Library UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.Examples.DispBicatOfDispCats
Benedikt Ahrens, Marco Maggesi February 2018Require Import UniMath.Foundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Fibrations.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.NaturalTransformations.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Isos.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Univalence.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.whiskering.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.NaturalTransformations.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Fibrations.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Isos.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Univalence.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Constructions.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Adjunctions.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Equivalences.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.DisplayedFunctorEq.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.EquivalenceOverId.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.DisplayedCatEq.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Bicat.
Import Bicat.Notations.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Invertible_2cells.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.EquivToAdjequiv.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Morphisms.Adjunctions.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.DispBicat.
Import DispBicat.Notations.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.DispAdjunctions.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.DispInvertibles.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.DispUnivalence.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Examples.BicatOfUnivCats.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.Examples.FullSub.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.Examples.Sigma.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.Examples.DisplayedCatToBicat.
Local Open Scope cat.
Local Open Scope mor_disp_scope.
1. The displayed bicategory of displayed categories
Definition disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_disp_cat_data
: disp_cat_data bicat_of_univ_cats.
Show proof.
Definition disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_1_id_comp_cells
: disp_prebicat_1_id_comp_cells bicat_of_univ_cats.
Show proof.
Definition disp_prebicat_of_univ_disp_cats_data : disp_prebicat_data bicat_of_univ_cats.
Show proof.
Lemma disp_prebicat_of_univ_disp_cats_laws
: disp_prebicat_laws disp_prebicat_of_univ_disp_cats_data.
Show proof.
Definition disp_prebicat_of_univ_disp_cats
: disp_prebicat bicat_of_univ_cats
:= _ ,, disp_prebicat_of_univ_disp_cats_laws.
Definition disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats : disp_bicat bicat_of_univ_cats.
Show proof.
: disp_cat_data bicat_of_univ_cats.
Show proof.
use tpair.
- use tpair.
+ exact (λ C : univalent_category, disp_univalent_category C).
+ intros C C' D D' F.
exact (disp_functor F D D').
- use tpair; cbn.
+ intros C D.
apply disp_functor_identity.
+ cbn. intros C C' C'' F F' D D' D'' G G'.
apply (disp_functor_composite G G').
- use tpair.
+ exact (λ C : univalent_category, disp_univalent_category C).
+ intros C C' D D' F.
exact (disp_functor F D D').
- use tpair; cbn.
+ intros C D.
apply disp_functor_identity.
+ cbn. intros C C' C'' F F' D D' D'' G G'.
apply (disp_functor_composite G G').
Definition disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_1_id_comp_cells
: disp_prebicat_1_id_comp_cells bicat_of_univ_cats.
Show proof.
exists disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_disp_cat_data.
cbn. intros C C' F F' a D D' G G'. cbn in *.
apply (disp_nat_trans a G G').
cbn. intros C C' F F' a D D' G G'. cbn in *.
apply (disp_nat_trans a G G').
Definition disp_prebicat_of_univ_disp_cats_data : disp_prebicat_data bicat_of_univ_cats.
Show proof.
exists disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_1_id_comp_cells.
repeat split.
- intros ? ? ? ? ? F' ; cbn in *.
exact (disp_nat_trans_id F').
- intros ? ? ? ? ? F' ; cbn in *.
exact (disp_nat_trans_id F').
- intros ? ? ? ? ? F' ; cbn in *.
exact (disp_nat_trans_id F').
- intros ? ? ? ? ? F' ; cbn in *.
exact (disp_nat_trans_id F').
- intros ? ? ? ? ? F' ; cbn in *.
exact (disp_nat_trans_id F').
- intros ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? F' ; cbn in *.
exact (disp_nat_trans_id (disp_functor_composite_data (disp_functor_composite ff gg) F')).
- intros ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? F' ; cbn in *.
exact (disp_nat_trans_id (disp_functor_composite_data (disp_functor_composite ff gg) F')).
- intros C D ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rr ss ; cbn in *.
exact (@disp_nat_trans_comp C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rr ss).
- intros C₁ C₂ C₃ f g₁ g₂ r D₁ D₂ D₃ ff gg₁ gg₂ rr ; cbn in *.
exact (@pre_whisker_disp_nat_trans C₁ C₂ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rr).
- intros C₁ C₂ C₃ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rr ; cbn in *.
exact (@post_whisker_disp_nat_trans C₁ C₂ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rr _).
repeat split.
- intros ? ? ? ? ? F' ; cbn in *.
exact (disp_nat_trans_id F').
- intros ? ? ? ? ? F' ; cbn in *.
exact (disp_nat_trans_id F').
- intros ? ? ? ? ? F' ; cbn in *.
exact (disp_nat_trans_id F').
- intros ? ? ? ? ? F' ; cbn in *.
exact (disp_nat_trans_id F').
- intros ? ? ? ? ? F' ; cbn in *.
exact (disp_nat_trans_id F').
- intros ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? F' ; cbn in *.
exact (disp_nat_trans_id (disp_functor_composite_data (disp_functor_composite ff gg) F')).
- intros ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? F' ; cbn in *.
exact (disp_nat_trans_id (disp_functor_composite_data (disp_functor_composite ff gg) F')).
- intros C D ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rr ss ; cbn in *.
exact (@disp_nat_trans_comp C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rr ss).
- intros C₁ C₂ C₃ f g₁ g₂ r D₁ D₂ D₃ ff gg₁ gg₂ rr ; cbn in *.
exact (@pre_whisker_disp_nat_trans C₁ C₂ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rr).
- intros C₁ C₂ C₃ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rr ; cbn in *.
exact (@post_whisker_disp_nat_trans C₁ C₂ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rr _).
Lemma disp_prebicat_of_univ_disp_cats_laws
: disp_prebicat_laws disp_prebicat_of_univ_disp_cats_data.
Show proof.
repeat split ; red
; intros; intros
; apply (@disp_nat_trans_eq)
; intros ; apply pathsinv0
; unfold transportb
; (etrans ; [ apply disp_nat_trans_transportf | ]).
- apply pathsinv0.
etrans. { apply id_left_disp. }
apply pathsinv0; unfold transportb.
apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
- apply pathsinv0.
etrans. { apply id_right_disp. }
apply pathsinv0; unfold transportb.
apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
- apply pathsinv0.
etrans. { apply assoc_disp. }
apply pathsinv0; unfold transportb.
apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
- apply transportf_set. apply homset_property.
- apply pathsinv0.
apply disp_functor_id.
unfold transportb.
apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
- apply transportf_set. apply homset_property.
- cbn.
apply maponpaths.
apply disp_functor_comp.
etrans. { apply transport_f_f. }
apply transportf_set. apply homset_property.
