, c₂ ⟧}
{φ₁ : cod_disp_bicat B c₁}
{φ₂ : cod_disp_bicat B c₂}
{ψ₁ ψ₂ : φ₁ -->[ f ] φ₂}
(p : pr1 ψ₁ = pr1 ψ₂)
: (transportf (λ x, invertible_2cell (pr2 φ₁ · f) (x · pr2 φ₂)) p (pr2 ψ₁) = pr2 ψ₂)
coherent_homot (id₂ f) (pr1 (idtoiso_2_1 (pr1 ψ₁) (pr1 ψ₂) p)).
Show proof.
Definition cod_disp_univalent_2_1
(HB_2_1 : is_univalent_2_1 B)
: disp_univalent_2_1 (cod_disp_bicat B).
Show proof.
Definition cod_1cell_path
(HB_2_1 : is_univalent_2_1 B)
{c : B}
(f₁ f₂ : cod_disp_bicat B c)
(p : pr1 f₁ = pr1 f₂)
: (transportf (λ b, B ⟦ b, c ⟧) p (pr2 f₁) = pr2 f₂)
invertible_2cell (pr2 f₁) (idtoiso_2_0 _ _ p · pr2 f₂).
Show proof.
Section AdjEquivToDispAdjEquiv.
Context {c : B}
{f₁ f₂ : cod_disp_bicat B c}
(e : adjoint_equivalence (pr1 f₁) (pr1 f₂))
(α : invertible_2cell (pr2 f₁) (pr1 e · pr2 f₂)).
Let l : pr1 f₁ --> pr1 f₂ := pr1 e.
Let r : pr1 f₂ --> pr1 f₁ := left_adjoint_right_adjoint e.
Let η : invertible_2cell (id₁ _) (l · r) := left_equivalence_unit_iso e.
Let ε : invertible_2cell (r · l) (id₁ _) := left_equivalence_counit_iso e.
Definition cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_adj_equiv_map
: f₁ -->[ internal_adjoint_equivalence_identity c] f₂.
Show proof.
Definition cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_adj_equiv_right_adj
: f₂ -->[ internal_adjoint_equivalence_identity c] f₁.
Show proof.
Definition cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_adj_equiv_unit
: pr1 (id_disp f₁)
pr1 (cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_adj_equiv_map
:= η.
Definition cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_adj_equiv_unit_homot
: coherent_homot
(left_adjoint_unit (internal_adjoint_equivalence_identity c))
Show proof.
Definition cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_adj_equiv_counit
: pr1 (cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_adj_equiv_right_adj
pr1 (id_disp f₂)
:= pr2 (pr212 e).
Definition cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_adj_equiv_counit_homot
: coherent_homot
(internal_adjoint_equivalence_identity c))
Show proof.
Definition cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_adj_equiv_disp_adj
: disp_left_adjoint_equivalence
(internal_adjoint_equivalence_identity c)
Show proof.
Definition cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_adj_equiv_help
: disp_adjoint_equivalence (internal_adjoint_equivalence_identity c) f₁ f₂.
Show proof.
Definition cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_adj_equiv
{c : B}
{f₁ f₂ : cod_disp_bicat B c}
: (∑ (y : adjoint_equivalence (pr1 f₁) (pr1 f₂)),
invertible_2cell (pr2 f₁) (pr1 y · pr2 f₂))
disp_adjoint_equivalence (internal_adjoint_equivalence_identity c) f₁ f₂.
Show proof.
Definition cod_disp_adj_equiv_to_adj_equiv
{c : B}
{f₁ f₂ : cod_disp_bicat B c}
: disp_adjoint_equivalence (internal_adjoint_equivalence_identity c) f₁ f₂
∑ (y : adjoint_equivalence (pr1 f₁) (pr1 f₂)),
invertible_2cell (pr2 f₁) (pr1 y · pr2 f₂).
Show proof.
Definition cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_to_adj
(HB_2_1 : is_univalent_2_1 B)
{c : B}
{f₁ f₂ : cod_disp_bicat B c}
(e : ∑ (y : adjoint_equivalence (pr1 f₁) (pr1 f₂)),
invertible_2cell (pr2 f₁) (pr1 y · pr2 f₂))
: cod_disp_adj_equiv_to_adj_equiv
(cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_adj_equiv e)
Show proof.
