Library UniMath.Bicategories.DoubleCategories.DoubleCats

Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.NaturalTransformations.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Isos.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Univalence.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.TwoSidedDisplayedCats.TwoSidedDispCat.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.TwoSidedDisplayedCats.DisplayedFunctor.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.TwoSidedDisplayedCats.DisplayedNatTrans.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.TwoSidedDisplayedCats.Isos.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.TwoSidedDisplayedCats.Univalence.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Bicat.
Import Bicat.Notations.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Invertible_2cells.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.DispBicat.
Import DispBicat.Notations.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.DispUnivalence.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.Examples.DispBicatOfDispCats.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.Examples.DispBicatOfTwoSidedDispCat.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.Examples.DisplayedCatToBicat.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.Examples.FullSub.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.Examples.Prod.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Examples.BicatOfUnivCats.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DoubleCategories.DoubleCategoryBasics.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DoubleCategories.DoubleFunctor.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DoubleCategories.DoubleTransformation.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DoubleCategories.BicatOfDoubleCats.

Local Open Scope cat.

Declare Scope double_cat.

Local Open Scope double_cat.

1. Double categories
Definition double_cat
  : UU
  := ob bicat_of_double_cats.

2. Accessors for double categories
2.1. The vertical category
Definition ob_double_cat
           (C : double_cat)
  : category
  := pr11 (pr111 C).

Coercion ob_double_cat : double_cat >-> category.

Definition ver_mor_double_cat
           {C : double_cat}
           (x y : C)
  : UU
  := x --> y.

Notation "x -->v y" := (ver_mor_double_cat x y) (at level 55) : double_cat.

Definition identity_v
           {C : double_cat}
           (x : C)
  : x -->v x
  := identity _.

Definition ver_comp_double_cat
           {C : double_cat}
           {x y z : C}
           (f : x -->v y)
           (g : y -->v z)
  : x -->v z
  := f · g.

Notation "f ·v g" := (ver_comp_double_cat f g) (at level 60) : double_cat.

Proposition id_v_left
            {C : double_cat}
            {x y : C}
            (f : x -->v y)
  : identity_v x · f = f.
Show proof.
  apply id_left.

Proposition id_v_right
            {C : double_cat}
            {x y : C}
            (f : x -->v y)
  : f ·v identity_v y = f.
Show proof.
  apply id_right.

Proposition assocl_v
            {C : double_cat}
            {w x y z : C}
            (f : w -->v x)
            (g : x -->v y)
            (h : y -->v z)
  : f ·v (g ·v h) = (f ·v g) ·v h.
Show proof.
  apply assoc.

Proposition assocr_v
            {C : double_cat}
            {w x y z : C}
            (f : w -->v x)
            (g : x -->v y)
            (h : y -->v z)
  : (f ·v g) ·v h = f ·v (g ·v h).
Show proof.
  apply assoc'.

Proposition isaset_ver_mor
            {C : double_cat}
            (x y : C)
  : isaset (x -->v y).
Show proof.
  apply homset_property.

2.2. Horizontal morphisms
Definition hor_mor
           (C : double_cat)
  : twosided_disp_cat C C
  := pr12 (pr111 C).

Notation "x -->h y" := (hor_mor _ x y) (at level 55) : double_cat.

Proposition is_univalent_twosided_disp_cat_hor_mor
            (C : double_cat)
  : is_univalent_twosided_disp_cat (hor_mor C).
Show proof.
  exact (pr22 (pr111 C)).

Definition hor_id_double_cat
           (C : double_cat)
  : hor_id (hor_mor C)
  := pr1 (pr211 C).

Definition identity_h
           {C : double_cat}
           (x : C)
  : x -->h x
  := pr111 (pr211 C) x.

Definition hor_comp_double_cat
           (C : double_cat)
  : hor_comp (hor_mor C)
  := pr2 (pr211 C).

Definition hor_mor_comp_double_cat
           {C : double_cat}
           {x y z : C}
           (f : x -->h y)
           (g : y -->h z)
  : x -->h z
  := pr112 (pr211 C) x y z f g.

Notation "f ·h g" := (hor_mor_comp_double_cat f g) (at level 60) : double_cat.

2.3. Squares
Definition square
           {C : double_cat}
           {x₁ x₂ y₁ y₂ : C}
           (v₁ : x₁ -->v y₁)
           (v₂ : x₂ -->v y₂)
           (h₁ : x₁ -->h x₂)
           (h₂ : y₁ -->h y₂)
  : UU
  := h₁ -->[ v₁ ][ v₂ ] h₂.

