Library UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.Examples.DispBicatOfDispCats


Benedikt Ahrens, Marco Maggesi February 2018
Displayed bicategory of displayed structures on 1-categories.
Contents 1. The displayed bicategory of displayed categories 2. Invertible 2-cells in the displayed bicategory of displayed categories 3. The local univalence 4. Adjoints equivalences 5. The global univalence

Require Import UniMath.Foundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Fibrations.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.NaturalTransformations.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Isos.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Univalence.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.whiskering.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.NaturalTransformations.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Fibrations.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Isos.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Univalence.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Constructions.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Adjunctions.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Equivalences.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.DisplayedFunctorEq.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.EquivalenceOverId.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.DisplayedCatEq.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Bicat.
Import Bicat.Notations.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Invertible_2cells.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.EquivToAdjequiv.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Morphisms.Adjunctions.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.DispBicat.
Import DispBicat.Notations.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.DispAdjunctions.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.DispInvertibles.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.DispUnivalence.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Examples.BicatOfUnivCats.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.Examples.FullSub.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.Examples.Sigma.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.Examples.DisplayedCatToBicat.

Local Open Scope cat.
Local Open Scope mor_disp_scope.

1. The displayed bicategory of displayed categories
Definition disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_disp_cat_data
  : disp_cat_data bicat_of_univ_cats.
Show proof.
  use tpair.
  - use tpair.
    + exact (λ C : univalent_category, disp_univalent_category C).
    + intros C C' D D' F.
      exact (disp_functor F D D').
  - use tpair; cbn.
    + intros C D.
      apply disp_functor_identity.
    + cbn. intros C C' C'' F F' D D' D'' G G'.
      apply (disp_functor_composite G G').

Definition disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_1_id_comp_cells
  : disp_prebicat_1_id_comp_cells bicat_of_univ_cats.
Show proof.
  exists disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_disp_cat_data.
  cbn. intros C C' F F' a D D' G G'. cbn in *.
  apply (disp_nat_trans a G G').

Definition disp_prebicat_of_univ_disp_cats_data : disp_prebicat_data bicat_of_univ_cats.
Show proof.
  exists disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_1_id_comp_cells.
  repeat split.
  - intros ? ? ? ? ? F' ; cbn in *.
    exact (disp_nat_trans_id F').
  - intros ? ? ? ? ? F' ; cbn in *.
    exact (disp_nat_trans_id F').
  - intros ? ? ? ? ? F' ; cbn in *.
    exact (disp_nat_trans_id F').
  - intros ? ? ? ? ? F' ; cbn in *.
    exact (disp_nat_trans_id F').
  - intros ? ? ? ? ? F' ; cbn in *.
    exact (disp_nat_trans_id F').
  - intros ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? F' ; cbn in *.
    exact (disp_nat_trans_id (disp_functor_composite_data (disp_functor_composite ff gg) F')).
  - intros ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? F' ; cbn in *.
    exact (disp_nat_trans_id (disp_functor_composite_data (disp_functor_composite ff gg) F')).
  - intros C D ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rr ss ; cbn in *.
    exact (@disp_nat_trans_comp C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rr ss).
  - intros C₁ C₂ C₃ f g₁ g₂ r D₁ D₂ D₃ ff gg₁ gg₂ rr ; cbn in *.
    exact (@pre_whisker_disp_nat_trans C₁ C₂ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rr).
  - intros C₁ C₂ C₃ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rr ; cbn in *.
    exact (@post_whisker_disp_nat_trans C₁ C₂ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rr _).

