Library UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.DispToFiberEquivalence
Displayed biequivalences give rise to equivalences on the fiber.
This requires that the involved displayed bicategoies have propositions as displayed 2-cells, are locally groupoidal, and locally univalent. *********************************************************************************Require Import UniMath.Foundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.NaturalTransformations.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Isos.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Equivalences.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Constructions.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Bicat. Import Bicat.Notations.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Unitors.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.PseudoFunctors.Display.PseudoFunctorBicat.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.PseudoFunctors.PseudoFunctor.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.PseudoFunctors.Biequivalence.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.PseudoFunctors.Examples.Identity.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Transformations.PseudoTransformation.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Transformations.Examples.Unitality.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Modifications.Modification.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.DispBicat. Import DispBicat.Notations.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.DispUnivalence.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.CleavingOfBicat.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.FiberCategory.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.DispPseudofunctor.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.DispTransformation.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.DispModification.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.DispBiequivalence.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.BicategoryLaws.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Invertible_2cells.
Local Open Scope cat.
Local Open Scope mor_disp_scope.
Definition local_iso_cleaving_id
{C : bicat}
(HC : is_univalent_2_1 C)
{D : disp_bicat C}
(HD_2_1 : disp_univalent_2_1 D)
(h : local_iso_cleaving D)
(c : C)
{xx : D c}
(p : xx -->[ id₁ c · id₁ c] xx)
(α : disp_invertible_2cell (idempunitor c) (id_disp xx) p)
: local_iso_cleaving_1cell
(idempunitor c)
id_disp xx.
Show proof.
rewrite <- (idtoiso_2_1_isotoid_2_1 HC (idempunitor c)) in α.
rewrite (transportb_transpose_right (disp_isotoid_2_1 _ HD_2_1 _ _ _ α)).
pose (disp_local_iso_cleaving_invertible_2cell h p (idempunitor c)) as d.
rewrite <- (idtoiso_2_1_isotoid_2_1 HC (idempunitor c)) in d.
rewrite <- (idtoiso_2_1_isotoid_2_1 HC (idempunitor c)).
rewrite (transportb_transpose_right (disp_isotoid_2_1 _ HD_2_1 _ _ _ d)).
rewrite idtoiso_2_1_isotoid_2_1.
apply idpath.
rewrite (transportb_transpose_right (disp_isotoid_2_1 _ HD_2_1 _ _ _ α)).
pose (disp_local_iso_cleaving_invertible_2cell h p (idempunitor c)) as d.
rewrite <- (idtoiso_2_1_isotoid_2_1 HC (idempunitor c)) in d.
rewrite <- (idtoiso_2_1_isotoid_2_1 HC (idempunitor c)).
rewrite (transportb_transpose_right (disp_isotoid_2_1 _ HD_2_1 _ _ _ d)).
rewrite idtoiso_2_1_isotoid_2_1.
apply idpath.
Section FiberOfBiequiv.
Context {C : bicat}
(HC : is_univalent_2_1 C)
{D₁ : disp_bicat C}
(HD₁ : disp_2cells_isaprop D₁)
(LGD₁ : disp_locally_groupoid D₁)
(HD₁_2_1 : disp_univalent_2_1 D₁)
(h₁ : local_iso_cleaving D₁)
{D₂ : disp_bicat C}
(HD₂ : disp_2cells_isaprop D₂)
(LGD₂ : disp_locally_groupoid D₂)
(HD₂_2_1 : disp_univalent_2_1 D₂)
(h₂ : local_iso_cleaving D₂)
{F : disp_psfunctor D₁ D₂ (id_psfunctor C)}
{G : disp_psfunctor D₂ D₁ (id_psfunctor C)}
(E : is_disp_biequivalence_unit_counit _ _ (id_is_biequivalence C) F G)
(EE : disp_is_biequivalence_data _ _ (id_is_biequivalence C) E)
(c : C).
Local Notation "'FF'" := (fiber_functor HC HD₁ HD₁_2_1 h₁ HD₂ HD₂_2_1 h₂ F c).