Definition cod_disp_adj_to_adj_to_disp
(HB_2_1 : is_univalent_2_1 B)
{c : B}
{f₁ f₂ : cod_disp_bicat B c}
(e : disp_adjoint_equivalence
(internal_adjoint_equivalence_identity c)
f₁ f₂)
: cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_adj_equiv
(cod_disp_adj_equiv_to_adj_equiv e)
Show proof.
Definition cod_adj_equiv_weq_disp_adj_equiv
(HB_2_1 : is_univalent_2_1 B)
{c : B}
(f₁ f₂ : cod_disp_bicat B c)
: (∑ y : adjoint_equivalence (pr1 f₁) (pr1 f₂),
invertible_2cell (pr2 f₁) (pr1 y · pr2 f₂))
disp_adjoint_equivalence (internal_adjoint_equivalence_identity c) f₁ f₂.
Show proof.
Definition cod_disp_univalent_2_0
(HB_2 : is_univalent_2 B)
: disp_univalent_2_0 (cod_disp_bicat B).
Show proof.
Definition cod_disp_univalent_2
(HB_2 : is_univalent_2 B)
: disp_univalent_2 (cod_disp_bicat B).
Show proof.
End UnivalenceOfCodomain.
Context (B : bicat).
Definition cod_invertible_2_cell_to_disp_invertible_help
{c₁ c₂ : B}
{f : B ⟦ c₁, c₂ ⟧}
{φ₁ : cod_disp_bicat B c₁}
{φ₂ : cod_disp_bicat B c₂}
{ψ₁ ψ₂ : φ₁ -->[ f] φ₂}
(α : invertible_2cell (pr1 ψ₁) (pr1 ψ₂))
(Hα : coherent_homot (id2_invertible_2cell f) (pr1 α))
: disp_invertible_2cell (id2_invertible_2cell f) ψ₁ ψ₂.
Show proof.
simple refine (_ ,, _).
- use make_disp_2cell_cod.
+ exact (pr1 α).
+ exact Hα.
- apply is_disp_invertible_2cell_cod.
exact (pr2 α).
- use make_disp_2cell_cod.
+ exact (pr1 α).
+ exact Hα.
- apply is_disp_invertible_2cell_cod.
exact (pr2 α).
Definition cod_invertible_2_cell_to_disp_invertible
{c₁ c₂ : B}
{f : B ⟦ c₁, c₂ ⟧}
{φ₁ : cod_disp_bicat B c₁}
{φ₂ : cod_disp_bicat B c₂}
{ψ₁ ψ₂ : φ₁ -->[ f] φ₂}
: (∑ (α : invertible_2cell (pr1 ψ₁) (pr1 ψ₂)),
coherent_homot (id2_invertible_2cell f) (pr1 α))
disp_invertible_2cell (id2_invertible_2cell f) ψ₁ ψ₂.
Show proof.
Definition cod_disp_invertible_invertible_2_cell
{c₁ c₂ : B}
{f : B ⟦ c₁, c₂ ⟧}
{φ₁ : cod_disp_bicat B c₁}
{φ₂ : cod_disp_bicat B c₂}
{ψ₁ ψ₂ : φ₁ -->[ f] φ₂}
: disp_invertible_2cell (id2_invertible_2cell f) ψ₁ ψ₂
∑ (α : invertible_2cell (pr1 ψ₁) (pr1 ψ₂)),
coherent_homot (id2_invertible_2cell f) (pr1 α).
Show proof.
intro α.
simple refine ((_ ,, _) ,, _).
- exact (pr11 α).
- simpl.
use make_is_invertible_2cell.
+ exact (pr1 (disp_inv_cell α)).
+ abstract
(pose (maponpaths pr1 (disp_vcomp_rinv α)) as p ;
cbn in p ;
unfold transportb in p ;
rewrite pr1_transportf, transportf_const in p ;
exact p).
+ abstract
(pose (maponpaths pr1 (disp_vcomp_linv α)) as p ;
cbn in p ;
unfold transportb in p ;
rewrite pr1_transportf, transportf_const in p ;
exact p).
- exact (pr21 α).
simple refine ((_ ,, _) ,, _).
- exact (pr11 α).
- simpl.
use make_is_invertible_2cell.
+ exact (pr1 (disp_inv_cell α)).
