Library UniMath.Bicategories.MonoidalCategories.UnivalenceMonCat.TensorLayer

Require Import UniMath.Foundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Isos.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.NaturalTransformations.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Univalence.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Total.

Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Constructions.

Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Bicat.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Examples.BicatOfUnivCats.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Invertible_2cells.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.DispBicat.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.DispUnivalence.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.DispInvertibles.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Univalence.

Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.MonoidalCategories.UnivalenceMonCat.CurriedMonoidalCategories.

Local Open Scope cat.
Local Open Scope mor_disp_scope.

Import TensorNotation.

Section TensorLayer.

  Import TensorNotation.

  Definition disp_tensor_disp_ob_mor : disp_cat_ob_mor bicat_of_univ_cats.
  Show proof.
    exists (λ C, tensor (C : univalent_category)).
    exact (λ C D TC TD F, preserves_tensor TC TD F).

  Definition disp_tensor_disp_id_comp : disp_cat_id_comp bicat_of_univ_cats disp_tensor_disp_ob_mor.
  Show proof.
    - intros C TC.
      apply identityfunctor_preserves_tensor.
    - intros C D E F G TC TD TE.
      apply compositions_preserves_tensor.

  Definition disp_tensor_disp_catdata : disp_cat_data bicat_of_univ_cats
    := (disp_tensor_disp_ob_mor,,disp_tensor_disp_id_comp).

  Definition bidisp_tensor_disp_2cell_struct : disp_2cell_struct disp_tensor_disp_ob_mor.
  Show proof.
    intros C D F G α TC TD.
    exact (λ ptF ptG, preservestensor_commutes (pr1 ptF) (pr1 ptG) α).

  Lemma isaprop_bidisp_tensor_disp_2cell_struct
        {C D : bicat_of_univ_cats}
        {F G : bicat_of_univ_cats C,D }
        {α : prebicat_cells bicat_of_univ_cats F G}
        {TC : disp_tensor_disp_catdata C}
        {TD : disp_tensor_disp_catdata D}
        (ptF : TC -->[ F] TD)
        (ptG : TC -->[ G] TD)
    : isaprop (bidisp_tensor_disp_2cell_struct C D F G α TC TD ptF ptG).
  Show proof.

  Definition bidisp_tensor_disp_prebicat_1_id_comp_cells
    : disp_prebicat_1_id_comp_cells bicat_of_univ_cats
    := (disp_tensor_disp_catdata,, bidisp_tensor_disp_2cell_struct).

  Definition bidisp_tensor_disp_prebicat_ops : disp_prebicat_ops bidisp_tensor_disp_prebicat_1_id_comp_cells.
  Show proof.
    repeat split.
    - intros C D F TC TD ptF.
      apply identitynattrans_preservestensor_commutes.
    - intros C D F TC TD ptF.
      intros x y.
      rewrite id_right.
      rewrite tensor_id.
      rewrite id_left.
      unfold identityfunctor_preserves_tensor_data.
      unfold compositions_preserves_tensor_data.
      rewrite functor_id.
      apply id_right.
    - intros C D F TC TD ptF.
      intros x y.
      rewrite id_right.
      unfold compositions_preserves_tensor_data.
      unfold identityfunctor_preserves_tensor_data.
      rewrite id_left.
      rewrite tensor_id.
      rewrite id_left.
      apply idpath.
    - intros C D F TC TD ptF.
      intros x y.
      rewrite id_right.
      rewrite tensor_id.
      rewrite id_left.
      unfold compositions_preserves_tensor_data.
      unfold identityfunctor_preserves_tensor_data.
      rewrite functor_id.
      rewrite id_right.
      apply idpath.
    - intros C D F TC TD ptF.
      intros x y.
      rewrite id_right.
      rewrite tensor_id.
      unfold compositions_preserves_tensor_data.
      unfold identityfunctor_preserves_tensor_data.
      rewrite id_left.
      rewrite id_left.
      apply idpath.
    - intros C D E W F G H TC TD TE TW ptF ptG ptH.
      intros x y.
      rewrite id_right.
      rewrite tensor_id.
      rewrite id_left.
      unfold compositions_preserves_tensor_data.
      rewrite assoc'.
      rewrite functor_comp.
      apply idpath.
    - intros C D E W F G H TC TD TE TW ptF ptG ptH.
      intros x y.
      rewrite id_right.
      rewrite tensor_id.
      rewrite id_left.
      unfold compositions_preserves_tensor_data.
      rewrite assoc'.
      rewrite functor_comp.
      apply idpath.
    - intros C D F G H α β TC TD ptF ptG ptH ptcα ptcβ.
      intros x y.
      rewrite assoc.
      rewrite ptcα.
      rewrite assoc'.
      rewrite ptcβ.
      rewrite assoc.
      rewrite tensor_comp.
      apply idpath.
    - intros C D E F G H α TC TD TE ptF ptG ptH ptcα.
      intros x y.
      unfold compositions_preserves_tensor_data.
      rewrite assoc'.
      rewrite (pr2 α).
      rewrite assoc.
      rewrite ptcα.
      rewrite assoc.
      apply idpath.
    - intros C D E F G H α TC TD TE ptF ptG ptH ptcα.
      intros x y.
      unfold compositions_preserves_tensor_data.
      rewrite assoc'.
      etrans. {
        apply maponpaths.
        apply (pathsinv0 (functor_comp _ _ _)).
      etrans. {
        do 2 apply maponpaths.
        apply ptcα.
      rewrite assoc.
      rewrite functor_comp.
      rewrite assoc.
      apply cancel_postcomposition.
      etrans. { apply (pr2 ptH). }
      apply maponpaths.
      apply idpath.