Local Notation "'GG'" := (fiber_functor HC HD₂ HD₂_2_1 h₂ HD₁ HD₁_2_1 h₁ G c).
Definition help_equation
: ((((((rinvunitor (id₁ c))
• (id₁ c ◃ linvunitor (id₁ c)))
• lassociator (id₁ c) (id₁ c) (id₁ c))
• ((((lunitor (id₁ c) • rinvunitor (id₁ c))
• (id₁ c ◃ linvunitor (id₁ c)))
• lassociator (id₁ c) (id₁ c) (id₁ c)) ▹ id₁ c))
• rassociator (id₁ c · id₁ c) (id₁ c) (id₁ c))
• (id₁ c · id₁ c ◃ lunitor (id₁ c)))
• runitor (id₁ c · id₁ c)
linvunitor (id₁ c).
Show proof.
rewrite !vassocl.
do 3 apply maponpaths.
apply maponpaths_2.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite lunitor_runitor_identity.
rewrite runitor_rinvunitor.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply id2_left.
use vcomp_move_R_pM.
{ is_iso. }
rewrite runitor_lunitor_identity.
rewrite lunitor_linvunitor.
rewrite lwhisker_hcomp.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite triangle_l_inv.
rewrite <- !rwhisker_hcomp.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rwhisker_rwhisker_alt.
apply idpath.
use vcomp_move_R_pM.
{ is_iso. }
rewrite id2_right.
rewrite !vassocl.
use vcomp_move_R_pM.
{ is_iso. }
rewrite runitor_rwhisker.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite vcomp_whisker.
rewrite !vassocl.
refine (_ @ id2_right _).
apply maponpaths.
rewrite <- runitor_triangle.
rewrite runitor_lunitor_identity.
rewrite lunitor_lwhisker.
rewrite rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite rinvunitor_runitor.
rewrite id2_rwhisker.
apply idpath.
do 3 apply maponpaths.
apply maponpaths_2.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite lunitor_runitor_identity.
rewrite runitor_rinvunitor.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply id2_left.
use vcomp_move_R_pM.
{ is_iso. }
rewrite runitor_lunitor_identity.
rewrite lunitor_linvunitor.
rewrite lwhisker_hcomp.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite triangle_l_inv.
rewrite <- !rwhisker_hcomp.
rewrite !vassocl.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite rwhisker_rwhisker_alt.
apply idpath.
use vcomp_move_R_pM.
{ is_iso. }
rewrite id2_right.
rewrite !vassocl.
use vcomp_move_R_pM.
{ is_iso. }
rewrite runitor_rwhisker.
rewrite !vassocr.
rewrite vcomp_whisker.
rewrite !vassocl.
refine (_ @ id2_right _).
apply maponpaths.
rewrite <- runitor_triangle.
rewrite runitor_lunitor_identity.
rewrite lunitor_lwhisker.
rewrite rwhisker_vcomp.
rewrite rinvunitor_runitor.
rewrite id2_rwhisker.
apply idpath.
Definition fiber_unit_is_nat_trans
: is_nat_trans
(FF ∙ GG) (functor_identity _)
(λ z, unit_of_is_disp_biequivalence _ _ E c z).
Show proof.
intros z₁ z₂ f.
refine (maponpaths (λ z, local_iso_cleaving_1cell h₁ z (idempunitor c)) _).
pose (disp_psnaturality_of _ _ _ (unit_of_is_disp_biequivalence D₁ D₂ E) f) as d.
simpl in d.
rewrite <- (idtoiso_2_1_isotoid_2_1
(psnaturality_of (lunitor_pstrans (id_psfunctor C)) (id₁ c))) in d.
pose (transportb_transpose_right (disp_isotoid_2_1 _ HD₁_2_1 _ _ _ d)) as p.
refine (_ @ !p).
clear d p.
refine (!_).
assert (isotoid_2_1
(psnaturality_of (lunitor_pstrans (id_psfunctor C)) (id₁ c))
= idpath _) as X.
refine (_ @ isotoid_2_1_idtoiso_2_1 HC _).
apply maponpaths.
use subtypePath.