Definition id_v_square
           {C : double_cat}
           {x y : C}
           (h : x -->h y)
  : square (identity_v x) (identity_v y) h h
  := id_two_disp _.

Definition comp_v_square
           {C : double_cat}
           {x₁ x₂ y₁ y₂ z₁ z₂ : C}
           {v₁ : x₁ -->v y₁} {v₁' : y₁ --> z₁}
           {v₂ : x₂ -->v y₂} {v₂' : y₂ --> z₂}
           {h₁ : x₁ -->h x₂}
           {h₂ : y₁ -->h y₂}
           {h₃ : z₁ -->h z₂}
           (s₁ : square v₁ v₂ h₁ h₂)
           (s₂ : square v₁' v₂' h₂ h₃)
  : square (v₁ ·v v₁') (v₂ ·v v₂') h₁ h₃
  := s₁ ;;2 s₂.

Notation "s₁ ⋆v s₂" := (comp_v_square s₁ s₂) (at level 40, left associativity) : double_cat.

Definition transportf_square
           {C : double_cat}
           {x₁ x₂ y₁ y₂ : C}
           {v₁ v₁' : x₁ -->v y₁}
           {v₂ v₂' : x₂ -->v y₂}
           {h₁ : x₁ -->h x₂}
           {h₂ : y₁ -->h y₂}
           (s₁ : square v₁ v₂ h₁ h₂)
           (p : v₁ = v₁')
           (q : v₂ = v₂')
  : square v₁' v₂' h₁ h₂
  := transportf_disp_mor2 p q s₁.

Definition transportb_square
           {C : double_cat}
           {x₁ x₂ y₁ y₂ : C}
           {v₁ v₁' : x₁ -->v y₁}
           {v₂ v₂' : x₂ -->v y₂}
           {h₁ : x₁ -->h x₂}
           {h₂ : y₁ -->h y₂}
           (s₁ : square v₁' v₂' h₁ h₂)
           (p : v₁ = v₁')
           (q : v₂ = v₂')
  : square v₁ v₂ h₁ h₂
  := transportb_disp_mor2 p q s₁.

Proposition square_id_left_v
            {C : double_cat}
            {x₁ x₂ y₁ y₂ : C}
            {v₁ : x₁ -->v y₁}
            {v₂ : x₂ -->v y₂}
            {h₁ : x₁ -->h x₂}
            {h₂ : y₁ -->h y₂}
            (s : square v₁ v₂ h₁ h₂)
  : id_v_square h₁ v s
    transportb_square s (id_left _) (id_left _).
Show proof.
  apply id_two_disp_left.

Proposition square_id_right_v
            {C : double_cat}
            {x₁ x₂ y₁ y₂ : C}
            {v₁ : x₁ -->v y₁}
            {v₂ : x₂ -->v y₂}
            {h₁ : x₁ -->h x₂}
            {h₂ : y₁ -->h y₂}
            (s : square v₁ v₂ h₁ h₂)
  : s v id_v_square h₂
    transportb_square s (id_right _) (id_right _).
Show proof.
  apply id_two_disp_right.

Proposition square_assoc_v
            {C : double_cat}
            {w₁ w₂ x₁ x₂ y₁ y₂ z₁ z₂ : C}
            {v₁ : w₁ -->v x₁} {v₁' : x₁ -->v y₁} {v₁'' : y₁ -->v z₁}
            {v₂ : w₂ -->v x₂} {v₂' : x₂ -->v y₂} {v₂'' : y₂ -->v z₂}
            {h₁ : w₁ -->h w₂}
            {h₂ : x₁ -->h x₂}
            {h₃ : y₁ -->h y₂}
            {h₄ : z₁ -->h z₂}
            (s₁ : square v₁ v₂ h₁ h₂)
            (s₂ : square v₁' v₂' h₂ h₃)
            (s₃ : square v₁'' v₂'' h₃ h₄)
  : s₁ v (s₂ v s₃)
    transportb_square ((s₁ v s₂) v s₃) (assoc _ _ _) (assoc _ _ _).
Show proof.
  exact (assoc_two_disp s₁ s₂ s₃).

2.4. Functoriality of horizontal identities
Definition id_h_square
           {C : double_cat}
           {x y : C}
           (v : x -->v y)
  : square v v (identity_h x) (identity_h y)
  := pr211 (pr211 C) x y v.

Proposition id_h_square_id
            {C : double_cat}
            (x : C)
  : id_h_square (identity_v x) = id_v_square (identity_h x).
Show proof.
  exact (pr121 (pr211 C) x).