- cbn.
apply maponpaths.
apply id_left_disp.
etrans. { apply transport_f_f. }
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. { apply id_right_disp. }
unfold transportb. apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
- cbn.
etrans. { apply maponpaths. apply id_left_disp. }
etrans. { apply transport_f_f. }
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. { apply id_right_disp. }
unfold transportb. apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
- cbn.
apply maponpaths.
apply id_left_disp.
etrans. { apply transport_f_f. }
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. { apply id_right_disp. }
unfold transportb. apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
- cbn.
etrans. { apply maponpaths. apply id_left_disp. }
etrans. { apply transport_f_f. }
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. { apply id_right_disp. }
unfold transportb. apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
- cbn.
etrans. { apply maponpaths. apply id_right_disp. }
etrans. { apply transport_f_f. }
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. { apply id_left_disp. }
unfold transportb. apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
- cbn.
set (RR := @disp_nat_trans_ax_var _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ φφ).
etrans. { apply maponpaths. apply RR. }
etrans. { apply transport_f_f. }
apply transportf_set. apply homset_property.
- cbn.
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. { apply id_right_disp. }
unfold transportb. apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
- cbn.
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. { apply id_right_disp. }
unfold transportb. apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
- cbn.
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. { apply id_right_disp. }
unfold transportb. apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
- cbn.
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. { apply id_right_disp. }
unfold transportb. apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
- cbn.
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. { apply id_right_disp. }
unfold transportb. apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
- cbn.
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. { apply id_right_disp. }
unfold transportb. apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
- cbn.
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. { apply id_left_disp. }
etrans. { apply maponpaths. apply disp_functor_id. }
etrans. { apply transport_f_f. }
apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
- cbn.
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. { apply assoc_disp_var. }
etrans. { apply maponpaths. apply id_left_disp. }
etrans. { apply transport_f_f. }
etrans. { apply maponpaths. apply id_left_disp. }
etrans. { apply transport_f_f. }
etrans. { apply maponpaths. apply disp_functor_id. }
etrans. { apply transport_f_f. }
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. { apply maponpaths. apply id_left_disp. }
etrans. { apply transport_f_f. }
apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
; intros; intros
; apply (@disp_nat_trans_eq)
; intros ; apply pathsinv0
; unfold transportb
; (etrans ; [ apply disp_nat_trans_transportf | ]).
- apply pathsinv0.
etrans. { apply id_left_disp. }
apply pathsinv0; unfold transportb.
apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
- apply pathsinv0.
etrans. { apply id_right_disp. }
apply pathsinv0; unfold transportb.
apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
- apply pathsinv0.
etrans. { apply assoc_disp. }
apply pathsinv0; unfold transportb.
apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
- apply transportf_set. apply homset_property.
- apply pathsinv0.
apply disp_functor_id.
unfold transportb.
apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
- apply transportf_set. apply homset_property.
- cbn.
apply maponpaths.
apply disp_functor_comp.
etrans. { apply transport_f_f. }
apply transportf_set. apply homset_property.
- cbn.
apply maponpaths.
apply id_left_disp.
etrans. { apply transport_f_f. }
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. { apply id_right_disp. }
unfold transportb. apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
- cbn.
etrans. { apply maponpaths. apply id_left_disp. }
etrans. { apply transport_f_f. }
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. { apply id_right_disp. }
unfold transportb. apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
- cbn.
apply maponpaths.
apply id_left_disp.
etrans. { apply transport_f_f. }
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. { apply id_right_disp. }
unfold transportb. apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
- cbn.
etrans. { apply maponpaths. apply id_left_disp. }
etrans. { apply transport_f_f. }
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. { apply id_right_disp. }
unfold transportb. apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
- cbn.
etrans. { apply maponpaths. apply id_right_disp. }
etrans. { apply transport_f_f. }
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. { apply id_left_disp. }
unfold transportb. apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
- cbn.
set (RR := @disp_nat_trans_ax_var _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ φφ).
etrans. { apply maponpaths. apply RR. }
etrans. { apply transport_f_f. }
apply transportf_set. apply homset_property.
- cbn.
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. { apply id_right_disp. }
unfold transportb. apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
- cbn.
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. { apply id_right_disp. }
unfold transportb. apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
- cbn.
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. { apply id_right_disp. }
unfold transportb. apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
- cbn.
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. { apply id_right_disp. }
unfold transportb. apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
- cbn.
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. { apply id_right_disp. }
unfold transportb. apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
- cbn.
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. { apply id_right_disp. }
unfold transportb. apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
- cbn.
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. { apply id_left_disp. }
etrans. { apply maponpaths. apply disp_functor_id. }
etrans. { apply transport_f_f. }
apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
- cbn.
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. { apply assoc_disp_var. }
etrans. { apply maponpaths. apply id_left_disp. }
etrans. { apply transport_f_f. }
etrans. { apply maponpaths. apply id_left_disp. }
etrans. { apply transport_f_f. }
etrans. { apply maponpaths. apply disp_functor_id. }
etrans. { apply transport_f_f. }
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. { apply maponpaths. apply id_left_disp. }
etrans. { apply transport_f_f. }
apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
Definition disp_prebicat_of_univ_disp_cats
: disp_prebicat bicat_of_univ_cats
:= _ ,, disp_prebicat_of_univ_disp_cats_laws.
Definition disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats : disp_bicat bicat_of_univ_cats.
Show proof.
use tpair.
- exact disp_prebicat_of_univ_disp_cats.
- abstract
(intros C₁ C₂ F₁ F₂ n D₁ D₂ FF₁ FF₂ ;
simpl in * ;
cbn ;
exact (@isaset_disp_nat_trans C₁ C₂ D₁ D₂ F₁ F₂ n FF₁ FF₂)).
- exact disp_prebicat_of_univ_disp_cats.
- abstract
(intros C₁ C₂ F₁ F₂ n D₁ D₂ FF₁ FF₂ ;
simpl in * ;
cbn ;
exact (@isaset_disp_nat_trans C₁ C₂ D₁ D₂ F₁ F₂ n FF₁ FF₂)).
2. Invertible 2-cells in the displayed bicategory of displayed categories
Definition disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_is_disp_invertible_2cell
{C C' : bicat_of_univ_cats}
{F : C --> C'}
{D : disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats C}
{D' : disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats C'}
{FF : D -->[ F ] D'} {GG : D -->[ F ] D'}
(αα : FF ==>[ id₂ F ] GG)
(Hαα : is_disp_nat_z_iso (nat_z_iso_id _) αα)
: is_disp_invertible_2cell (id2_invertible_2cell F) αα.
Show proof.
{C C' : bicat_of_univ_cats}
{F : C --> C'}
{D : disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats C}
{D' : disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats C'}
{FF : D -->[ F ] D'} {GG : D -->[ F ] D'}
(αα : FF ==>[ id₂ F ] GG)
(Hαα : is_disp_nat_z_iso (nat_z_iso_id _) αα)
: is_disp_invertible_2cell (id2_invertible_2cell F) αα.
Show proof.
use tpair.
- exact (pointwise_inverse_disp_nat_trans αα Hαα).
- split.
+ abstract
(cbn ;
simpl in * ;
use (@disp_nat_trans_eq C C') ;
intros x xx ; cbn ;
refine (inv_mor_after_z_iso_disp (Hαα x xx) @ _) ;
refine (!_) ;
refine (@disp_nat_trans_transportf
_ _ _ _ _ _
_ _
(!(@id2_left bicat_of_univ_cats _ _ _ _ (nat_trans_id F)))
_ _ _ _ _
@ _) ;
apply transportf_paths ;
apply homset_property).