{ intro ; apply isaprop_is_invertible_2cell. }
rewrite lunitor_runitor_identity.
rewrite runitor_rinvunitor.
apply idpath.
rewrite X.
apply idpath.
refine (maponpaths (λ z, local_iso_cleaving_1cell h₁ z (idempunitor c)) _).
pose (disp_psnaturality_of _ _ _ (unit_of_is_disp_biequivalence D₁ D₂ E) f) as d.
simpl in d.
rewrite <- (idtoiso_2_1_isotoid_2_1
(psnaturality_of (lunitor_pstrans (id_psfunctor C)) (id₁ c))) in d.
pose (transportb_transpose_right (disp_isotoid_2_1 _ HD₁_2_1 _ _ _ d)) as p.
refine (_ @ !p).
clear d p.
refine (!_).
assert (isotoid_2_1
(psnaturality_of (lunitor_pstrans (id_psfunctor C)) (id₁ c))
= idpath _) as X.
refine (_ @ isotoid_2_1_idtoiso_2_1 HC _).
apply maponpaths.
use subtypePath.
{ intro ; apply isaprop_is_invertible_2cell. }
rewrite lunitor_runitor_identity.
rewrite runitor_rinvunitor.
apply idpath.
rewrite X.
apply idpath.
Definition fiber_unit
: nat_trans (FF ∙ GG) (functor_identity _)
:= _ ,, fiber_unit_is_nat_trans.
Definition fiber_unit_nat_z_iso
: is_nat_z_iso fiber_unit.
Show proof.
intros z.
exists (pr1 EE c z).
+ apply local_iso_cleaving_id.
* exact HC.
* exact HD₁_2_1.
* use tpair.
** apply ((pr12 (pr122 EE)) c z).
** apply (LGD₁ _ _ _ _ (_ ,, is_invertible_2cell_linvunitor (id₁ c))).
+ apply local_iso_cleaving_id.
* exact HC.
* exact HD₁_2_1.
* use tpair.
** pose ((pr111 (pr22 EE)) c z) as m.
simpl in m.
pose (disp_inv_cell m) as d.
refine (transportf (λ z, _ ==>[ z ] _) _ d).
exact help_equation.
** apply LGD₁.
exists (pr1 EE c z).
+ apply local_iso_cleaving_id.
* exact HC.
* exact HD₁_2_1.
* use tpair.
** apply ((pr12 (pr122 EE)) c z).
** apply (LGD₁ _ _ _ _ (_ ,, is_invertible_2cell_linvunitor (id₁ c))).
+ apply local_iso_cleaving_id.
* exact HC.
* exact HD₁_2_1.
* use tpair.
** pose ((pr111 (pr22 EE)) c z) as m.
simpl in m.
pose (disp_inv_cell m) as d.
refine (transportf (λ z, _ ==>[ z ] _) _ d).
exact help_equation.
** apply LGD₁.
Definition fiber_unit_z_iso
: nat_z_iso (FF ∙ GG) (functor_identity _).
Show proof.
Definition fiber_counit_is_nat_trans
: is_nat_trans
(GG ∙ FF) (functor_identity _)
(λ z, counit_of_is_disp_biequivalence _ _ E c z).
Show proof.
intros z₁ z₂ f.
refine (maponpaths (λ z, local_iso_cleaving_1cell h₂ z (idempunitor c)) _).
pose (disp_psnaturality_of _ _ _ (counit_of_is_disp_biequivalence D₁ D₂ E) f) as d.
simpl in d.
rewrite <- (idtoiso_2_1_isotoid_2_1
(psnaturality_of (lunitor_pstrans (id_psfunctor C)) (id₁ c))) in d.
pose (transportb_transpose_right (disp_isotoid_2_1 _ HD₂_2_1 _ _ _ d)) as p.
refine (_ @ !p).
clear d p.
refine (!_).
assert (isotoid_2_1
(psnaturality_of (lunitor_pstrans (id_psfunctor C)) (id₁ c))
= idpath _) as X.
refine (_ @ isotoid_2_1_idtoiso_2_1 HC _).
apply maponpaths.
use subtypePath.