Proposition id_h_square_comp
            {C : double_cat}
            {x y z : C}
            (v₁ : x -->v y)
            (v₂ : y -->v z)
  : id_h_square (v₁ ·v v₂)
    id_h_square v₁ v id_h_square v₂.
Show proof.
  exact (pr221 (pr211 C) x y z v₁ v₂).

2.5. Functoriality of horizontal composition
Definition comp_h_square
           {C : double_cat}
           {x₁ x₂ y₁ y₂ z₁ z₂ : C}
           {v₁ : x₁ -->v x₂}
           {v₂ : y₁ -->v y₂}
           {v₃ : z₁ -->v z₂}
           {h₁ : x₁ -->h y₁}
           {h₂ : y₁ -->h z₁}
           {k₁ : x₂ -->h y₂}
           {k₂ : y₂ -->h z₂}
           (s₁ : square v₁ v₂ h₁ k₁)
           (s₂ : square v₂ v₃ h₂ k₂)
  : square v₁ v₃ (h₁ ·h h₂) (k₁ ·h k₂)
  := pr212 (pr211 C) x₁ x₂ y₁ y₂ z₁ z₂ v₁ v₂ v₃ h₁ h₂ k₁ k₂ s₁ s₂.

Notation "s₁ ⋆h s₂" := (comp_h_square s₁ s₂) (at level 40, left associativity) : double_cat.

Proposition comp_h_square_id
            {C : double_cat}
            {x y z : C}
            (h₁ : x -->h y)
            (h₂ : y -->h z)
  : id_v_square h₁ h id_v_square h₂ = id_v_square (h₁ ·h h₂).
Show proof.
  exact (pr122 (pr211 C) x y z h₁ h₂).

Proposition comp_h_square_comp
            {C : double_cat}
            {x₁ x₂ x₃ y₁ y₂ y₃ z₁ z₂ z₃ : C}
            {v₁ : x₁ -->v x₂} {v₁' : x₂ -->v x₃}
            {v₂ : y₁ -->v y₂} {v₂' : y₂ -->v y₃}
            {v₃ : z₁ -->v z₂} {v₃' : z₂ -->v z₃}
            {h₁ : x₁ -->h y₁} {h₂ : y₁ -->h z₁}
            {k₁ : x₂ -->h y₂} {k₂ : y₂ -->h z₂}
            {l₁ : x₃ -->h y₃} {l₂ : y₃ -->h z₃}
            (s₁ : square v₁ v₂ h₁ k₁)
            (s₁' : square v₁' v₂' k₁ l₁)
            (s₂ : square v₂ v₃ h₂ k₂)
            (s₂' : square v₂' v₃' k₂ l₂)
  : (s₁ v s₁') h (s₂ v s₂') = (s₁ h s₂) v (s₁' h s₂').
Show proof.
  exact (pr222 (pr211 C)
           x₁ x₂ x₃
           y₁ y₂ y₃
           z₁ z₂ z₃
           v₁ v₁'
           v₂ v₂'
           v₃ v₃'
           h₁ h₂
           k₁ k₂
           l₁ l₂
           s₁ s₁'
           s₂ s₂').

2.6. Left unitor
Definition double_cat_double_lunitor
           (C : double_cat)
  : double_cat_lunitor (hor_id_double_cat C) (hor_comp_double_cat C)
  := pr121 C.

Definition lunitor_h
           {C : double_cat}
           {x y : C}
           (f : x -->h y)
  : square (identity_v x) (identity_v y) (identity_h x ·h f) f
  := pr1 (pr1 (pr121 C) x y f).

Definition linvunitor_h
           {C : double_cat}
           {x y : C}
           (f : x -->h y)
  : square (identity_v x) (identity_v y) f (identity_h x ·h f)
  := pr12 (pr1 (pr121 C) x y f).

Proposition lunitor_linvunitor_h
            {C : double_cat}
            {x y : C}
            (f : x -->h y)
  : lunitor_h f v linvunitor_h f
    transportb_square (id_v_square _) (id_v_left _) (id_v_left _).
Show proof.
  exact (pr122 (pr1 (pr121 C) x y f)).

Proposition linvunitor_lunitor_h
            {C : double_cat}
            {x y : C}
            (f : x -->h y)
  : linvunitor_h f v lunitor_h f
    transportb_square (id_v_square _) (id_v_left _) (id_v_left _).
Show proof.
  exact (pr222 (pr1 (pr121 C) x y f)).