+ abstract
(cbn ;
simpl in * ;
use (@disp_nat_trans_eq C C') ;
intros x xx ; cbn ;
refine (z_iso_disp_after_inv_mor (Hαα x xx) @ _) ;
refine (!_) ;
refine (@disp_nat_trans_transportf
_ _ _ _ _ _
_ _
(!(@id2_left bicat_of_univ_cats _ _ _ _ (nat_trans_id F)))
_ _ _ _ _
@ _) ;
apply transportf_paths ;
apply homset_property).
- exact (pointwise_inverse_disp_nat_trans αα Hαα).
- split.
+ abstract
(cbn ;
simpl in * ;
use (@disp_nat_trans_eq C C') ;
intros x xx ; cbn ;
refine (inv_mor_after_z_iso_disp (Hαα x xx) @ _) ;
refine (!_) ;
refine (@disp_nat_trans_transportf
_ _ _ _ _ _
_ _
(!(@id2_left bicat_of_univ_cats _ _ _ _ (nat_trans_id F)))
_ _ _ _ _
@ _) ;
apply transportf_paths ;
apply homset_property).
+ abstract
(cbn ;
simpl in * ;
use (@disp_nat_trans_eq C C') ;
intros x xx ; cbn ;
refine (z_iso_disp_after_inv_mor (Hαα x xx) @ _) ;
refine (!_) ;
refine (@disp_nat_trans_transportf
_ _ _ _ _ _
_ _
(!(@id2_left bicat_of_univ_cats _ _ _ _ (nat_trans_id F)))
_ _ _ _ _
@ _) ;
apply transportf_paths ;
apply homset_property).
This function is more convenient to use in certain cases. In the proof of global
univalence, we look at invertible 2-cells over the unitors. The data of these
2-cells are equal to the identity transformations, but they have a different
proof of invertibility.
Lemma disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_is_disp_invertible_2cell_help
{C C' : bicat_of_univ_cats}
{F : C --> C'}
{D : disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats C}
{D' : disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats C'}
{FF : D -->[ F ] D'} {GG : D -->[ F ] D'}
(αα : FF ==>[ id₂ F ] GG)
(Hαα : is_disp_nat_z_iso (nat_z_iso_id _) αα)
(H : @is_invertible_2cell
C C'
(nat_trans_id _))
: is_disp_invertible_2cell H αα.
Show proof.
Definition from_disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_disp_invertible_2cell
{C C' : bicat_of_univ_cats}
{F : C --> C'}
{D : disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats C}
{D' : disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats C'}
{FF : D -->[ F ] D'} {GG : D -->[ F ] D'}
(αα : FF ==>[ id₂ F ] GG)
(Hαα : is_disp_invertible_2cell (id2_invertible_2cell F) αα)
: is_disp_nat_z_iso (nat_z_iso_id _) αα.
Show proof.
{C C' : bicat_of_univ_cats}
{F : C --> C'}
{D : disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats C}
{D' : disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats C'}
{FF : D -->[ F ] D'} {GG : D -->[ F ] D'}
(αα : FF ==>[ id₂ F ] GG)
(Hαα : is_disp_nat_z_iso (nat_z_iso_id _) αα)
(H : @is_invertible_2cell
C C'
(nat_trans_id _))
: is_disp_invertible_2cell H αα.
Show proof.
refine (transportf
(λ z, is_disp_invertible_2cell z αα)
(disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_is_disp_invertible_2cell αα Hαα)).
apply isaprop_is_invertible_2cell.
(λ z, is_disp_invertible_2cell z αα)
(disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_is_disp_invertible_2cell αα Hαα)).
apply isaprop_is_invertible_2cell.
Definition from_disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_disp_invertible_2cell
{C C' : bicat_of_univ_cats}
{F : C --> C'}
{D : disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats C}
{D' : disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats C'}
{FF : D -->[ F ] D'} {GG : D -->[ F ] D'}
(αα : FF ==>[ id₂ F ] GG)
(Hαα : is_disp_invertible_2cell (id2_invertible_2cell F) αα)
: is_disp_nat_z_iso (nat_z_iso_id _) αα.
Show proof.
intros x xx.
simple refine (_ ,, _ ,, _).
- exact (pr11 Hαα x xx).
- abstract
(refine (maponpaths (λ z, pr1 z x xx) (pr22 Hαα) @ _) ;
cbn ;
unfold transportb ;
rewrite disp_nat_trans_transportf ;
apply maponpaths_2 ;
apply homset_property).
- abstract
(refine (maponpaths (λ z, pr1 z x xx) (pr12 Hαα) @ _) ;
cbn ;
unfold transportb ;
rewrite disp_nat_trans_transportf ;
apply maponpaths_2 ;
apply homset_property).
simple refine (_ ,, _ ,, _).
- exact (pr11 Hαα x xx).
- abstract
(refine (maponpaths (λ z, pr1 z x xx) (pr22 Hαα) @ _) ;
cbn ;
unfold transportb ;
rewrite disp_nat_trans_transportf ;
apply maponpaths_2 ;
apply homset_property).
- abstract
(refine (maponpaths (λ z, pr1 z x xx) (pr12 Hαα) @ _) ;
cbn ;
unfold transportb ;
rewrite disp_nat_trans_transportf ;
apply maponpaths_2 ;
apply homset_property).
This function is more convenient to use in certain cases. In the proof of global
univalence, we look at invertible 2-cells over the unitors. The data of these
2-cells are equal to the identity transformations, but they have a different
proof of invertibility.
Lemma from_disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_disp_invertible_2cell_help
{C C' : bicat_of_univ_cats}
{F : C --> C'}
{D : disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats C}
{D' : disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats C'}
{FF : D -->[ F ] D'} {GG : D -->[ F ] D'}
(αα : FF ==>[ id₂ F ] GG)
(H : @is_invertible_2cell
C C'
(nat_trans_id _))
(Hαα : is_disp_invertible_2cell H αα)
: is_disp_nat_z_iso (nat_z_iso_id _) αα.
Show proof.
Definition disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_inv2cell_weq
{C₁ C₂ : bicat_of_univ_cats}
{F : C₁ --> C₂}
{D₁ : disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats C₁}
{D₂ : disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats C₂}
(FF GG : D₁ -->[ F ] D₂)
: disp_nat_z_iso FF GG (nat_z_iso_id F)
disp_invertible_2cell (id2_invertible_2cell F) FF GG.
Show proof.
{C C' : bicat_of_univ_cats}
{F : C --> C'}
{D : disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats C}
{D' : disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats C'}
{FF : D -->[ F ] D'} {GG : D -->[ F ] D'}
(αα : FF ==>[ id₂ F ] GG)
(H : @is_invertible_2cell
C C'
(nat_trans_id _))
(Hαα : is_disp_invertible_2cell H αα)
: is_disp_nat_z_iso (nat_z_iso_id _) αα.