+ abstract
(pose (maponpaths pr1 (disp_vcomp_rinv α)) as p ;
cbn in p ;
unfold transportb in p ;
rewrite pr1_transportf, transportf_const in p ;
exact p).
+ abstract
(pose (maponpaths pr1 (disp_vcomp_linv α)) as p ;
cbn in p ;
unfold transportb in p ;
rewrite pr1_transportf, transportf_const in p ;
exact p).
- exact (pr21 α).
Definition cod_invertible_2_cell_weq_disp_invertible
{c₁ c₂ : B}
{f : B ⟦ c₁, c₂ ⟧}
{φ₁ : cod_disp_bicat B c₁}
{φ₂ : cod_disp_bicat B c₂}
{ψ₁ ψ₂ : φ₁ -->[ f] φ₂}
: (∑ (α : invertible_2cell (pr1 ψ₁) (pr1 ψ₂)),
coherent_homot (id2_invertible_2cell f) (pr1 α))
disp_invertible_2cell (id2_invertible_2cell f) ψ₁ ψ₂.
Show proof.
use make_weq.
- exact cod_invertible_2_cell_to_disp_invertible.
- use isweq_iso.
+ exact cod_disp_invertible_invertible_2_cell.
+ abstract
(intro α ;
use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply B | ] ;
use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply isaprop_is_invertible_2cell | ] ;
apply idpath).
+ abstract
(intro α ;
use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply isaprop_is_disp_invertible_2cell | ] ;
use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply B | ] ;
apply idpath).
- exact cod_invertible_2_cell_to_disp_invertible.
- use isweq_iso.
+ exact cod_disp_invertible_invertible_2_cell.
+ abstract
(intro α ;
use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply B | ] ;
use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply isaprop_is_invertible_2cell | ] ;
apply idpath).
+ abstract
(intro α ;
use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply isaprop_is_disp_invertible_2cell | ] ;
use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply B | ] ;
apply idpath).
Definition cod_2cell_path
{c₁ c₂ : B}
{f : B ⟦ c₁, c₂ ⟧}
{φ₁ : cod_disp_bicat B c₁}
{φ₂ : cod_disp_bicat B c₂}
{ψ₁ ψ₂ : φ₁ -->[ f ] φ₂}
(p : pr1 ψ₁ = pr1 ψ₂)
: (transportf (λ x, invertible_2cell (pr2 φ₁ · f) (x · pr2 φ₂)) p (pr2 ψ₁) = pr2 ψ₂)
coherent_homot (id₂ f) (pr1 (idtoiso_2_1 (pr1 ψ₁) (pr1 ψ₂) p)).
Show proof.
induction ψ₁ as [ψ₁ q₁].
induction ψ₂ as [ψ₂ q₂].
cbn in *.
induction p.
unfold coherent_homot.
rewrite id2_rwhisker.
rewrite id2_right.
rewrite lwhisker_id2.
rewrite id2_left.
apply path_sigma_hprop.
apply isaprop_is_invertible_2cell.
induction ψ₂ as [ψ₂ q₂].
cbn in *.
induction p.
unfold coherent_homot.
rewrite id2_rwhisker.
rewrite id2_right.
rewrite lwhisker_id2.
rewrite id2_left.
apply path_sigma_hprop.
apply isaprop_is_invertible_2cell.
Definition cod_disp_univalent_2_1
(HB_2_1 : is_univalent_2_1 B)
: disp_univalent_2_1 (cod_disp_bicat B).
Show proof.
use fiberwise_local_univalent_is_univalent_2_1.
intros c₁ c₂ f φ₁ φ₂ ψ₁ ψ₂.
use weqhomot.
- exact (cod_invertible_2_cell_weq_disp_invertible
∘ weqtotal2 (make_weq _ (HB_2_1 _ _ _ _)) cod_2cell_path
∘ total2_paths_equiv _ _ _)%weq.
- intro p.
induction p.
use subtypePath.
intro ; apply isaprop_is_disp_invertible_2cell.
use subtypePath.
intro ; apply B.
apply idpath.
intros c₁ c₂ f φ₁ φ₂ ψ₁ ψ₂.
use weqhomot.
- exact (cod_invertible_2_cell_weq_disp_invertible
∘ weqtotal2 (make_weq _ (HB_2_1 _ _ _ _)) cod_2cell_path
∘ total2_paths_equiv _ _ _)%weq.