  Definition bidisp_tensor_disp_prebicat_data : disp_prebicat_data bicat_of_univ_cats
    := (bidisp_tensor_disp_prebicat_1_id_comp_cells,, bidisp_tensor_disp_prebicat_ops).

  Definition bidisp_tensor_disp_prebicat_laws : disp_prebicat_laws bidisp_tensor_disp_prebicat_data.
  Show proof.
    repeat split; intro; intros; apply isaprop_bidisp_tensor_disp_2cell_struct.

  Definition bidisp_tensor_disp_prebicat : disp_prebicat bicat_of_univ_cats
    := (bidisp_tensor_disp_prebicat_data,,bidisp_tensor_disp_prebicat_laws).

  Definition bidisp_tensor_disp_bicat : disp_bicat bicat_of_univ_cats.
  Show proof.
    refine (bidisp_tensor_disp_prebicat,, _).
    intros C D F G α TC TD ptF ptG.
    apply isasetaprop.
    unfold disp_2cells.
    unfold bidisp_tensor_disp_prebicat.
    unfold bidisp_tensor_disp_2cell_struct.
    unfold preservestensor_commutes.
    repeat (apply impred_isaprop ; intro).
    apply univalent_category_has_homsets.

We now show that this displayed bicategory is locally univalent
  Definition disp_inv_to_eq1
             {C D : bicat_of_univ_cats}
             {F : bicat_of_univ_catsC,D}
             {TC : bidisp_tensor_disp_bicat C}
             {TD : bidisp_tensor_disp_bicat D}
             (ptF ptG : TC -->[F] TD)
    : disp_invertible_2cell (id2_invertible_2cell F) ptF ptG -> pr1 ptF = pr1 ptG.
  Show proof.
    intro i.
    apply funextsec ; intro ; apply funextsec ; intro.
    set (ix := (pr1 i) x x0).
    cbn in ix.
    rewrite id_right in ix.
    rewrite tensor_id in ix.
    rewrite id_left in ix.
    exact ix.

  Definition disp_inv_to_eq
             {C D : bicat_of_univ_cats}
             {F : bicat_of_univ_catsC,D}
             {TC : bidisp_tensor_disp_bicat C}
             {TD : bidisp_tensor_disp_bicat D}
             (ptF ptG : TC -->[F] TD)
    : disp_invertible_2cell (id2_invertible_2cell F) ptF ptG -> ptF = ptG.
  Show proof.
    intro i.
    use total2_paths_b.
    - apply (disp_inv_to_eq1 ptF ptG i).
    - apply funextsec ; intro ; apply funextsec ; intro.
      repeat (apply impred_isaprop ; intro).
      apply univalent_category_has_homsets.

  Theorem bidisp_tensor_disp_bicat_is_locally_univalent :
    disp_univalent_2_1 bidisp_tensor_disp_bicat.
  Show proof.
    apply fiberwise_local_univalent_is_univalent_2_1.
    intros C D F TC TD ptF1 ptF2.
    use isweqimplimpl.
    - apply disp_inv_to_eq.
    - cbn in ptF1 ; cbn in ptF2.
      rewrite idpath_transportf.
      unfold preserves_tensor in ptF1 ; unfold preserves_tensor in ptF2.
      assert (pf : isaset (preserves_tensor TC TD F)). {
        apply isaset_total2.
        - repeat (apply impred_isaset ; intro).
          apply univalent_category_has_homsets.
        - intro pt.
          apply isasetaprop.
          repeat (apply impred_isaprop ; intro).
          apply univalent_category_has_homsets.
      apply pf.
    - apply isaproptotal2.
      + intro.
        apply isaprop_is_disp_invertible_2cell.
      + intros.
        apply isaprop_bidisp_tensor_disp_2cell_struct.

We now show that this displayed bicategory is globally univalent

  Definition tensor_iso {C : univalent_category} (TC TD : tensor C) : UU
    := α : x y : C, z_iso (x _{TD} y) (x _{TC} y),
           (a1 a2 b1 b2 : C) (f : Ca1,a2) (g : Cb1,b2),
          (pr1 (α a1 b1)) · (f ⊗^{TC} g) = (f ⊗^{TD} g) · (pr1 (α a2 b2)).

  Definition tensor_eq {C : univalent_category} (TC TD : tensor C) : UU
    := (α : x y : C, (x _{TD} y) = (x _{TC} y)),
     (x1 x2 y1 y2 : C) (f : Cx1,x2) (g : Cy1,y2),
      (idtomor _ _ (α x1 y1)) · (f ⊗^{TC} g) = (f ⊗^{TD} g) · (idtomor _ _ (α x2 y2)).