Lemma disp_prebicat_of_univ_disp_cats_laws
  : disp_prebicat_laws disp_prebicat_of_univ_disp_cats_data.
Show proof.
  repeat split ; red
  ; intros; intros
  ; apply (@disp_nat_trans_eq)
  ; intros ; apply pathsinv0
  ; unfold transportb
  ; (etrans ; [ apply disp_nat_trans_transportf | ]).
  - apply pathsinv0.
    etrans. { apply id_left_disp. }
    apply pathsinv0; unfold transportb.
    apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
  - apply pathsinv0.
    etrans. { apply id_right_disp. }
    apply pathsinv0; unfold transportb.
    apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
  - apply pathsinv0.
    etrans. { apply assoc_disp. }
    apply pathsinv0; unfold transportb.
    apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
  - apply transportf_set. apply homset_property.
  - apply pathsinv0.
      apply disp_functor_id.
    unfold transportb.
    apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
  - apply transportf_set. apply homset_property.
  - cbn.
      apply maponpaths.
      apply disp_functor_comp.
    etrans. { apply transport_f_f. }
    apply transportf_set. apply homset_property.
  - cbn.
      apply maponpaths.
      apply id_left_disp.
    etrans. { apply transport_f_f. }
    apply pathsinv0.
    etrans. { apply id_right_disp. }
    unfold transportb. apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
  - cbn.
    etrans. { apply maponpaths. apply id_left_disp. }
    etrans. { apply transport_f_f. }
    apply pathsinv0.
    etrans. { apply id_right_disp. }
    unfold transportb. apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
  - cbn.
      apply maponpaths.
      apply id_left_disp.
    etrans. { apply transport_f_f. }
    apply pathsinv0.
    etrans. { apply id_right_disp. }
    unfold transportb. apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
  - cbn.
    etrans. { apply maponpaths. apply id_left_disp. }
    etrans. { apply transport_f_f. }
    apply pathsinv0.
    etrans. { apply id_right_disp. }
    unfold transportb. apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
  - cbn.
    etrans. { apply maponpaths. apply id_right_disp. }
    etrans. { apply transport_f_f. }
    apply pathsinv0.
    etrans. { apply id_left_disp. }
    unfold transportb. apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
  - cbn.
    set (RR := @disp_nat_trans_ax_var _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ φφ).
    etrans. { apply maponpaths. apply RR. }
    etrans. { apply transport_f_f. }
    apply transportf_set. apply homset_property.
  - cbn.
    apply pathsinv0.
    etrans. { apply id_right_disp. }
    unfold transportb. apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
  - cbn.
    apply pathsinv0.
    etrans. { apply id_right_disp. }
    unfold transportb. apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
  - cbn.
    apply pathsinv0.
    etrans. { apply id_right_disp. }
    unfold transportb. apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
  - cbn.
    apply pathsinv0.
    etrans. { apply id_right_disp. }
    unfold transportb. apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
  - cbn.
    apply pathsinv0.
    etrans. { apply id_right_disp. }
    unfold transportb. apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
  - cbn.
    apply pathsinv0.
    etrans. { apply id_right_disp. }
    unfold transportb. apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
  - cbn.
    apply pathsinv0.
    etrans. { apply id_left_disp. }
    etrans. { apply maponpaths. apply disp_functor_id. }
    etrans. { apply transport_f_f. }
    apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.
  - cbn.
    apply pathsinv0.
    etrans. { apply assoc_disp_var. }
    etrans. { apply maponpaths. apply id_left_disp. }
    etrans. { apply transport_f_f. }
    etrans. { apply maponpaths. apply id_left_disp. }
    etrans. { apply transport_f_f. }
    etrans. { apply maponpaths. apply disp_functor_id. }
    etrans. { apply transport_f_f. }
    apply pathsinv0.
    etrans. { apply maponpaths. apply id_left_disp. }
    etrans. { apply transport_f_f. }
    apply maponpaths_2. apply homset_property.

Definition disp_prebicat_of_univ_disp_cats
  : disp_prebicat bicat_of_univ_cats
  := _ ,, disp_prebicat_of_univ_disp_cats_laws.

Definition disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats : disp_bicat bicat_of_univ_cats.
Show proof.
  use tpair.
  - exact disp_prebicat_of_univ_disp_cats.
  - abstract
      (intros C₁ C₂ F₁ F₂ n D₁ D₂ FF₁ FF₂ ;
       simpl in * ;
       cbn ;
       exact (@isaset_disp_nat_trans C₁ C₂ D₁ D₂ F₁ F₂ n FF₁ FF₂)).