- intro p.
induction p.
use subtypePath.
intro ; apply isaprop_is_disp_invertible_2cell.
use subtypePath.
intro ; apply B.
apply idpath.
Definition cod_1cell_path
(HB_2_1 : is_univalent_2_1 B)
{c : B}
(f₁ f₂ : cod_disp_bicat B c)
(p : pr1 f₁ = pr1 f₂)
: (transportf (λ b, B ⟦ b, c ⟧) p (pr2 f₁) = pr2 f₂)
invertible_2cell (pr2 f₁) (idtoiso_2_0 _ _ p · pr2 f₂).
Show proof.
induction f₁ as [ c₁ f₁ ].
induction f₂ as [ c₂ f₂ ].
cbn in *.
induction p.
exact (cod_1cell_path_help f₁ f₂ ∘ make_weq _ (HB_2_1 _ _ _ _))%weq.
induction f₂ as [ c₂ f₂ ].
cbn in *.
induction p.
exact (cod_1cell_path_help f₁ f₂ ∘ make_weq _ (HB_2_1 _ _ _ _))%weq.
Section AdjEquivToDispAdjEquiv.
Context {c : B}
{f₁ f₂ : cod_disp_bicat B c}
(e : adjoint_equivalence (pr1 f₁) (pr1 f₂))
(α : invertible_2cell (pr2 f₁) (pr1 e · pr2 f₂)).
Let l : pr1 f₁ --> pr1 f₂ := pr1 e.
Let r : pr1 f₂ --> pr1 f₁ := left_adjoint_right_adjoint e.
Let η : invertible_2cell (id₁ _) (l · r) := left_equivalence_unit_iso e.
Let ε : invertible_2cell (r · l) (id₁ _) := left_equivalence_counit_iso e.
Definition cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_adj_equiv_map
: f₁ -->[ internal_adjoint_equivalence_identity c] f₂.
Show proof.
Definition cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_adj_equiv_right_adj
: f₂ -->[ internal_adjoint_equivalence_identity c] f₁.
Show proof.
use make_disp_1cell_cod.
- exact r.
- simpl.
use make_invertible_2cell.
+ refine (runitor _
• linvunitor _
• (ε^-1 ▹ _)
• rassociator _ _ _
• (_ ◃ α^-1)).
+ is_iso.
- exact r.
- simpl.
use make_invertible_2cell.
+ refine (runitor _
• linvunitor _
• (ε^-1 ▹ _)
• rassociator _ _ _
• (_ ◃ α^-1)).
+ is_iso.
Definition cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_adj_equiv_unit
: pr1 (id_disp f₁)
pr1 (cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_adj_equiv_map
:= η.
Definition cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_adj_equiv_unit_homot
: coherent_homot
(left_adjoint_unit (internal_adjoint_equivalence_identity c))
Show proof.
unfold coherent_homot, cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_adj_equiv_unit ; cbn.
rewrite !vassocr.
refine (!_).
do 4 apply maponpaths_2.
rewrite lwhisker_hcomp.
rewrite triangle_l_inv.
rewrite <- rwhisker_hcomp.
apply idpath.
rewrite !rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rinvunitor_runitor.
rewrite id2_left.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite <- !lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite lwhisker_lwhisker.
rewrite !vassocr.
use vcomp_move_R_Mp.
refine (!_).
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite vcomp_whisker.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite lwhisker_hcomp.
rewrite <- linvunitor_natural.
apply idpath.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- vcomp_runitor.
apply idpath.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths ; clear α.
rewrite <- runitor_triangle.
rewrite !vassocl.
do 2 apply maponpaths.
refine (!_).