  Definition tensor_eq' {C : univalent_category} (TC TD : tensor C) : UU
    := (α : x y : C, (x _{TD} y) = (x _{TC} y)),
     (x1 x2 y1 y2 : C) (f : Cx1,x2) (g : Cy1,y2),
      transportf (λ x : C, Cx , x2 _{TC} y2) (! α x1 y1) (f ⊗^{TC} g)
      = (transportf _ (α x2 y2) (f ⊗^{TD} g)).

  Lemma idtomor_to_transport {C : univalent_category} (TC TD : tensor C)
        (α : x y : C, (x _{TD} y) = (x _{TC} y))
        (x1 x2 y1 y2 : C) (f : Cx1,x2) (g : Cy1,y2)
    : (idtomor _ _ (α x1 y1)) · (f ⊗^{TC} g) = (f ⊗^{TD} g) · (idtomor _ _ (α x2 y2))
      -> transportf (λ x : C, Cx , x2 _{TC} y2) (! α x1 y1) (f ⊗^{TC} g)
        = (transportf _ (α x2 y2) (f ⊗^{TD} g)).
  Show proof.
    intro q.
    rewrite (! eq_idtoiso_idtomor _ _ _) in q.
    rewrite (! eq_idtoiso_idtomor _ _ _) in q.
    etrans. {
      apply (! idtoiso_precompose _ _ _ _ _ _).
    etrans. {
      apply cancel_postcomposition.
      do 2 apply maponpaths.
      apply pathsinv0inv0.
    etrans. { exact q. }
    apply idtoiso_postcompose.

  Lemma transport_to_idtomor {C : univalent_category} (TC TD : tensor C)
        (α : x y : C, (x _{TD} y) = (x _{TC} y))
        (x1 x2 y1 y2 : C) (f : Cx1,x2) (g : Cy1,y2)
    : transportf (λ x : C, Cx , x2 _{TC} y2) (! α x1 y1) (f ⊗^{TC} g)
      = (transportf _ (α x2 y2) (f ⊗^{TD} g))
      -> (idtomor _ _ (α x1 y1)) · (f ⊗^{TC} g) = (f ⊗^{TD} g) · (idtomor _ _ (α x2 y2)).
  Show proof.
    intro q.
    etrans. {
      apply cancel_postcomposition.
      apply (! eq_idtoiso_idtomor _ _ _).
    rewrite (! idtoiso_precompose _ _ _ _ _ _) in q.
    rewrite (! idtoiso_postcompose _ _ _ _ _ _) in q.
    rewrite pathsinv0inv0 in q.
    etrans. { apply q. }
    apply maponpaths.
    apply eq_idtoiso_idtomor.

  Lemma tensor_eq_equiv_tensor_eq' {C : univalent_category} (TC TD : tensor C)
    : tensor_eq' TC TD tensor_eq TC TD.
  Show proof.
    apply weq_subtypes_iff.
    - intro.
      repeat (apply impred_isaprop ; intro).
      apply homset_property.
    - intro.
      repeat (apply impred_isaprop ; intro).
      apply homset_property.
    - intro pob.
      + intros q ? ? ? ? f g.
        apply transport_to_idtomor.
        exact (q _ _ _ _ f g).
      + intros q ? ? ? ? f g.
        apply idtomor_to_transport.
        exact (q _ _ _ _ f g).

  Definition tensor_eq'' {C : univalent_category} (TC TD : tensor C) : UU
    := (α : x y : C, (x _{TD} y) = (x _{TC} y)),
     (x1 x2 y1 y2 : C) (f : Cx1,x2) (g : Cy1,y2),
      f ⊗^{TC} g
      = transportf (λ x : C, Cx , x2 _{TC} y2) (α x1 y1) (transportf _ (α x2 y2) (f ⊗^{TD} g)).

  Lemma transport_to_transport_f_f {C : univalent_category} (TC TD : tensor C)
        (α : x y : C, (x _{TD} y) = (x _{TC} y))
        (x1 x2 y1 y2 : C) (f : Cx1,x2) (g : Cy1,y2)
    : transportf (λ x : C, Cx , x2 _{TC} y2) (! α x1 y1) (f ⊗^{TC} g)
      = transportf _ (α x2 y2) (f ⊗^{TD} g)
      -> f ⊗^{TC} g
        = transportf (λ x : C, Cx , x2 _{TC} y2) (α x1 y1) (transportf _ (α x2 y2) (f ⊗^{TD} g)).
  Show proof.
    intro q.
    apply (transportf_transpose_right (P := λ x : C, C x, x2 _{ TC} y2 )).
    exact q.

  Lemma transport_f_f_to_transport {C : univalent_category} (TC TD : tensor C)
        (α : x y : C, (x _{TD} y) = (x _{TC} y))
        (x1 x2 y1 y2 : C) (f : Cx1,x2) (g : Cy1,y2)
    : f ⊗^{TC} g
      = transportf (λ x : C, Cx , x2 _{TC} y2) (α x1 y1) (transportf _ (α x2 y2) (f ⊗^{TD} g))
      -> transportf (λ x : C, Cx , x2 _{TC} y2) (! α x1 y1) (f ⊗^{TC} g)
      = (transportf _ (α x2 y2) (f ⊗^{TD} g)).
  Show proof.
    intro q.
    apply (transportf_transpose_left (P := (λ x : C, C x, x2 _{ TC} y2 ))).
    unfold transportb.
    rewrite pathsinv0inv0.
    apply q.

