Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Examples.UnitalBinop

Author: Niels van der Weide
Suppose, we have a set `X` with a binary operation `f : X → X → X`. Since init elments for `f` are unique, the type of unit elements of `f` is a proposition.
This means we have two ways of defining a univalent category of sets with a unital binary operations: 1. We define it as a full subcategory of the category of sets with a binary operation 2. We use algebras of the signature describing sets with a binary operation and a unit, which satisfy the necessary axioms. Note that in the first category the morphismms are all functions between sets which preserve the binary relation, while the morphisms in the second category must preserve the unit element as well. As a consequence, the forgetful is full and faithful in the first construction, while in the second it is only faithful.
On the nLab, there are definitions which describe when functors forget properties and when functors forget stuff. With this terminology, we can argue why the first approach adds the unit as a property while in the second approach it is added as structure.
Let us start by defining sets with a binary operation on them. To do so, we use algebras on the diagonal functor. Let us repeat the diagonal. After that, we show we have a univalent category of sets with a binary operation.
In the remainder, we need some projections.
Section ProjectionsBinop.
  Variable (m : binop).

  Definition carrier
    : hSet
    := pr1 m.

  Definition operation
    : carrier carrier carrier
    := λ x y, pr2 m (x ,, y).
End ProjectionsBinop.

Now we look at two ways of defining a category of sets with a binary operation and a unit. The first way, is by using the full subcategory. This gives rise to a univalent category since unit elements are unique.
Definition is_unit
           (m : binop)
           (e : carrier m)
  : UU
  := ( (x : carrier m), operation m x e = x)
     ( (x : carrier m), operation m e x = x).

Definition has_unit
           (m : binop)
  : UU
  := (e : carrier m), is_unit m e.

Definition isaprop_has_unit
           (m : binop)
  : isaprop (has_unit m).
Show proof.
  use invproofirrelevance.
  intros e₁ e₂.
  use subtypePath.
  { intro ; apply isapropdirprod ; use impred ; intro ; apply setproperty. }
  exact (!(pr22 e₂ (pr1 e₁)) @ pr12 e₁ (pr1 e₂)).

Definition unit_binop_property_disp_cat
  : disp_cat binop
  := disp_full_sub binop has_unit.

Definition unit_binop_property_cat
  : category
  := total_category unit_binop_property_disp_cat.

Definition is_univalent_property_unit_binop
  : is_univalent unit_binop_property_cat.
Show proof.

Definition unit_binop_property
  : univalent_category.
Show proof.

To argue that the unit element is really added as a property, we look at the forgetful functor to sets with binary operations. This functor only forgets the unit and, since the unit was added as a property, it is full and faithful. Note that in this displayed category:
  • the displayed objects form a proposition
  • the displayed morphisms are contractible
Next we show how to define sets with a binary operation and a unit where the unit is added as structure. To do so, we use displayed categories. To prove univalence of the total category, we use displayed univalence.
Definition point_disp_cat_ob_mor
  : disp_cat_ob_mor binop.
Show proof.
  use make_disp_cat_ob_mor ; cbn.
  - exact (λ X, carrier X).
  - exact (λ X Y x y f, pr1 f x = y).

Definition point_disp_cat_id_comp
  : disp_cat_id_comp binop point_disp_cat_ob_mor.
Show proof.
  use tpair.
  - exact (λ _ _, idpath _).
  - exact (λ X Y Z f g x y z p q, maponpaths (pr1 g) p @ q).

Definition point_disp_cat_data
  : disp_cat_data binop.
Show proof.
  use tpair.
  - exact point_disp_cat_ob_mor.
  - exact point_disp_cat_id_comp.

Definition point_disp_cat_laws
  : disp_cat_axioms binop point_disp_cat_data.
Show proof.
  repeat split.
  - cbn ; intros ; apply setproperty.
  - cbn ; intros ; apply setproperty.
  - cbn ; intros ; apply setproperty.
  - cbn ; intros.
    apply isasetaprop.
    apply setproperty.

Definition point_disp_cat
  : disp_cat binop.
Show proof.
  use tpair.
  - exact point_disp_cat_data.
  - exact point_disp_cat_laws.

Definition point_disp_cat_disp_univalent
  : is_univalent_disp point_disp_cat.
Show proof.
  use is_univalent_disp_from_fibers.
  intros X x y.
  use isweq_iso.
  - intros f.
    exact (pr1 f).
  - intros e.
    induction e ; cbn.
    apply idpath.
  - intros e.
    use subtypePath.
    { intro ; apply isaprop_is_z_iso_disp. }
    induction (pr1 e).
    apply idpath.

