Library UniMath.Bicategories.DoubleCategories.DoubleCatsEquivalentDefinitions

Double Categories

Authors: Benedikt Ahrens, Paige North, Nima Rasekh, Niels van der Weide June 2023
We construct an equivalence between the unfolded definition and the folded definition of double categories. The proof is a matter of reorganizing the sigma type.
Contents: 1. The map from unfolded double categories to double categories 2. The inverse 3. It forms an equivalences
1. The map from unfolded double categories to double categories
Section DoubleCatsUnfolded_to_DoubleCats.
  Context (C : univalent_doublecategory).

  Definition doublecategory_to_cat : category :=
    (und_ob_hor_cat C).

  Let D : twosided_disp_cat doublecategory_to_cat doublecategory_to_cat
      := doublecategory_to_twosided_disp_cat C.

  Definition doublecategory_to_horid : hor_id D.
  Show proof.
    use make_hor_id.
    - use make_hor_id_data.
      + intro x.
        exact (ver_identity x).
      + intros x y f.
        exact (ver_sq_identity f).
    - split.
      + intro x.
        exact (get_predoublecategory_interchange_id_obj x).
      + intros x y z f g.
        exact ( get_predoublecategory_interchange_id_hor f g).

  Let I : hor_id D := doublecategory_to_horid.

  Definition doublecategory_to_horcomp : hor_comp D.
  Show proof.
    use make_hor_comp.
    - use make_hor_comp_data.
      + intros x y z f g.
        exact (ver_compose f g).
      + cbn in *.
        intros x1 x2 y1 y2 z1 z2 v1 v2 v3 h1 h2 k1 k2 α β.
        exact (ver_sq_compose α β).
    - split.
      + cbn in *.
        intros x y z f g.
        exact (get_predoublecategory_interchange_id_ver f g).
      + cbn in *.
        intros a0 a1 a2 b0 b1 b2 c0 c1 c2 fa ga fb gb fc gc h0 k0 h1 k1 h2 k2 α β γ δ.
        exact (get_predoublecategory_interchange_comp α β γ δ).

  Let Cm : hor_comp D := doublecategory_to_horcomp.

  Definition doublecategory_to_lunitor : double_cat_lunitor I Cm.
  Show proof.
    use make_double_lunitor.
    - intros x y h.
      use make_iso_twosided_disp.
      + cbn in *.
        exact (pr1 (get_ver_left_unitor h)).
      + simple refine (_ ,, _ ,, _).
        * exact (pr12 (get_ver_left_unitor h)).
        * cbn in *. exact (pr122 (get_ver_left_unitor h)).
        * exact (pr222 (get_ver_left_unitor h)).
    - cbn in *.
      intros a b c d f g h k α.
      exact (! get_predoublecategory_ver_left_unitor_naturality α).

  Let l : double_cat_lunitor I Cm := doublecategory_to_lunitor.

  Definition doublecategory_to_runitor : double_cat_runitor I Cm.
  Show proof.
    use make_double_runitor.
    - intros x y h.
      use make_iso_twosided_disp.
      + cbn in *.
        exact (pr1 (get_ver_right_unitor h)).
      + simple refine (_ ,, _ ,, _).
        * exact (pr12 (get_ver_right_unitor h)).
        * cbn in *. exact (pr122 (get_ver_right_unitor h)).
        * exact (pr222 (get_ver_right_unitor h)).
    - cbn in *.
      intros a b c d f g h k α.
      exact (! get_predoublecategory_ver_right_unitor_naturality α).

  Let r : double_cat_runitor I Cm := doublecategory_to_runitor.

  Definition doublecategory_to_associator : double_cat_associator Cm.
  Show proof.
    use make_double_associator.
    - intros w x y z f g h.
      use make_iso_twosided_disp.
      + exact (pr1 (get_ver_associator f g h)).
      + simple refine (_ ,, _ ,, _).
        * exact (pr12 (get_ver_associator f g h)).
        * exact (pr122 (get_ver_associator f g h)).
        * exact (pr222 (get_ver_associator f g h)).
    - cbn in *.
      intros a0 a1 a2 a3 b0 b1 b2 b3 fa fb ha hb ka kb g0 g1 g2 g3 α β γ.
      exact (! get_predoublecategory_ver_assoc_naturality α β γ).

  Let a : double_cat_associator Cm := doublecategory_to_associator.

  Proposition doublecategory_to_triangle : triangle_law l r a.
  Show proof.
    intros x y z h k.
    cbn in *.
    exact (get_predoublecategory_ver_unitor_coherence h k).

  Let tr : triangle_law l r a := doublecategory_to_triangle.

  Proposition doublecategory_to_pentagon : pentagon_law a.
  Show proof.
    intros i b c d e f g h k.
    exact (get_predoublecategory_ver_assoc_coherence f g h k).

  Let pe : pentagon_law a := doublecategory_to_pentagon.

  Definition is_univalent_und_ob_hor_cat : is_univalent (und_ob_hor_cat C).
  Show proof.
    apply C.