  Lemma tensor_eq'_equiv_tensor_eq'' {C : univalent_category} (TC TD : tensor C)
    : tensor_eq'' TC TD tensor_eq' TC TD.
  Show proof.
    apply weq_subtypes_iff.
    - intro.
      repeat (apply impred_isaprop ; intro).
      apply homset_property.
    - intro.
      repeat (apply impred_isaprop ; intro).
      apply homset_property.
    - intro pob.
      + intros q ? ? ? ? f g.
        apply transport_f_f_to_transport.
        exact (q _ _ _ _ f g).
      + intros q ? ? ? ? f g.
        apply transport_to_transport_f_f.
        exact (q _ _ _ _ f g).

  Lemma tensor_iso_equiv_tensor_eq {C : univalent_category} (TC TD : tensor C)
    : tensor_eq TC TD tensor_iso TC TD.
  Show proof.
    use weqtotal2.
    - apply weqonsecfibers ; intro x ; apply weqonsecfibers ; intro y.
      use weq_iso.
      + apply idtoiso.
      + apply isotoid.
        apply univalent_category_is_univalent.
      + intro.
        apply isotoid_idtoiso.
      + intro.
        apply idtoiso_isotoid.
    - intro iso_tob.
      repeat (apply weqonsecfibers ; intro).
      use weq_iso.
      + intro p.
        cbn in p.
        rewrite (! eq_idtoiso_idtomor _ _ _) in p.
        rewrite (! eq_idtoiso_idtomor _ _ _) in p.
        apply p.
      + intro p.
        etrans. {
          apply cancel_postcomposition.
          apply (! eq_idtoiso_idtomor _ _ _).
        etrans. { apply p. }
        apply cancel_precomposition.
        apply eq_idtoiso_idtomor.
      + intro ; apply homset_property.
      + intro ; apply homset_property.

  Lemma disp_eq_to_tensoriso {C : bicat_of_univ_cats} (TC TD : bidisp_tensor_disp_bicat C)
    : disp_adjoint_equivalence (idtoiso_2_0 C C (idpath C)) TC TD -> tensor_iso TC TD.
  Show proof.
    intro dae.
    induction dae as [[ptd ptnat] [data [ax equiv]]].
    induction data as [ptdinv [ptunit ptcounit]].
    cbn in *.

    use tpair.
    - intros x y.
      use make_z_iso.
      + exact (ptd x y).
      + exact (pr1 ptdinv x y).
      + split.
        * set (t := ptcounit x y).
          cbn in t.
          unfold identityfunctor_preserves_tensor_data in t.
          rewrite id_right in t.
          rewrite tensor_id in t.
          rewrite id_right in t.
          unfold compositions_preserves_tensor_data in t.
          unfold functor_identity in t.
          exact t.
        * set (t := ! ptunit x y).
          cbn in t.
          unfold identityfunctor_preserves_tensor_data in t.
          rewrite id_left in t.
          rewrite tensor_id in t.
          rewrite id_left in t.
          unfold compositions_preserves_tensor_data in t.
          exact t.
    - intros x1 x2 y1 y2 f g.
      exact (ptnat x1 x2 y1 y2 f g).

  Lemma swap_along_zisos {C : category} {x1 x2 y1 y2 : C}
      (p1 : z_iso x1 y1) (p2 : z_iso x2 y2) :
   (f: Cx1,x2) (g : Cy1,y2),
    (pr1 p1) · g = f · (pr1 p2) -> (inv_from_z_iso p1) · f = g · (inv_from_z_iso p2) .
  Show proof.
    intros f g p.
    apply z_iso_inv_on_right.
    rewrite assoc.
    apply z_iso_inv_on_left.
    apply p.

  Definition tensoriso_to_disp_eq {C : bicat_of_univ_cats} (TC TD : bidisp_tensor_disp_bicat C)
    : tensor_iso TC TD -> disp_adjoint_equivalence (idtoiso_2_0 C C (idpath C)) TC TD.
  Show proof.
    intro ti.
    use tpair.
    - use tpair.
      + intros x y.
        apply ti.
      + intros x1 x2 y1 y2 f g.
        exact ((pr2 ti) x1 x2 y1 y2 f g).