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite lwhisker_vcomp.
apply idpath.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite lwhisker_vcomp.
use vcomp_move_R_pM.
refine (!_).
rewrite linvunitor_assoc.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite <- rwhisker_rwhisker_alt.
rewrite !vassocr.
apply maponpaths_2.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite rwhisker_vcomp.
apply maponpaths.
assert (linvunitor (pr1 e) • (pr121 (pr2 e) ▹ pr1 e)
rinvunitor _ • (pr1 e ◃ (pr222 (pr2 e))^-1) • lassociator _ _ _)
as p.
refine (_ @ id2_left _).
use vcomp_move_L_Mp.
rewrite !vassocr.
exact (pr1 (pr122 e)).
apply maponpaths.
exact p.
unfold left_adjoint_right_adjoint.
use vcomp_move_R_Mp.
rewrite <- lassociator_lassociator.
rewrite <- !lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite <- !rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocr.
apply maponpaths_2.
rewrite !vassocl.
refine (_ @ id2_right _).
use vcomp_move_L_pM.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
apply maponpaths_2.
rewrite lunitor_lwhisker.
rewrite rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite runitor_rinvunitor.
apply id2_rwhisker.
rewrite id2_left.
rewrite rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite vcomp_rinv.
rewrite lwhisker_id2.
rewrite id2_rwhisker.
apply idpath.
rewrite !vassocr.
refine (!_).
do 4 apply maponpaths_2.
rewrite lwhisker_hcomp.
rewrite triangle_l_inv.
rewrite <- rwhisker_hcomp.
apply idpath.
rewrite !rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rinvunitor_runitor.
rewrite id2_left.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite <- !lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite lwhisker_lwhisker.
rewrite !vassocr.
use vcomp_move_R_Mp.
refine (!_).
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite vcomp_whisker.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite lwhisker_hcomp.
rewrite <- linvunitor_natural.
apply idpath.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- vcomp_runitor.
apply idpath.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths ; clear α.
rewrite <- runitor_triangle.
rewrite !vassocl.
do 2 apply maponpaths.
refine (!_).
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite lwhisker_vcomp.
apply idpath.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite lwhisker_vcomp.
use vcomp_move_R_pM.
refine (!_).
rewrite linvunitor_assoc.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite <- rwhisker_rwhisker_alt.
rewrite !vassocr.
apply maponpaths_2.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite rwhisker_vcomp.
apply maponpaths.
assert (linvunitor (pr1 e) • (pr121 (pr2 e) ▹ pr1 e)
rinvunitor _ • (pr1 e ◃ (pr222 (pr2 e))^-1) • lassociator _ _ _)
as p.
refine (_ @ id2_left _).
use vcomp_move_L_Mp.
rewrite !vassocr.
exact (pr1 (pr122 e)).
apply maponpaths.
exact p.
unfold left_adjoint_right_adjoint.
use vcomp_move_R_Mp.
rewrite <- lassociator_lassociator.
rewrite <- !lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite <- !rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocr.
apply maponpaths_2.
rewrite !vassocl.
refine (_ @ id2_right _).
use vcomp_move_L_pM.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
apply maponpaths_2.
rewrite lunitor_lwhisker.
rewrite rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite runitor_rinvunitor.
apply id2_rwhisker.
rewrite id2_left.
rewrite rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite vcomp_rinv.
rewrite lwhisker_id2.
rewrite id2_rwhisker.
apply idpath.
Definition cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_adj_equiv_counit
: pr1 (cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_adj_equiv_right_adj
pr1 (id_disp f₂)
:= pr2 (pr212 e).
Definition cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_adj_equiv_counit_homot
: coherent_homot
(internal_adjoint_equivalence_identity c))
Show proof.
unfold coherent_homot, cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_adj_equiv_counit ; cbn.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite <- rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite runitor_rwhisker.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- rwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite vcomp_runitor.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite vcomp_linv.
rewrite id2_right.
apply idpath.
rewrite <- rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocl.
assert (rassociator (pr112 e) (pr1 e) (pr2 f₂) ▹ id₁ c
• rassociator (pr112 e) (pr1 e · pr2 f₂) (id₁ c)
• (pr112 e ◃ runitor (pr1 e · pr2 f₂))
• lassociator (pr112 e) (pr1 e) (pr2 f₂)
runitor _)
as p.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite !left_unit_assoc.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite <- vcomp_runitor.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rassociator_lassociator.
rewrite id2_left.
apply idpath.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite rassociator_lassociator.
rewrite id2_rwhisker.
apply id2_left.
rewrite <- !rwhisker_vcomp.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
apply maponpaths_2.
exact p.
rewrite <- vcomp_runitor.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
apply maponpaths_2.
rewrite !rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite vcomp_linv.
rewrite !id2_rwhisker.
apply idpath.
rewrite id2_left.
