Library UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.CleavingOfBicatIsAProp

1. Propositionality of preservation of cartesian cells
Definition isaprop_lwhisker_cartesian
           {B : bicat}
           (D : disp_bicat B)
  : isaprop (lwhisker_cartesian D).
Show proof.
  do 15 (use impred ; intro).
  apply isaprop_is_cartesian_2cell.

Definition isaprop_rwhisker_cartesian
           {B : bicat}
           (D : disp_bicat B)
  : isaprop (rwhisker_cartesian D).
Show proof.
  do 15 (use impred ; intro).
  apply isaprop_is_cartesian_2cell.

Definition isaprop_lwhisker_opcartesian
           {B : bicat}
           (D : disp_bicat B)
  : isaprop (lwhisker_opcartesian D).
Show proof.
  do 15 (use impred ; intro).
  apply isaprop_is_opcartesian_2cell.

Definition isaprop_rwhisker_opcartesian
           {B : bicat}
           (D : disp_bicat B)
  : isaprop (rwhisker_opcartesian D).
Show proof.
  do 15 (use impred ; intro).
  apply isaprop_is_opcartesian_2cell.

2. Propositionality of local (op)cleavings
Definition isaprop_local_cleaving
           {B : bicat}
           (HB : is_univalent_2_1 B)
           (D : disp_bicat B)
           (HD : disp_univalent_2_1 D)
  : isaprop (local_cleaving D).
Show proof.
  use (isofhlevelweqb 1 (local_fib_weq_local_cleaving D)).
  use impred ; intro x.
  use impred ; intro y.
  use impred ; intro xx.
  use impred ; intro yy.
  use (@isaprop_cleaving (univ_hom HB x y)).
  use is_univalent_disp_disp_hom.
  exact HD.

Definition isaprop_local_opcleaving
           {B : bicat}
           (HB : is_univalent_2_1 B)
           (D : disp_bicat B)
           (HD : disp_univalent_2_1 D)
  : isaprop (local_opcleaving D).
Show proof.
  use (isofhlevelweqb 1 (local_opfib_weq_local_opcleaving D)).
  unfold local_opfib.
  use impred ; intro x.
  use impred ; intro y.
  use impred ; intro xx.
  use impred ; intro yy.
  use (isofhlevelweqb 1 (opcleaving_weq_cleaving _)).
  use (@isaprop_cleaving (op_unicat (univ_hom HB x y))).
  apply is_univalent_op_disp_cat.
  apply is_univalent_disp_disp_hom.
  exact HD.

3. Propositionality of global cleavings
Definition eq_cartesian_lift
           {B : bicat}
           (D : disp_bicat B)
           (HD : disp_univalent_2_1 D)
           {x y : B}
           {yy : D y}
           {f : x --> y}
           (ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : (xx : D x) (ff : xx -->[ f ] yy), cartesian_1cell D ff)
           (p₁ : pr1 ℓ₁ = pr1 ℓ₂)
           (p₂ : transportf (λ z, z -->[ f ] yy) p₁ (pr12 ℓ₁) = pr12 ℓ₂)
  : ℓ₁ = ℓ₂.
Show proof.
  induction ℓ₁ as [ xx₁ [ ff₁ Hff₁ ]].
  induction ℓ₂ as [ xx₂ [ ff₂ Hff₂ ]].
  cbn in *.
  induction p₁ ; cbn in *.
  induction p₂ ; cbn in *.
  do 2 apply maponpaths.
  apply isaprop_cartesian_1cell.
  apply HD.

Definition eq_cartesian_lift_from_adjequiv_transport
           {B : bicat}
           (HB : is_univalent_2 B)
           {D : disp_bicat B}
           (HD : disp_univalent_2 D)
           {x y : B}
           (f : x --> y)
           (yy : D y)
           {xx₁ xx₂ : D x}
           (p : xx₁ = xx₂)
           (ff : xx₂ -->[ f] yy)
  : transportb
      (λ z, z -->[ f ] yy)
      (λ z, _ -->[ z ] _)
      (isotoid_2_1 (pr2 HB) (lunitor_invertible_2cell _))
      (disp_idtoiso_2_0 _ (idpath _) _ _ p ;; ff)%mor_disp.
Show proof.
  induction p.
  refine (!_).
  refine (disp_isotoid_2_1
            (pr2 HD)
            (isotoid_2_1 (pr2 HB) (lunitor_invertible_2cell f))
            _ _
               (λ z, disp_invertible_2cell z _ _)
               (disp_invertible_2cell_lunitor ff))).
  use subtypePath.
    apply isaprop_is_invertible_2cell.
  rewrite idtoiso_2_1_isotoid_2_1.
  apply idpath.

Definition eq_cartesian_lift_from_adjequiv
           {B : bicat}
           (HB : is_univalent_2 B)
           (D : disp_bicat B)
           (HD : disp_univalent_2 D)
           {x y : B}
           {yy : D y}
           {f : x --> y}
           (ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : (xx : D x) (ff : xx -->[ f ] yy), cartesian_1cell D ff)
           (e : disp_adjoint_equivalence
                  (internal_adjoint_equivalence_identity x)
                  (pr1 ℓ₁)
                  (pr1 ℓ₂))
           (γ : disp_invertible_2cell
                  (lunitor_invertible_2cell _)
                  (e ;; pr12 ℓ₂)
                  (pr12 ℓ₁))
  : ℓ₁ = ℓ₂.
Show proof.
  use eq_cartesian_lift.
  - apply HD.
  - exact (disp_isotoid_2_0 (pr1 HD) e).
  - pose (disp_isotoid_2_1
            (pr2 HD)
            (isotoid_2_1 (pr2 HB) (lunitor_invertible_2cell _))
            _ _
               (λ z, disp_invertible_2cell z _ _)
               (idtoiso_2_1_isotoid_2_1 _ _)
      as p.
    use (@transportf_transpose_left _ (λ z, z -->[ f ] yy)).
    refine (!_).
    refine (_ @ p) ; clear p.
    refine (eq_cartesian_lift_from_adjequiv_transport HB HD _ _ _ _ @ _).
    apply maponpaths.
    apply maponpaths_2.
    rewrite disp_idtoiso_2_0_isotoid_2_0.
    apply idpath.

Definition isaprop_global_cleaving
           {B : bicat}
           (HB : is_univalent_2 B)
           (D : disp_bicat B)
           (HD : disp_univalent_2 D)
  : isaprop (global_cleaving D).
Show proof.
  use impred ; intro x.
  use impred ; intro y.
  use impred ; intro xx.
  use impred ; intro f.
  use invproofirrelevance.
  intros ℓ₁ ℓ₂.
  use eq_cartesian_lift_from_adjequiv.
  - apply HB.
  - apply HD.
  - refine (map_between_cartesian_1cell (pr2 HB) (pr12 ℓ₁) (pr22 ℓ₂) ,, _).
    refine (transportf
              (λ z, disp_left_adjoint_equivalence z _)
              (pr2 (disp_adj_equiv_between_cartesian_1cell (pr2 HB) (pr22 ℓ₁) (pr22 ℓ₂)))).
    use unique_internal_adjoint_equivalence.
    apply HB.
  - cbn.
    apply map_between_cartesian_1cell_commute.