Proposition lunitor_square
            {C : double_cat}
            {x₁ x₂ y₁ y₂ : C}
            {v₁ : x₁ -->v x₂}
            {v₂ : y₁ -->v y₂}
            {h₁ : x₁ -->h y₁}
            {h₂ : x₂ -->h y₂}
            (s : square v₁ v₂ h₁ h₂)
  : (id_h_square _ h s) v lunitor_h h₂
      (lunitor_h h₁ v s)
      (id_v_right _ @ !(id_v_left _))
      (id_v_right _ @ !(id_v_left _)).
Show proof.
  exact (!(pr2 (pr121 C) x₁ x₂ y₁ y₂ h₁ h₂ v₁ v₂ s)).

2.7. Right unitor
Definition double_cat_double_runitor
           (C : double_cat)
  : double_cat_runitor (hor_id_double_cat C) (hor_comp_double_cat C)
  := pr1 (pr221 C).

Definition runitor_h
           {C : double_cat}
           {x y : C}
           (f : x -->h y)
  : square (identity_v x) (identity_v y) (f ·h identity_h y) f
  := pr1 (pr11 (pr221 C) x y f).

Definition rinvunitor_h
           {C : double_cat}
           {x y : C}
           (f : x -->h y)
  : square (identity_v x) (identity_v y) f (f ·h identity_h y)
  := pr12 (pr11 (pr221 C) x y f).

Proposition runitor_rinvunitor_h
            {C : double_cat}
            {x y : C}
            (f : x -->h y)
  : runitor_h f v rinvunitor_h f
    transportb_square (id_v_square _) (id_v_left _) (id_v_left _).
Show proof.
  exact (pr122 (pr11 (pr221 C) x y f)).

Proposition rinvunitor_runitor_h
            {C : double_cat}
            {x y : C}
            (f : x -->h y)
  : rinvunitor_h f v runitor_h f
    transportb_square (id_v_square _) (id_v_left _) (id_v_left _).
Show proof.
  exact (pr222 (pr11 (pr221 C) x y f)).

Proposition runitor_square
            {C : double_cat}
            {x₁ x₂ y₁ y₂ : C}
            {v₁ : x₁ -->v x₂}
            {v₂ : y₁ -->v y₂}
            {h₁ : x₁ -->h y₁}
            {h₂ : x₂ -->h y₂}
            (s : square v₁ v₂ h₁ h₂)
  : (s h id_h_square _) v runitor_h h₂
      (runitor_h h₁ v s)
      (id_v_right _ @ !(id_v_left _))
      (id_v_right _ @ !(id_v_left _)).
Show proof.

2.8. Associator
Definition double_cat_double_associator
           (C : double_cat)
  : double_cat_associator (hor_comp_double_cat C)
  := pr2 (pr221 C).

Definition lassociator_h
           {C : double_cat}
           {w x y z : C}
           (f : w -->h x)
           (g : x -->h y)
           (h : y -->h z)
  : square (identity_v w) (identity_v z) (f ·h (g ·h h)) ((f ·h g) ·h h)
  := pr1 (pr12 (pr221 C) w x y z f g h).

Definition rassociator_h
           {C : double_cat}
           {w x y z : C}
           (f : w -->h x)
           (g : x -->h y)
           (h : y -->h z)
  : square (identity_v w) (identity_v z) ((f ·h g) ·h h) (f ·h (g ·h h))
  := pr12 (pr12 (pr221 C) w x y z f g h).

Proposition lassociator_rassociator_h
            {C : double_cat}
            {w x y z : C}
            (f : w -->h x)
            (g : x -->h y)
            (h : y -->h z)
  : lassociator_h f g h v rassociator_h f g h
    transportb_square (id_v_square _) (id_v_left _) (id_v_left _).
Show proof.
  exact (pr122 (pr12 (pr221 C) w x y z f g h)).

Proposition rassociator_lassociator_h
            {C : double_cat}
            {w x y z : C}
            (f : w -->h x)
            (g : x -->h y)
            (h : y -->h z)
  : rassociator_h f g h v lassociator_h f g h
    transportb_square (id_v_square _) (id_v_left _) (id_v_left _).
Show proof.
  exact (pr222 (pr12 (pr221 C) w x y z f g h)).

Proposition lassociator_h_square
            {C : double_cat}
            {w₁ w₂ x₁ x₂ y₁ y₂ z₁ z₂ : C}
            {vw : w₁ -->v w₂} {vx : x₁ -->v x₂}
            {vy : y₁ -->v y₂} {vz : z₁ -->v z₂}
            {h₁ : w₁ -->h x₁} {h₂ : w₂ -->h x₂}
            {j₁ : x₁ -->h y₁} {j₂ : x₂ -->h y₂}
            {k₁ : y₁ -->h z₁} {k₂ : y₂ -->h z₂}
            (s₁ : square vw vx h₁ h₂)
            (s₂ : square vx vy j₁ j₂)
            (s₃ : square vy vz k₁ k₂)
  : (s₁ h (s₂ h s₃)) v lassociator_h h₂ j₂ k₂
      (lassociator_h h₁ j₁ k₁ v ((s₁ h s₂) h s₃))
      (id_v_right _ @ !(id_v_left _))
      (id_v_right _ @ !(id_v_left _)).
Show proof.