rewrite vcomp_runitor.
apply idpath.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite <- rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite runitor_rwhisker.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite <- rwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite lwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite vcomp_runitor.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite vcomp_linv.
rewrite id2_right.
apply idpath.
rewrite <- rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite !vassocl.
assert (rassociator (pr112 e) (pr1 e) (pr2 f₂) ▹ id₁ c
• rassociator (pr112 e) (pr1 e · pr2 f₂) (id₁ c)
• (pr112 e ◃ runitor (pr1 e · pr2 f₂))
• lassociator (pr112 e) (pr1 e) (pr2 f₂)
runitor _)
as p.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite !left_unit_assoc.
rewrite !vassocl.
rewrite <- vcomp_runitor.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rassociator_lassociator.
rewrite id2_left.
apply idpath.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite rassociator_lassociator.
rewrite id2_rwhisker.
apply id2_left.
rewrite <- !rwhisker_vcomp.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
apply maponpaths_2.
exact p.
rewrite <- vcomp_runitor.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
apply maponpaths_2.
rewrite !rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite vcomp_linv.
rewrite !id2_rwhisker.
apply idpath.
rewrite id2_left.
rewrite vcomp_runitor.
apply idpath.
Definition cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_adj_equiv_disp_adj
: disp_left_adjoint_equivalence
(internal_adjoint_equivalence_identity c)
Show proof.
simple refine (_ ,, (_ ,, _)).
- simple refine (_ ,, (_ ,, _)).
+ apply cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_adj_equiv_right_adj.
+ use make_disp_2cell_cod.
* apply cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_adj_equiv_unit.
* exact cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_adj_equiv_unit_homot.
+ use make_disp_2cell_cod.
* apply cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_adj_equiv_counit.
* exact cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_adj_equiv_counit_homot.
- simple refine (_ ,, _).
+ cbn.
use subtypePath.
apply B.
exact (pr1 (pr122 e)).
refine (!_).
refine (@pr1_transportf _ (λ _, _) _ _ _ _ _ @ _).
rewrite transportf_const.
apply idpath.
+ cbn.
use subtypePath.
apply B.
exact (pr2 (pr122 e)).
refine (!_).
refine (@pr1_transportf _ (λ _, _) _ _ _ _ _ @ _).
rewrite transportf_const.
apply idpath.
- split.
+ apply is_disp_invertible_2cell_cod ; cbn.
apply η.
+ apply is_disp_invertible_2cell_cod ; cbn.
apply ε.
- simple refine (_ ,, (_ ,, _)).
+ apply cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_adj_equiv_right_adj.
+ use make_disp_2cell_cod.
* apply cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_adj_equiv_unit.
* exact cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_adj_equiv_unit_homot.
+ use make_disp_2cell_cod.
* apply cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_adj_equiv_counit.
* exact cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_adj_equiv_counit_homot.
- simple refine (_ ,, _).
+ cbn.
use subtypePath.
apply B.
exact (pr1 (pr122 e)).
refine (!_).
refine (@pr1_transportf _ (λ _, _) _ _ _ _ _ @ _).
rewrite transportf_const.
apply idpath.
+ cbn.
use subtypePath.
apply B.
exact (pr2 (pr122 e)).
refine (!_).
refine (@pr1_transportf _ (λ _, _) _ _ _ _ _ @ _).
rewrite transportf_const.
apply idpath.
- split.
+ apply is_disp_invertible_2cell_cod ; cbn.
apply η.
+ apply is_disp_invertible_2cell_cod ; cbn.
apply ε.
Definition cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_adj_equiv_help
: disp_adjoint_equivalence (internal_adjoint_equivalence_identity c) f₁ f₂.
Show proof.
simple refine (_ ,, _).
- exact cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_adj_equiv_map.
- exact cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_adj_equiv_disp_adj.
End AdjEquivToDispAdjEquiv.- exact cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_adj_equiv_map.
- exact cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_adj_equiv_disp_adj.
Definition cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_adj_equiv
{c : B}
{f₁ f₂ : cod_disp_bicat B c}
: (∑ (y : adjoint_equivalence (pr1 f₁) (pr1 f₂)),
invertible_2cell (pr2 f₁) (pr1 y · pr2 f₂))
disp_adjoint_equivalence (internal_adjoint_equivalence_identity c) f₁ f₂.