Show proof.
apply from_disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_disp_invertible_2cell.
refine (transportf
(λ z, is_disp_invertible_2cell z αα)
apply isaprop_is_invertible_2cell.
refine (transportf
(λ z, is_disp_invertible_2cell z αα)
apply isaprop_is_invertible_2cell.
Definition disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_inv2cell_weq
{C₁ C₂ : bicat_of_univ_cats}
{F : C₁ --> C₂}
{D₁ : disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats C₁}
{D₂ : disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats C₂}
(FF GG : D₁ -->[ F ] D₂)
: disp_nat_z_iso FF GG (nat_z_iso_id F)
disp_invertible_2cell (id2_invertible_2cell F) FF GG.
Show proof.
use weqfibtototal.
intro τ.
use weqimplimpl.
- exact (disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_is_disp_invertible_2cell τ).
- exact (from_disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_disp_invertible_2cell τ).
- apply isaprop_is_disp_nat_z_iso.
- apply isaprop_is_disp_invertible_2cell.
intro τ.
use weqimplimpl.
- exact (disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_is_disp_invertible_2cell τ).
- exact (from_disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_disp_invertible_2cell τ).
- apply isaprop_is_disp_nat_z_iso.
- apply isaprop_is_disp_invertible_2cell.
3. The local univalence
Proposition disp_univalent_2_1_disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cat
: disp_univalent_2_1 disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats.
Show proof.
: disp_univalent_2_1 disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats.
Show proof.
use fiberwise_local_univalent_is_univalent_2_1.
intros C₁ C₂ F D₁ D₂ FF GG.
use weqhomot.
- exact (disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_inv2cell_weq FF GG
∘ disp_functor_eq_weq FF GG (pr2 D₂))%weq.
- abstract
(intro p ;
cbn in p ;
induction p ;
use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply isaprop_is_disp_invertible_2cell | ] ;
use disp_nat_trans_eq ;
intros x xx ;
cbn ;
apply idpath).
intros C₁ C₂ F D₁ D₂ FF GG.
use weqhomot.
- exact (disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_inv2cell_weq FF GG
∘ disp_functor_eq_weq FF GG (pr2 D₂))%weq.
- abstract
(intro p ;
cbn in p ;
induction p ;
use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply isaprop_is_disp_invertible_2cell | ] ;
use disp_nat_trans_eq ;
intros x xx ;
cbn ;
apply idpath).
4. Adjoints equivalences
Definition disp_left_adjoint_equivalence_disp_bicat_of_univ_cats
{C : bicat_of_univ_cats}
{D₁ D₂ : disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats C}
(F : D₁ -->[ functor_identity _ ] D₂)
(HF : is_equiv_over_id F)
: disp_left_adjoint_equivalence (internal_adjoint_equivalence_identity C) F.
Show proof.
Definition from_disp_left_adjoint_equivalence_disp_bicat_of_univ_cats
{C : bicat_of_univ_cats}
{D₁ D₂ : disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats C}
(F : D₁ -->[ functor_identity _ ] D₂)
(HF : disp_left_adjoint_equivalence (internal_adjoint_equivalence_identity C) F)
: is_equiv_over_id F.
Show proof.
Definition disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_adjequiv_weq
{C : bicat_of_univ_cats}
(D₁ : disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats C)
(D₂ : disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats C)
: (∑ (F : disp_functor (functor_identity _) (pr1 D₁) (pr1 D₂)), is_equiv_over_id F)
disp_adjoint_equivalence (internal_adjoint_equivalence_identity C) D₁ D₂.
Show proof.
{C : bicat_of_univ_cats}
{D₁ D₂ : disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats C}
(F : D₁ -->[ functor_identity _ ] D₂)
(HF : is_equiv_over_id F)
: disp_left_adjoint_equivalence (internal_adjoint_equivalence_identity C) F.
Show proof.
simple refine ((_ ,, (_ ,, _)) ,, ((_ ,, _) ,, (_ ,, _))).
- exact (pr111 HF).
- exact (pr1 (pr211 HF)).
- exact (pr2 (pr211 HF)).
- abstract
(use disp_nat_trans_eq ;
intros x xx ; cbn ;
rewrite id_left_disp ;
rewrite !id_right_disp ;
unfold transportb ;
rewrite !mor_disp_transportf_postwhisker ;
rewrite !transport_f_f ;
etrans ;
[ apply maponpaths ;
exact (pr121 HF x xx)
| ] ;
unfold transportb ;
rewrite transport_f_f ;
refine (!_) ;
refine (disp_nat_trans_transportf
_ _
_ _
(!(internal_triangle1 (is_internal_adjunction_identity C)))
_ _
(disp_nat_trans_id _)
x xx
@ _) ;
apply maponpaths_2 ;
apply homset_property).
- abstract
(use disp_nat_trans_eq ;
intros x xx ; cbn ;
rewrite id_left_disp ;
rewrite !id_right_disp ;
unfold transportb ;
rewrite !mor_disp_transportf_postwhisker ;
rewrite !transport_f_f ;
etrans ;
[ apply maponpaths ;
exact (pr221 HF x xx)
| ] ;
unfold transportb ;
rewrite transport_f_f ;
refine (!_) ;
refine (disp_nat_trans_transportf
_ _
_ _
(!(internal_triangle2 (is_internal_adjunction_identity C)))
_ _
(disp_nat_trans_id _)
x _
@ _) ;
apply maponpaths_2 ;
apply homset_property).
- abstract
(use disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_is_disp_invertible_2cell_help ;
cbn ;
intros x xx ;
exact (pr12 HF x xx)).
- abstract
(use disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_is_disp_invertible_2cell_help ;
cbn ;
intros x xx ;
exact (pr22 HF x xx)).
- exact (pr111 HF).
- exact (pr1 (pr211 HF)).
- exact (pr2 (pr211 HF)).
- abstract
(use disp_nat_trans_eq ;
intros x xx ; cbn ;
rewrite id_left_disp ;
rewrite !id_right_disp ;
unfold transportb ;
rewrite !mor_disp_transportf_postwhisker ;
rewrite !transport_f_f ;
etrans ;
[ apply maponpaths ;
exact (pr121 HF x xx)
| ] ;
unfold transportb ;
rewrite transport_f_f ;
refine (!_) ;
refine (disp_nat_trans_transportf
_ _
_ _
(!(internal_triangle1 (is_internal_adjunction_identity C)))
_ _
(disp_nat_trans_id _)
x xx
@ _) ;
apply maponpaths_2 ;
apply homset_property).
- abstract
(use disp_nat_trans_eq ;
intros x xx ; cbn ;
rewrite id_left_disp ;
rewrite !id_right_disp ;
unfold transportb ;
rewrite !mor_disp_transportf_postwhisker ;
rewrite !transport_f_f ;
etrans ;
[ apply maponpaths ;
exact (pr221 HF x xx)
| ] ;
unfold transportb ;
rewrite transport_f_f ;
refine (!_) ;
refine (disp_nat_trans_transportf
_ _
_ _
(!(internal_triangle2 (is_internal_adjunction_identity C)))
_ _
(disp_nat_trans_id _)
x _
@ _) ;
apply maponpaths_2 ;
apply homset_property).