2. Invertible 2-cells in the displayed bicategory of displayed categories
Definition disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_is_disp_invertible_2cell
           {C C' : bicat_of_univ_cats}
           {F : C --> C'}
           {D : disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats C}
           {D' : disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats C'}
           {FF : D -->[ F ] D'} {GG : D -->[ F ] D'}
           (αα : FF ==>[ id₂ F ] GG)
           (Hαα : is_disp_nat_z_iso (nat_z_iso_id _) αα)
  : is_disp_invertible_2cell (id2_invertible_2cell F) αα.
Show proof.
  use tpair.
  - exact (pointwise_inverse_disp_nat_trans αα Hαα).
  - split.
    + abstract
        (cbn ;
         simpl in * ;
         use (@disp_nat_trans_eq C C') ;
         intros x xx ; cbn ;
         refine (inv_mor_after_z_iso_disp (Hαα x xx) @ _) ;
         refine (!_) ;
         refine (@disp_nat_trans_transportf
                   _ _ _ _ _ _
                   _ _
                   (!(@id2_left bicat_of_univ_cats _ _ _ _ (nat_trans_id F)))
                   _ _ _ _ _
                   @ _) ;
         apply transportf_paths ;
         apply homset_property).
    + abstract
        (cbn ;
         simpl in * ;
         use (@disp_nat_trans_eq C C') ;
         intros x xx ; cbn ;
         refine (z_iso_disp_after_inv_mor (Hαα x xx) @ _) ;
         refine (!_) ;
         refine (@disp_nat_trans_transportf
                   _ _ _ _ _ _
                   _ _
                   (!(@id2_left bicat_of_univ_cats _ _ _ _ (nat_trans_id F)))
                   _ _ _ _ _
                   @ _) ;
         apply transportf_paths ;
         apply homset_property).

This function is more convenient to use in certain cases. In the proof of global univalence, we look at invertible 2-cells over the unitors. The data of these 2-cells are equal to the identity transformations, but they have a different proof of invertibility.
Lemma disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_is_disp_invertible_2cell_help
      {C C' : bicat_of_univ_cats}
      {F : C --> C'}
      {D : disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats C}
      {D' : disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats C'}
      {FF : D -->[ F ] D'} {GG : D -->[ F ] D'}
      (αα : FF ==>[ id₂ F ] GG)
      (Hαα : is_disp_nat_z_iso (nat_z_iso_id _) αα)
      (H : @is_invertible_2cell
             C C'
             F F
             (nat_trans_id _))
  : is_disp_invertible_2cell H αα.
Show proof.
  refine (transportf
            (λ z, is_disp_invertible_2cell z αα)
            (disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_is_disp_invertible_2cell αα Hαα)).
  apply isaprop_is_invertible_2cell.

Definition from_disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_disp_invertible_2cell
           {C C' : bicat_of_univ_cats}
           {F : C --> C'}
           {D : disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats C}
           {D' : disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats C'}
           {FF : D -->[ F ] D'} {GG : D -->[ F ] D'}
           (αα : FF ==>[ id₂ F ] GG)
           (Hαα : is_disp_invertible_2cell (id2_invertible_2cell F) αα)
  : is_disp_nat_z_iso (nat_z_iso_id _) αα.
Show proof.
  intros x xx.
  simple refine (_ ,, _ ,, _).
  - exact (pr11 Hαα x xx).
  - abstract
      (refine (maponpaths (λ z, pr1 z x xx) (pr22 Hαα) @ _) ;
       cbn ;
       unfold transportb ;
       rewrite disp_nat_trans_transportf ;
       apply maponpaths_2 ;
       apply homset_property).
  - abstract
      (refine (maponpaths (λ z, pr1 z x xx) (pr12 Hαα) @ _) ;
       cbn ;
       unfold transportb ;
       rewrite disp_nat_trans_transportf ;
       apply maponpaths_2 ;
       apply homset_property).