2.9. Triangle and pentagon equations
Proposition double_triangle
            {C : double_cat}
            {x y z : C}
            (h : x -->h y)
            (k : y -->h z)
  : lassociator_h h _ k v (runitor_h h h id_v_square _)
      (id_v_square h h lunitor_h k)
      (id_v_left _)
      (id_v_left _).
Show proof.
  exact (pr12 C x y z h k).

Proposition double_pentagon
            {C : double_cat}
            {v w x y z : C}
            (h₁ : v -->h w)
            (h₂ : w -->h x)
            (h₃ : x -->h y)
            (h₄ : y -->h z)
  : transportb_square
      (lassociator_h h₁ h₂ (h₃ ·h h₄) v lassociator_h (h₁ ·h h₂) h₃ h₄)
      (id_right _)
      (id_right _)
    (id_v_square h₁ h lassociator_h h₂ h₃ h₄)
    v lassociator_h h₁ (h₂ ·h h₃) h₄
    v (lassociator_h h₁ h₂ h₃ h id_v_square h₄).
Show proof.
  exact (pr22 C v w x y z h₁ h₂ h₃ h₄).

3. Builder for double categories
Definition make_double_cat
           (C : category)
           (D : twosided_disp_cat C C)
           (I : hor_id D)
           (Cm : hor_comp D)
           (l : double_cat_lunitor I Cm)
           (r : double_cat_runitor I Cm)
           (a : double_cat_associator Cm)
           (tr : triangle_law l r a)
           (pe : pentagon_law a)
           (HC : is_univalent C)
           (HD : is_univalent_twosided_disp_cat D)
  : double_cat.
Show proof.
  simple refine ((((_ ,, _) ,, _) ,, _) ,, _).
  - exact (C ,, HC).
  - exact (D ,, HD).
  - exact (I ,, Cm).
  - exact (l ,, r ,, a).
  - exact (tr ,, pe).

4. Lax functors for double categories
Definition lax_double_functor
           (C₁ C₂ : double_cat)
  : UU
  := C₁ --> C₂.

Definition id_lax_double_functor
           (C : double_cat)
  : lax_double_functor C C
  := identity _.

Definition comp_lax_double_functor
           {C₁ C₂ C₃ : double_cat}
           (F : lax_double_functor C₁ C₂)
           (G : lax_double_functor C₂ C₃)
  : lax_double_functor C₁ C₃
  := F · G.

5. Accessors for lax functors
Definition lax_double_functor_ver
           {C₁ C₂ : double_cat}
           (F : lax_double_functor C₁ C₂)
  : C₁ C₂
  := pr1 (pr111 F).

Coercion lax_double_functor_ver : lax_double_functor >-> functor.

Definition lax_double_functor_ver_mor
           {C₁ C₂ : double_cat}
           (F : lax_double_functor C₁ C₂)
           {x y : C₁}
           (f : x -->v y)
  : F x -->v F y
  := pr211 (pr111 F) x y f.

Notation "'#v' F f" := (lax_double_functor_ver_mor F f)
                         (at level 10, F at next level, f at next level) : double_cat.

Proposition lax_double_functor_id_v
            {C₁ C₂ : double_cat}
            (F : lax_double_functor C₁ C₂)
            (x : C₁)
  : #v F (identity_v x) = identity_v _.
Show proof.
  apply functor_id.

Proposition lax_double_functor_comp_v
            {C₁ C₂ : double_cat}
            (F : lax_double_functor C₁ C₂)
            {x y z : C₁}
            (f : x -->v y)
            (g : y -->v z)
  : #v F (f ·v g) = #v F f ·v #v F g.
Show proof.
  apply functor_comp.

Definition lax_double_functor_hor_mor
           {C₁ C₂ : double_cat}
           (F : lax_double_functor C₁ C₂)
  : twosided_disp_functor F F (hor_mor C₁) (hor_mor C₂)
  := pr2 (pr111 F).

Notation "'#h' F f" := (lax_double_functor_hor_mor F _ _ f)
                         (at level 10, F at next level, f at next level) : double_cat.
Notation "'#s' F s" := (#2 (lax_double_functor_hor_mor F) s)
                         (at level 10, F at next level, s at next level) : double_cat.