    - use tpair.
      repeat (use tpair).
      * intros x y.
        apply ti.
      * intros x1 x2 y1 y2 f g.
        induction ti as [n i].
        apply (swap_along_zisos (n x1 y1) (n x2 y2) (f ⊗^{pr1 TD} g) (f ⊗^{pr1 TC} g)).
        exact (i x1 x2 y1 y2 f g).
      * intros x y.
        unfold identityfunctor_preserves_tensor_data.
        unfold compositions_preserves_tensor_data.
        rewrite id_left.
        rewrite tensor_id.
        rewrite id_left.
        apply (! z_iso_after_z_iso_inv ((pr1 ti x y))).
      * intros x y.
        unfold compositions_preserves_tensor_data.
        unfold identityfunctor_preserves_tensor_data.
        rewrite id_right.
        rewrite tensor_id.
        rewrite id_left.
        apply (z_iso_inv_after_z_iso ((pr1 ti x y))).
        * split.
          -- abstract (repeat (apply funextsec ; intro) ;
             apply univalent_category_has_homsets).
          -- apply funextsec ; intro ; apply funextsec ; intro.
             apply univalent_category_has_homsets.
        * split.
          -- use tpair.
             ++ intros x y.
                unfold compositions_preserves_tensor_data.
                unfold identityfunctor_preserves_tensor_data.
                rewrite id_right.
                rewrite id_right.
                rewrite tensor_id.
                apply (z_iso_after_z_iso_inv ((pr1 ti x y))).
             ++ split.
                ** abstract (repeat (apply funextsec ; intro) ;
                   apply univalent_category_has_homsets).
                ** abstract (repeat (apply funextsec ; intro) ;
                   apply univalent_category_has_homsets).
          -- use tpair.
             ++ intros x y.
                unfold compositions_preserves_tensor_data.
                unfold identityfunctor_preserves_tensor_data.
                rewrite id_right.
                rewrite tensor_id.
                rewrite id_left.
                apply (! z_iso_inv_after_z_iso ((pr1 ti x y))).
             ++ split.
                ** abstract (repeat (apply funextsec ; intro) ;
                   apply univalent_category_has_homsets).
                ** abstract (repeat (apply funextsec ; intro) ;
                   apply univalent_category_has_homsets).

  Lemma tensor_iso_disp_eq_equiv {C : bicat_of_univ_cats} (TC TD : bidisp_tensor_disp_bicat C)
    : tensor_iso TC TD disp_adjoint_equivalence (idtoiso_2_0 C C (idpath C)) TC TD.
  Show proof.
    use weq_iso.
    - intro ti.
      apply (tensoriso_to_disp_eq TC TD ti).
    - intro dae.
      exact (disp_eq_to_tensoriso TC TD dae).
    - intro i.
      induction i.
      use subtypePath.
      + intro f.
        repeat (apply impred_isaprop ; intro).
        apply univalent_category_has_homsets.
      + repeat (apply funextsec ; intro).
        use subtypePath.
        * intro f.
          apply isaprop_is_z_isomorphism.
        * repeat (apply funextsec ; intro).
          apply idpath.
    - intro dae.
      use subtypePath.
      + intro f.
        apply isaprop_disp_left_adjoint_equivalence.
        * apply univalent_cat_is_univalent_2_1.
        * apply bidisp_tensor_disp_bicat_is_locally_univalent.
      + apply idpath.

  Definition tensor_eqi'' {C : univalent_category} (TC TD : tensor C) : UU
    := (α : x y : C, (x _{TC} y) = (x _{TD} y)),
     (x1 x2 y1 y2 : C) (f : Cx1,x2) (g : Cy1,y2),
      f ⊗^{TC} g
      = transportf (λ x : C, Cx , x2 _{TC} y2) (! α x1 y1) (transportf _ (! α x2 y2) (f ⊗^{TD} g)).

  Lemma tensor_eq''_equiv_tensor_eqi'' {C : univalent_category} (TC TD : tensor C)
    : tensor_eqi'' TC TD tensor_eq'' TC TD.
  Show proof.
    use weq_iso.
    - intro tei.
      use tpair.
      + intros x y.
        exact (! pr1 tei x y).
      + intros x1 x2 y1 y2 f g.
        exact (pr2 tei _ _ _ _ f g).
    - intro te.
      use tpair.
      + intros x y.
        exact (! pr1 te x y).
      + intros x1 x2 y1 y2 f g.
        rewrite pathsinv0inv0.
        rewrite pathsinv0inv0.
        apply (pr2 te).
    - intro te.
      use total2_paths_b.
      + repeat (apply funextsec ; intro).
        apply pathsinv0inv0.
      + repeat (apply funextsec ; intro).
        apply homset_property.
    - intro tei.
      use total2_paths_b.
      + repeat (apply funextsec ; intro).
        apply pathsinv0inv0.
      + repeat (apply funextsec ; intro).
        apply homset_property.

  Definition tensor_eqi''' {C : univalent_category} (TC TD : tensor C) : UU
    := (α : x y : C, (x _{TC} y) = (x _{TD} y)),
     (x1 x2 y1 y2 : C) (f : Cx1,x2) (g : Cy1,y2),
      transportf (λ x : C, Cx , x2 _{TD} y2) (α x1 y1) (transportf (λ x : C, Cx1 _{TC} y1 , x) (α x2 y2) (f ⊗^{TC} g)) = (f ⊗^{TD} g).

  Lemma independent_transportation_commutes {C : univalent_category}
        {F G : C -> C -> C}
        {x1 x2 y1 y2 : C}
        (p1 : F x1 y1 = G x1 y1)
        (p2 : F x2 y2 = G x2 y2)
        (f : CF x1 y1, F x2 y2)
    : transportf (λ c : C, C G x1 y1, c ) p2
    (transportf (λ c : C, C c, F x2 y2 ) p1 f) =
  transportf (λ c : C, C c, G x2 y2 ) p1
             (transportf (λ c : C, C F x1 y1, c ) p2 f).
  Show proof.
    induction p1 ; induction p2.
    apply idpath.