Show proof.
Definition cod_disp_adj_equiv_to_adj_equiv
{c : B}
{f₁ f₂ : cod_disp_bicat B c}
: disp_adjoint_equivalence (internal_adjoint_equivalence_identity c) f₁ f₂
∑ (y : adjoint_equivalence (pr1 f₁) (pr1 f₂)),
invertible_2cell (pr2 f₁) (pr1 y · pr2 f₂).
Show proof.
intro e.
simple refine (_ ,, _).
- simple refine (_ ,, _).
+ exact (pr11 e).
+ simpl.
simple refine (_ ,, (_ ,, _)).
* simple refine (_ ,, (_ ,, _)).
** exact (pr1 (pr112 e)).
** exact (pr11 (pr212 e)).
** exact (pr12 (pr212 e)).
* split.
** abstract
(refine (maponpaths pr1 (pr1 (pr122 e)) @ _) ;
unfold transportb ;
cbn ;
refine (@pr1_transportf _ (λ _, _) _ _ _ _ _ @ _) ;
rewrite transportf_const ;
apply idpath).
** abstract
(refine (maponpaths pr1 (pr2 (pr122 e)) @ _) ;
unfold transportb ;
cbn ;
refine (@pr1_transportf _ (λ _, _) _ _ _ _ _ @ _) ;
rewrite transportf_const ;
apply idpath).
* split.
** exact (from_is_disp_invertible_2cell_cod _ (pr12 (pr22 e))).
** exact (from_is_disp_invertible_2cell_cod _ (pr22 (pr22 e))).
- refine (rinvunitor _ • pr121 e ,, _).
exact (pr221 e).
simple refine (_ ,, _).
- simple refine (_ ,, _).
+ exact (pr11 e).
+ simpl.
simple refine (_ ,, (_ ,, _)).
* simple refine (_ ,, (_ ,, _)).
** exact (pr1 (pr112 e)).
** exact (pr11 (pr212 e)).
** exact (pr12 (pr212 e)).
* split.
** abstract
(refine (maponpaths pr1 (pr1 (pr122 e)) @ _) ;
unfold transportb ;
cbn ;
refine (@pr1_transportf _ (λ _, _) _ _ _ _ _ @ _) ;
rewrite transportf_const ;
apply idpath).
** abstract
(refine (maponpaths pr1 (pr2 (pr122 e)) @ _) ;
unfold transportb ;
cbn ;
refine (@pr1_transportf _ (λ _, _) _ _ _ _ _ @ _) ;
rewrite transportf_const ;
apply idpath).
* split.
** exact (from_is_disp_invertible_2cell_cod _ (pr12 (pr22 e))).
** exact (from_is_disp_invertible_2cell_cod _ (pr22 (pr22 e))).
- refine (rinvunitor _ • pr121 e ,, _).
exact (pr221 e).
Definition cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_to_adj
(HB_2_1 : is_univalent_2_1 B)
{c : B}
{f₁ f₂ : cod_disp_bicat B c}
(e : ∑ (y : adjoint_equivalence (pr1 f₁) (pr1 f₂)),
invertible_2cell (pr2 f₁) (pr1 y · pr2 f₂))
: cod_disp_adj_equiv_to_adj_equiv
(cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_adj_equiv e)
Show proof.
use total2_paths_f.
- simpl.
use subtypePath.
intro ; apply isaprop_left_adjoint_equivalence.
exact HB_2_1.
apply idpath.
- unfold subtypePath.
apply (transportf_total2_paths_f (λ x, invertible_2cell (pr2 f₁) (x · pr2 f₂))).
use subtypePath.
intro ; apply isaprop_is_invertible_2cell.
rewrite vassocr.
rewrite rinvunitor_runitor.
apply id2_left.
- simpl.
use subtypePath.
intro ; apply isaprop_left_adjoint_equivalence.
exact HB_2_1.
apply idpath.
- unfold subtypePath.
apply (transportf_total2_paths_f (λ x, invertible_2cell (pr2 f₁) (x · pr2 f₂))).
use subtypePath.
intro ; apply isaprop_is_invertible_2cell.
rewrite vassocr.
rewrite rinvunitor_runitor.
apply id2_left.