Proposition lax_double_functor_id_square
            {C₁ C₂ : double_cat}
            (F : lax_double_functor C₁ C₂)
            {x y : C₁}
            (h : x -->h y)
  : #s F (id_v_square h)
      (id_v_square _)
      (lax_double_functor_id_v _ _)
      (lax_double_functor_id_v _ _).
Show proof.

Proposition lax_double_functor_comp_v_square
            {C₁ C₂ : double_cat}
            (F : lax_double_functor C₁ C₂)
            {x₁ x₂ y₁ y₂ z₁ z₂ : C₁}
            {v₁ : x₁ -->v y₁} {v₁' : y₁ --> z₁}
            {v₂ : x₂ -->v y₂} {v₂' : y₂ --> z₂}
            {h₁ : x₁ -->h x₂}
            {h₂ : y₁ -->h y₂}
            {h₃ : z₁ -->h z₂}
            (s₁ : square v₁ v₂ h₁ h₂)
            (s₂ : square v₁' v₂' h₂ h₃)
  : #s F (s₁ v s₂)
      (#s F s₁ v #s F s₂)
      (lax_double_functor_comp_v _ _ _)
      (lax_double_functor_comp_v _ _ _).
Show proof.

Definition lax_double_functor_hor_id
           {C₁ C₂ : double_cat}
           (F : lax_double_functor C₁ C₂)
  : double_functor_hor_id
      (lax_double_functor_hor_mor F)
      (hor_id_double_cat C₁)
      (hor_id_double_cat C₂)
  := pr1 (pr211 F).

Definition lax_double_functor_id_h
           {C₁ C₂ : double_cat}
           (F : lax_double_functor C₁ C₂)
           (x : C₁)
  : square (identity_v _) (identity_v (F x)) (identity_h _) (#h F (identity_h _)).
Show proof.
  exact (pr11 (pr211 F) x).

Proposition lax_double_functor_id_h_mor
            {C₁ C₂ : double_cat}
            (F : lax_double_functor C₁ C₂)
            {x y : C₁}
            (f : x -->v y)
  : id_h_square (#v F f) v lax_double_functor_id_h F y
      (lax_double_functor_id_h F x v #s F (id_h_square f))
      (id_v_right _ @ !(id_v_left _))
      (id_v_right _ @ !(id_v_left _)).
Show proof.
  exact (pr21 (pr211 F) x y f).

Definition lax_double_functor_hor_comp
           {C₁ C₂ : double_cat}
           (F : lax_double_functor C₁ C₂)
  : double_functor_hor_comp
      (lax_double_functor_hor_mor F)
      (hor_comp_double_cat C₁)
      (hor_comp_double_cat C₂)
  := pr2 (pr211 F).

Definition lax_double_functor_comp_h
           {C₁ C₂ : double_cat}
           (F : lax_double_functor C₁ C₂)
           {x y z : C₁}
           (h : x -->h y)
           (k : y -->h z)
  : square (identity _) (identity _) (#h F h ·h #h F k) (#h F (h ·h k))
  := pr12 (pr211 F) x y z h k.

Proposition lax_double_functor_comp_h_mor
            {C₁ C₂ : double_cat}
            (F : lax_double_functor C₁ C₂)
            {x₁ x₂ y₁ y₂ z₁ z₂ : C₁}
            {vx : x₁ -->v x₂}
            {vy : y₁ -->v y₂}
            {vz : z₁ -->v z₂}
            {h₁ : x₁ -->h y₁} {h₂ : x₂ -->h y₂}
            {k₁ : y₁ -->h z₁} {k₂ : y₂ -->h z₂}
            (sh : square vx vy h₁ h₂)
            (sk : square vy vz k₁ k₂)
  : (#s F sh h #s F sk) v lax_double_functor_comp_h F h₂ k₂
      (lax_double_functor_comp_h F h₁ k₁ v #s F (sh h sk))
      (id_v_right _ @ !(id_v_left _))
      (id_v_right _ @ !(id_v_left _)).
Show proof.

Proposition lax_double_functor_lunitor_h
            {C₁ C₂ : double_cat}
            (F : lax_double_functor C₁ C₂)
            {x y : C₁}
            (f : x -->h y)
  : lunitor_h (#h F f)
      ((lax_double_functor_id_h F _ h id_v_square _)
       v lax_double_functor_comp_h F _ _
       v #s F (lunitor_h f))
      (assocr_v _ _ _ @ id_v_left _ @ id_v_left _ @ lax_double_functor_id_v _ _)
      (assocr_v _ _ _ @ id_v_left _ @ id_v_left _ @ lax_double_functor_id_v _ _).
Show proof.
  exact (pr121 F x y f).