{ intro ; apply isaprop_is_invertible_2cell. }
rewrite lunitor_runitor_identity.
rewrite runitor_rinvunitor.
apply idpath.
rewrite X.
apply idpath.
refine (maponpaths (λ z, local_iso_cleaving_1cell h₂ z (idempunitor c)) _).
pose (disp_psnaturality_of _ _ _ (counit_of_is_disp_biequivalence D₁ D₂ E) f) as d.
simpl in d.
rewrite <- (idtoiso_2_1_isotoid_2_1
(psnaturality_of (lunitor_pstrans (id_psfunctor C)) (id₁ c))) in d.
pose (transportb_transpose_right (disp_isotoid_2_1 _ HD₂_2_1 _ _ _ d)) as p.
refine (_ @ !p).
clear d p.
refine (!_).
assert (isotoid_2_1
(psnaturality_of (lunitor_pstrans (id_psfunctor C)) (id₁ c))
= idpath _) as X.
refine (_ @ isotoid_2_1_idtoiso_2_1 HC _).
apply maponpaths.
use subtypePath.
{ intro ; apply isaprop_is_invertible_2cell. }
rewrite lunitor_runitor_identity.
rewrite runitor_rinvunitor.
apply idpath.
rewrite X.
apply idpath.
Definition fiber_counit
: nat_trans (GG ∙ FF) (functor_identity _)
:= _ ,, fiber_counit_is_nat_trans.
Definition fiber_counit_nat_z_iso
: is_nat_z_iso fiber_counit.
Show proof.
intros z.
exists (pr12 EE c z).
+ apply local_iso_cleaving_id.
* exact HC.
* exact HD₂_2_1.
* use tpair.
** apply (pr12 (pr222 EE) c z).
** apply (LGD₂ _ _ _ _ (_ ,, is_invertible_2cell_linvunitor (id₁ c))).
+ apply local_iso_cleaving_id.
* exact HC.
* exact HD₂_2_1.
* use tpair.
** pose (pr11 (pr222 EE) c z) as m; simpl in m.
simpl in m.
pose (disp_inv_cell m) as d.
refine (transportf (λ z, _ ==>[ z ] _) _ d).
exact help_equation.
** apply LGD₂.
exists (pr12 EE c z).
+ apply local_iso_cleaving_id.
* exact HC.
* exact HD₂_2_1.
* use tpair.
** apply (pr12 (pr222 EE) c z).
** apply (LGD₂ _ _ _ _ (_ ,, is_invertible_2cell_linvunitor (id₁ c))).
+ apply local_iso_cleaving_id.
* exact HC.
* exact HD₂_2_1.
* use tpair.
** pose (pr11 (pr222 EE) c z) as m; simpl in m.
simpl in m.
pose (disp_inv_cell m) as d.
refine (transportf (λ z, _ ==>[ z ] _) _ d).
exact help_equation.
** apply LGD₂.
Definition fiber_counit_z_iso
: nat_z_iso (GG ∙ FF) (functor_identity _).
Show proof.
Definition fiber_equivalence
: equivalence_of_cats
(discrete_fiber_category D₁ HD₁ HD₁_2_1 h₁ c)
(discrete_fiber_category D₂ HD₂ HD₂_2_1 h₂ c).
Show proof.
simple refine ((FF ,, (GG ,, (_ ,, _))) ,, (_ ,, _)).
- exact (pr1 (nat_z_iso_inv fiber_unit_z_iso)).
- exact (pr1 fiber_counit_z_iso).
- exact (pr2 (nat_z_iso_inv fiber_unit_z_iso)).
- exact (pr2 fiber_counit_z_iso).
End FiberOfBiequiv.- exact (pr1 (nat_z_iso_inv fiber_unit_z_iso)).
- exact (pr1 fiber_counit_z_iso).
- exact (pr2 (nat_z_iso_inv fiber_unit_z_iso)).
- exact (pr2 fiber_counit_z_iso).