  Lemma tensor_eqi''_equiv_tensor_eqi''' {C : univalent_category} (TC TD : tensor C)
    : tensor_eqi''' TC TD tensor_eqi'' TC TD.
  Show proof.
    apply weqfibtototal.
    repeat (apply weqonsecfibers ; intro).
    use weq_iso.
    - intro q.
      apply pathsinv0.
      etrans. {
        apply maponpaths.
        apply maponpaths.
        exact (! q).
      rewrite (! independent_transportation_commutes _ _ _).
      rewrite transport_f_f.
      rewrite pathsinv0r.
      rewrite idpath_transportf.
      rewrite transport_f_f.
      rewrite pathsinv0r.
      apply idpath_transportf.
    - intro q.
      etrans. {
        apply maponpaths.
        apply maponpaths.
        exact q.
      rewrite (! independent_transportation_commutes _ _ _).
      rewrite transport_f_f.
      rewrite pathsinv0l.
      rewrite idpath_transportf.
      rewrite transport_f_f.
      rewrite pathsinv0l.
      apply idpath_transportf.
    - intro q.
      apply homset_property.
    - intro q.
      apply homset_property.

  Lemma transport_of_bifunctor_map_is_pointwise {C : univalent_category}
      {F0 G0 : ob C -> ob C -> ob C}
      (F1 : x1 x2 y1 y2 : ob C, Cx1,x2 -> Cy1,y2 -> CF0 x1 y1, F0 x2 y2)
      (gamma : F0 = G0)
      {x1 x2 y1 y2 : ob C} (f : Cx1,x2) (g : Cy1,y2) :
  transportf (fun T : C -> C -> C =>
                 a1 a2 b1 b2 : C, Ca1,a2 -> Cb1,b2 -> CT a1 b1, T a2 b2)
             gamma F1 x1 x2 y1 y2 f g =
      (toforallpaths (λ _ : ob C, C) (F0 x1) (G0 x1) (toforallpaths (λ _ : ob C, C -> C) F0 G0 gamma x1) y1)
      (toforallpaths (λ _ : ob C, C) (F0 x2) (G0 x2) (toforallpaths (λ _ : ob C, C -> C) F0 G0 gamma x2) y2)
                   (F1 _ _ _ _ f g).
  Show proof.
    induction gamma.
    apply idpath.

  Definition tensor_eqi'''_to_eq1 {C : univalent_category} (TC TD : tensor C) : tensor_eqi''' TC TD -> pr11 TC = pr11 TD.
  Show proof.
    intro te.
    apply funextsec ; intro ; apply funextsec ; intro ; apply (pr1 te).

  Definition tensor_eqi'''_to_eq {C : univalent_category} (TC TD : tensor C) : tensor_eqi''' TC TD -> TC = TD.
  Show proof.
    intro te.
    use total2_paths_f.
    - use total2_paths_f.
        exact (tensor_eqi'''_to_eq1 TC TD te).
      + repeat (apply funextsec ; intro).
        2: apply (pr2 te).

        etrans. {
          apply transport_of_bifunctor_map_is_pointwise.
        unfold double_transport.
        unfold tensor_eqi'''_to_eq1.
        rewrite toforallpaths_funextsec.
        rewrite toforallpaths_funextsec.
        rewrite toforallpaths_funextsec.
        apply independent_transportation_commutes.
    - use total2_paths_f.
      + abstract (repeat (apply impred_isaprop ; intro) ;
        apply homset_property).
      + abstract (repeat (apply impred_isaprop ; intro) ;
        apply homset_property).

  Lemma id_tensor_eqi'''_2 {C : univalent_category} (TC TD : tensor C)
    : pr11 TC = pr11 TD -> x y : C, x _{ TC} y = x _{ TD} y.
  Show proof.
    intros p x y.
    exact (toforallpaths _ _ _ (toforallpaths _ _ _ p x) y).

  Lemma id_tensor_eqi'''_1 {C : univalent_category} (TC TD : tensor C)
    : TC = TD -> x y : C, x _{ TC} y = x _{ TD} y.
  Show proof.
    intros p.
    set (eqonob := base_paths _ _ (base_paths _ _ p)).
    exact (id_tensor_eqi'''_2 TC TD eqonob).

  Lemma id_tensor_eqi''' {C : bicat_of_univ_cats} (TC TD : bidisp_tensor_disp_bicat C)
    : TC = TD -> tensor_eqi''' TC TD.
  Show proof.
    intro p.
    use tpair.
    - exact (id_tensor_eqi'''_1 TC TD p).

    - intros ? ? ? ? f g.
      induction p.
      { apply (! idpath_transportf _ _). }
      apply idpath_transportf.

  Lemma total2_paths_idpath {A : UU} {B : A -> UU} (x : y : A, B y)
    : total2_paths_f (idpath (pr1 x)) (idpath_transportf B (pr2 x)) = idpath x.
  Show proof.
    apply idpath.