  Let HC : is_univalent (und_ob_hor_cat C) := is_univalent_und_ob_hor_cat.

  Definition is_univalent_doublecategory_to_twosided_disp_cat
    : is_univalent_twosided_disp_cat D.
  Show proof.
    apply C.

  Let HD : is_univalent_twosided_disp_cat D
      := is_univalent_doublecategory_to_twosided_disp_cat.

  Definition doublecategory_to_double_cat : double_cat :=
    make_double_cat (und_ob_hor_cat C) D I Cm l r a tr pe HC HD.
End DoubleCatsUnfolded_to_DoubleCats.

2. The inverse
Section DoubleCats_to_DoubleCatsUnfolded.
  Context (C : double_cat).

  Definition double_cat_to_predoublecategory_ob_mor_hor
    : predoublecategory_ob_mor_hor.
  Show proof.
    simple refine (_ ,, _).
    - exact C.
    - exact (λ x y, x -->v y).

  Definition double_cat_to_predoublecategory_ob_mor_data
    : predoublecategory_ob_mor_data.
  Show proof.
    simple refine (_ ,, _).
    - exact double_cat_to_predoublecategory_ob_mor_hor.
    - exact (λ x y, x -->h y).

  Definition double_cat_to_predoublecategory_hor_id_comp
    : predoublecategory_hor_id_comp double_cat_to_predoublecategory_ob_mor_data.
  Show proof.
    - exact (λ x, identity x).
    - exact (λ x y z f g, f · g).

  Definition double_cat_to_predoublecategory_hor_precat_data
    : predoublecategory_hor_precat_data.
  Show proof.
    simple refine (_ ,, _).
    - exact double_cat_to_predoublecategory_ob_mor_data.
    - exact double_cat_to_predoublecategory_hor_id_comp.

  Proposition double_cat_to_is_predoublecategory_hor
    : is_predoublecategory_hor double_cat_to_predoublecategory_hor_precat_data.
  Show proof.
    repeat split.
    - intro ; intros ; cbn.
      apply id_left.
    - intro ; intros ; cbn.
      apply id_right.
    - intro ; intros ; cbn.
      apply assoc.
    - intro ; intros ; cbn.
      apply assoc'.

  Definition double_cat_to_predoublecategory_hor
    : predoublecategory_hor.
  Show proof.
    simple refine (_ ,, _).
    - exact double_cat_to_predoublecategory_hor_precat_data.
    - exact double_cat_to_is_predoublecategory_hor.

  Definition double_cat_to_predoublecategory_ver_id_comp
    : predoublecategory_ver_id_comp double_cat_to_predoublecategory_hor.
  Show proof.
    - exact (λ x, identity_h x).
    - exact (λ x y z f g, f ·h g).

  Definition double_cat_to_predoublecategory_hor_cat_ver_precat_data
    : predoublecategory_hor_cat_ver_precat_data.
  Show proof.
    simple refine (_ ,, _).
    - exact double_cat_to_predoublecategory_hor.
    - exact double_cat_to_predoublecategory_ver_id_comp.

  Definition double_cat_to_predoublecategory_ob_mor_sq_data
    : predoublecategory_ob_mor_sq_data.
  Show proof.
    simple refine (_ ,, _).
    - exact double_cat_to_predoublecategory_hor_cat_ver_precat_data.
    - exact (λ w x y z v₁ h₁ h₂ v₂, square v₁ v₂ h₁ h₂).

  Definition double_cat_to_predoublecategory_sq_hor_id_comp
    : predoublecategory_sq_hor_id_comp double_cat_to_predoublecategory_ob_mor_sq_data.
  Show proof.
    - exact (λ x y f, id_v_square f).
    - exact (λ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s₁ s₂, s₁ v s₂).

  Definition double_cat_to_predoublecategory_sq_hor_data
    : predoublecategory_sq_hor_data.
  Show proof.
    simple refine (_ ,, _).
    - exact double_cat_to_predoublecategory_ob_mor_sq_data.
    - exact double_cat_to_predoublecategory_sq_hor_id_comp.

  Proposition double_cat_to_is_predoublecategory_hor_sq
    : is_predoublecategory_hor_sq double_cat_to_predoublecategory_sq_hor_data.
  Show proof.
    repeat split.
    - intro ; intros ; cbn.
      apply square_id_left_v.
    - intro ; intros ; cbn.
      apply square_id_right_v.
    - intro ; intros ; cbn.
      apply square_assoc_v.

  Definition double_cat_to_predoublecategory_hor_sq
    : predoublecategory_hor_sq.
  Show proof.
    simple refine (_ ,, _).
    - exact double_cat_to_predoublecategory_sq_hor_data.
    - exact double_cat_to_is_predoublecategory_hor_sq.

  Definition double_cat_to_predoublecategory_sq_ver_id_comp
    : predoublecategory_sq_ver_id_comp double_cat_to_predoublecategory_hor_sq.
  Show proof.
    - exact (λ x y f, id_h_square f).
    - exact (λ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s₁ s₂, s₁ h s₂).