This function is more convenient to use in certain cases. In the proof of global univalence, we look at invertible 2-cells over the unitors. The data of these 2-cells are equal to the identity transformations, but they have a different proof of invertibility.
Lemma from_disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_disp_invertible_2cell_help
      {C C' : bicat_of_univ_cats}
      {F : C --> C'}
      {D : disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats C}
      {D' : disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats C'}
      {FF : D -->[ F ] D'} {GG : D -->[ F ] D'}
      (αα : FF ==>[ id₂ F ] GG)
      (H : @is_invertible_2cell
             C C'
             F F
             (nat_trans_id _))
      (Hαα : is_disp_invertible_2cell H αα)
  : is_disp_nat_z_iso (nat_z_iso_id _) αα.
Show proof.
  apply from_disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_disp_invertible_2cell.
  refine (transportf
            (λ z, is_disp_invertible_2cell z αα)
  apply isaprop_is_invertible_2cell.

Definition disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_inv2cell_weq
           {C₁ C₂ : bicat_of_univ_cats}
           {F : C₁ --> C₂}
           {D₁ : disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats C₁}
           {D₂ : disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats C₂}
           (FF GG : D₁ -->[ F ] D₂)
  : disp_nat_z_iso FF GG (nat_z_iso_id F)
    disp_invertible_2cell (id2_invertible_2cell F) FF GG.
Show proof.

3. The local univalence
Proposition disp_univalent_2_1_disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cat
  : disp_univalent_2_1 disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats.
Show proof.
  use fiberwise_local_univalent_is_univalent_2_1.
  intros C₁ C₂ F D₁ D₂ FF GG.
  use weqhomot.
  - exact (disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_inv2cell_weq FF GG
            disp_functor_eq_weq FF GG (pr2 D₂))%weq.
  - abstract
      (intro p ;
       cbn in p ;
       induction p ;
       use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply isaprop_is_disp_invertible_2cell | ] ;
       use disp_nat_trans_eq ;
       intros x xx ;
       cbn ;
       apply idpath).

4. Adjoints equivalences
Definition disp_left_adjoint_equivalence_disp_bicat_of_univ_cats
           {C : bicat_of_univ_cats}
           {D₁ D₂ : disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats C}
           (F : D₁ -->[ functor_identity _ ] D₂)
           (HF : is_equiv_over_id F)
  : disp_left_adjoint_equivalence (internal_adjoint_equivalence_identity C) F.
Show proof.
  simple refine ((_ ,, (_ ,, _)) ,, ((_ ,, _) ,, (_ ,, _))).
  - exact (pr111 HF).
  - exact (pr1 (pr211 HF)).
  - exact (pr2 (pr211 HF)).
  - abstract
      (use disp_nat_trans_eq ;
       intros x xx ; cbn ;
       rewrite id_left_disp ;
       rewrite !id_right_disp ;
       unfold transportb ;
       rewrite !mor_disp_transportf_postwhisker ;
       rewrite !transport_f_f ;
       etrans ;
       [ apply maponpaths ;
         exact (pr121 HF x xx)
       | ] ;
       unfold transportb ;
       rewrite transport_f_f ;
       refine (!_) ;
       refine (disp_nat_trans_transportf
                 _ _
                 _ _
                 (!(internal_triangle1 (is_internal_adjunction_identity C)))
                 _ _
                 (disp_nat_trans_id _)
                 x xx
               @ _) ;
       apply maponpaths_2 ;
       apply homset_property).
  - abstract
      (use disp_nat_trans_eq ;
       intros x xx ; cbn ;
       rewrite id_left_disp ;
       rewrite !id_right_disp ;
       unfold transportb ;
       rewrite !mor_disp_transportf_postwhisker ;
       rewrite !transport_f_f ;
       etrans ;
       [ apply maponpaths ;
         exact (pr221 HF x xx)
       | ] ;
       unfold transportb ;
       rewrite transport_f_f ;
       refine (!_) ;
       refine (disp_nat_trans_transportf
                 _ _
                 _ _
                 (!(internal_triangle2 (is_internal_adjunction_identity C)))
                 _ _
                 (disp_nat_trans_id _)
                 x _
               @ _) ;
       apply maponpaths_2 ;
       apply homset_property).
  - abstract
      (use disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_is_disp_invertible_2cell_help ;
       cbn ;
       intros x xx ;
       exact (pr12 HF x xx)).
  - abstract
      (use disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_is_disp_invertible_2cell_help ;
       cbn ;
       intros x xx ;
       exact (pr22 HF x xx)).