  Lemma maponpaths_total {A : UU} {B : A -> UU} (x : y : A, B y)
        (p0 : pr1 x = pr1 x) (p1 : transportf B p0 (pr2 x) = pr2 x)
        (q0 : pr1 x = pr1 x) (q1 : transportf B q0 (pr2 x) = pr2 x)
    : p0=q0 -> ( a : A, isaset (B a)) -> total2_paths_f p0 p1 = total2_paths_f q0 q1.
  Show proof.
    intro k0.
    induction k0.
    intro pfset.
    apply maponpaths.
    apply pfset.

  Lemma cancellation_lemma {A B : UU} (a : A) (b : B) (f : A -> B) (g : B -> A)
    : ( b0 : B, f (g b0) = b0) -> g (f a) = g(b) -> f a = b.
  Show proof.
    intros i e.
    set (k0 := ! i (f a)).
    rewrite e in k0.
    exact (k0 @ i b).

  Lemma funextsec_id'' {C : univalent_category} (T : C -> C -> C)
    : x : C, toforallpaths (λ _ : C,C) _ _ (funextsec (λ _ : C, C) (T x) (T x) (λ x0 : C, idpath (T x x0))) =
        toforallpaths (λ _ : C, C) _ _ (toforallpaths (λ _ : C, C C) T T (idpath T) x).
  Show proof.
    intro x.
    etrans. {
      apply toforallpaths_funextsec.
    apply funextsec ; intro y.
    apply idpath.

  Lemma funextsec_id' {C : univalent_category} (T : C -> C -> C)
    : toforallpaths (λ _ : C, C C) T T (
        (funextsec (λ _ : C, C C) T T
                (λ x : C, funextsec (λ _ : C, C) (T x) (T x) (λ x0 : C, idpath (T x x0))))) = toforallpaths (λ _ : C, C C) T T (idpath T).
  Show proof.
    etrans. {
      apply toforallpaths_funextsec.
    apply funextsec ; intro x.
    apply (cancellation_lemma _ _ _ (toforallpaths (λ _: C,C) (T x) (T x))).
    - intro q.
      apply funextsec_toforallpaths.
    - apply funextsec_id''.

  Lemma funextsec_id {C : univalent_category} {T : C -> C -> C}
    : funextsec (λ _ : C, C C) T T
                (λ x : C, funextsec (λ _ : C, C) (T x) (T x) (λ x0 : C, idpath (T x x0)))
      = idpath T.
  Show proof.
    apply (cancellation_lemma _ _ _ (toforallpaths (λ _ : C, C -> C) T T)).
    - intro q.
      apply funextsec_toforallpaths.
    - apply funextsec_id'.

  Lemma id_to_teqi'''_to_id
        {C : bicat_of_univ_cats}
        {TC TD : bidisp_tensor_disp_bicat C}
        (p : TC = TD)
    : tensor_eqi'''_to_eq TC TD (id_tensor_eqi''' TC TD p) = p.
  Show proof.
    unfold tensor_eqi'''_to_eq.
    unfold id_tensor_eqi'''.
    induction p.
    use pathscomp0.
    3: apply total2_paths_idpath.

    apply maponpaths_total.
    - use pathscomp0.
      3: apply total2_paths_idpath.
      apply maponpaths_total.
      + apply funextsec_id.
      + intro T.
        repeat (apply impred_isaset ; intro).
        apply homset_property.
    - intro T.
      apply isaset_dirprod; repeat (apply impred_isaset ; intro) ; apply isasetaprop ; apply homset_property.

  Lemma pr_id_tensor_eqi'''_funextsec {C : univalent_category} {TC TD : tensor C} (p : TC = TD) (x y : C)
    : pr1 (id_tensor_eqi''' TC TD p) x y = id_tensor_eqi'''_1 TC TD p x y.
  Show proof.
    apply idpath.

  Lemma distributer {C : univalent_category} {TC TD : tensor C} (p : tensor_eqi''' TC TD)
    : id_tensor_eqi'''_1 TC TD (tensor_eqi'''_to_eq TC TD p) = id_tensor_eqi'''_2 TC TD (tensor_eqi'''_to_eq1 TC TD p).
  Show proof.
    unfold id_tensor_eqi'''_1.
    apply maponpaths.
    etrans. {
      apply maponpaths.
      apply base_total2_paths.
    apply base_total2_paths.

  Lemma distributer_funext {C : univalent_category} {TC TD : tensor C} (p : tensor_eqi''' TC TD) (x y : C)
    : id_tensor_eqi'''_1 TC TD (tensor_eqi'''_to_eq TC TD p) x y = id_tensor_eqi'''_2 TC TD (tensor_eqi'''_to_eq1 TC TD p) x y.
  Show proof.
    rewrite distributer.
    apply idpath.

  Lemma teqi'''_to_id_to_teqi'''
        {C : bicat_of_univ_cats}
        {TC TD : bidisp_tensor_disp_bicat C}
        (p : tensor_eqi''' TC TD)
    : id_tensor_eqi''' TC TD (tensor_eqi'''_to_eq TC TD p) = p.
  Show proof.
    use total2_paths_f.
    - apply funextsec ; intro x ; apply funextsec ; intro y.
      etrans. {
        apply pr_id_tensor_eqi'''_funextsec.
      etrans. {
        apply distributer_funext.
      unfold id_tensor_eqi'''_2.
      unfold tensor_eqi'''_to_eq1.
      rewrite toforallpaths_funextsec.
      rewrite toforallpaths_funextsec.
      apply idpath.
    - repeat (apply funextsec ; intro).
      apply homset_property.