- abstract
(use disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_is_disp_invertible_2cell_help ;
cbn ;
intros x xx ;
exact (pr12 HF x xx)).
- abstract
(use disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_is_disp_invertible_2cell_help ;
cbn ;
intros x xx ;
exact (pr22 HF x xx)).
Definition from_disp_left_adjoint_equivalence_disp_bicat_of_univ_cats
{C : bicat_of_univ_cats}
{D₁ D₂ : disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats C}
(F : D₁ -->[ functor_identity _ ] D₂)
(HF : disp_left_adjoint_equivalence (internal_adjoint_equivalence_identity C) F)
: is_equiv_over_id F.
Show proof.
simple refine (((_ ,, (_ ,, _)) ,, (_ ,, _)) ,, (_ ,, _)).
- exact (pr11 HF).
- exact (pr121 HF).
- exact (pr221 HF).
- abstract
(intros x xx ;
cbn ;
pose (maponpaths (λ z, pr1 z x xx) (pr112 HF)) as p ;
cbn in p ;
rewrite !id_left_disp in p ;
rewrite !id_right_disp in p ;
unfold transportb in p ;
rewrite !mor_disp_transportf_postwhisker in p ;
rewrite !transport_f_f in p ;
refine (transportb_transpose_right p @ _) ;
etrans ;
[ apply maponpaths ;
apply (disp_nat_trans_transportf
_ _
_ _
(!(internal_triangle1 (is_internal_adjunction_identity C)))
_ _
(disp_nat_trans_id _)
x xx)
| ] ;
unfold transportb ;
rewrite transport_f_f ;
apply maponpaths_2 ;
apply homset_property).
- abstract
(intros x xx ;
cbn ;
pose (maponpaths (λ z, pr1 z x xx) (pr212 HF)) as p ;
cbn in p ;
rewrite !id_left_disp in p ;
rewrite !id_right_disp in p ;
unfold transportb in p ;
rewrite !mor_disp_transportf_postwhisker in p ;
rewrite !transport_f_f in p ;
refine (transportb_transpose_right p @ _) ;
etrans ;
[ apply maponpaths ;
apply (disp_nat_trans_transportf
_ _
_ _
(!(internal_triangle2 (is_internal_adjunction_identity C)))
_ _
(disp_nat_trans_id _)
x xx)
| ] ;
unfold transportb ;
rewrite transport_f_f ;
apply maponpaths_2 ;
apply homset_property).
- abstract
(cbn ;
intros x xx ;
apply (from_disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_disp_invertible_2cell_help
_ _
(pr122 HF))).
- abstract
(cbn ;
intros x xx ;
apply (from_disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_disp_invertible_2cell_help
_ _
(pr222 HF))).
- exact (pr11 HF).
- exact (pr121 HF).
- exact (pr221 HF).
- abstract
(intros x xx ;
cbn ;
pose (maponpaths (λ z, pr1 z x xx) (pr112 HF)) as p ;
cbn in p ;
rewrite !id_left_disp in p ;
rewrite !id_right_disp in p ;
unfold transportb in p ;
rewrite !mor_disp_transportf_postwhisker in p ;
rewrite !transport_f_f in p ;
refine (transportb_transpose_right p @ _) ;
etrans ;
[ apply maponpaths ;
apply (disp_nat_trans_transportf
_ _
_ _
(!(internal_triangle1 (is_internal_adjunction_identity C)))
_ _
(disp_nat_trans_id _)
x xx)
| ] ;
unfold transportb ;
rewrite transport_f_f ;
apply maponpaths_2 ;
apply homset_property).
- abstract
(intros x xx ;
cbn ;
pose (maponpaths (λ z, pr1 z x xx) (pr212 HF)) as p ;
cbn in p ;
rewrite !id_left_disp in p ;
rewrite !id_right_disp in p ;
unfold transportb in p ;
rewrite !mor_disp_transportf_postwhisker in p ;
rewrite !transport_f_f in p ;
refine (transportb_transpose_right p @ _) ;
etrans ;
[ apply maponpaths ;
apply (disp_nat_trans_transportf
_ _
_ _
(!(internal_triangle2 (is_internal_adjunction_identity C)))
_ _
(disp_nat_trans_id _)
x xx)
| ] ;
unfold transportb ;
rewrite transport_f_f ;
apply maponpaths_2 ;
apply homset_property).
- abstract
(cbn ;
intros x xx ;
apply (from_disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_disp_invertible_2cell_help
_ _
(pr122 HF))).
- abstract
(cbn ;
intros x xx ;
apply (from_disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_disp_invertible_2cell_help
_ _
(pr222 HF))).
Definition disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_adjequiv_weq
{C : bicat_of_univ_cats}
(D₁ : disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats C)
(D₂ : disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats C)
: (∑ (F : disp_functor (functor_identity _) (pr1 D₁) (pr1 D₂)), is_equiv_over_id F)
disp_adjoint_equivalence (internal_adjoint_equivalence_identity C) D₁ D₂.
Show proof.
use weqfibtototal.
intro F.
use weqimplimpl.
- exact (disp_left_adjoint_equivalence_disp_bicat_of_univ_cats F).
- exact (from_disp_left_adjoint_equivalence_disp_bicat_of_univ_cats F).
- apply isaprop_is_equiv_over_id.
+ exact (pr2 D₁).
+ exact (pr2 D₂).
- use isaprop_disp_left_adjoint_equivalence.
+ exact univalent_cat_is_univalent_2_1.
+ exact disp_univalent_2_1_disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cat.
intro F.
use weqimplimpl.
- exact (disp_left_adjoint_equivalence_disp_bicat_of_univ_cats F).
- exact (from_disp_left_adjoint_equivalence_disp_bicat_of_univ_cats F).
- apply isaprop_is_equiv_over_id.
+ exact (pr2 D₁).
+ exact (pr2 D₂).
- use isaprop_disp_left_adjoint_equivalence.
+ exact univalent_cat_is_univalent_2_1.
+ exact disp_univalent_2_1_disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cat.
5. The global univalence
Proposition disp_univalent_2_0_disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cat
: disp_univalent_2_0 disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats.
Show proof.
: disp_univalent_2_0 disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats.
Show proof.
use fiberwise_univalent_2_0_to_disp_univalent_2_0.
intros C D₁ D₂.
use weqhomot.
- refine (disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_adjequiv_weq D₁ D₂
∘ disp_cat_eq (pr1 D₁) (pr1 D₂) (pr2 D₁) (pr2 D₂)
∘ path_sigma_hprop _ _ _ _)%weq.
apply isaprop_is_univalent_disp.
- abstract
(intro p ;
cbn in p ;
induction p ;
use subtypePath ;
[ intro ;
use (isaprop_disp_left_adjoint_equivalence
_ _
| ] ;
apply idpath).
intros C D₁ D₂.
use weqhomot.