Definition cod_disp_adj_to_adj_to_disp
(HB_2_1 : is_univalent_2_1 B)
{c : B}
{f₁ f₂ : cod_disp_bicat B c}
(e : disp_adjoint_equivalence
(internal_adjoint_equivalence_identity c)
f₁ f₂)
: cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_adj_equiv
(cod_disp_adj_equiv_to_adj_equiv e)
Show proof.
use subtypePath.
use isaprop_disp_left_adjoint_equivalence.
- exact HB_2_1.
- apply cod_disp_univalent_2_1.
exact HB_2_1.
unfold cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_adj_equiv_map, make_disp_1cell_cod.
use maponpaths.
use subtypePath.
intro ; apply isaprop_is_invertible_2cell.
rewrite vassocr.
rewrite runitor_rinvunitor.
apply id2_left.
use isaprop_disp_left_adjoint_equivalence.
- exact HB_2_1.
- apply cod_disp_univalent_2_1.
exact HB_2_1.
unfold cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_adj_equiv_map, make_disp_1cell_cod.
use maponpaths.
use subtypePath.
intro ; apply isaprop_is_invertible_2cell.
rewrite vassocr.
rewrite runitor_rinvunitor.
apply id2_left.
Definition cod_adj_equiv_weq_disp_adj_equiv
(HB_2_1 : is_univalent_2_1 B)
{c : B}
(f₁ f₂ : cod_disp_bicat B c)
: (∑ y : adjoint_equivalence (pr1 f₁) (pr1 f₂),
invertible_2cell (pr2 f₁) (pr1 y · pr2 f₂))
disp_adjoint_equivalence (internal_adjoint_equivalence_identity c) f₁ f₂.
Show proof.
use make_weq.
- exact cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_adj_equiv.
- use isweq_iso.
+ exact cod_disp_adj_equiv_to_adj_equiv.
+ exact (cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_to_adj HB_2_1).
+ exact (cod_disp_adj_to_adj_to_disp HB_2_1).
- exact cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_adj_equiv.
- use isweq_iso.
+ exact cod_disp_adj_equiv_to_adj_equiv.
+ exact (cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_to_adj HB_2_1).
+ exact (cod_disp_adj_to_adj_to_disp HB_2_1).
Definition cod_disp_univalent_2_0
(HB_2 : is_univalent_2 B)
: disp_univalent_2_0 (cod_disp_bicat B).
Show proof.
use fiberwise_univalent_2_0_to_disp_univalent_2_0.
intros c f₁ f₂.
use weqhomot.
- exact (cod_adj_equiv_weq_disp_adj_equiv (pr2 HB_2) f₁ f₂
∘ weqtotal2 (make_weq _ (pr1 HB_2 _ _)) (cod_1cell_path (pr2 HB_2) f₁ f₂)
∘ total2_paths_equiv _ _ _)%weq.
- intro p.
cbn in p.
induction p.
use subtypePath.
use isaprop_disp_left_adjoint_equivalence.
- exact (pr2 HB_2).
- apply cod_disp_univalent_2_1.
exact (pr2 HB_2).
cbn ; unfold cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_adj_equiv_map, make_disp_1cell_cod ; cbn.
apply maponpaths.
use subtypePath.
intro ; apply isaprop_is_invertible_2cell.
rewrite id2_left.
apply idpath.
intros c f₁ f₂.
use weqhomot.
- exact (cod_adj_equiv_weq_disp_adj_equiv (pr2 HB_2) f₁ f₂
∘ weqtotal2 (make_weq _ (pr1 HB_2 _ _)) (cod_1cell_path (pr2 HB_2) f₁ f₂)
∘ total2_paths_equiv _ _ _)%weq.
- intro p.
cbn in p.
induction p.
use subtypePath.
use isaprop_disp_left_adjoint_equivalence.
- exact (pr2 HB_2).
- apply cod_disp_univalent_2_1.
exact (pr2 HB_2).
cbn ; unfold cod_adj_equiv_to_disp_adj_equiv_map, make_disp_1cell_cod ; cbn.
apply maponpaths.
use subtypePath.
intro ; apply isaprop_is_invertible_2cell.
rewrite id2_left.
apply idpath.
Definition cod_disp_univalent_2
(HB_2 : is_univalent_2 B)
: disp_univalent_2 (cod_disp_bicat B).
Show proof.
End UnivalenceOfCodomain.