  Definition tensor_eqi'''_equiv_eq {C : bicat_of_univ_cats} (TC TD : bidisp_tensor_disp_bicat C)
    : TC = TD tensor_eqi''' TC TD.
  Show proof.
    use weq_iso.
    - intro eq.
      exact (id_tensor_eqi''' TC TD eq).
    - intro teq.
      exact (tensor_eqi'''_to_eq _ _ teq).
    - intro eq.
      apply id_to_teqi'''_to_id.
    - intro teq.
      apply teqi'''_to_id_to_teqi'''.

  Lemma bicatcattensor_disp_prebicat_is_globally_univalent : disp_univalent_2_0 bidisp_tensor_disp_bicat.
  Show proof.
   intros C D equalcats TC TD.
   induction equalcats.
   use weqhomot.
   - set (i1 := tensor_iso_disp_eq_equiv TC TD).
     set (i2 := tensor_iso_equiv_tensor_eq TC TD).
     set (i3 := tensor_eq_equiv_tensor_eq' TC TD).
     set (i4 := tensor_eq'_equiv_tensor_eq'' TC TD).
     set (i5 := tensor_eq''_equiv_tensor_eqi'' TC TD).
     set (i6 := tensor_eqi''_equiv_tensor_eqi''' TC TD).
     set (i7 := tensor_eqi'''_equiv_eq TC TD).
     exact ((i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6 i7)%weq).
   - intro p.
     induction p.
     use subtypePath.
     + intro.
       apply (@isaprop_disp_left_adjoint_equivalence bicat_of_univ_cats bidisp_tensor_disp_bicat).
       * exact univalent_cat_is_univalent_2_1.
       * exact bidisp_tensor_disp_bicat_is_locally_univalent.
     + use total2_paths_b.
       * repeat (apply funextsec ; intro).
         apply idpath.
       * repeat (apply funextsec ; intro).
         apply homset_property.

  Lemma bidisp_tensor_disp_prebicat_is_univalent_2 : disp_univalent_2 bidisp_tensor_disp_bicat.
  Show proof.

  Definition bidisp_tensor_disp_2cells_isaprop : disp_2cells_isaprop bidisp_tensor_disp_bicat.
  Show proof.
    intros C D F G α TC TD ptC ptD.
    apply isaprop_bidisp_tensor_disp_2cell_struct.

  Definition bidisp_tensor_disp_locally_groupoid : disp_locally_groupoid bidisp_tensor_disp_bicat.
  Show proof.
    unfold disp_locally_groupoid.
    intros C D F G α TC TD ptC ptD ptc.
    unfold is_disp_invertible_2cell.
    use tpair.
    - intros x y.

      set (α_natiso := (invertible_2cell_to_nat_z_iso F G α)).
      set (α_natisox := nat_z_iso_pointwise_z_iso α_natiso x : z_iso (pr1 F x) (pr1 G x)).
      set (α_natisoy := nat_z_iso_pointwise_z_iso α_natiso y : z_iso (pr1 F y) (pr1 G y)).
      set (α_natisoxty := nat_z_iso_pointwise_z_iso α_natiso (x _{ TC: tensor (C : univalent_category)} y)
             : z_iso (pr1 F (x _{ TC: tensor (C : univalent_category)} y))
                     (pr1 G (x _{ TC: tensor (C : univalent_category)} y))
      transparent assert (α_natisotxmym
                           : (z_iso
                                (pr1 G x _{ TD: tensor (D : univalent_category)} pr1 G y)
                                (pr1 F x _{ TD: tensor (D : univalent_category)} pr1 F y)
        exists (pr1 (α ^-1)%bicategory x ⊗^{ TD: tensor (D : univalent_category)} pr1 (α ^-1)%bicategory y).
        exists (pr11 α%bicategory x ⊗^{ TD: tensor (D : univalent_category)} pr11 α%bicategory y).
        - rewrite <- tensor_comp.
            apply (maponpaths (t2:=identity (pr1 G x)) (fun l => l ⊗^{ TD: tensor (D : univalent_category)} (pr1 (α ^-1)%bicategory y · (pr11 α) y))).
            apply (pr222 α_natisox).
          { apply maponpaths. apply (pr222 α_natisoy). }
          apply tensor_id.
        - rewrite <- tensor_comp.
            apply (maponpaths (t2:=identity (pr1 F x)) (fun l => l ⊗^{ TD: tensor (D : univalent_category)} ((pr11 α) y · pr1 (α ^-1)%bicategory y))).
            apply (pr122 α_natisox).
          { apply maponpaths. apply (pr122 α_natisoy). }
          apply tensor_id.

      apply (z_iso_inv_to_left _ _ _ α_natisotxmym).
      rewrite assoc.

      apply pathsinv0, (z_iso_inv_on_left _ _ _ _ α_natisoxty).
      cbn in ptc. unfold bidisp_tensor_disp_2cell_struct in ptc. red in ptc.
      apply pathsinv0, ptc.
    - split ; apply isaprop_bidisp_tensor_disp_2cell_struct.

End TensorLayer.