- refine (disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_adjequiv_weq D₁ D₂
∘ disp_cat_eq (pr1 D₁) (pr1 D₂) (pr2 D₁) (pr2 D₂)
∘ path_sigma_hprop _ _ _ _)%weq.
apply isaprop_is_univalent_disp.
- abstract
(intro p ;
cbn in p ;
induction p ;
use subtypePath ;
[ intro ;
use (isaprop_disp_left_adjoint_equivalence
_ _
| ] ;
apply idpath).
Displayed bicategory of fibrations
Definition disp_bicat_of_cleaving_ob_mor
: disp_cat_ob_mor (total_bicat disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats).
Show proof.
Definition disp_bicat_of_cleaving_id_comp
: disp_cat_id_comp (total_bicat disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats) disp_bicat_of_cleaving_ob_mor.
Show proof.
Definition disp_bicat_of_cleaving_cat_data
: disp_cat_data (total_bicat disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats).
Show proof.
Definition disp_bicat_of_cleaving_help
: disp_bicat (total_bicat disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats).
Show proof.
Definition disp_bicat_of_cleaving
: disp_bicat bicat_of_univ_cats
:= sigma_bicat
Definition disp_bicat_of_cleaving_is_disp_invertible_2cell
{C C' : bicat_of_univ_cats}
{F : C --> C'}
{D : disp_bicat_of_cleaving C} {D' : disp_bicat_of_cleaving C'}
{FF : D -->[ F ] D'} {GG : D -->[ F ] D'}
(αα : FF ==>[ id₂ F ] GG)
(Hαα : ∏ (x : (C : univalent_category)) (xx : pr11 D x),
(identity_z_iso (pr1 F x))
(pr11 αα x xx))
: is_disp_invertible_2cell (id2_invertible_2cell F) αα.
Show proof.
Definition disp_bicat_of_cleaving_disp_invertible_2cell_pointwise_inv
{C C' : bicat_of_univ_cats}
{F G : C --> C'}
{α : F ==> G}
(Hα : is_invertible_2cell α)
{D : disp_bicat_of_cleaving C} {D' : disp_bicat_of_cleaving C'}
{FF : D -->[ F ] D'} {GG : D -->[ G ] D'}
(αα : FF ==>[ α ] GG)
(Hαα : is_disp_invertible_2cell Hα αα)
{x : (C : univalent_category)}
(xx : (pr1 D : disp_univalent_category _) x)
: is_z_iso_disp
(pr1 α x)
(is_invertible_2cell_to_is_nat_z_iso _ Hα x))
(pr11 αα x xx).
Show proof.
: disp_cat_ob_mor (total_bicat disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats).
Show proof.
use tpair.
- exact (λ X, cleaving (pr12 X)).
- exact (λ X Y fibX fibY F, is_cartesian_disp_functor (pr2 F)).
- exact (λ X, cleaving (pr12 X)).
- exact (λ X Y fibX fibY F, is_cartesian_disp_functor (pr2 F)).
Definition disp_bicat_of_cleaving_id_comp
: disp_cat_id_comp (total_bicat disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats) disp_bicat_of_cleaving_ob_mor.
Show proof.
use tpair.
- intros X fibX x y f xx yy ff p.
exact p.
- intros X Y Z F G fibX fibY fibZ cartF cartG x y f xx yy ff p ; simpl.
apply cartG.
apply cartF.
exact p.
- intros X fibX x y f xx yy ff p.
exact p.
- intros X Y Z F G fibX fibY fibZ cartF cartG x y f xx yy ff p ; simpl.
apply cartG.
apply cartF.
exact p.
Definition disp_bicat_of_cleaving_cat_data
: disp_cat_data (total_bicat disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats).
Show proof.
Definition disp_bicat_of_cleaving_help
: disp_bicat (total_bicat disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats).
Show proof.
Definition disp_bicat_of_cleaving
: disp_bicat bicat_of_univ_cats
:= sigma_bicat
Definition disp_bicat_of_cleaving_is_disp_invertible_2cell
{C C' : bicat_of_univ_cats}
{F : C --> C'}
{D : disp_bicat_of_cleaving C} {D' : disp_bicat_of_cleaving C'}
{FF : D -->[ F ] D'} {GG : D -->[ F ] D'}
(αα : FF ==>[ id₂ F ] GG)
(Hαα : ∏ (x : (C : univalent_category)) (xx : pr11 D x),
(identity_z_iso (pr1 F x))
(pr11 αα x xx))
: is_disp_invertible_2cell (id2_invertible_2cell F) αα.
Show proof.
use tpair.
- exact (pointwise_inverse_disp_nat_trans (pr1 αα) Hαα ,, tt).
- split.
+ abstract
(cbn ;
simpl in * ;
use subtypePath ; [intro ; apply isapropunit | ];
use (@disp_nat_trans_eq C C') ;
intros x xx ; cbn ;
refine (inv_mor_after_z_iso_disp (Hαα x xx) @ _) ;
refine (!_) ;
unfold transportb ;
rewrite pr1_transportf ;
refine (@disp_nat_trans_transportf
_ _ _ _ _ _
_ _
(!(@id2_left bicat_of_univ_cats _ _ _ _ (nat_trans_id F)))
_ _ _ _ _
@ _) ;
apply transportf_paths ;
apply homset_property).
+ abstract
(cbn ;
simpl in * ;
use subtypePath ; [intro ; apply isapropunit | ];
use (@disp_nat_trans_eq C C') ;
intros x xx ; cbn ;
refine (z_iso_disp_after_inv_mor (Hαα x xx) @ _) ;
refine (!_) ;
unfold transportb ;
rewrite pr1_transportf ;
refine (@disp_nat_trans_transportf
_ _ _ _ _ _
_ _
(!(@id2_left bicat_of_univ_cats _ _ _ _ (nat_trans_id F)))
_ _ _ _ _
@ _) ;
apply transportf_paths ;
apply homset_property).
- exact (pointwise_inverse_disp_nat_trans (pr1 αα) Hαα ,, tt).
- split.
+ abstract
(cbn ;
simpl in * ;
use subtypePath ; [intro ; apply isapropunit | ];
use (@disp_nat_trans_eq C C') ;
intros x xx ; cbn ;
refine (inv_mor_after_z_iso_disp (Hαα x xx) @ _) ;
refine (!_) ;
unfold transportb ;
rewrite pr1_transportf ;
refine (@disp_nat_trans_transportf
_ _ _ _ _ _
_ _
(!(@id2_left bicat_of_univ_cats _ _ _ _ (nat_trans_id F)))
_ _ _ _ _
@ _) ;
apply transportf_paths ;
apply homset_property).