Proposition lax_double_functor_runitor_h
            {C₁ C₂ : double_cat}
            (F : lax_double_functor C₁ C₂)
            {x y : C₁}
            (f : x -->h y)
  : runitor_h (#h F f)
      ((id_v_square _ h lax_double_functor_id_h F _)
       v lax_double_functor_comp_h F _ _
       v #s F (runitor_h f))
      (assocr_v _ _ _ @ id_v_left _ @ id_v_left _ @ lax_double_functor_id_v _ _)
      (assocr_v _ _ _ @ id_v_left _ @ id_v_left _ @ lax_double_functor_id_v _ _).
Show proof.
  exact (pr1 (pr221 F) x y f).

Proposition lax_double_functor_lassociator_h
            {C₁ C₂ : double_cat}
            (F : lax_double_functor C₁ C₂)
            {w x y z : C₁}
            (f : w -->h x)
            (g : x -->h y)
            (h : y -->h z)
  : lassociator_h (#h F f) (#h F g) (#h F h)
    v (lax_double_functor_comp_h F f g h id_v_square _)
    v lax_double_functor_comp_h F (f ·h g) h
      ((id_v_square _ h lax_double_functor_comp_h F g h)
       v lax_double_functor_comp_h F f (g ·h h)
       v #s F (lassociator_h f g h))
      (maponpaths _ (lax_double_functor_id_v _ _))
      (maponpaths _ (lax_double_functor_id_v _ _)).
Show proof.
  exact (pr2 (pr221 F) w x y z f g h).

6. Builder for lax functors
Definition make_lax_double_functor
           {C₁ C₂ : double_cat}
           (F : C₁ C₂)
           (FF : twosided_disp_functor F F (hor_mor C₁) (hor_mor C₂))
           (FI : double_functor_hor_id
                   (hor_id_double_cat C₁)
                   (hor_id_double_cat C₂))
           (FC : double_functor_hor_comp
                   (hor_comp_double_cat C₁)
                   (hor_comp_double_cat C₂))
           (Fl : double_functor_lunitor
                   (double_cat_double_lunitor C₁)
                   (double_cat_double_lunitor C₂)
                   FI FC)
           (Fr : double_functor_runitor
                   (double_cat_double_runitor C₁)
                   (double_cat_double_runitor C₂)
                   FI FC)
           (Fa : double_functor_associator
                   (double_cat_double_associator C₁)
                   (double_cat_double_associator C₂)
  : lax_double_functor C₁ C₂.
Show proof.
  simple refine ((((F ,, FF) ,, _) ,, _) ,, tt).
  - split ; cbn.
    + exact FI.
    + exact FC.
  - repeat split ; cbn.
    + exact Fl.
    + exact Fr.
    + exact Fa.

7. Strong double functors
Definition is_strong_double_functor
           {C₁ C₂ : double_cat}
           (F : lax_double_functor C₁ C₂)
  : UU
  := ( (x : C₁),
        (identity_is_z_iso _)
        (identity_is_z_iso _)
        (lax_double_functor_id_h F x))
     ( (x y z : C₁)
        (h : x -->h y)
        (k : y -->h z),
        (identity_is_z_iso _)
        (identity_is_z_iso _)
        (lax_double_functor_comp_h F h k)).

Proposition isaprop_is_strong_double_functor
            {C₁ C₂ : double_cat}
            (F : lax_double_functor C₁ C₂)
  : isaprop (is_strong_double_functor F).
Show proof.
  use isapropdirprod ; repeat (use impred ; intro) ; apply isaprop_is_iso_twosided_disp.

Definition is_iso_strong_double_functor_id_h
           {C₁ C₂ : double_cat}
           {F : lax_double_functor C₁ C₂}
           (HF : is_strong_double_functor F)
           (x : C₁)
  : is_iso_twosided_disp
      (identity_is_z_iso _)
      (identity_is_z_iso _)
      (lax_double_functor_id_h F x)
  := pr1 HF x.

Definition is_iso_strong_double_functor_comp_h
           {C₁ C₂ : double_cat}
           {F : lax_double_functor C₁ C₂}
           (HF : is_strong_double_functor F)
           {x y z : C₁}
           (h : x -->h y)
           (k : y -->h z)
  : is_iso_twosided_disp
      (identity_is_z_iso _)
      (identity_is_z_iso _)
      (lax_double_functor_comp_h F h k)
  := pr2 HF x y z h k.

Proposition is_strong_double_functor_id
            (C : double_cat)
  : is_strong_double_functor (id₁ C).
Show proof.
  - intro x.
    apply id_is_iso_twosided_disp.
  - intros.
    apply id_is_iso_twosided_disp.