Definition from_disp_left_adjoint_equivalence_disp_bicat_of_univ_cats
           {C : bicat_of_univ_cats}
           {D₁ D₂ : disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats C}
           (F : D₁ -->[ functor_identity _ ] D₂)
           (HF : disp_left_adjoint_equivalence (internal_adjoint_equivalence_identity C) F)
  : is_equiv_over_id F.
Show proof.
  simple refine (((_ ,, (_ ,, _)) ,, (_ ,, _)) ,, (_ ,, _)).
  - exact (pr11 HF).
  - exact (pr121 HF).
  - exact (pr221 HF).
  - abstract
      (intros x xx ;
       cbn ;
       pose (maponpaths (λ z, pr1 z x xx) (pr112 HF)) as p ;
       cbn in p ;
       rewrite !id_left_disp in p ;
       rewrite !id_right_disp in p ;
       unfold transportb in p ;
       rewrite !mor_disp_transportf_postwhisker in p ;
       rewrite !transport_f_f in p ;
       refine (transportb_transpose_right p @ _) ;
       etrans ;
       [ apply maponpaths ;
         apply (disp_nat_trans_transportf
                  _ _
                  _ _
                  (!(internal_triangle1 (is_internal_adjunction_identity C)))
                  _ _
                  (disp_nat_trans_id _)
                  x xx)
       | ] ;
       unfold transportb ;
       rewrite transport_f_f ;
       apply maponpaths_2 ;
       apply homset_property).
  - abstract
      (intros x xx ;
       cbn ;
       pose (maponpaths (λ z, pr1 z x xx) (pr212 HF)) as p ;
       cbn in p ;
       rewrite !id_left_disp in p ;
       rewrite !id_right_disp in p ;
       unfold transportb in p ;
       rewrite !mor_disp_transportf_postwhisker in p ;
       rewrite !transport_f_f in p ;
       refine (transportb_transpose_right p @ _) ;
       etrans ;
       [ apply maponpaths ;
         apply (disp_nat_trans_transportf
                  _ _
                  _ _
                  (!(internal_triangle2 (is_internal_adjunction_identity C)))
                  _ _
                  (disp_nat_trans_id _)
                  x xx)
       | ] ;
       unfold transportb ;
       rewrite transport_f_f ;
       apply maponpaths_2 ;
       apply homset_property).
  - abstract
      (cbn ;
       intros x xx ;
       apply (from_disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_disp_invertible_2cell_help
                _ _
                (pr122 HF))).
- abstract
      (cbn ;
       intros x xx ;
       apply (from_disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_disp_invertible_2cell_help
                _ _
                (pr222 HF))).

Definition disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_adjequiv_weq
           {C : bicat_of_univ_cats}
           (D₁ : disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats C)
           (D₂ : disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats C)
  : ( (F : disp_functor (functor_identity _) (pr1 D₁) (pr1 D₂)), is_equiv_over_id F)
    disp_adjoint_equivalence (internal_adjoint_equivalence_identity C) D₁ D₂.
Show proof.