+ abstract
(cbn ;
simpl in * ;
use subtypePath ; [intro ; apply isapropunit | ];
use (@disp_nat_trans_eq C C') ;
intros x xx ; cbn ;
refine (z_iso_disp_after_inv_mor (Hαα x xx) @ _) ;
refine (!_) ;
unfold transportb ;
rewrite pr1_transportf ;
refine (@disp_nat_trans_transportf
_ _ _ _ _ _
_ _
(!(@id2_left bicat_of_univ_cats _ _ _ _ (nat_trans_id F)))
_ _ _ _ _
@ _) ;
apply transportf_paths ;
apply homset_property).
Definition disp_bicat_of_cleaving_disp_invertible_2cell_pointwise_inv
{C C' : bicat_of_univ_cats}
{F G : C --> C'}
{α : F ==> G}
(Hα : is_invertible_2cell α)
{D : disp_bicat_of_cleaving C} {D' : disp_bicat_of_cleaving C'}
{FF : D -->[ F ] D'} {GG : D -->[ G ] D'}
(αα : FF ==>[ α ] GG)
(Hαα : is_disp_invertible_2cell Hα αα)
{x : (C : univalent_category)}
(xx : (pr1 D : disp_univalent_category _) x)
: is_z_iso_disp
(pr1 α x)
(is_invertible_2cell_to_is_nat_z_iso _ Hα x))
(pr11 αα x xx).
Show proof.
simple refine (_ ,, _).
- exact (pr111 Hαα x xx).
- split.
+ abstract
(unfold transportb ;
etrans ; [ apply (maponpaths (λ z, pr11 z x xx) (pr22 Hαα)) |] ;
unfold transportb ;
etrans ;
[ refine (maponpaths (λ z, pr1 z x xx) _) ;
exact (pr1_transportf
(!(vcomp_linv Hα))
(disp_nat_trans_id (pr11 GG),, tt))
| ];
etrans ;
[ exact (@disp_nat_trans_transportf
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(!(vcomp_linv Hα))
_ _
(disp_nat_trans_id (pr11 GG))
x xx)
| ] ;
apply maponpaths_2 ;
apply homset_property).
+ abstract
(unfold transportb ;
etrans ; [ apply (maponpaths (λ z, pr11 z x xx) (pr12 Hαα)) |] ;
unfold transportb ;
etrans ;
[ refine (maponpaths (λ z, pr1 z x xx) _) ;
exact (pr1_transportf
(!(vcomp_rinv Hα))
(disp_nat_trans_id (pr11 FF),, tt))
| ] ;
etrans ;
[ exact (@disp_nat_trans_transportf
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(!(vcomp_rinv Hα))
_ _
(disp_nat_trans_id (pr11 FF))
x xx)
| ] ;
apply maponpaths_2 ;
apply homset_property).
- exact (pr111 Hαα x xx).
- split.
+ abstract
(unfold transportb ;
etrans ; [ apply (maponpaths (λ z, pr11 z x xx) (pr22 Hαα)) |] ;
unfold transportb ;
etrans ;
[ refine (maponpaths (λ z, pr1 z x xx) _) ;
exact (pr1_transportf
(!(vcomp_linv Hα))
(disp_nat_trans_id (pr11 GG),, tt))
| ];
etrans ;
[ exact (@disp_nat_trans_transportf
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(!(vcomp_linv Hα))
_ _
(disp_nat_trans_id (pr11 GG))
x xx)
| ] ;
apply maponpaths_2 ;
apply homset_property).
+ abstract
(unfold transportb ;
etrans ; [ apply (maponpaths (λ z, pr11 z x xx) (pr12 Hαα)) |] ;
unfold transportb ;
etrans ;
[ refine (maponpaths (λ z, pr1 z x xx) _) ;
exact (pr1_transportf
(!(vcomp_rinv Hα))
(disp_nat_trans_id (pr11 FF),, tt))
| ] ;
etrans ;
[ exact (@disp_nat_trans_transportf
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(!(vcomp_rinv Hα))
_ _
(disp_nat_trans_id (pr11 FF))
x xx)
| ] ;
apply maponpaths_2 ;
apply homset_property).
Displayed bicategory of opfibrations
Definition disp_bicat_of_opcleaving_ob_mor
: disp_cat_ob_mor (total_bicat disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats).
Show proof.
Definition disp_bicat_of_opcleaving_id_comp
: disp_cat_id_comp (total_bicat disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats) disp_bicat_of_opcleaving_ob_mor.
Show proof.
Definition disp_bicat_of_opcleaving_cat_data
: disp_cat_data (total_bicat disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats).
Show proof.
Definition disp_bicat_of_opcleaving_help
: disp_bicat (total_bicat disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats).
Show proof.
Definition disp_bicat_of_opcleaving
: disp_bicat bicat_of_univ_cats
:= sigma_bicat
Definition disp_bicat_of_opcleaving_is_disp_invertible_2cell
{C C' : bicat_of_univ_cats}
{F : C --> C'}
{D : disp_bicat_of_opcleaving C} {D' : disp_bicat_of_opcleaving C'}
{FF : D -->[ F ] D'} {GG : D -->[ F ] D'}
(αα : FF ==>[ id₂ F ] GG)
(Hαα : ∏ (x : (C : univalent_category)) (xx : pr11 D x),
(identity_z_iso (pr1 F x))
(pr11 αα x xx))
: is_disp_invertible_2cell (id2_invertible_2cell F) αα.
Show proof.
Definition disp_bicat_of_opcleaving_disp_invertible_2cell_pointwise_inv
{C C' : bicat_of_univ_cats}
{F G : C --> C'}
{α : F ==> G}
(Hα : is_invertible_2cell α)
{D : disp_bicat_of_opcleaving C} {D' : disp_bicat_of_opcleaving C'}
{FF : D -->[ F ] D'} {GG : D -->[ G ] D'}
(αα : FF ==>[ α ] GG)
(Hαα : is_disp_invertible_2cell Hα αα)
{x : (C : univalent_category)}
(xx : (pr1 D : disp_univalent_category _) x)
: is_z_iso_disp
(pr1 α x)
(is_invertible_2cell_to_is_nat_z_iso _ Hα x))
(pr11 αα x xx).
Show proof.
: disp_cat_ob_mor (total_bicat disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats).
Show proof.
use tpair.
- exact (λ X, opcleaving (pr12 X)).
- exact (λ X Y fibX fibY F, is_opcartesian_disp_functor (pr2 F)).
- exact (λ X, opcleaving (pr12 X)).
- exact (λ X Y fibX fibY F, is_opcartesian_disp_functor (pr2 F)).
Definition disp_bicat_of_opcleaving_id_comp
: disp_cat_id_comp (total_bicat disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats) disp_bicat_of_opcleaving_ob_mor.
Show proof.
use tpair.
- intros X fibX x y f xx yy ff p.
exact p.
- intros X Y Z F G fibX fibY fibZ cartF cartG x y f xx yy ff p ; simpl.
apply cartG.
apply cartF.
exact p.
- intros X fibX x y f xx yy ff p.
exact p.
- intros X Y Z F G fibX fibY fibZ cartF cartG x y f xx yy ff p ; simpl.
apply cartG.
apply cartF.
exact p.
Definition disp_bicat_of_opcleaving_cat_data
: disp_cat_data (total_bicat disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats).
Show proof.