Definition pointed_binop_category
  : category
  := total_category point_disp_cat.

Definition pointed_binop
  : univalent_category.
Show proof.
  simple refine (_ ,, _).
  - exact pointed_binop_category.
  - refine (is_univalent_total_category
    exact is_univalent_binop.

Some projections of sets with a binary operation and a point.
Section ProjectionsPointedBinop.
  Variable (m : pointed_binop).

  Definition pointed_carrier
    : hSet
    := pr11 m.

  Definition pointed_operation
    : pointed_carrier pointed_carrier pointed_carrier
    := λ x y, pr21 m (x ,, y).

  Definition point_of
    : pointed_carrier
    := pr2 m.
End ProjectionsPointedBinop.

Up to now, we only added the element which represents the unit. Beside that, we also need to add the necessary laws.
Definition is_unit_point
  : pointed_binop UU
  := λ X, is_unit (pr1 X) (pr2 X).

Definition isaprop_is_unit_point
           (X : pointed_binop)
  : isaprop (is_unit_point X).
Show proof.
  use isapropdirprod ; use impred ; intro ; apply setproperty.

Definition unit_binop_structure_disp_cat
  : disp_cat binop
  := sigma_disp_cat (disp_full_sub pointed_binop is_unit_point).

Definition unit_binop_structure_cat
  : category
  := total_category unit_binop_structure_disp_cat.

Definition is_univalent_structure_unit_binop
  : is_univalent unit_binop_structure_cat.
Show proof.
  use is_univalent_total_category.
  - apply binop.
  - apply is_univalent_disp_from_fibers.
    intros x xx yy.
    use isweqimplimpl.
    + intros f.
      use subtypePath.
        intro ; apply isapropdirprod ; use impred ; intro ; apply setproperty.
      exact (pr11 f).
    + apply isapropifcontr.
      apply isaprop_has_unit.
    + use invproofirrelevance.
      intros f g.
      use subtypePath.
      { intro ; apply isaprop_is_z_iso_disp. }
      use subtypePath.
      { intro ; apply isapropunit. }
      apply setproperty.

Definition unit_binop_structure
  : univalent_category.
Show proof.

We finish by arguing that the unit is indeed added structure for this construction. To do so, we prove that the forgetful functor is faithful.
Definition forget_unit_structure_faithful
  : adds_structure unit_binop_structure_disp_cat.
Show proof.
  intros m₁ m₂ f.
  apply pr1_category_faithful.
  intro ; intros ; simpl.
  use (@isaprop_total2 (make_hProp _ _) (λ _, make_hProp _ _)).
  - apply setproperty.
  - apply isapropunit.

We can also show that this forgetful functor isn't full. This is because not every homomorphism between sets with binary operations preserve the unit element. For that, we use the following example.
Definition nat_unit_binop_structure
  : unit_binop_structure.
Show proof.
  simple refine ((natset ,, _) ,, _ ,, _) ; cbn.
  - exact (λ n, pr1 n + pr2 n).
  - exact 0.
  - split ; cbn.
    + apply natplusr0.
    + apply natplusl0.

Definition bool_unit_binop_structure
  : unit_binop_structure.
Show proof.
  simple refine ((boolset ,, _) ,, _ ,, _) ; cbn.
  - exact (λ b, orb (pr1 b) (pr2 b)).
  - exact false.
  - split ; cbn ; intro x ; induction x ; apply idpath.

Definition nat_to_bool
  : nat bool
  := λ _, true.

Definition nat_plus_to_bool_or
  : pr1_category _ nat_unit_binop_structure
    pr1_category _ bool_unit_binop_structure.
Show proof.
  refine (nat_to_bool ,, _).
  use funextsec.
  intro x ; apply idpath.

Definition unit_binop_structure_disp_cat_not_adds_properties
  : ¬(adds_properties unit_binop_structure_disp_cat).
Show proof.
  intros H.
  induction H as [H₁ H₂].
  clear H₂.
  specialize (H₁ _ _ nat_plus_to_bool_or).
  revert H₁.
  use (@hinhuniv _ hfalse).
  intros H ; cbn.
  pose (pr121 H) as p.
  cbn in p.
  pose (eqtohomot (maponpaths pr1 (pr2 H)) 0) as q.
  cbn in q.
  pose (!q @ p) as r.
  unfold nat_to_bool in r.
  exact (nopathstruetofalse r).

Now let us look at the hlevels of the displayed objects and morphisms of this displayed category. More specifically, both the type of displayed objects and the type of displayed morphisms form propositions.