Definition strong_double_functor
           (C₁ C₂ : double_cat)
  : UU
  := (F : lax_double_functor C₁ C₂), is_strong_double_functor F.

Coercion strong_double_functor_to_lax
         {C₁ C₂ : double_cat}
         (F : strong_double_functor C₁ C₂)
  : lax_double_functor C₁ C₂
  := pr1 F.

Coercion strong_double_functor_to_strong
         {C₁ C₂ : double_cat}
         (F : strong_double_functor C₁ C₂)
  : is_strong_double_functor F
  := pr2 F.

8. Double transformations
Definition double_transformation
           {C₁ C₂ : double_cat}
           (F G : lax_double_functor C₁ C₂)
  : UU
  := F ==> G.

9. Accessors for double transformations
Definition double_transformation_to_nat_trans
           {C₁ C₂ : double_cat}
           {F G : lax_double_functor C₁ C₂}
           (τ : double_transformation F G)
  : F G
  := pr1 (pr111 τ).

Coercion double_transformation_to_nat_trans : double_transformation >-> nat_trans.

Proposition double_transformation_ver_mor
            {C₁ C₂ : double_cat}
            {F G : lax_double_functor C₁ C₂}
            (τ : double_transformation F G)
            {x y : C₁}
            (f : x -->v y)
  : #v F f ·v τ y = τ x ·v #v G f.
Show proof.
  exact (nat_trans_ax τ x y f).

Definition double_transformation_hor_mor
           {C₁ C₂ : double_cat}
           {F G : lax_double_functor C₁ C₂}
           (τ : double_transformation F G)
           {x y : C₁}
           (f : x -->h y)
  : square (τ x) (τ y) (#h F f) (#h G f)
  := pr12 (pr111 τ) x y f.

Proposition double_transformation_square
            {C₁ C₂ : double_cat}
            {F G : lax_double_functor C₁ C₂}
            (τ : double_transformation F G)
            {x₁ x₂ y₁ y₂ : C₁}
            {vx : x₁ -->v x₂}
            {vy : y₁ -->v y₂}
            {h : x₁ -->h y₁}
            {k : x₂ -->h y₂}
            (s : square vx vy h k)
  : #s F s v double_transformation_hor_mor τ k
      (double_transformation_hor_mor τ h v #s G s)
      (double_transformation_ver_mor _ _)
      (double_transformation_ver_mor _ _).
Show proof.
  exact (pr22 (pr111 τ) x₁ x₂ y₁ y₂ vx vy h k s).

Proposition double_transformation_id_h
            {C₁ C₂ : double_cat}
            {F G : lax_double_functor C₁ C₂}
            (τ : double_transformation F G)
            (x : C₁)
  : lax_double_functor_id_h F x v double_transformation_hor_mor τ (identity_h x)
      (id_h_square (τ x) v lax_double_functor_id_h G x)
      (id_v_left _ @ !(id_v_right _))
      (id_v_left _ @ !(id_v_right _)).
Show proof.
  exact (pr1 (pr211 τ) x).

Proposition double_transformation_comp_h
            {C₁ C₂ : double_cat}
            {F G : lax_double_functor C₁ C₂}
            (τ : double_transformation F G)
            {x y z : C₁}
            (h : x -->h y)
            (k : y -->h z)
  : lax_double_functor_comp_h F h k
    v double_transformation_hor_mor τ (h ·h k)
      ((double_transformation_hor_mor τ h h double_transformation_hor_mor τ k)
       v lax_double_functor_comp_h G h k)
      (id_v_left _ @ !(id_v_right _))
      (id_v_left _ @ !(id_v_right _)).
Show proof.
  exact (pr2 (pr211 τ) x y z h k).

10. Builder for double transformations
Definition make_double_transformation
           {C₁ C₂ : double_cat}
           {F G : lax_double_functor C₁ C₂}
           (τ : F G)
           (ττ : twosided_disp_nat_trans
                   τ τ
                   (lax_double_functor_hor_mor F)
                   (lax_double_functor_hor_mor G))
           (τI : double_nat_trans_hor_id
                   (lax_double_functor_hor_id F)
                   (lax_double_functor_hor_id G))
           (τC : double_nat_trans_hor_comp
                   (lax_double_functor_hor_comp F)
                   (lax_double_functor_hor_comp G))
  : double_transformation F G.
Show proof.
  simple refine ((((_ ,, _) ,, _) ,, (tt ,, tt ,, tt)) ,, tt).
  - exact τ.
  - exact ττ.
  - split ; cbn.
    + exact τI.
    + exact τC.