Definition disp_bicat_of_opcleaving_help
: disp_bicat (total_bicat disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats).
Show proof.
Definition disp_bicat_of_opcleaving
: disp_bicat bicat_of_univ_cats
:= sigma_bicat
Definition disp_bicat_of_opcleaving_is_disp_invertible_2cell
{C C' : bicat_of_univ_cats}
{F : C --> C'}
{D : disp_bicat_of_opcleaving C} {D' : disp_bicat_of_opcleaving C'}
{FF : D -->[ F ] D'} {GG : D -->[ F ] D'}
(αα : FF ==>[ id₂ F ] GG)
(Hαα : ∏ (x : (C : univalent_category)) (xx : pr11 D x),
(identity_z_iso (pr1 F x))
(pr11 αα x xx))
: is_disp_invertible_2cell (id2_invertible_2cell F) αα.
Show proof.
use tpair.
- exact (pointwise_inverse_disp_nat_trans (pr1 αα) Hαα ,, tt).
- split.
+ abstract
(cbn ;
simpl in * ;
use subtypePath ; [intro ; apply isapropunit | ];
use (@disp_nat_trans_eq C C') ;
intros x xx ; cbn ;
refine (inv_mor_after_z_iso_disp (Hαα x xx) @ _) ;
refine (!_) ;
unfold transportb ;
rewrite pr1_transportf ;
refine (@disp_nat_trans_transportf
_ _ _ _ _ _
_ _
(!(@id2_left bicat_of_univ_cats _ _ _ _ (nat_trans_id F)))
_ _ _ _ _
@ _) ;
apply transportf_paths ;
apply homset_property).
+ abstract
(cbn ;
simpl in * ;
use subtypePath ; [intro ; apply isapropunit | ];
use (@disp_nat_trans_eq C C') ;
intros x xx ; cbn ;
refine (z_iso_disp_after_inv_mor (Hαα x xx) @ _) ;
refine (!_) ;
unfold transportb ;
rewrite pr1_transportf ;
refine (@disp_nat_trans_transportf
_ _ _ _ _ _
_ _
(!(@id2_left bicat_of_univ_cats _ _ _ _ (nat_trans_id F)))
_ _ _ _ _
@ _) ;
apply transportf_paths ;
apply homset_property).
- exact (pointwise_inverse_disp_nat_trans (pr1 αα) Hαα ,, tt).
- split.
+ abstract
(cbn ;
simpl in * ;
use subtypePath ; [intro ; apply isapropunit | ];
use (@disp_nat_trans_eq C C') ;
intros x xx ; cbn ;
refine (inv_mor_after_z_iso_disp (Hαα x xx) @ _) ;
refine (!_) ;
unfold transportb ;
rewrite pr1_transportf ;
refine (@disp_nat_trans_transportf
_ _ _ _ _ _
_ _
(!(@id2_left bicat_of_univ_cats _ _ _ _ (nat_trans_id F)))
_ _ _ _ _
@ _) ;
apply transportf_paths ;
apply homset_property).
+ abstract
(cbn ;
simpl in * ;
use subtypePath ; [intro ; apply isapropunit | ];
use (@disp_nat_trans_eq C C') ;
intros x xx ; cbn ;
refine (z_iso_disp_after_inv_mor (Hαα x xx) @ _) ;
refine (!_) ;
unfold transportb ;
rewrite pr1_transportf ;
refine (@disp_nat_trans_transportf
_ _ _ _ _ _
_ _
(!(@id2_left bicat_of_univ_cats _ _ _ _ (nat_trans_id F)))
_ _ _ _ _
@ _) ;
apply transportf_paths ;
apply homset_property).
Definition disp_bicat_of_opcleaving_disp_invertible_2cell_pointwise_inv
{C C' : bicat_of_univ_cats}
{F G : C --> C'}
{α : F ==> G}
(Hα : is_invertible_2cell α)
{D : disp_bicat_of_opcleaving C} {D' : disp_bicat_of_opcleaving C'}
{FF : D -->[ F ] D'} {GG : D -->[ G ] D'}
(αα : FF ==>[ α ] GG)
(Hαα : is_disp_invertible_2cell Hα αα)
{x : (C : univalent_category)}
(xx : (pr1 D : disp_univalent_category _) x)
: is_z_iso_disp
(pr1 α x)
(is_invertible_2cell_to_is_nat_z_iso _ Hα x))
(pr11 αα x xx).
Show proof.
simple refine (_ ,, _).
- exact (pr111 Hαα x xx).
- split.
+ abstract
(unfold transportb ;
etrans ; [ apply (maponpaths (λ z, pr11 z x xx) (pr22 Hαα)) |] ;
unfold transportb ;
etrans ;
[ refine (maponpaths (λ z, pr1 z x xx) _) ;
exact (pr1_transportf
(!(vcomp_linv Hα))
(disp_nat_trans_id (pr11 GG),, tt))
| ];
etrans ;
[ exact (@disp_nat_trans_transportf
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(!(vcomp_linv Hα))
_ _
(disp_nat_trans_id (pr11 GG))
x xx)
| ] ;
apply maponpaths_2 ;
apply homset_property).
+ abstract
(unfold transportb ;
etrans ; [ apply (maponpaths (λ z, pr11 z x xx) (pr12 Hαα)) |] ;
unfold transportb ;
etrans ;
[ refine (maponpaths (λ z, pr1 z x xx) _) ;
exact (pr1_transportf
(!(vcomp_rinv Hα))
(disp_nat_trans_id (pr11 FF),, tt))
| ] ;
etrans ;
[ exact (@disp_nat_trans_transportf
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(!(vcomp_rinv Hα))
_ _
(disp_nat_trans_id (pr11 FF))
x xx)
| ] ;
apply maponpaths_2 ;
apply homset_property).
- exact (pr111 Hαα x xx).
- split.
+ abstract
(unfold transportb ;
etrans ; [ apply (maponpaths (λ z, pr11 z x xx) (pr22 Hαα)) |] ;
unfold transportb ;
etrans ;
[ refine (maponpaths (λ z, pr1 z x xx) _) ;
exact (pr1_transportf
(!(vcomp_linv Hα))
(disp_nat_trans_id (pr11 GG),, tt))
| ];
etrans ;
[ exact (@disp_nat_trans_transportf
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(!(vcomp_linv Hα))
_ _
(disp_nat_trans_id (pr11 GG))
x xx)
| ] ;
apply maponpaths_2 ;
apply homset_property).
+ abstract
(unfold transportb ;
etrans ; [ apply (maponpaths (λ z, pr11 z x xx) (pr12 Hαα)) |] ;
unfold transportb ;
etrans ;
[ refine (maponpaths (λ z, pr1 z x xx) _) ;
exact (pr1_transportf
(!(vcomp_rinv Hα))
(disp_nat_trans_id (pr11 FF),, tt))
| ] ;
etrans ;
[ exact (@disp_nat_trans_transportf
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(!(vcomp_rinv Hα))
_ _
(disp_nat_trans_id (pr11 FF))
x xx)
| ] ;
apply maponpaths_2 ;
apply homset_property).