5. The global univalence
Proposition disp_univalent_2_0_disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cat
  : disp_univalent_2_0 disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats.
Show proof.
  use fiberwise_univalent_2_0_to_disp_univalent_2_0.
  intros C D₁ D₂.
  use weqhomot.
  - refine (disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats_adjequiv_weq D₁ D₂
             disp_cat_eq (pr1 D₁) (pr1 D₂) (pr2 D₁) (pr2 D₂)
             path_sigma_hprop _ _ _ _)%weq.
    apply isaprop_is_univalent_disp.
  - abstract
      (intro p ;
       cbn in p ;
       induction p ;
       use subtypePath ;
       [ intro ;
         use (isaprop_disp_left_adjoint_equivalence
                _ _
       | ] ;
       apply idpath).

Displayed bicategory of fibrations
Definition disp_bicat_of_cleaving_ob_mor
  : disp_cat_ob_mor (total_bicat disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats).
Show proof.
  use tpair.
  - exact (λ X, cleaving (pr12 X)).
  - exact (λ X Y fibX fibY F, is_cartesian_disp_functor (pr2 F)).

Definition disp_bicat_of_cleaving_id_comp
  : disp_cat_id_comp (total_bicat disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats) disp_bicat_of_cleaving_ob_mor.
Show proof.
  use tpair.
  - intros X fibX x y f xx yy ff p.
    exact p.
  - intros X Y Z F G fibX fibY fibZ cartF cartG x y f xx yy ff p ; simpl.
    apply cartG.
    apply cartF.
    exact p.

Definition disp_bicat_of_cleaving_cat_data
  : disp_cat_data (total_bicat disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats).
Show proof.

Definition disp_bicat_of_cleaving_help
  : disp_bicat (total_bicat disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats).
Show proof.

Definition disp_bicat_of_cleaving
  : disp_bicat bicat_of_univ_cats
  := sigma_bicat

Definition disp_bicat_of_cleaving_is_disp_invertible_2cell
           {C C' : bicat_of_univ_cats}
           {F : C --> C'}
           {D : disp_bicat_of_cleaving C} {D' : disp_bicat_of_cleaving C'}
           {FF : D -->[ F ] D'} {GG : D -->[ F ] D'}
           (αα : FF ==>[ id₂ F ] GG)
           (Hαα : (x : (C : univalent_category)) (xx : pr11 D x),
                    (identity_z_iso (pr1 F x))
                    (pr11 αα x xx))
  : is_disp_invertible_2cell (id2_invertible_2cell F) αα.
Show proof.
  use tpair.
  - exact (pointwise_inverse_disp_nat_trans (pr1 αα) Hαα ,, tt).
  - split.
    + abstract
        (cbn ;
         simpl in * ;
         use subtypePath ; [intro ; apply isapropunit | ];
         use (@disp_nat_trans_eq C C') ;
         intros x xx ; cbn ;
         refine (inv_mor_after_z_iso_disp (Hαα x xx) @ _) ;
         refine (!_) ;
         unfold transportb ;
         rewrite pr1_transportf ;
         refine (@disp_nat_trans_transportf
                   _ _ _ _ _ _
                   _ _
                   (!(@id2_left bicat_of_univ_cats _ _ _ _ (nat_trans_id F)))
                   _ _ _ _ _
                   @ _) ;
         apply transportf_paths ;
         apply homset_property).
    + abstract
        (cbn ;
         simpl in * ;
         use subtypePath ; [intro ; apply isapropunit | ];
         use (@disp_nat_trans_eq C C') ;
         intros x xx ; cbn ;
         refine (z_iso_disp_after_inv_mor (Hαα x xx) @ _) ;
         refine (!_) ;
         unfold transportb ;
         rewrite pr1_transportf ;
         refine (@disp_nat_trans_transportf
                   _ _ _ _ _ _
                   _ _
                   (!(@id2_left bicat_of_univ_cats _ _ _ _ (nat_trans_id F)))
                   _ _ _ _ _
                   @ _) ;
         apply transportf_paths ;
         apply homset_property).