  Definition double_cat_to_predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_data
    : predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_data.
  Show proof.
    simple refine (_ ,, _).
    - exact double_cat_to_predoublecategory_hor_sq.
    - exact double_cat_to_predoublecategory_sq_ver_id_comp.

  Proposition double_cat_to_has_predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_unit_assoc
    : has_predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_unit_assoc
  Show proof.
    repeat split ; cbn.
    - intros x y f.
      simple refine (_ ,, _ ,, _ ,, _) ; cbn.
      + exact (lunitor_h f).
      + exact (linvunitor_h f).
      + exact (lunitor_linvunitor_h f).
      + exact (linvunitor_lunitor_h f).
    - intros x y f.
      simple refine (_ ,, _ ,, _ ,, _) ; cbn.
      + exact (runitor_h f).
      + exact (rinvunitor_h f).
      + exact (runitor_rinvunitor_h f).
      + exact (rinvunitor_runitor_h f).
    - intros w x y z f g h.
      simple refine (_ ,, _ ,, _ ,, _) ; cbn.
      + exact (lassociator_h f g h).
      + exact (rassociator_h f g h).
      + exact (lassociator_rassociator_h f g h).
      + exact (rassociator_lassociator_h f g h).

  Definition double_cat_to_predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_unit_assoc_data
    : predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_unit_assoc_data.
  Show proof.

  Proposition double_cat_to_predoublecategory_ver_left_unitor_naturality
    : predoublecategory_ver_left_unitor_naturality
  Show proof.
    intros w x y z v₁ h₁ h₂ v₂ α.
    exact (lunitor_square α).

  Proposition double_cat_to_predoublecategory_ver_right_unitor_naturality
    : predoublecategory_ver_right_unitor_naturality
  Show proof.
    intros w x y z v₁ h₁ h₂ v₂ α.
    exact (runitor_square α).

  Proposition double_cat_to_predoublecategory_ver_assoc_naturality
    : predoublecategory_ver_assoc_naturality
  Show proof.
    intro ; intros ; cbn.
    apply lassociator_h_square.

  Proposition double_cat_to_predoublecategory_ver_unitor_coherence
    : predoublecategory_ver_unitor_coherence
  Show proof.
    intro ; intros ; cbn.
    apply double_triangle.

  Proposition double_cat_to_predoublecategory_ver_assoc_coherence
    : predoublecategory_ver_assoc_coherence
  Show proof.
    intro ; intros ; cbn.
    apply double_pentagon.

  Proposition double_cat_to_predoublecategory_interchange
    : predoublecategory_interchange
  Show proof.
    repeat split ; intro ; intros ; cbn.
    - apply id_h_square_id.
    - apply id_h_square_comp.
    - apply comp_h_square_id.
    - apply comp_h_square_comp.

  Definition double_cat_to_predoublecategory
    : predoublecategory.
  Show proof.

  Definition double_cat_to_doublecategory
    : doublecategory.
  Show proof.
    use make_doublecategory.
    - exact double_cat_to_predoublecategory.
    - apply homset_property.
    - intro ; intros ; cbn.
      apply isaset_disp_mor.

  Definition double_cat_to_univalent_doublecategory
    : univalent_doublecategory.
  Show proof.
    simple refine (double_cat_to_doublecategory ,, _ ,, _).
    - exact (pr21 (pr111 C)).
    - exact (pr22 (pr111 C)).
End DoubleCats_to_DoubleCatsUnfolded.

3. It forms an equivalences
Proposition double_cat_weq_univalent_doublecategory_inv₁
            (C : double_cat)
  : doublecategory_to_double_cat (double_cat_to_univalent_doublecategory C) = C.
Show proof.
  induction C as [ C1 H ].
  use subtypePath.
    apply isapropdirprod ; repeat (use impred ; intro) ; apply isaset_disp_mor.
  use total2_paths_f ; [ apply idpath | ].
  use pathsdirprod.
  - use subtypePath.
      apply isaprop_double_lunitor_laws.
    apply idpath.
  - use pathsdirprod.
    + use subtypePath.
        apply isaprop_double_runitor_laws.
      apply idpath.
    + use subtypePath.
        apply isaprop_double_associator_laws.
      apply idpath.

Proposition double_cat_weq_univalent_doublecategory_inv₂
            (C : univalent_doublecategory)
  : double_cat_to_univalent_doublecategory (doublecategory_to_double_cat C) = C.
Show proof.
  use subtypePath.
    apply isapropdirprod.
    - apply isaprop_is_univalent.
    - apply isaprop_is_univalent_twosided_disp_cat.
  use subtypePath.
    use isapropdirprod ;
    repeat (use impred ; intro) ;
    apply isapropiscontr.
  use total2_paths_f ; [ apply idpath | ].
  repeat (use pathsdirprod) ;
  repeat (use funextsec ; intro) ;
  apply get_has_sq_hor_homsets.

Definition double_cat_weq_univalent_doublecategory
  : double_cat univalent_doublecategory.
Show proof.