Definition disp_bicat_of_cleaving_disp_invertible_2cell_pointwise_inv
           {C C' : bicat_of_univ_cats}
           {F G : C --> C'}
           {α : F ==> G}
           ( : is_invertible_2cell α)
           {D : disp_bicat_of_cleaving C} {D' : disp_bicat_of_cleaving C'}
           {FF : D -->[ F ] D'} {GG : D -->[ G ] D'}
           (αα : FF ==>[ α ] GG)
           (Hαα : is_disp_invertible_2cell αα)
           {x : (C : univalent_category)}
           (xx : (pr1 D : disp_univalent_category _) x)
  : is_z_iso_disp
         (pr1 α x)
         (is_invertible_2cell_to_is_nat_z_iso _ x))
      (pr11 αα x xx).
Show proof.
  simple refine (_ ,, _).
  - exact (pr111 Hαα x xx).
  - split.
    + abstract
        (unfold transportb ;
         etrans ; [ apply (maponpaths (λ z, pr11 z x xx) (pr22 Hαα)) |] ;
         unfold transportb ;
         etrans ;
         [ refine (maponpaths (λ z, pr1 z x xx) _) ;
           exact (pr1_transportf
                    (!(vcomp_linv ))
                    (disp_nat_trans_id (pr11 GG),, tt))
         | ];
         etrans ;
         [ exact (@disp_nat_trans_transportf
                    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
                    (!(vcomp_linv ))
                    _ _
                    (disp_nat_trans_id (pr11 GG))
                    x xx)
         | ] ;
         apply maponpaths_2 ;
         apply homset_property).
    + abstract
        (unfold transportb ;
         etrans ; [ apply (maponpaths (λ z, pr11 z x xx) (pr12 Hαα)) |] ;
         unfold transportb ;
         etrans ;
         [ refine (maponpaths (λ z, pr1 z x xx) _) ;
           exact (pr1_transportf
                    (!(vcomp_rinv ))
                    (disp_nat_trans_id (pr11 FF),, tt))
         | ] ;
         etrans ;
         [ exact (@disp_nat_trans_transportf
                    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
                    (!(vcomp_rinv ))
                    _ _
                    (disp_nat_trans_id (pr11 FF))
                    x xx)
         | ] ;
         apply maponpaths_2 ;
         apply homset_property).

Displayed bicategory of opfibrations
Definition disp_bicat_of_opcleaving_ob_mor
  : disp_cat_ob_mor (total_bicat disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats).
Show proof.
  use tpair.
  - exact (λ X, opcleaving (pr12 X)).
  - exact (λ X Y fibX fibY F, is_opcartesian_disp_functor (pr2 F)).

Definition disp_bicat_of_opcleaving_id_comp
  : disp_cat_id_comp (total_bicat disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats) disp_bicat_of_opcleaving_ob_mor.
Show proof.
  use tpair.
  - intros X fibX x y f xx yy ff p.
    exact p.
  - intros X Y Z F G fibX fibY fibZ cartF cartG x y f xx yy ff p ; simpl.
    apply cartG.
    apply cartF.
    exact p.

Definition disp_bicat_of_opcleaving_cat_data
  : disp_cat_data (total_bicat disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats).
Show proof.

Definition disp_bicat_of_opcleaving_help
  : disp_bicat (total_bicat disp_bicat_of_univ_disp_cats).
Show proof.

Definition disp_bicat_of_opcleaving
  : disp_bicat bicat_of_univ_cats
  := sigma_bicat

Definition disp_bicat_of_opcleaving_is_disp_invertible_2cell
           {C C' : bicat_of_univ_cats}
           {F : C --> C'}
           {D : disp_bicat_of_opcleaving C} {D' : disp_bicat_of_opcleaving C'}
           {FF : D -->[ F ] D'} {GG : D -->[ F ] D'}
           (αα : FF ==>[ id₂ F ] GG)
           (Hαα : (x : (C : univalent_category)) (xx : pr11 D x),
                    (identity_z_iso (pr1 F x))
                    (pr11 αα x xx))
  : is_disp_invertible_2cell (id2_invertible_2cell F) αα.
Show proof.
  use tpair.
  - exact (pointwise_inverse_disp_nat_trans (pr1 αα) Hαα ,, tt).
  - split.
    + abstract
        (cbn ;
         simpl in * ;
         use subtypePath ; [intro ; apply isapropunit | ];
         use (@disp_nat_trans_eq C C') ;
         intros x xx ; cbn ;
         refine (inv_mor_after_z_iso_disp (Hαα x xx) @ _) ;
         refine (!_) ;
         unfold transportb ;
         rewrite pr1_transportf ;
         refine (@disp_nat_trans_transportf
                   _ _ _ _ _ _
                   _ _
                   (!(@id2_left bicat_of_univ_cats _ _ _ _ (nat_trans_id F)))
                   _ _ _ _ _
                   @ _) ;
         apply transportf_paths ;
         apply homset_property).
    + abstract
        (cbn ;
         simpl in * ;
         use subtypePath ; [intro ; apply isapropunit | ];
         use (@disp_nat_trans_eq C C') ;
         intros x xx ; cbn ;
         refine (z_iso_disp_after_inv_mor (Hαα x xx) @ _) ;
         refine (!_) ;
         unfold transportb ;
         rewrite pr1_transportf ;
         refine (@disp_nat_trans_transportf
                   _ _ _ _ _ _
                   _ _
                   (!(@id2_left bicat_of_univ_cats _ _ _ _ (nat_trans_id F)))
                   _ _ _ _ _
                   @ _) ;
         apply transportf_paths ;
         apply homset_property).

Definition disp_bicat_of_opcleaving_disp_invertible_2cell_pointwise_inv
           {C C' : bicat_of_univ_cats}
           {F G : C --> C'}
           {α : F ==> G}
           ( : is_invertible_2cell α)
           {D : disp_bicat_of_opcleaving C} {D' : disp_bicat_of_opcleaving C'}
           {FF : D -->[ F ] D'} {GG : D -->[ G ] D'}
           (αα : FF ==>[ α ] GG)
           (Hαα : is_disp_invertible_2cell αα)
           {x : (C : univalent_category)}
           (xx : (pr1 D : disp_univalent_category _) x)
  : is_z_iso_disp
         (pr1 α x)
         (is_invertible_2cell_to_is_nat_z_iso _ x))
      (pr11 αα x xx).
Show proof.
  simple refine (_ ,, _).
  - exact (pr111 Hαα x xx).
  - split.
    + abstract
        (unfold transportb ;
         etrans ; [ apply (maponpaths (λ z, pr11 z x xx) (pr22 Hαα)) |] ;
         unfold transportb ;
         etrans ;
         [ refine (maponpaths (λ z, pr1 z x xx) _) ;
           exact (pr1_transportf
                    (!(vcomp_linv ))
                    (disp_nat_trans_id (pr11 GG),, tt))
         | ];
         etrans ;
         [ exact (@disp_nat_trans_transportf
                    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
                    (!(vcomp_linv ))
                    _ _
                    (disp_nat_trans_id (pr11 GG))
                    x xx)
         | ] ;
         apply maponpaths_2 ;
         apply homset_property).
    + abstract
        (unfold transportb ;
         etrans ; [ apply (maponpaths (λ z, pr11 z x xx) (pr12 Hαα)) |] ;
         unfold transportb ;
         etrans ;
         [ refine (maponpaths (λ z, pr1 z x xx) _) ;
           exact (pr1_transportf
                    (!(vcomp_rinv ))
                    (disp_nat_trans_id (pr11 FF),, tt))
         | ] ;
         etrans ;
         [ exact (@disp_nat_trans_transportf
                    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
                    (!(vcomp_rinv ))
                    _ _
                    (disp_nat_trans_id (pr11 FF))
                    x xx)
         | ] ;
         apply maponpaths_2 ;
         apply homset_property).